I am very grateful to Zixiao students (999), 呐丶1眸笑同学(100) for the reward!


Wang Woyun and Yunfeifeng listened to the spirit and looked at Bai Xiyan. Wang Woyun raised his thumb:

"Bai Shimei, Dacai!"

Bai Xi Yan Jiao smiled and shook his head: "Wang brothers don't make fun of the little girl!"

"Bai Shimei is really talented!" Yunfeifeng also said with a smile: "It seems that Bai Shimei has already planned, let us listen to it!"

Bai Xiyan looked like a whole, and lowered his voice and said: "My original plan was to act together on the three of us. Before Xu Ziyan and others did not return from the town, the forces outside the Xu Ziyan would be flattened, leaving the Xu family still left. The next tribe. End the era of their big family.

Under such **** means, there will be no more forces to dare to go to Xu, so after Xu Ziyan returns, with thousands of Xu family, it is impossible to expand the power. In this way, we have done the isolation of the purple smoke, the rest is waiting for the hope to fly, or looking for opportunities to hunt Xu Ziyan or Xiaobai.

Moreover, in our actions, we were able to kill a few half-steps of the Xu family and some masters, so that the strength of the Xu family returned to their destiny, on the occasion of the great era on the vast continent. Lost competitiveness. At that time, we will push the waves in the dark, and the demise of the Xu family is just around the corner. ”

"Okay!" Wang Woyun and Yunfeifeng smiled.

"But..." Bai Xiyan’s face revealed the color of excitement: "I recently arrested a disciple of Xu, and found that Xu Jiazheng is preparing for a big action."

"Well? Big action?" Wang Woyun asked inexplicably: "Hui Ziyan is not there, what will the Xu family have?"

In the eyes of Bai Xiyan, there is a sarcasm: "Don't forget that Xu has a king!"

Wang Liyun and Yunfeifeng look a glimpse. The face can not help but also revealed a trace of irony:

"Yes, Xu has a king. How? The king Xu Xingfan is unwilling to be lonely?"

"Yeah! Hehe... I don't know what Xu Xingfan thinks. He actually wants to take up the remains of Wan Jianzong in the oriental Xiu Xianjie. And I heard that he wants to go with the Xu Family."

Wang Liyun and Yunfeifeng’s eyes are a bright light: “He wants to go in person?”

"Yes!" The sarcasm in Bai Xiyan’s eyes is even more: "He thought he was who? Do you think he is a purple smoke?"

"Great! If we can kill Xu Xingfan, the master of the Xu family, it will definitely give Xu family a heavy blow to Xu Ziyan. The water we have to do is not leaking, we can't let any of the monks from this time come out. So even if Xu Ziyan doubts us, I am not sure."

“Not bad! It’s not easy to get rid of them by our three Mahayana monks!”

"Ha ha ha..."


Xu Family, Lotus Peak, the House of the Episcopal!

Xu Xingfan is high above the main character. There are not many people in the main hall. Because some of the monks at the main level of the temple have been sent out, some of them have been taken away by Xu Ziyan, and only ten and a half steps of the small ancient vines are left. Two are inside the main hall. Xu Dingyang and Xu Dingtian are also inside the hall. There are also some elders. Xu Xing's eyes swept over the people in the hall and said:

"Everybody. My aunt once told me that I want to move my aunt's teacher, Tai Xuanzong, to the Wanjianzong site in the oriental Xiuxian world. Nowadays, the high-ranking monks on the mainland of the sky are in the town, which is the period of strength and emptiness. Therefore, I decided to lead the Xujia disciples to occupy the Wanjianzong site at this time."


The Xu family's monks within the hall nodded, and the self-confidence of the monks of the Xu family today is called an expansion! I feel that there is nothing they can't do. As long as Xu Xingfan mentions it, it is all passed.

but. After all, Xu Dingyang is an old man, thinking more. He resolutely opposed Xu Xing's personal visit, and his proposal was approved by all the monks in the main hall. The reason is very simple. Xu Ziyan has already been in the town. If Xu Xingfan leaves Xu, then how can the Xu family not have a king?

And if Xu Xingfan has something wrong, who will pay for this responsibility? Therefore, in the end, Xu Xingfan had to agree to stay in the Xu family, and watched Xu Dingyang lead the team with a half-step Mahayana. And three hundred Xu family direct disciples. And two thousand Xu family who went to the Xu family to leave the vast family, flew to the oriental cultivation of the world.

Xu Dingyang and Xiao Gu Teng lived in the middle, surrounded by three hundred direct disciples around them, and two thousand surnames. The clothes are fluttering and the clouds are moving.

At the forefront of the team is also a high flag. Embroidered with a large character: "Xu".

The flag flutters in the wind and hunts. Now the strength of Xu family can not be underestimated, not to mention the direct strength of Xu family, Xu Dingyang brought out the two thousand surname disciples this time, the lowest repair is also the Yuan Ying period monk, there is also the monk in the late part of the distraction, the momentum between the moment Chongtian, let the passing people look at them.

