The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1088: Entering the ancient ruins

I am very grateful to wqiy2003 classmates, queen (sosi) classmates, daytime classmates, daytime classmates, silina0628 classmates, silina0628 classmates, eryanu classmates, yanz0530 classmates, wqiy2003 classmates, Tang Tang 8719 classmates pink ticket!


The monks stopped their steps and focused their eyes on Xu Ziyan. Han Dan also took out a jade from his body, the solitary smoke of Ximen, Yan Xingyun, Wang Woyun and Yunfeifeng came forward and solved the seal they left behind. After that, Han Dan handed the jade to Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan took over Yuxi and walked to the front of the stone wall. He took out an elixir from the jade and looked at the stone wall. After thinking for a while, Han Dan said:

"Ziyan, you just have to put the elixir on the dragon's mouth and you will be able to play it!"

Xu Ziyan nodded and gave a shot, and an elixir bounced toward the dragon's mouth above the stone wall.

I saw that the dragon carved on the stone wall immediately moved up and swallowed the fairy. After that, I saw that the dragon seemed to be alive. Under the fog, slowly moving on the stone wall, I went to the stone wall and went to the dragon. The stone wall also shined, and there was another dragon in the light. Slowly appeared from the stone wall, the same is a big mouth, looking at Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan immediately took out the second fairy in the jade, and bent out to the second dragon's mouth.

The second dragon, like the first dragon, swallowed the elixir and was covered with fog. The dragon went and went to the side, and then the stone wall was once again shining, and the third dragon was revealed again.

Xu Ziyan collected the jade. Take an elixir from the storage ring and bounce it out toward the third dragon. Followed by the fourth elixir, the fifth... the sixth... the seventh... the eighth... the ninth!

A Nine Wall appeared in front of the monks.

A "beep" sound, the nine dragons on the stone wall drilled into the stone wall. It disappeared in a very fast time. The stone wall shines brightly in the vision of the monks. After the light is weakened, it is a light door in front of the monks, just like the ancient ruins of the people.

The monks looked at each other. This time, there was no doubt. Xu Ziyan did not stop at all, and stepped into the light. The Xu family’s monks followed closely and rushed into the Guangmen. after that. It is the forces of all parties, and they have entered the Guangmen.

Xu Ziyan stepped into the light door and his face was shocked. As the monks in the back continued to enter, Xu Ziyan fluttered and fell on a high ground not far away. The Xu family’s monks also followed and fell behind her.

All the monks have entered the ancient ruins one after another, all occupying a place first. Then I began to observe the surrounding situation.

The number of monks who entered the ancient ruins this time was only 50,000. At this time, everyone was staring at the distance.

The entire space is gray, and even the color of the sky is gray lead. There was a faint gray wind all around, and I couldn’t see the end.

Xu Ziyan slightly frowned, and his face was shocked. She found that the light gray wind in this space was constantly scraping away the repairs in her body. Even if she was a master of the Mahayana period, Xu Ziyan firmly believed that under this strange wind, she would not insist on one day. Time will be taken away by all the singular winds. Then it is scraped into powder.

Turned to look at the monks of Xu family. At this time, the monks of the Xu family were shocked and released their own shields, resisting the strange wind.

Xu Ziyan immediately took a defensive Lingbao from the storage ring and photographed it on her body. A mask shrouded her inside. Xu Ziyan calculated it, this Lingbao can completely insist on two hours here. Xu Ziyan immediately let go of his heart. Xu Jiafu is not lacking. This time, I came to the ancient ruins. Xu Ziyan gave each monk a lot of symbols, paper characters, Fubao, Lingbao, and Xianfu.

The Xu family's monks saw Xu Ziyan's move, and suddenly realized that they rushed to release the scorpion one by one, releasing a mask on everyone's body and blocking the gray wind.

At this time, all the monks thought of this, and they released various symbols to withstand the erosion of strange winds.

The spirit of Yanshan also opened Lingbao, but his eyes were a bit strange at this time, he could see that he seemed to be very kind to these gray hurricanes. There is an impulse to absorb them into the body.

At this time, the monks of all parties have begun to move. Each team chose a direction to start the action. Everyone did not fly in the air, but walked on foot. They looked around and watched them with vigilance. The whole space is like a desert, but the ground is gray and not flat. It has a mountain valley and a rugged depression. It is very difficult.

Nearly 50,000 monks entered this space, as if they had thrown a stone into the sea. It was only a moment of effort, and the trace of everyone disappeared near the light door.

The light door swayed, and the two figures rushed out from inside, but it was the Witch God and Yue Jing. The two men looked at each other and snorted with each other, and they went in different directions and disappeared into the gray wind.

