The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1093: Young Junjie War Witch God

I am very grateful to SOi classmates, cold and **** classmates, book friends 20100603060020253 classmates, Xiaoai cc classmates, Zhang Danya classmates, ginkgo fruit classmates, book friends 08910205917581 classmates, susantsh0905 classmates, espflykite classmates, 81389267 classmates, Icey Xuan classmates, eccentric demon Classmate's pink ticket!


In the body of Yanshan Soul, the light of life will wrap the half-shelled eggshell, the half-shelled eggshell is rapidly melting, and the momentum of Yanshan soul is also rising sharply.

The body of Yanshan soul suddenly fell to the ground, and then sat on the ground with the knees and entered the breakthrough. Xu Ziyan, while charging the light of life in the air, shouted to hope:

"Hope, go to the mountain spirit to protect the law!"

"Yes, the patriarch!" I hoped that it should be heard, and the body shape disappeared from the air. When it appeared again, it was already standing beside the Yanshan soul.

More than 10,000 monks snapped up, and less than a dozen times, all the light of life was robbed. Just as everyone looked at each other and couldn’t greet the greed in the heart, the eyes of the stone statue that Dong Yiyi turned into in the valley suddenly burst into a gray light column and hit the sky.

At the same time, in addition to here, among the thirty-six valleys in the ancient ruins, the ground cracked again, and the altars rose from the bottom of the earth. On each of the altars stood a stone statue. Thirty-six guardians of Dong Yiyi.

The neck of the thirty-six stone statues also made a "beep" sound, and the move looked into the air. Two gray pillars of light were released from the eyes of each stone statue, and seventy-two gray two points appeared in the air of the ancient ruins. Gradually turned into a pair of huge magic eyes, overlooking the earth.

A huge power came from the air, and the monks were almost forced by the power to fall from the air to the ground. Only Xu Ziyan. Xiaobai, Ximen Lonely Smoke, Yan Xingyun, Wang Liyun. Yunfeifeng, Bai Xiyan, and the eight monks of the Emperor of the Emperor were able to stabilize their body shape in the air, one by one, slightly narrowing their eyes and watching the pair of infinite shackles in the air.

The pair of infinite magic eyes gradually closed, and when it was completely closed, the entire sky returned to a gray color.

Just as the monks are confused, I don’t know when this is going on. The eyes in the air suddenly opened again, and with the opening of the giant pythons, countless dragons swam out of the giant pythons and threw themselves at the monks.


The first smoke of Ximen was reacted, and the water cloud rushed up. The rest of the Mahayana monks also reacted incessantly, and each of them turned away from the magic eyes of the air.

These eight Mahayana monks smashed most of the dragons. Han Dan, Yunhe Fairy. The half-step Mahayana monks, such as the Yinling, also followed the monk's monk behind the sky and stopped some of the dragons. However, some Snapdragons are still rushing toward the human monks on the ground.

The hurricane was ejected in the air of the dragon. During the time, there were countless monks whose bodies were weathered as instantly, and turned into powder, and dispersed with the hurricane.

The monk with the high-grade Fubao or Lingbao can barely resist the invasion of the dragon, and at the same time, the treasures in his hand are bombarded against the dragon, and they fight with the dragon.

In the sky, eight Mahayana monks topped the top. The half-step Mahayana monk is close behind. but. The closer they are to the air, the more the scorpion dragons that impact them, and the dense gaps are not found at all. Later, I want to go further. It has become very difficult.

Just as the eight Mahayana monks struggled hard, the eyes seemed to flash a strange dawn. Then came a rumbling voice from the air:

"Hey? There is actually a force to cultivate faith! Oh, fun! Then I will give you a lie!"

A tiny dragon smashed out of the eye, it was very small, so small that no monk saw it in the dense dragon. The tiny dragon slammed into the ground, and between them, it broke into the eyebrows of the witch **** who was smashing a dragon.

This tiny Snapdragon was able to ignore the spiritual treasure released by the Witch God, penetrated the mask, broke into the eyebrows of the Witch God, and entered his knowledge of the sea.

In the meantime, the Witch God’s knowledge of the sea set off a storm, uncovering the past events that the Witch God has been suppressing, and he has been escaping. His eyes can’t help but fall on Van Helsing, who is struggling with the dragons. On the body.

Fan Haixin’s scene of constantly chasing him continued to flash in his mind, and a hate rushed to his top door, muttering to himself:

"Fan Haixin, I have spared you many times. You have been chasing me and I am looking for death. I will be yours today!"

The figure of the Witch God disappeared suddenly. When it appeared again, it was already standing on the head of Van Helsing. A big foot stepped on Fan Haixin's head.


