The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1095: Fighting

I am very grateful to the bookmates 100323202559007, the daughters of the day, the nana8214 classmates, the hahaha 30 classmates, the djh9000 classmates, the eryanu classmates, the eccentric demon classmates, the LeoKit classmates, the dream poetry 0327 classmates, the lotus class open classmates' pink ticket!


The mountain river spectrum has not yet fully developed. When a seam is unfolded, great suction is transmitted from the mountain river spectrum, and as the mountain river spectrum slowly expands, the suction is getting bigger and stronger. To be fully unfolded, Dong Yiyi had left the altar with his feet, as if he would be absorbed into the mountain river spectrum.

Others don't know the power of the mountain river spectrum. Xu Ziyan, the monks who once entered the Heberfest House, know. Looking at Dong Yiyi's body shape is slowly flying toward the mountain river spectrum, one by one happy.

"Hey! Ye Fei, do you dare to fight against the guardian?" Dong Yiyi shouted coldly.

"Hehehe..." Ye Fei sneered with a smile: "You slap in the air, want to die to me, can I still close my eyes and die?"

“Hey!” Dong Yiyi snorted and snorted: “A singer, do you think you can really accept me with a broken picture?”

"Hehehe..., don't try, how do you know?" Ye Fei's handcuffs changed, and the Zhangshan River spectrum was pressed against Dong Yiyi.

Dong Yiyi still controlled the big palm of the air with one hand and pressed it toward the bottom. The other hand rubbed his hand and sneered:

"Ye Fei, do you really think that you are completely in control of the mountain river spectrum? Like this is a fairy in the fairy world. Just because you can refine it? Tell you the truth, you are only refining, driving this mountain river spectrum The power of less than one percent. If you want to refine this mountain river spectrum, you need the means of immortality. Give it to me!"

The words fall. Dong Yiyi took a series of handcuffs and took it out. He only saw that the sky mountain river spectrum suddenly changed, and it was suddenly closed.

Ye Fei’s face changed, and his hands were constantly changing. Pull up the road afterimage. The mountain river spectrum in the air has finally stopped closing, but it is extremely reluctant, and with the passage of time, it has a tendency to continue to close.

At this time, a few monks in the rush, sacrificed their own magic weapon, bombarded the past with Dong Yiyi. However, they have not waited until the magic weapon bombarded Dong Yiyi. I was sucked in by the mountain river spectrum. This time, no one dares to shoot casually.

Xu Ziyan’s mind was suddenly immersed in the law of Dong Yiyi’s mysterious, that is absolutely a fairy, a fairy’s method. This makes Xu Ziyan, who has just become a fairy tales, completely immersed in it.

In addition to the Yanshan soul in all the monks, Xu Ziyan was immersed in the fairy law. The rest of the monks were struggling to resist the big palm of the air while watching the battle between Dong Yiyi and Ye Fei.


The big palm of the air shook a bit. Another point was pressed down, and it turned out that Bai Xiyan took back his hand. The monks are glaring at them, and they don’t know why Bai Xiyan will stop at this critical time. Bai Xiyan ignored the angry eyes of the crowd, his hands violently flipped through the handcuffs, and a mysterious pattern was stopped before the pattern that Dong Yiyi shot.

The monks were bright, although the pattern that Bai Xiyan had not completely blocked the pattern of Dong Yiyi, but after all, it stopped a part of it, and the mountain river spectrum stabilized and slowly began to expand again.


Dong Yiyi snorted and the pattern with one hand was more rapid. I can't see the change of handcuffs. It is like a static. The rumble broke through the interception of Bai Xiyan, once again letting the mountain river spectrum stop unfolding, and it has a tendency to close again.

Bai Xiyan sneered: "I don't know who you are, but you just used the big squad here to forcibly improve your cultivation. I don't believe how long you can hold on!"

The words fell, and the hands flipped again quickly. A pattern of patterns was formed in the air, and Dong Yiyi’s law was stopped.

"Hehehe..., stupid ants, some things are not understandable at this level, you are there to die!"

The two men said that they kept playing all kinds of handcuffs, but it was obvious that Bai Xiyan and Ye Fei had joined hands and fell slightly, and the mountain river spectrum was closing very slowly.

At this time, Xu Ziyan was completely immersed in the fighting methods of Dong Yiyi and Bai Xiyan. Although she did not know that her body's suffocation had accumulated to the extreme, she did not realize that she should open the Lingbao body. Seeing that the body is going on like this, it will be destroyed by the hurricane and turned into powder.

Her change caused the change in the purple smoke space. The first perception of the water of the palm of the hand came out of the purple smoke space, and instantly understood the physical condition of Xu Ziyan. From the body of Xu Ziyan, it only appeared a little bit of suffocation, and then slammed back into the purple smoke space, wrapped up dozens of life light and rushed out of Dantian, and threw it into Xu Ziyan. In the meridians.

