The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1087: The town is closed to ancient ruins

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The body of Yanshan's soul was shocked. He looked at Xu Ziyan in an inquisitive manner and said cautiously: "Ziyan, where did you see the person practicing this practice?"

"Don't ask these questions!" Xu Ziyan continued to voice: " answer my question first."

The look of Yanshan's soul became very cautious, and the voice said: "That is magic, it is the practice in the Lord's camp! Purple smoke, do you find monks who practice magic? Where are they?"

Xu Ziyan took another look at Bai Xiyan, and said in a voice: "The spiritual treasure island owner Bai Xiyan is practicing magic! My pupils can see through her fairy obstacles."

Yanshan soul heard the heart, and involuntarily looked at Bai Xiyan, and immediately regained his gaze, and lowered his eyes slightly, the voice never had a dignified voice:

"Is it to say that the guardian on the mainland of the sky is only the emperor left to deal with me? And the Lingbao Island overseas is the Lord of the Lord left to deal with me?"

Xu Ziyan thought for a moment, shook his head slightly and whispered: "Is this impossible? Otherwise, why don't they join hands with each other, but join us in the ancient relics of the town? And, the mountain spirit, you don't think Strange? When we opened the town to close the ancient ruins, the guardians did not appear!"

Yanshan soul also frowned slightly, thinking for a moment: "Maybe the people left by the lord and the demon do not know each other, perhaps Lingbao Island is not the person left by the demon, but the original spirit After the island was separated from the mainland, the land that was separated was just the territory of the magic repair. They got the magic of the magic road.

To know. On the vast continent before the great destruction, there were not only the righteous monks, but also the monks. As for why the guardian did not appear in the ancient ruins of the town, I don't know. Maybe I went. We didn't find out, maybe they want to kill us all over here. In short, we have to be careful with 100,000 points. ”

"So... will Lingbao Island be against us? Should we expose them?"

The soul of Yanshan sat there thinking about it. Xu Ziyan is also calculating. In the end, the two people shook their heads at the same time, because the two of them thought at the same time that they wanted to open the ancient ruins of Tianzhenguan. Under the condition that Xu Ziyan did not want to reveal his identity as a fairy, he would need Bai Xiyan. Xu Ziyan bit his teeth and said to Yanshan soul:

"Mountain Spirit, if you feel that Bai Xiyan is dangerous to you, I will show that I am the identity of the immortal. Then expose Bai Xiyan and kill her here!"

Yanshan soul shook his head and raised a heroic spirit between the eyebrows. The flame blew a bit and shouted to Xu Ziyan:

"No, I hope she is the Lord of the Lord, let me know the Lord and the Lord of the Lord. I look forward to it for a long time, huh, huh..."

Xu Ziyan looked at Yanshan soul, and he was worried. However, she also knows that the Yanshan soul has made a decision, and it is not easy to change. Only care should be taken from now on.

At this time, someone came in and greeted Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan also hurriedly stood up from the chair and greeted them one by one.

Today's Xu Ziyan is different. Xu family is a new force for the rise. And this power is still very powerful and eye-catching. No one dares not to pay attention to Xu Ziyan, whether it is hostile or friendly. In the middle, at least the respect on the surface of Xu Ziyan was given. This is respect for the strong.

The solitary smoke of Ximen also saw the look of Xu Ziyan and Yanshan soul. After everyone had settled down, the solitary smoke and the Yan Xingyun of Ximen said to Xu Ziyan:

"Ziyan, what happened?"

Ximen solitary smoke and Yan Xingyun have completely disappeared from Xu Ziyan. Ximen solitary smoke and Xu Ziyan are old friendships, and Yan Xingyun is because of the existence of Yanshan soul. And Xu Ziyan feels that he owns this thing, and there is no need to hide it. His biggest secret is the purple smoke space. As long as this secret does not leak out, there is nothing. Therefore, I originally told the story about it locally, and of course I would not tell them about the identity of Yanshan Soul.

Ximen Lonely Smoke and Yan Xingyun heard Xu Ziyan’s speech, and he couldn’t help but glance at Bai Xiyan, and then he said:

"Ziyan, can you not read it wrong?"

"No!" Xu Ziyan said with a very positive tone.

Ximen Lonely Smoke and Yan Xingyun looked at each other and said: "How did you and the mountain soul decide?"

"The mountain spirit said, don't expose her first. He wants to see what they are doing on Lingbao Island. Moreover, we still need them to open the ancient relics of Tianzhenguan. As long as we are more careful."

"Alright!" Ximen solitary smoke and Yan Xingyun nodded, ending the sound, and everyone began to chat with the surrounding monks.

People are outside the town.

Above the white clouds, two monks came from the clouds, and there were fewer people, only about fifty. There are a lot of people, and there are more than 800 people.

