The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1094: Witch god

I am very grateful to Xing Haiyun (588), Miao Ling Qing Zhang (588), Xing Haiyun (100), lamly6596 (100), and Pomelo 8 (99)!


In the sky, the shape of Xu Ziyan and the solitary smoke of Ximen became more difficult, and the rushing dragons made them almost impossible.

"Ximen, what should I do?" Yan Xingyun shouted at the solitary smoke in Ximen, and the rest of the people looked at the solitary smoke in Ximen.

The solitary smoke of Ximen kept offering the water cloud to break through the dense dragons in front of him. His eyes swept over the crowd and finally stayed on Bai Xiyan’s body. His eyes suddenly turned bright:

"White fairy, try your fairy!"

"it is good!"

Bai Xiyan immediately sang a fairy house, thousands of cold and glamorous, it was a sword light, and suddenly smashed countless dragons, causing a gap in front of the monks. The monks did not hesitate to follow, and immediately followed the fairy, and approached the eyes of the air quickly.

The space seems to be far from the monks, and the fairy is consumed, and Bai Xiyan immediately releases one. Eight Mahayana monks drove rapidly. Finally, after consuming nine fairy charms, I flew to the front of the magic eye. However, what makes the monks discouraged is that no matter how much they release their potential, they can only cause faint harm to those eyes.

"The last fairy is!" Bai Xiyan yelled and released the last fairy.

Everyone's face was a tight one, and there was a tension in his heart. Xu Ziyan stared at the eyes of the two eyes, and there was great anxiety in her heart. Everyone in the heart is the same worry at this time. However, the scene is very strange. All the Mahayana monks turned their eyes to Xu Ziyan. Even Wang Woyun and Yunfeifeng were no exception.

Since the ancient ruins in the town, Xu Ziyan brought everyone out. After breaking the seal of the ancient ruins, he looked at Xu Ziyan in the subconscious of everyone. This is not obvious in normal times. When it is in a deep crisis, this subconsciousness emerges. Unconsciously, Xu Ziyan was taken as the backbone. If this situation is repeated several times, Xu Ziyan will become the spiritual leader of the entire continent, and the soul of the vast continent will be passed down by thousands of generations, just like taking thousands of miles.

Xu Ziyan naturally felt the eyes of the monks, and thought quickly in his heart, constantly flashing his own moments of crisis. Suddenly in the heart, the eyes are shining:

"Everyone. Let the White Island owner resist the fairy with a fairy charm for a while. We have a monk with a fairy to throw the fairy into the magic eye to detonate. This is our last chance."

The monks listened to their looks, but although they were very reluctant to have the fairy in their hands, they knew that the situation was exactly what Xu Ziyan said. This is their last chance. Just an instant hesitation, nodded one by one.

The demon has no fairy. Then he retreated to the back of the crowd. Bai Xiyan put the fairy charm in front of everyone and covered all the people. After that, the seven Mahayana monks injected into the hands of the fairy in the hands of a few celestial forces. Each of them sends a dazzling radiance, and this radiance is getting stronger.

For a quarter of an hour, the seven Mahayana monks were ready to detonate the fairy, and they all looked at Xu Ziyan. Waiting for the order issued by Xu Ziyan.

"White Island Lord, let's go up to the top!" Xu Ziyan shouted.

"it is good!"

Bai Xiyan will send the fairy to the front, and the monks will follow the fairy, and be closer to the pair of magic eyes. Xu Zi smoked a sigh:


The words fall. Then he sacrificed the sword in his hand, and at the same time, the other six pieces were also sacrificed. The spurt entered a pair of magic eyes. Immediately, everyone under the protection of the fairy symbol, rushed toward the ground. At the same time, each has a big drink:


There was a general explosion in the sky, and the eyes were solidified instantly. Then it was broken like a piece of crystal, and the dense dragon in the air turned into a hurricane. The huge blasting power made Xu Ziyan's eight great-time monks like a night boat in Wang Yangzhong, like a meteor that crossed the space, and fell to the ground. Eight large pits were pulled out. And the monks of Han Dan and other half-step Mahayana have already fallen to the ground.


The sorcerer’s magic in the sea explodes in his sea of ​​knowledge, causing his movements to stop, and at the moment of this stop. Yang Linglong's dark gold sword, Ling Yijian and the son of the forged sword, Gong Sunlin's flame knife, Fa Yongzheng's simple sword, Wang Junjie's sword, long eyebrow's flag, all fell on him Various parts. The most important thing is that the Wushen was inspired by the magic eye and did not belong to him. His body had already been damaged. At this moment, he was separated by a group of young people, and he got a dead body.