Xu Dingyang has not left for a long time, Xu Xingfan secretly found the last small ancient rattan road in the Xu family:

"Guteng, let's go!"

Xiao Gu Teng’s face stunned: “The deputy patriarch, where are we going?”

Xu Xing thieves looked around and looked around: "Of course, I went to the ruins of Wan Jianzong in the Eastern Xiu Xianjie! What do you mean at home? Let's go out and see!"

Xiao Gu Teng’s face changed: “The deputy patriarch, can’t! You won’t let you go! You are the king of Xu’s family. If you have an accident, Xu’s family can’t afford it!”

Xu Xingfan didn't take it for granted: "Aunt also let me go out and practice? Isn't this an opportunity for experience? Besides, I am also the peak of distraction in the middle of the day, and you will be accompanied by this half-step Mahayana. What will happen at this time? thing?"

"But..." Little Guteng hesitated: "If we leave, who is here to sit down!"

Xu Xingfan puts a hand in his hand: "The Xu family has a big battle, and the top ancestors will use it, and there will be no accidents."


"What is this, there is no big deal in the family of Xu, and the army of Xu family has already set off. Naturally, it will attract the eyes of the monks who cultivate the immortals in the East. The two of us quietly follow behind, who will pay attention to us?

Besides, where is the master on the mainland of China? The masters are in the town to close the ancient relics, and we can cross the vast continent with two of us, let alone an oriental monk. I am a deputy patriarch, don't you listen to me? Don't be embarrassed, let's go! ”

Xu Dingyang entered the oriental Xiuxian world with a team of more than 2,000 monks, but made the Oriental Xiuxian Alliance feel uneasy. I am afraid that Xu Jia is ready to work on the oriental cultivation of the fairy world. Today's Xu family can't prevent the attention of the various parties on the entire mainland, a family of three major monks, and this does not include Yanshan soul.

Occupying a territory of more than 200,000 miles, with hundreds of thousands of monks, this is definitely a super power. Even the forces of the Central Plains have scruples about the Xu family, and they do not need to cultivate the fairy world.

For a time, the Oriental Xiuxianjies were all tense, paying close attention to the movements of the two thousand monks of Xu. If Xu Jia really wants to force a certain sect of the Eastern Xiu Xianjie to invest in the Xu family, then the Eastern Alliance of Immortals must make up their minds and fight with Xu.

The main line of the Eastern Xiu Xianmeng Alliance and the vice-president of the Confederate are also anxious. After the escape of the ancient ruins of the last time, the ancient ruins of the town were not dare to go.

Not bad!

Because of Lingbao Island, the pipeline and the fortune are thinking of forming an alliance with Xu, but that is only an alliance, not an affiliate of Xu.

What makes them most worried is that they don't understand what the Xu family's goal of this action is. I want to think about it. Since the Xu family army has entered the oriental cultivation of the immortal world, it is not good to be the ally of the oriental cultivation of the immortal world. As a result, the entire pipeline and the fortune ushered in the second day when Xu Dingyang entered the oriental Xiuxian world.

After some chilling and understanding of the Xu family's intentions, the pipeline and the fortune left in a confused way. They really can't understand why Xu family will occupy the Wanjianzong site. It has become a ruin. The most important thing is that the geographical location is not far from the big home, but far apart.

If it is bordered, it can be seen that Xu is gradually expanding its power and wants to completely control the oriental cultivation of the world. However, the site of the Wanjian Swords is really far from the home of Xu, and it is simply not connected.

However, in any case, I did not see the appearance of Xu’s powerful expansion forces. Although the Xu family went deep into the oriental Xiu Xianjie to occupy the Wanjianzong site, their hearts were not very happy. However, if it is for this reason and the Xu family, this is really worth the candle.

At the same time, they also calculated their own small abacus in their hearts. If Xu’s family had a force to occupy the Wanjianzong site, then when Lingbao Island was making waves in the oriental cultivation of the fairyland, Xu Jia could not look at it. From this point of view, it is beneficial to the oriental cultivation of the fairyland. Therefore, the pipeline and the fortune not only did not object, but also informed the entire Oriental Xiu Xianjie to open the door to Xu Jia. Let Xu’s trip to the East be very smooth.

Xu Jia rebuilt Wan Jianzong in a big way, and Xu Xingfan and Xiao Guteng opened a temporary cave house in a mountain range not far from Wanjianzong site. When they practiced, they practiced and sneaked when they were fine. Look at the scene of Xu’s reconstruction of Wan Jianzong.

Neither Xu Dingyang nor Xu Xingfan expected that there were three Mahayana monks around them who had been watching the Wanjianzong site, and repeatedly searched for Xu Xingfan in the two thousand monks. The three of them did not know Xu Xingfan, but stared at the Xu family, especially Xu Dingyang. They believed that with their rich experience, they would be able to distinguish who was Xu Xingfan from the look of Xu Dingyang.


Double pink ticket, can't help but ask!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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