The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1096: Fierce return

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What disappointed the monks was that although Dong Yiyi also showed exhaustion, she seemed to be able to continuously gain strength from the altar, and the monks could not be lifted. The big palm has been two inches from the head of the crowd. The mountain river spectrum in the air has been closed for nine tenths. Seeing that the monks are going to die here, everyone has seen the ridicule in the eyes of Dong Yiyi and the sneer of the corner of his mouth.

Suddenly, on the big palm of hope, the momentum of Yanshan's soul suddenly broke out, and a horrible power spread from his body.

Yanshan soul opened his eyes and his eyes flashed, as if he had actually shot Dong Yiyi on the altar.


Everything between the heavens and the earth seems to be shaking. Dong Yiyi is stunned by the Yanshan soul. The big palms in the air are scattered. At the same time, he stopped the law of the other hand, but Bai Xiyan and Ye Fei also seemed to run out of the real yuan, lost their opponents, and their hearts were loose. They fell from the sky, and the mountain river spectrum lost control and powerlessness. Dropped and was taken up by Ye Fei.

Not only the two of them, all the monks fell to the ground, and Xu Ziyan also fell to the ground. When they fell to the ground, all the monks looked up. There is only one person in the air, and that is the soul of Yanshan.

Yanshan soul snorted, and ejected two gas from the nostrils, like a dragon, and the body shape rushed to Dong Yiyi. It’s just a matter of time, around Dong Yiyi on the altar, surrounded by the shadow of Yanshan. A huge black head illusioned thousands of times, and slammed down Dong Yiyi.

Dong Yiyi offered a set of eighteen broken cones, which consisted of eighteen broken cones, which were turned around Dong Yiyi. The black head of the Yanshan soul was continually struck back, and the two men played a time to win. It’s dazzling.

Several Mahayana monks looked at each other and Yan Xingyun said: "You, those monks who have been distracted and stayed here are useless. Maybe they will be affected by the battle between Yanshan soul and the guardian. They left the ancient ruins."

The monks and the generals nodded, and the monks below the distracted period also heard the words of the monks in the Mahayana period, and they all got up and swept away toward the entrance to the ancient ruins.

Seeing the monks leave, the Mahayana monks and the half-step Mahayana monks regained their gaze in the battle between the Yanshan soul and Dong Yiyi.

The Yanshan soul and Dong Yiyi played fiercely and abnormally, and everyone was as crazy as they were. However, no one knows. In the sky above the town, the gas is gathering.

After an hour, the sky above the town was covered by thick clouds. Like the end of the world.

After two hours, in the thick clouds, thunder and lightning are gathering, and the electric light in the clouds shines and creaks. A thick flash of lightning rushes out of the clouds from time to time. As if looking for a goal.

After three hours, the monks who left in the ancient ruins returned. Xu Ziyan and others couldn’t help but wait for the monks to ask questions. The monks explained the reasons in a few words.

It turned out that they returned to the entrance to the ancient ruins, but found that they could not go out, and the entrance was closed. No matter what method you use, you can't open that entrance.

The monks looked at each other and their hearts were clear. This must be related to the altar at the foot of Dong Yiyi, and the light of these vertical and horizontal directions, they re-locked this ancient space. Can you go out from here, you must first see the Yanshan soul can kill Dong Yiyi.

The hearts of the monks were heavy. Grasp the time to restore your cultivation. Ready to help the soul of Yanshan.

In the sky above the town, the thunder and lightning seems to have found the target, and the large thunderbolt no longer probes the brain, but they are all retracted into the possession. It seems that something is brewing. It took two quarters of time to land a huge spherical lightning bolt from the clouds. The palace that closed the ancient ruins was closed to the town.

At this time, all the monks were panicked at the town level. No one has ever seen such a mighty power, and one call sign flies toward the distance.


The largest city in the southern Xiu Xianjie, away from Huofangfang City, Tongda Commercial Bank is a business that has not been established for several years. What you do is the business of the monster, in this business you can buy all kinds of things related to the monster. The demon skin, the demon blood, the demon bone, or the teeth of the monster, wings and so on.

The price of this firm, whether it is acquisition or sale, is very fair, and the variety is sufficient. The boss of the business bank is very bold in the afternoon, and the business is very prosperous and it is getting bigger and bigger.

