The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1099: After flying up (double pink for a ticket)

I am very grateful to my classmates, lazy paradise classmates, flying pig cat classmates, vivizhou classmates, wind man classmates, jj Xiaojin adults classmates, Yu Yu 645098 classmates, Yi poor, classmates, Kiki 198 classmates, susantsh0905 classmates, me Ai Wanzhou classmates, Fengquan’s pink ticket!


The rumble of the robbery lasted for four hours, the thunder and lightning finally disappeared, and the robbery clouds in the sky gradually dispersed. Yanshan soul looked up into the air, and all the monks also looked up into the air, looking forward to the rising of Yanshan soul.

Suddenly the sky was shining in the sky, and the sound of the sound of the sky was heard. In the Xiaguang Wandao, there is a Tianmen.

On that day, the door was grand and magnificent, and the gate was full of auspicious charms. In the sound of Xiaguang Wandao and Tianzhu, the door slowly opened that day, and a ladder was lowered from the door, and the first step and the first step quickly fell toward the soul of Yanshan. The body of Yanshan Soul flew involuntarily and flew toward the descending ladder.

Yanshan soul's gaze fell to the bottom, first fell on the body of Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan’s eyes are filled with tears at this time. It’s happy and sad. Two people look in the air, entangled, and do not separate.

Finally, the body of Yanshan was shocked and his feet fell on the ladder. On that day, the ladder quickly retracted toward the sky and recovered to Tianmen. Yanshan soul closed his eyes, waiting for his eyes to open, and his eyes fell on the Yan Xingyun, nodded toward Yan Xingyun, his eyes searched for the body shape of Wang Woyun and Yunfeifeng.

His eyes only turned around, and he found that Wang Woyun and Yunfeifeng were no longer there, and their faces appeared to be pity. The eyes fell on the Shang Tianzong who went to the Wang Woyun camp.

The celestial spirit of the Emperor of Heaven saw the eyes of Yanshan soul falling from the ethereal clouds. The body was a trembling, hurriedly looking around, and sure enough, Wang Woyun and Yunfeifeng had disappeared. The heart can not help but hate, the two men did not even inform him. at this time. He didn't even care for his son and his sects. His body shape flashed and he fled.


There was a coldness in the sky, and it was shaking. Even let all the monks shake their bodies and can't stand. The Yinling and his sects disciples found that their bodies could not move at this time, and then their bodies flew involuntarily from the crowd and flew in the direction of Yanshan soul.

In the vision of the monks, Yanshan Spirit extended a hand, and the hand was instantly enlarged, and the Yin and all the heavenly monks were caught in the hand and gently pinched. There was a **** rain in the air, and the ghosts and the heavenly monks died.

Yanshan soul turned and looked up at Tianmen. He whispered in his mouth: "The lord, the devil, I am coming! Are you ready? Hehehe..."

The figure of Yanshan soul disappeared into the Tianmen, and the door was closed rumbling that day. It disappeared in the sound of Wan Dao Xiaguang and Tianzhu, and then the sound of Wan Dao Xiaguang and Tianzhu gradually disappeared, and the sky returned to the past. However, all the monks in the town were still looking at the sky, and the face was full of yearning.


A loud noise awakened everyone and looked for the sound. I saw that the town had closed the place where the monks had just rushed out of the ground. It turned out that the space of the ancient ruins was completely collapsed, and the fierce suffocation rushed out from the ground. All the monks were shocked and immediately flew back in the distance, but no one left, just watching from far away.

Every monk is very clear in his heart. This ancient ruins cannot be suffocating. Since it is a seal. The seal must be aura. When these suffocating astigmatisms, they should be emitted by the sealed aura.

Time passed very slowly in the torment of the torment, but these immortals were extremely patient. After twenty-six days passed, I heard a bang. The rich aura came out from the ground, and even five spirit springs emerged from the ground. The whole sky of the town has a refreshing aura.

The monks who have been onlookers no longer hesitate. One by one, like a meteor, falling toward the ground. Of course, the stronger the cultivation, the greater the power will occupy the most intense aura.

Xu Jia took a place in the Lingquan under the leadership of Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan waved a large array and shrouded the Xu family in it, and then began to practice.


The Oriental Xiu Xianjie, on the top of a restaurant in the city, sits on the second floor of an elegant room with three monks, one man and two women. If someone recognizes these three people at this time, they will be shocked. These three people can be described as the man of the sky on the mainland. The man is the king of Luo Luotian, Wang Liyun. The two women are separated from the fire ancestor Yunfeifeng and Lingbaodao island owner Bai Xiyan.

At this time, Wang Woyun looked at Bai Xiyan: "Bai Shimei, the Yanshan soul really flies, leaving the mainland?"

Bai Xiyan smiled lightly, and there was a trace of disdain in the depths of his eyes. After the silky disdain was hidden, he lifted his eyes and said with a chuckle:

"Yes! The Yanshan Soul has indeed left our world and will not come back!"

