The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1097: Fierce conflict

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The violent look of a stagnation, his face sank down: "Fire dance, our flames of enemies all over the world, for more than 80,000 years, I don't know how many times the so-called righteous people on the mainland have been encircled, but our fire home Don't still live well? Enemy? She has a lot of family, she has a lot of homes. Isn't our fire home afraid that they can't make a family? Offended Xu, our flames are dead?"

The fire dance sat up straight and looked straight into the fire. He said with a sigh: "Grandpa, you know that we are full of fire and hatred. I want to ask, such an enemy is in the world, there is no family of allies, even if it can exist, Don't be annihilated, do you think that you can get away from Huo Zong from the hands of Yunfeifeng? Are we brave enough to fight with Yunfeifeng? I am afraid that Yunfeifeng just said, we are a flame, no need to shoot her. We will be crushed into powder by the monks on the mainland.

So, follow the grandfather's strategy. Even if we don't die in the end, we can only live a life that is unspeakable, and there will never be a day to come. Restoring the honor of the fire house and regaining the fire, it is simply a distant dream. It is precisely because of this that we can only live a dark life and do dark things. They are looked down upon by the Xu family in the fire and used by them. However, if those tribes can recapture from the fire with our help. It’s OK to avenge the fire, but are they OK?

Look at the rise of Xu Ziyan. When she was still very weak, her situation was almost the same as our fire home. There are many enemies. However, Xu Ziyan knows that he is making various forces while resisting. Nowadays, not only does her own strength reach the Mahayana period, but the strength of Xu’s family is shocking, that is, the forces of the parties that she has made also have the Tianmen City of the solitary smoke of Ximen. Xiao Luotian of Yan Xingyun, the top power of the three major cities.

Let us assume that if Xu Ziyan did not make such a force and made the last enemy in the world like our flame, can she grow to the present level? I am afraid that it was already destroyed by Da Luotian?

Our flame was pitted by Lingbao Island. We didn't want to go to revenge on Lingbao Island. We didn't want to recapture the fire. Instead, we thought about **** Xu Ziyan. Completely offended Xu Jia? Has Xu Family offended us? If I remember correctly, is it that our flames have killed more than 20,000 people in Xu? Is our fire family ambushing Xu Ziyan at the northern junction? Is it that our fire home wants to win the family of Xu? ”

The fierce temple suddenly jumped and shouted: "Lingbao Island will use our fire house to hate me. I will naturally report that the people who have died for hundreds of years will not forget."

The fire sighed a bit, and I knew that it was not appropriate to discuss the purple smoke to stimulate the fire dance at this time, and in his heart, there was already a faint fear of Xu Ziyan. Long spit out a breath:

"We still talk about the future development of the flame. I think our fire is a good opportunity."

Everyone, including the fire dance, was a glimpse, and looked at the fire involuntarily. The fire was very satisfied with the effect caused by myself, and said excitedly:

"If today is already in a chaotic phase, the great era of the cultivation of the immortal world is coming. And to survive in this great era, or to stand out from the crowd, the resources of cultivation are undoubtedly the most important. Now God gave us this flame. opportunity!"

"What opportunity?" The heart of the fire dance faintly felt a little bad.

The fire coughed twice, and the face was flushed and said: "Now the high-ranking monks on the mainland have gone to the ancient ruins of the town, and they will not come out for a while. The Xiuxian world on the mainland has just been It was slaughtered by the ghosts, and the families of the sects and the sects were differently damaged. This time is the time when the forces of the various forces on the mainland are the weakest. And our flames are not in the catastrophe of the ghosts because of the dungeons inhabited by the flames. What is the loss. So this is the best time for us to plunder the resources!"

The fire dance closed his eyes in pain and looked at the look of fire and excitement. I said categorically:

"I disagree!"

"Well?" The fierce face sank again.

"Grandpa, you said it well, the haunting of the ghost world has just passed. The high-ranking monks on the mainland of the sky are now in the ancient ruins of the town. This is the weakest time on the mainland. But, you want No. In the past, although our flames were constantly looting, in the eyes of those top forces, we were just making small noises, so they closed one eye.

However, if we are arbitrarily looting when we are the weakest on the mainland, at this time, we will be able to plunder a large amount of resources, which is definitely not a small fight. This will arouse the anger of the top forces, and when they come out of the ancient ruins, I am afraid that it is the moment of our flame extinction. ”

"Ha ha ha..." screamed with enthusiasm: "Fire dance, your courage is too small! We have robbed the flame for more than 80,000 years. I don't know how many times I have been encircled, but it has not continued?"