As soon as the light of life entered the veins of Xu Ziyan, it immediately merged with the suffocating gas, forming a huge aura between Xianyuan and Zhenyuan, which ran rampant in the meridians. The whole body of Xu Ziyan swelled as if it were an inflated balloon, as if it would burst in the next moment. One palm of the water clasped two small eyes with both hands, and slammed back into the purple smoke space, and plunged into the big river.


The water of the palm of the hand emerged from the river and muttered to himself: "This time it is a big deal! The light of life for the owner seems to be more! She won't slam the bang?"

Xu Ziyan was pulled out of the intoxication by the intense pain in the body. She saw that she would be blasted at any time. The fear in her heart was more incomprehensible. I immersed my mind in the body and understood it. It must be Some people have forced the light of life in the purple smoke space to their own body, and only one palm of water can do this.

In the purple smoke space, the whole sky suddenly turned into a giant face, but it was the appearance of Xu Ziyan, the voice rumbling from her mouth:

"Small water, you give me out!"


The small head of the water of the palm of the hand was shrunk into the water, and disappeared in an instant. In the purple smoke space, the giant face in the sky slowly dissipated.

Xu Ziyan, who calmed down, immediately understood the intention of the water of the palm of his hand. It should be to save himself, but he did not grasp the heat. This... the light of life is too much!

In desperation, Xu Ziyan had to jump to the big hand of hope, sit down on the knees, transport the Qiankun 诀, and force the infuriating anger in the meridians to run steadily toward Dantian.

Now that the whole situation has completely collapsed, Dong Yiyi has used the altars and rituals in the ancient ruins to gather the blood of the late thirty-six monks, and to suppress them with only one hand. Thousands of monks. One palm suppresses the monks, and one hand keeps swaying the law to capture the mountain river spectrum. And no matter what, she has an advantage.

The big palm of the sky is pressing down one inch and one inch, and the mountain river spectrum is slowly closing. With this trend, all the monks who entered the ancient ruins will probably throw their lives here.

All the monks have come up with the strength of breastfeeding. It is hoped that this is also a hand holding Yanshan soul and Xu Ziyan, the other hand greets the big palm of the air.

Dong Yiyi is also very struggling, facing nearly 5,000 monks, and there are also Mahayana monks, which puts her pressure.

Time is in this tense atmosphere, and it feels like it is extremely slow. Every time I pass, I feel that the pressure has increased a bit.

Three days.

The potential of the monks has been suppressed to the extreme, that is, Dong Yiyi also has a slight gasping voice.


In the middle of the Mahayana in the body of Xu Ziyan, the barrier was broken, and the repair was finally reached the beginning of Mahayana.

"Booming ~~"

The purple smoke space has once again expanded, not only is the original galaxies expanding, the planet growing, but also a galaxy in the purple smoke space.

Xu Ziyan opened her eyes and looked up. The situation around her surprised her. The big palms on the top of the head were just a foot away from them, and the mountain river spectrum on the top of Dong Yiyi was closed by two-thirds.

Xu Ziyan took another look at the Yanshan soul and found that Yanshan soul still kept hitting the barrier. Instantly open the eyes of Yan Peng, looking into the body of Yanshan soul, seeing the body of Yanshan soul still has nearly one hundred years of life. The light of life is refining the eggshell, and the eggshell has not been refined by two-thirds. Xu Ziyan’s body suddenly shook, secretly:

"Is it the mountain spirit that is going to break through the peak of the Mahayana and lift it up?"


The big palm of the air fell another point. Xu Ziyan woke up from the shock, his body shape floated away, and he left the big palm of hope. The fists gathered the golden fist to the big palm of his head. The one that had just fallen from the big palm was banged back. However, it was only a hit back.

It is this point that makes all the monks feel a sigh of relief. Xu Ziyan was swaying in the golden air, constantly bombarding the big palm, so that the big palm could not only drop another point, but had a tendency to continue to be high.

Dong Yiyi’s look changed, but she could not help but increase her strength. However, her strength has shifted her mind, which naturally affects the law of her other hand, let Bai Xiyan and Ye Flying also breathed a sigh of relief.

Dong Yiyi snorted, and a layer of gray appeared on his face. The sudden power was greatly increased, and the surrounding lights became more dazzling. The surrounding 36 orchestras began to shake. However, the big palm of the air once again fell half a minute, and the mountain river spectrum in the air began to close again.

Another three days.

The monks below the distraction period have been crumbling, and they can't help anything at all. The half-time Mahayana monks are still sticking their teeth, and the monks in the Mahayana period are also pale. Xu Ziyan has begun to extract the power of the hole. However, this is a bureau that cannot be cracked. Only sticking to it, seeing how long Xu Ziyan and others persisted, or how long Dong Yiyi persisted.


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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