The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1098: Ferry

I am very grateful to Xing Haiyun (100) and the pomelo 8 students (100) for their reward!


The fire screamed and said: "What happened to the rogue? Fire dance, are you starting to look down on your people?"

The fire dance was stunned, and his face rose a little purple. "I didn't say that, but I will never deal with Xu, nor allow the flame to go out and plunder at this time. This is destroying the flame, I am not It is enough to let the flames finish."

Above the main hall, there was only the arguing of fire and fire dancing, and the rest of the flames were all face to face, silent. However, one by one is deeply locked in the brow, digesting the words of the two men who are burning and dancing.

Seeing that the fire and the fire dancers and grandsons are going to quarrel, an elder stood up and said: "The patriarch, the young patriarch, it is better to discuss it tomorrow, everyone should calm down first."

The fire dance also felt that his attitude toward Grandpa was too intense, and he lowered his head and said nothing. And the fire does not want to be completely mad with the fire dance. In his heart, I feel that the fire house can become a Mahayana monk, and the most likely is the fire dance. So, gloomy face:

"Dissipate first!"

When the words fell, the fire stood up and walked out of the hall. After that, the fire dance also stood up and calmed down and walked out of the hall. Some of the fire parents behind me looked at each other and whispered:

"Three brothers, I think the young patriarchs said it is good! We can't always be a hooligan for a lifetime? We have been like this in our lives. Is it necessary for our descendants to continue our hooliganism? Speaking badly, I am there. The daughter-in-law is not coming, but grabbing it. Hehe... Who is willing to marry a rogue!"

Although the flaming figure left the hall, his knowledge was still behind. He also wants to hear what the elders will say, hear the words of the elders behind them, and eagerly refuse to go back. Look at them a few feet.

There is only a lot of hate, and a fierce heart is a policeman. When you hear the words of the elders in the back, it is clearly moved by the words of fire dancing. If things happen inside the main hall today, the flames may be distracting. The troubles are torn apart.

Fire dance! I give you the right because I appreciate you! But this does not mean that the flame is yours. What I am giving you is yours. I didn't give it to you, you can't grab it!


The town is closed.

The huge spherical lightning fell from the sky, without the earth-shattering explosion, but it sank silently from the solitary palace that covered the ancient ruins, and sank into the ground. The monks who fled to the distance were all standing in the air, inexplicably looking at the lonely palace closed by the town.

In the ancient ruins.

The monks are struggling to restore their cultivation, while their eyes are focused on the altar in the center of the valley. Yanshan soul and Dong Yiyi fight. The power of the two men has gone beyond the imagination of the monks in the mainland, and a thought emerges in the hearts of every monk:

"Yanshan soul, is this the limit of soaring?"

At this time, the monks suddenly felt the vibration of the ancient ruins. This vibration became more and more tight and stronger. In the end, the entire ancient ruins began to shake.

The Yanshan soul and Dong Yiyi in the fighting also felt the change of the space of the ancient ruins. Two people could not help but slow down the speed of their hands. Shocked and looked around.

Yanshan soul looked around and searched in the memory of her, and suddenly felt shocked, he understood! Now he has broken through the realm of the peak of the Mahayana, and is about to usher in a robbery. The shock of this space should be that the outer robbers are coming down.

After thinking about everything, Yanshan soul suddenly ignored the attack of Dong Yiyi, but opened two arms and immediately held Dong Yiyi in his arms. That Dong Yiyi was shocked. Her cultivation at this time was similar to that of Yanshan. But she did not know that the robbery would come down. Therefore, I don’t even know why Yanshan Soul wants to hold her tight. However, there is a crisis in the mind, and this crisis is close to the sound of rumble in space. More flustered her.

Then, both hands continued to fall toward the body of Yanshan. Attempted to bombard the Yanshan soul. However, the body of Yanshan soul is strong! It’s hard to beat it. All this made Xu Ziyan and others who were sitting in the distance stunned.

Just as the monks were confused, they saw a huge spherical lightning flashing over the ancient ruins, and then they exploded.

The power of a spherical lightning is too great, and the entire ancient space is a dazzling white, and the sound of rumbling is endless.

There was a burst of "咔嚓咔嚓" sound in the entire space, and together with the altar at the foot of Dong Yiyi, a total of thirty-seven altars were broken. The entire ancient ruins space collapsed, and the collapse of the land outside the ancient ruins.

Numerous soils fell from the air and instantly buried all the monks.

In the upper air outside the town, countless monks in the distance saw the lonely palace collapsed, and with the rumble of the rumble, a huge deep pit appeared. After that, it was from the thick clouds in the air that the thick thunder of the buckets continued to bombard the deep pit.