Yanshan soul walked while searching for information in the **** of the gods. Soon he found the memory. The gray wind in this space is the suffocation formed by the countless deaths and deaths of the celestial world during the great destruction of the mainland. It has been formed by a million years of cohesion, and this murder is extremely harmful to other monks. The role, but for the evil spirits of Yanshan soul cultivation has been greatly helped.

It can be said that with the help of the suffocating here, the Yanshan soul can refine the body of the scorpion very quickly. In the body of Yanshan, there is a skull, a body, an arm, two legs, and a half-drawn eggshell.

Today's Yanshan soul has refining the half-shell eggshell and half-drawing the eggshell. Yanshan soul tried to collect Lingbao, trying to introduce radon into the body, refining the body to pull the egg shell. Sure enough, the eggshell was refining at a speed ten times that of the past. The momentum of Yanshan Soul continued to climb, approaching the peak of the Mahayana.

Xu Ziyan felt the change of Yanshan soul and said to the sound of Yanshan soul: "Mountain soul, what are you doing?"

Yanshan soul voiced: "This suffocating is useful for my cultivation!"

Xu Ziyan looks awkward and can't help but think about it. His own body is a self-contained world. There are nine kinds of attributes of gold, wood, water, fire, earth and thunder, and this kind of suffocating should belong to the dark one. I don't usually get this dark attribute. The dark attribute in my body is weak. I don't know if I can practice with this kind of suffocation?

Xu Ziyan thought of doing it, put away Lingbao, and tried to introduce a suffocating into the body. Sure enough, once this kind of suffocating gas is introduced into the body and passed through the meridians, it is sent to Dantian, and there will be no more things that are smashed by the strange wind. Moreover, Xu Ziyan can feel that the dark attributes that have been in a weak position in his body are gradually being filled up, making his cultivation more complete.

Xu Ziyan saw that the Xu family’s monks also wanted to learn from themselves and Yanshan, and hurriedly stopped them. Tell them that this kind of suffocation is not something they can afford. But think of Xiaobai is Kuangpeng, the legendary Kuangpeng body is also a self-contained world, let Xiaobai try. After that, I looked at Yang Linglong again. When Yang Lingyi saw Xu Ziyan coming over, she understood what she meant and said softly:

"Let me try!"

Sure enough, this suffocating is very helpful to the practice of Yang Linglong's cultivation, and the white one there is like Xu Ziyan. It seems that Xiaobai is somewhat painful. I am afraid that her Peng Peng world has not yet formed. Xu Ziyan will let her do her best, and if she can't, she will release Lingbao.

On the other side, Bai Xiyan, the owner of Lingbao Island, also collected Lingbao at this time, not only her, but the Lingbao Island monk she brought at this time took up Lingbao and introduced that suffocation into the body. The momentum of everyone is constantly climbing. Bai Xiyan laughed happily:

"This is really a treasure. It is a Jedi to others. For us, Lingbao Island is a holy place to practice, hahaha..."

At this time among all the forces, only Kunlunzong was flying in the air. Under the leadership of Dong Shu, who was posing as Li Yi, they seemed to be very familiar with this place and were flying according to certain paths.

When flying over a valley, from the Kunlun Zong's team to the valley, the other monks kept on going and continued to fly far away.

The monk who fell to the valley was in the air, holding up the French seal in his hand and printing it continuously toward the center of the valley. I saw a mysterious law in the air, which fell in the center of the valley.

With the bang, the ground of the entire valley began to vibrate, cracking in the center of the valley, and cracking a huge hole around it. An altar was slowly born from the bottom of the earth.


The figure of the monk fell on the altar, only to see a gray light shining above the altar, and then the sound of "咔嚓" sounded from the altar, and the rise of the altar began. A layer of stone began to climb towards the monk's body. It was only a quarter of an hour, and the monk became a stone statue. After that, the entire altar was slowly sinking into the ground without revealing traces.

This situation is still happening with the trajectory of the Kunlun sect, making the entire ancient ruins more strange.

At this time, Xu Ziyan led everyone to walk on the ancient ruins. Looking at the gray area around, Xu Ziyan said to the Yanshan soul:

"Mountain Spirit, how is it different from the ancient ruins of the town? This is too different!"

Yanshan soul heard and said with a voice: "Do you mean the difference in the environment?"


"Oh, huh... If I didn't guess wrong, the ancient ruins of the people's town were laid by the emperor, and the ancient ruins here were laid by the devil. Naturally, there is a big difference."

Xu Ziyan was shocked and his face was slightly discolored. "Would it be more dangerous here?"


Sincerely ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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