A brilliance flashed. At this time, Fan Haixin released the nine-pronged spirit treasure and blocked the big feet of the witch god. He did not have the will to give him the immortality of Xu Ziyan, because he felt that Jiu Pin Ling Bao could completely cope with the dragon in front of him. Not only him, but all the monks of Xu family are not willing to use the fairy charm, but they all use the nine treasures. However, it is because of his reluctance, the serious consequences for him.

The Witch God did not step on Fan Haixin, and his eyes burst into an out-of-control anger. At the same time, Yang Linglong and Xu’s disciples, who have been around Fan Haixin, also saw the actions of the Witch God. Yang Ling’s eyes cracked and she sighed:

"Wuven, you are looking for death!"

Xu Jia disciples, including Ling Yijian, Gong Sunlin and other monks have given up the dragon and killed the past with the witch god.

The anger in the eyes of the witch **** burst into the air, and the mouth screamed: "Space does not exist!"

I saw the big foot of the Witch God effortlessly penetrated the mask of Jiu Ling Ling Bao and stepped on the head of Van Helsing.


Fan Haixin's head was stepped inside the neck, and then the big foot continued to step on. Fan Haixin has been stepped into a mass of meat, and even the gods have given a blast.

"Hai Xin!"

Yang Ling's red hair fluttered, and two lines of blood leaked out of the red eyes. The great grief turned into extreme anger, and she heard it in her body:


A crackling sound. The deadly killing and killing of the beads was broken, and the rich gas of death and killing slammed out from the body of Yang Linglong, and pushed the momentum of Yang Linglong up quickly.


A loud noise, the Mahayana barrier in Yang Ling's body was broken.


The momentum of the monks who belonged to the Mahayana period came out. The death and death from the body of Yang Linglong suddenly rushed toward the body, Yang Ling looked up, a pair of red-blooded eyes glare at the witches in the air.

"Oh... hahaha..."

Yang Ling’s nose squirted two blood, and he screamed: “Witch God! God? You also match? I can't even make zombies today!”

"Hehehe..." The Witch God's eyes became a pair of purple eyes: "Hey... Just broke through the Mahayana period, is it amazing? I don't know the little girl, let me smoke your **** and turn you into me." Female slave!"

Yang Linglong no longer speaks. The figure is skyrocketing, and the dark golden sword in his hand bursts into the glory of the glory. The pair of purple eyes of the Witch God suddenly slammed, and the two purple dragons broke out and instantly magnified, hitting the thousands of Jianmang.

The thousand-footed swordsman was broken, and the two purple dragons, although weakened, still ran into Yang Linglong. Seeing that he was about to hit Yang Ling's front chest, the two swordsmans smashed from the sides.

A sword full of sharp gold, a full of sad swords.

The two swordsmans smashed the already weak purple dragon. It was Ling Yijian and the son who forged his hand and saved Yang Lingyi. At the same time, a fire rushed into the sky, but it was Gong Sunlin who held the flame knife and took out a mighty knife. Behind Gong Sunlin, there is a virtual image of Kirin, and he screams.

"Hehehe..." The seven gods of the Witch God spurted blood, but he did not know. The power of the faith given to him by the eyes of the sky in the sky, although wireless enhanced his power, but his body can not bear, was countered.

But the Witch God is like nothing. Look at the eyes again. Another shot was the knives that were shot by two purple dragons to Gongsun.

A sturdy long sword ran across the sky, and the sword seemed to be rusty. But it does not affect the embarrassment of the long sword, like a meteor, lasing the eyebrows of the witch god. It is the seemingly ordinary ancient sword that Fayong got in Heberfest House.


A sword is hanging high. Wan Shan Jian Mang spurred out from the sword, and turned into two Milky Ways and directed the past to the Witch God. It is the quaint sword that Wang Junjie got in Heberfest.

A flag appears abruptly behind the Witch God. It is the goddess of the sky.


Among the flags, suddenly rushed out of countless ghosts, like an ink stream rushed to the Witch God, turned out to be a ghost king.


A large net of numerous spider silks, the volley cover to the Witch God, but it is the spring thirty mothers shot.

The Witch God seems to have fallen into madness at this time, and has lost control than before. As if he had forgotten his supernatural powers, he only knew how to release the dragon. I saw that his fists suddenly slammed, and he looked up and screamed, and the whole body screamed a blood hole, sending out a blood from a blood hole. The blood was turned into a dragon, and the wind was known. It circled around the body of the Witch God and collided with various treasures that came from the attack.

"Hang ~ ~ bang ~ ~ bang ~ ~"

There were countless explosions in the sky, and a group of young heroes and witches fought in one place.

This place was so fierce. Not far from the Central Plains, the patriarch of the Central Plains, Ye Fei, did not pay attention to it here. While killing the dragon, he took the time to look at the stone statue in the valley. At first, others did not pay attention, but he saw Dong Yiyi standing on the platform and turning it into a stone statue.


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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