The fire dance spit out a depressed voice in the heart: "Grandpa, the ghosts of the ghosts on the mainland have just passed, and we plunder again. This is undoubtedly a catastrophe for the celestial world. If the northern world's ghosts take the opportunity Then come swarming, we are human sinners. Then say..."

The eyes of the fire dance became persevering: "The purpose of our flames is not to plunder. Our purpose is to retake the fire. If we really did what Grandpa said, even if we were not annihilated by the celestial world on the mainland." Don't even think about walking in the celestial world, let alone regaining the fire. Our flames can only be used for generations, and children will be hooligans for generations."

The monks were shocked to watch the fire dance. These people lived in a rogue environment from birth. Unlike the fire dance, he is a great disciple of the Emperor Xuanzong's lord Liang Zhidong. He once managed the Zongmen instead of Liang Zhidong, and his vision is much wider than these hooligans. The eyes are different and the thinking is different. These words made the flames of the monks into meditation. The fiery brow wrinkled deeply. He felt that the fire dance was against him today, and he couldn’t help but anger:

"According to what you said, we don't do the flames, don't do it, just sit here and wait to die?"

"I didn't say that..."

The fire wave interrupted the fire dance and said: "You don't have to worry about the things here. From today, you will take your men to kill Xu disciples and avenge our firefighters."

The fire dance looked awkward and then angered: "I don't go, nor allow anyone in the fire house to go!"

Fire and cold smile: "Fire dance, what do you mean? We are **** disciples of the fire house, dead and white death? This hate is not reported?"

The look in the eyes of the fire dance has a bit of hesitation, but in the end it is still a bite to say: "We are going to kill the Xu family, to win the family's family, is it still let Xu family stretch their necks waiting for us to kill? Do not allow people to counterattack?

冤 have a head, debt has a master! It’s not that Lingbao Island’s night dreams have been using us. How can our fire family die so many people? What we should hate at the firehouse is the Lingbao Island that used us as a gun. Besides, today's Xu family has become the fifth-largest superpower, with Xu Ziyan, hope, Xiaobai three Mahayana monks. Are we going to take revenge before the flames? It is more appropriate to say that it is to die. ”

The flamboyant light flashes in the eyes of the fire dance: "Now it is an opportunity for us to be a firehouse. Lingbao Island will not be so honest, they will certainly make waves. And they want to stand firm in the oriental cultivation world. Xu family is her inevitable enemy. Besides, Xu Ziyan will not be able to count it. The two families must have a rush, and once the ambition of Lingbao Island is exposed, she will become the public enemy of the entire mainland. By that time, our flames also dealt with Lingbao Island, which is our chance to move from darkness to light.

On today's vast continent, the identity of our flames is still very secret. As long as we do not expose ourselves to the flames in front of the monks in the world, no one knows. What we are going to do now is not to plunder the resources of the Zongmen family, but to occupy a foothold. ”

The ardent heart is angry and annoyed. In his heart, there is nothing wrong with the life of a rogue. If resources are gone, they will be robbed. How easy it is. As for what can't be said to be bright, it is the strength of the flame. If the flame has a Mahayana monk, it is a place where the light is occupying a place, and I am the banner of the flame. Who can dare to say? And how can a kind of Mahayana monk in the fire disciple? Of course, it is a resource. As long as there is sufficient resources, it is possible to use a medicinal herb heap to pile up a Mahayana monk.

Lingbao Island?

This hatred is naturally reported, but the most important thing now is that the masters of the Mahayana period are not there, and the catastrophe has just passed, and they must try their best to plunder resources. Thinking of this, the fire can no longer help but drink:

"Fire dance, you are still too young. You don't know what a monk is most important? It's strength! It's not what you say. If we have a Mahayana monk in the flame, how about it?" How can I have a Mahayana monk?


Resources are the most important! So, we are going to plunder! Now is the best opportunity. This opportunity is a rare event. How can I miss it? ”

The heart of the fire dance also angered: "I am young, but I don't necessarily see short, narrow vision! On the contrary, Grandpa, you have been a hooligan for a lifetime, has been confined to the rogue vision. If we do not change the fire home, it will never Recapture from the fire ancestors, ancestors can only do hooligans, and become the shackles of the Zong Nei people."


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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