Wang Woyun and Yunfei Feng looked at each other and looked at each other with joy. Yunfeifeng can't help but say happily:

"That's great! So there is no help from the Yanshan soul, so there are Xu Ziyan, hope and Xiaobai, three Mahayana monks. The most important thing is that without the Yanshan soul, Xiao Luotian may not help again. Xu Ziyan. Now, it is easier for us to deal with Xu."


Bai Xiyan said with a smile: "The realm of Yanshan soul and hope is almost the same when entering the ancient town to close the ancient relics. Since the Yanshan soul can soar, it is hoped that the hope will not wait for a long time, so the Xu family will have one more Mahayana period. Monk."

"Yeah! Wow hahaha..." Wang Liyun couldn't help but laugh loudly, and the big stone pressed in his heart immediately felt a lot lighter. When the laughter is gone, this is the gaze of Bai Xiyan:

"Bai Shimei, I heard that there is a lot of aura in the town, and there are even five Lingquan?"

"Yes!" Bai Xiyan nodded.

"That... why don't you cultivate there, but let us come here?"

Bai Xiyan said with a smile: "The aura on the vast mainland will be richer and sooner or later. It is no different from earlier cultivation and later cultivation. If Xu can be wiped out, there is time for us to cultivate."

Hearing what Bai Xiyan said, Wang Woyun and Yunfeifeng both narrowed their eyes and fell into meditation. Both of them are thinking, why did Bai Xiyan do this? Give up the opportunity to cultivate, and join hands with the two to deal with Xu Jia? Half-sounding, Wang Woyun raised his eyes and looked at Bai Xiyan with caution:

"Bai Shimei, let's talk openly and honestly! The reason why I have to deal with Xu Ziyan, the monks on the whole continent know the reason. Feifeng's departure from Huozong and my Da Luotian from the ancient times is the alliance, and she does not I am willing to see the rise of the Xu family. If so, Da Luotian is likely to be destroyed, and Tianshen City and Xiao Luotian are also alliances. Once the Great Luotian is destroyed, it will become a single force from the fire. Therefore, Feifeng must join hands with Da Luotian, but we don't understand why the White Island Lord wants to join us?"

Bai Xiyan said with a quiet smile: "Wang Xiong, Yun Sister, I want the whole East!"

Bai Xiyan exported a sentence, Wang Woyun and Yunfeifeng immediately understood. As a Mahayana monk, Bai Xiyan wants to dominate the East. Now, when Xu Jia took advantage of the catastrophe in the ghost world, he quickly expanded his power. Not only in the Central Plains, they expanded their power, but they also expanded to the East. This makes Bai Xiyan, who is about to enter the oriental cultivation of the world, not tolerate it.

This thing is put on his body, Wang Liyun, I am afraid I can't stand it, I have to fight with Xu family! In this way, Wang Liyun and Yunfeifeng have no doubt in their hearts. The two people looked at each other happily, Yunfeifeng said with a smile:

"Bai Shimei, we all have a common enemy. We should and must form an alliance. We just don’t know what plans Bai Shimei will bring us here."

Bai Xiyan’s look was also serious, and whispered: “Now Xu Ziyan, hope, Xiaobai and others are practicing in the town, not in a short time. This gives us a chance to eliminate Xu!”

Wang Woyun and Yunfeifeng looked at each other. Wang Woyun said with some caution: "Bai Shimei, do you mean to deal with the family? You have to know the family, but there is a big guardian, oh~~, By the way, I forgot that Bai Shimei is a fairy teacher. It is a big battle that can break the Xu family! Hehehe..."

Wang Liyun was happy and happy, and Yun Feifeng’s eyes also revealed a happy color. However, Bai Xiyan shook his head slightly and said:


"Well?" Wang Woyun and Yunfeifeng looked at Bai Xiyan without understanding.

Bai Xiyan whispered: "There are two reasons. One reason is that I have seen the big array of the Xu family. The big array is a nine-pin peak, that is, I am not able to break the battle for a short time. Broken."

Speaking of this, Bai Xiyan frowned deeply: "I don't know that Xu Ziyan found such a large array of images from there, and laid out according to that array. The big array is not a single big array, but It is a complex array. It is a large-scale system. Without three months, I can't break it. In three months, I think Xu Ziyan may have returned to the family, with Xu Ziyan, hope and Xiaobai. Sitting in the town, even if we break the big battle, how can we?"

Wang Woyun and Yunfei Feng heard it, and they all had heavy faces and had to nod. Yunfeifeng raised his head and asked:

"What about the second point?"

"The second point is that when we have not yet completely torn the face with Xu, we can weaken the strength of the Xu family in the dark, but we can't expose it. We have to wait for the hope of flying and then deal with Xu, or in the three Mahayana period of Xu family. When the monk is placed on the order, after killing one, we can truly fight against the family.

At that time, we joined forces to destroy the Xu family, so that my Lingbao Island can dominate the oriental cultivation of the fairyland, while the cloud sister is dominated by the southern cultivation of the immortal world. At that time, the three of us will join forces to go out to Ronaldinho, so that Wang Xiong can dominate the Central Plains. So there is a temple of heaven, and it is not easy to destroy him! ”


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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