The lesser monk's party is the Central Plains sect of the Central Plains, and the other party is the Kunlun sect. The head of the Kunlun sect is Li Yi.

The monks of both sides saw each other from afar, and Ye Fei’s eyes first revealed the shock, and then the corner of his mouth revealed a bitter smile, and the heart secretly:

"It seems that this guardian is thinking of completely destroying the Kunlun sect, and almost brought out the monks of the Kunlun ancestors. From now on, this Kunlun sect can be removed from the big gates on the mainland. Dong Yiyi is really embarrassing. I don't know how she will deal with my Central Plains machine in the future?"

The monks of both sides met in the air, and Ye Fei bowed his hand to Li Yi: "I have seen Li Zongzhu!"

"Ha ha ha..." Li Yi must laugh and say: "Ye Zongzhu, so smart, we meet here!"

Ye Fei smiled and said: "Where is it, it is clear that Dong Yiyi told him to arrive at this time!"

However, in a verbal manner, he and Li Yi greeted each other, waiting for the two monks to get together, and then flew to the town.

In the meantime, the clothes are floating, and the air is flowing, and the air is floating.

At this time, Ye Fei was speaking to Li Yi: "Which is the predecessor? Can Dong Xianzi be there?"

Li Yi also voiced back: "The old man Dong Yue, Dong Xianzi called me Dong Shu. As for Dong Xianzi, it is natural. You don't have to ask where she is. When you know it, you will naturally let you know. For the time being, you will It’s okay to listen to the old man’s instructions!”

"Yes! Dong Shu!" Ye Fei said in a respectful way.

At this time, the monks had already come to the people's town, and they landed in the clouds and fell to the gates of the town. At the gate of the city, Han Dan had already waited there with his disciples. When he saw Li Yi and Ye Fei landed in the clouds, they laughed happily:

"Li Zongzhu, Ye Zongzhu, you are late, everyone is waiting for you!"

Li Yi and Ye Fei immediately stepped forward and handed over the ceremony: "Sorry, something happened in the Zongmen. It’s late. I’m tired for a long time.”

“Nothing!” Han Dan said with a hand: “There is still three days left in the ancient ruins of the town when the distance is agreed. The two masters are not too late, huh...”

Han Dan turned his attention to Li Yi and smiled and asked: "Li Zongzhu, who heard the Kunlun Zongfeng Mountain in the past few days, even opened the town to close the ancient relics and did not participate. Today, I saw Li Zongzhu, only to know that it was a rumor."

Having said that, he looked at the more than 800 monks behind Li Yi and smiled: "Li Zongzhu, this time the Kunlun Zongben has a lot of money! See the lineup brought by Li Zongzhu, who will say it again?" Kunlun Zongfengshan, the old man fluttered his face and could not smoke his face!"

Li Yi shook his head and smiled: "The cold city master, this is not a rumor. At the beginning, the younger brother really closed the mountain. But then the idea of ​​opening the ancient ruins is the whole thing of the mainland, and now it is the time when the ghost world is excited. Kunlun Zong could not seal the mountain at this time. When the ancient ruins were opened, and the ghosts were driven back to the ghost world, Kunlun Zong really wanted to seal the mountain for a while."

Han Dan glanced at Li Yi, silent and led everyone to go to the town. The team of nearly 900 people is soaring, flying in large sleeves, followed by Han Dan, Li Yi and Ye Fei. In the middle of the Kunlun sect, a female monk star looked at the town, and there was a hint of killing in his eyes.

After three days.

Before the ancient ruins of the town, all the monks had arrived. The monks who came here this time were much less than when they opened the town to close the ancient ruins. After all, the ghost world has just passed, and many monks are afraid that the ghost emperors will once again look at the ancient relics on the mainland when they enter the ancient ruins. Therefore, many monks have stayed in their own family defense.

Before standing in the ancient ruins of the palace, it was a group of monks. The foremost ones were the Tianqu City of the solitary smoke of Ximen, the Xiaoluotian of Yan Xingyun, the Da Luotian of Wang Woyun, and the fire sect of Yunfeifeng. Xu Zi of Xu Ziyan, the demon of the demon king.

These six furniture are the townsmen with the Mahayana period!

After that, there are three major sects and three major cities, as well as various forces!

Han Dan walked to the lonely palace and reached out and opened the door. After that, he stepped in, and the monks behind him followed.

The scene inside is like the scene of the town's town. There is a downward-extending entrance on an empty land. The first-level steps extend downwards and are not known.

Everyone walked down the steps and walked down the stairs. The hunting lichens echoed in the space, and the atmosphere seemed dull. Recalling the dangers experienced in the people's towns, each monk's mind became tense with the steps of the first level down.

After walking for a time, the monks came to a square and looked up. There was no portal, but only a stone wall. There seems to be a dragon on the stone wall, and the dragon's mouth is wide open, seemingly waiting for something.


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*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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