A huge figure rushed out of the deep pit. The reason why he said that he was huge was because he still had a man in his arms. It was the Yanshan soul who held Dong Yiyi and flew out of the deep pit.

Yanshan soul stood in the air, haha ​​laughed, hands clasped Dong Yiyi tightly, lifted her up to the top of the head, greeted the thunder of the air.

"Hang ~ ~ bang ~ ~ bang ~ ~"

Numerous figures emerged from the ground, but it was Xu Ziyan and others who used spells to rush out from the ground. As soon as they came out, they looked at the Yanshan soul in the air like a puppet.

I saw that the road was thunderous, the bucket was thick, and it hanged down from the sky, bombarding Dong Yiyi on the top of Yanshan’s soul. In the eyes of the monks, Dong Yiyi’s body quickly became a fly. gray. Dong Yiyi left the help of the altar, repaired as a natural decline, and where can he resist the robbery?

"This robbery..., I finally saw someone flying up...hehehe...hahaha..."

Numerous monks were so weeping, but the solitary smoke of Ximen was a sly, and when it was flashing, it flew away from the distance, and then flew and shouted:

"You still stand there, wait to die?"

Everyone is a beggar, and this time I realize that I am waiting too close to the scope of the sky. At this time, if Yanshan soul moves casually and shrouds himself and others in the sky, isn't it instantly smashed into **** by the thunder?

All the monks flew far away. Every monk’s face was full of excitement. When they opened the ancient ruins, they only hoped for the ascent, whether they could really fly, and the hearts of every monk did not Grasp.

But just today, just now, a living Yanshan soul is flying. This makes every monk's heart passionate. The person who seems to be flying is himself, and the fairy world is waving to them.

However, when they saw the power of the robbery that day, they could not help but fear. Can such a day robbery pass them?

Every monk's eyes are looking at the Yanshan soul. They are all looking forward to the Yanshan soul. They are looking forward to the success of the Yanshan soul, so they can give them confidence. If the spirit of Yanshan fails, it will cast a shadow in the hearts of every monk. Maybe because of this shadow, when they wait for them to rob, they will have fear, and then they will fail, and they will disappear under the robbery. .

I have to say that the body of Yanshan soul is really powerful. Although the onlookers have not been robbed, they have heard it in the legend! Which kind of robbery is not to prepare a lot of spirits, as well as Lingbao, but also can not lack the immortality. Where is the soul like Yanshan? Just by the power of the body in the robbery?

How long has this been?

Since the Dongshan Yi was robbed and killed by the thunder, the hand was erected in the air, bathed in the thunder and robbery, and it was easy to be freehand, as if to appreciate the catastrophe.

Wang Woyun and Yunfei Feng glanced at each other and saw the crisis from the other side's eyes. They are very afraid that Yanshan soul will give them two in the air after the robbery. You must know that at that time, the two of them are sure to be unable to withstand the power of Yanshan. The two men just looked at each other and immediately led their men to leave.

The thunder of the sky is still rumbling, that is, it is clearly audible after a hundred miles. Wang Woyun and Yunfeifeng stood side by side in a hundred miles, looking back at the air hundreds of miles away, revealing the envy of the eyes.

"Feifeng, do you say that he can successfully rob this time?"

"Look at his power, it should be OK!"

"According to the Zongmen record, a monk will fly immediately after the robbery?"

"Yes! The same is true of the records left by my sect."

"So very good!" Wang Woyun sighed a long breath: "If this is not the case, then if the Yanshan soul is launched, by virtue of his realm of half a fairy, our two will be destroyed." ”

Yunfeifeng can't help but hit a cold war: "Yes! We hurry back to Fengshan! After the Yanshan soul is flying, we will come out again. Also, Wang Xiong, will we still target Xu Ziyan in the future?"

Wang Woyun smiled and said: "I want to let go of the grievances of Xu Ziyan, but do you think Xu Ziyan will let go?"

Having said that, there was a sigh of sorrow in the eyes: "Since she will not let go, then she must kill him. As for the things after the ascension, then I will talk about it later!"

Yunfeifeng’s look hesitated, but quickly hid it: “Wang Xiong, let’s return to the Zongmen first!”

" Take care!"

" Take care!"

The two men each took their own monks and flew toward their own sect.

Above the town gate, the horror of Yanshan soul continues. In the vision of the monks, the momentum of the Yanshan soul is constantly rising, and has gradually separated from the scope of the understanding of the monks. Every monk is fascinated!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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