A young monk walked in from the door of the Tongda business, went straight to the third floor, knocked three times in front of a door, and heard the sound inside, which pushed the door. Turning over and closing the door, the door is Guanghua shining, opening the closed array.

The young monk respectfully pointed to a young monk sitting behind the table in the house:

"See Captain!"

The captain behind the desk looked up and looked at the young man and asked, "What's new?"

"Captain, we have narrowed the scope, and the flame monks disappeared in a mountain range thousands of miles away from the fire. The tracked disciples suspected that the flames of the base camp were there."

"But sent someone to explore?" The captain's eyes lit up.

The monk nodded and said: "The monks who used to pretend to hunt and kill the monsters in the day searched there, but did not find the slightest trace. I suspect that the base of the flames is on the ground."

The captain frowned slightly, thinking and muttering to himself: "At the bottom of the earth? This flame has been running for more than 80,000 years. If the depth of the ground is really their base camp, then I am afraid it will be a dungeon. The scale!"

Stopped and thought for a while, looked up and said, "How about the fire dance?"

"Since disappearing in the mountain range, I have never seen it again. It should have been left in their base camp."

"Is it fierce? Is there any trace of him?"

"Yes! Just now, the disciple of the temple found an old monk who looked like a fire. He entered the mountains and disappeared instantly. It is estimated that they also entered their base camp. Only we have been unable to find the entrance to the Flame Rogue Base Camp. ""

Speaking of this, the young monk used the right boxing to the left palm.


Flame dungeon.

Inside the main hall, the high-rises of the flames are gathered here. The atmosphere was very suppressed, and there was no fire dance from the return of the ancient relics to the town, and the joy of the patriarch's violent death.

Not to mention that it is in the main hall, that is, the entire flame dungeon is a depressing atmosphere. Since the flame began to touch the purple smoke, it continued to damage the strength. At the beginning of the ambush of Xu Ziyan at the junction of the Northland and the Central Plains, thousands of people were injured. This time, it was even more serious. When they went to **** the Xu family, they almost disappeared from the army and lost a lot of masters, letting the flame appear the appearance of decline.

Within the main hall, the fire was high in the upper seat, and the fire dance sat in the first seat of the next seat, which in turn was the top of the fire house. It was just the silence in the hall, as if it was the silence before the storm.

"Grandpa!" Finally, the fire dance first said: "Where are you these days? Why not send us a message?"

The violent yin and yin smiled two channels: "I didn't think that I took more than 10,000 fire masters, but almost all the troops were wiped out. And the whole mainland has set off the action of annihilating our flames. Where can I tell you? If you have a few moves, it will expose my existence."

Speaking of this, I looked at the fire dance with enthusiasm and kindness: "This time I took the action of the Xu family, I was reckless. I also heard about the lineup of the Xu family going to the town to close the ancient relics. I didn't expect Xu to be so strong. The strength. It seems that when we first went to the family, Xu Ziyan had already doubted us, and did not reveal their true strength, we were fooled!

Fortunately, in the days without me, you are doing very well. Did not let the flame suffer a greater loss. Well, what about the night master? Why didn't you see her? ”

"Night Master?" The face of the fire dance chilled down, took a deep breath, smoothed out his emotions, and then detailed the things that happened after entering the ancient town to close the ancient remains.

The sound of the fire dance was very light, and the speed of speech was not fast, but it was like a thunder bomb that rang in the hall. Not to mention other monks, that is, the fire sitting on the main seat is also stunned.

"How could this be?" whispered, and the original domineering face became distorted.

An elder of the flame sighed a sigh: "I didn't think that the night dreams that our flames have been cuddling turned out to be the spies of Lingbao Island overseas. They have been using our firehouse as a gun. It is really hateful! However, she was eventually The patriarchs killed and avenged the people who died in our flames for hundreds of years."

He said that he arched the fire to the fire dance. "The patriarchs, the ancient relics in the town, can turn those monks and monks into a group, and finally leave, and rise our flames!"

At this time, the fire sitting on the main seat sighed and asked: "Dance, since you brought Xu Ziyan alone, why not take the opportunity to kill Xu Ziyan, for our flames more than 10,000 people Revenge? Do you still remember the same door with Xu Ziyan?"

The look of the fire dance was stagnation, and the face rose red. The voice said: "Grandpa, our flames have been pitted by Lingbao Island. We don't want to find out how to revenge the Lingbao Island, but instead offend the Xu family. Do we Is the flame really not afraid to be completely annihilated?"


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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