The war seems to have finally passed. All the monks are sitting on the ground. The eight Mahayana monks, such as Xu Ziyan, also climbed out of the deep pit and sat on the ground and gasped.

At this time, there was a sudden burst of "rumbling" in the ears of the monks, and the sound of the rumble came from all directions, causing all the monks to squat from the ground from Horan and looked at them with fear.

The vibrations are gathering here from all directions. What they don't know is that in the thirty-six valleys centered around here, the stone statues on the thirty-six altars suddenly burst open and burst with them. There are the bodies of the thirty-six guardians.

From the thirty-six altars, each of them spurts a ray of light. The roads rumbling through the cliffs, and the thirty-six altars are connected to one by the light. The blood of thirty-six guardians The light of the road merged and rushed toward the stone statue of Dong Yiyi in the center valley.

The sound of "rumbling" was endless, the earth was constantly shaking, and the monks looked at each other with horror and fear, trying to know what was going on.

There was a loud bang, and countless lights passed through the mountain wall. Immediately, countless monks were smashed into powder by a ray of light, and the monks who reacted flew up to the sky one by one and looked down.

I saw a huge network of lights that flashed rapidly and eventually converge on the stone statue above the altar below them.

The stone image suddenly came alive, and the light of the road merged into the stone statue with the blood after the fusion. The stone image was changing drastically. At this time, look again, it is clearly not a stone statue, but a living person wearing a gray and **** red armor, but that person is very huge, full of three human monks, the appearance is Dong Yiyi's appearance.

The giant Dong Yiyi proudly extended a big hand and held it on his chest.


The entire ground flew up and turned into a large palm, and caught the past in the sky.


The big hands were gathered, and some of the monks who were flying slowly were pinched into powder.

"Mountain Spirit!"

Xu Ziyan was shocked. He remembered that Yanshan soul sat on the ground and rushed to look around. He saw that in the sky, the hope of one arm turned into a huge palm, while the Yanshan soul was sitting on the knees. Only on the palm of the hand. I couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and my body shape flickered. I came to the side of Yanshan Soul. The eyes were bright. When I saw the spirit of Yanshan, the momentum of this body had already broken through to the peak of the peak of the Mahayana, but it continued to improve there. .

This is because the Yanshan soul has swallowed too much light of life. At this time, the light of life is constantly dissolving the eggshell, forcing the spirit of Yanshan to keep running the law, and it will be infuriatingly transported into Dantian, and The real power in the body is constantly turning to the fairy power.

The palm formed by the earth crashed down, and Dong Yiyi lifted his hand again and took it to the next shot. As soon as I saw the air in the air, I gathered a big hand to cover the sky, and almost covered the sky in the space and took it down.

The suffocation of the entire space was drastically compressed, and the spiritual treasures released by all the monks were consumed sharply, and one had to be replaced by a Lingbao. However, just in the moment of changing Lingbao, the big palm has already captured the heads of the monks.

The monks have used the mana to the extreme, and bombarded the big palm of the air. The power of gathering people, especially a group of monks in the Mahayana period, is able to block the big palm in the air. But the heavy pressure is still there. The most painful thing is that the immortals of these Mahayana monks were ruined. At this time, there is no easy weapon, and it can only be resisted by repair.

This made the monks feel that the pressure is getting bigger and bigger, and the suffocation of the space seems to be materialized, and it is fierce and fierce. Xu Ziyan and Yanshan soul did not open Lingbao. At this time, the substantial suffocating madness rushed into the body of two people. Xu Ziyan can feel that the momentum of Yanshan soul beside him seems to have reached the peak rapidly and is suppressed before a layer of barrier. At the same time, she also felt that her body could not stand the suffocation, and the helium needed in the body had reached saturation.

Xu Ziyan just wanted to open a Lingbao, and suddenly thought of the Yanshan soul. The soul of Yanshan is to use the light of life to enhance his own cultivation. It is the so-called mutual accompaniment. If you refine the gas of life, will you be able to absorb these suffocation again and improve your cultivation?

At this point, the big palm on the top of the head puts more and more pressure on her. If she can't break through, she doesn't know if she can leave this ancient ruins. However, if you break through at this moment, once the big palm is photographed, there will be no chance to escape. What's more, judging by her eyes, and the power of the people can not last long, this time is not enough to break through.

The faces of the monks of the Mahayana period also showed nervousness, and at this moment, they suddenly saw the Central Plains sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect, throwing a painting axis, and the painting axis flew to the head of Dong Yiyi. Xu Xu began, but it is his mountain river spectrum from He Boxian.


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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