The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1092: Takekyo death

I am very grateful to my classmates (10000), Xinghaiyun (300), Yu Yu 645098 (100), and the late autumn dream classmates (99)!


Nine Mahayana monks immediately took back their own fairy wares, Yanshan soul also retracted his black head, and the demon emperor also turned into a human form, flying away from far away. The body of the dragon was rapidly shrinking and was sucked into the strange space of the five dragons.

"Booming ~~

There was a burst of noise in the space, and the monks looked nervously at the strange space formed by the five dragons in the air. Suddenly, there was a loud noise in the strange space. The strange space was shattered. The five dragons shrunk instantly and swayed to their masters.

Xu Ziyan, Ximen Lonely Smoke, Yan Xingyun, Wang Woyun and Yunfeifeng, five people open their mouths and engulf their dragons. Looking up, I saw that the dragon has disappeared and disappeared. The five lines of space refining, the entire sky is full of thousands of light of life, such as the galaxies generally hovering.

The monks looked at the spectacular scene in front of them with horror, and they rushed into the air. At this time, I saw a figure flashing like a meteor, and the air was his screaming voice:

"Ha ha ha... As long as I have the light of these lives, I can completely refine the Heberfest House, accomplish the immortals, fly up the fairy world, hahaha...

"Yue Jing!"

Xu Ziyan looked away and saw that Yue Jing’s figure flew into the circle of life light. At that time, those Mahayana monks were the first to rush to the light of life, and are madly charging the light of life. However, I saw a kid who was in the late peak of the distraction and rushed to the middle. One by one was furious and shouted:

"Kid, you are tired!"

"Ha ha ha. What kind of Mahayana period, give me away!"

The sound of Yue Jing’s madness just fell, and I saw that Yue Jing’s body suddenly changed. In the sound of rumbling, Yue Jinghua made a huge He Boxian. It was only in an instant that all the light of life was circled into the river.

"He Boxianfu!"

All the Mahayana monks screamed, but they did not wait until everyone's screams fell, and they saw that the Heberland Palace was rumbling and transformed into Yue Jing.

"Where to go?"

All the Mahayana monks were extremely angry and shot, and they bombarded the past toward Yue Jing.

The voice of the rumble came again, and Yue Jing was turned into a huge river. The attacks of the ten Mahayana periods were all bombarded above the river. I want to be at the beginning. Xu Ziyan once used the fairy weapon to bombard the river, and could not damage it. Nowadays, the attacks of the ten Mahayana monks also did not damage the Heberland.

I saw that He Boxianfu was spinning in the air, thinking about rushing away from the crowd.

Ten Mahayana monks held out a finger at the same time, pointing to the air and shouting:


The space was immediately blocked, and He Boxian was constantly shaking in the blocked space, trying to shake the space apart. But how can the cracked space of the monks in the ten Mahayana periods be cracked?

Ten monks in the Mahayana period attacked He Boxian, and even made a fairy. But the He Boxian House was too strong, and it was not able to hurt it. From the river Boss House, Yue Jing’s crazy and proud laughter was heard:

"Ha ha ha..., even if you are a Mahayana period, what can you do with me?

Even if you have started to work with me during these Mahayana periods, what can you do?

Even if you lock me in this space, what about it?

You are watching from the outside. After I refine these light of life, I want to kill you, just like crushing an ant. Hahaha... You are waiting for my Jingjing revenge! All of you are going to die! Hahaha..."

The monks looked at each other and looked at the eyes of He Boxian and even revealed fear. If, as Yue Jing said, he refining the thousands of light of life, he will break through the last barrier of the peak of Mahayana. Reach the realm of immortals, kill them. It’s really like crushing an ant.

Xu Ziyan certainly knows that if Yue Jing has the ability, the first one to kill is himself. However, will Xu Ziyan make him succeed?

She already had a way to deal with Yue Jing. The corner of his mouth passed a sardonic smile, carrying his hands and looking at the nine monastic monks around him, smiled and said:

"Everyone, if I can kill Yue Jing, is it that after I die, what I grab is my?"

Yanshan soul, hope, Xiaobai naturally will not have opinions, other Mahayana monks in this situation, there seems to be no choice. In the end, the solitary smokers of Ximen said that they had no opinions. Wang Liyun said coldly:

"If you kill one of Yue Jing, then everything you grab will be yours. But if we need our help, we will also have a share."

"it is good!"

"Ha ha ha..." The ridiculous rumor came from Hohhot Palace: "Ha ha ha..., Xu Ziyan, you want to kill me? Come!"

Xu Ziyan took out the jade flute and smiled at the lips, locking the river. The murderer blew his voice out. Today's Xu Ziyan has been repaired in the Mahayana period, and the state of mind has already reached the middle of the Mahayana. The gods have reached the late Mahayana, and the spiritual power is even stronger. I don’t know how much. After the killing of the soul, it will completely Xianfu shrouded, and how this was the result of Yuejing, who was at the peak of the distraction.

It was only a quarter of an hour, and the sound of mourning from Yue Jing’s sorrow was heard from He Boxian. This mourning voice made everyone look. As time passed, Yue Jing’s mourning voice gradually weakened. After another quarter of an hour, Yue Jing’s mourning voice finally disappeared. Every monk in the Mahayana period can feel the silence of He Boxian, a feeling of being a living thing and a dead object. They all know that Yue Jing is dead.

Everyone was erected and rushed toward He Boxian. Just promised Xu Ziyan, what she grabbed belongs to her, but did not say that these people can not grab.

Xu Ziyan thought of this for a long time, and the figure flew to the river Boss, and took out a fairy from the storage ring, which was enlarged in the air. When those Mahayana monks were still bombarding He Boxian, they wanted to enter, and Xu Ziyan had already enlarged the Xian Ding infinitely, like a huge space that swallowed the whole river.

All the monks looked at Xu Ziyan with a blank look. One by one, the heart said: "How many cents are there in this girl?"

The Xian Ding in the air quickly shrinks, but the situation is very unstable. Can not stop humming, it seems that the inside of He Boxian will want to explode this Xian Ding. Xu Ziyan thought of a move, immediately put Xian Ding into the storage ring, and then it was unknowingly absorbed into the purple smoke space.

That Xian Ding has just entered the purple smoke space, and it has been unable to withstand the expansion of He Boxian.

"砰", the sound of Xian Ding burst into pieces, He Boxian "hula" screamed out, floating in the void of the purple smoke space. The fierce blasting made Xu Ziyan, who was standing in the air, white, and the blood in his body rushed.

The eyes of the monks were greedily looking at Xu Ziyan, but it was a He Boxian house! Yue Jing’s actions have already told them that this He Boxian House is not just a simple immortal, he is alive. As long as you divide a god, you can completely transform this Heberan relic into an incarnation. An incarnation of Xianfu! It will be upgraded as the master's repairs are improved. What's more, just now that He Boxian House has collected thousands of light of life?

Don't say that Wang Liyun, Yun Feifeng, those who are the right neighbors with Xu Ziyan, Yan Xingyun and others can not help but be moved.

The figure flashed, hope, Yanshan soul, Xiaobai and Xu family's monks gathered around Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan breathed a few times deeply, stabilized the blood in his body, looked at his surroundings, and found that twenty-five Xu disciples would have missed five people, and could not help but look at hope. I hope to say something awkwardly:

"The patriarch, the one that was just taken by the huge dragon, killed five disciples of our family."

Recalling the palm of the dragon, Xu Ziyan also knows that he does not want a person to resist, so he looked at the hope comfortably and did not blame him. Instead, I swept my gaze at the monks around me.

At this time, with the death of the dragon, the dense beasts around them suddenly burst, and the uncountable beasts burst at the same time. During the violent turmoil, more than 10,000 monks were shocked. The number of monks who entered the ancient ruins was about 50,000. When they reached the valley, they had lost nearly 10,000 monks. Nearly 10,000 monks were killed in the battle just now. Today, more than 10,000 monks have been turned over by this storm. The 50,000 monks have less than 20,000 left.

The monks looked at the air with stagnation. They were not shocked by the death of the tens of thousands of monks, but were shocked by the spectacular tens of thousands of lives in the sky.

I don't know who moved first. Then all the monks rushed to the light of life in the air, and they collected the light of life in the air.

Others are only charging, because if they want to refine their life in the body, it will take a long time to retreat. But the spirit of Yanshan is different. What he needs is not the refining of the light of life, but the use of the light of life to refine the body of the scorpion. But there are no other monks at all.

Therefore, at this time, the Yanshan soul did not care much, and flew into the tens of thousands of life lights hovering in the air. Opened a big mouth and sucked hard. The space seems to have a whirlpool in an instant, and the light of life hovering in the air is like a river pouring into the mouth of Yanshan soul.


Comrades, not only at the end of the month, but at the end of the year, I will give you some pink tickets!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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