The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1101: Mid-term Mahayana (plus pink tickets)

I am very grateful to wqiy2003 classmates, shadow-wind classmates, hknt16104 classmates, Tao Lezhi classmates, plums ~~~ classmates, book friends 080422224527034 classmates, Xiaoyan 0012001 classmates, blooming Xiahe classmates, socy123456 classmates, Ziqi classmates, Shunshun 666 Classmates, Songlin Pony classmates, cool snake classmates, I, light-scented scholars, wind dance skirts, classmates in the wind, Zipin students, pink tickets from yinpp students!


Fortunately, Xu Xingfan was afraid of being discovered by Xu Dingyang and has been very cautiously peeking. Moreover, most of his time, in addition to cultivation, he went to the mountains to hunt and kill the monsters in the distance. The small days were too full and he was full, and he was far more comfortable than staying in the Xu family to deal with some cumbersome things.

This day has passed for half a month, Wang Woyun, Yunfeifeng and Bai Xiyan are somewhat unsettled. Because they have never found Xu Xingfan. I can't stay here all the time. In the end, the three Mahayana decision was carefully searched for three days. If Xu Xingfan could not be found after three days, they would kill more than two thousand monks in the Wanjianzong site. Whether he has Xu Xingfan, he is killed.

Just as they were ready to do so, the lord of the Oriental Xiu Xianjie suddenly appeared at the Wan Jianzong site. It turned out that there was a sudden crisis in the northern front, and a large number of ghosts in the world began to launch a fierce counterattack, making the line of defense in jeopardy. The northern defense line immediately sent a message of help to the rear. In the days when the four majors were not in use, the entire northern defense line was controlled by a war alliance of the four Mahayana.

After receiving this message. Immediately issued a levy order to the various sects of the entire mainland, even the scattered repairs. A batch of monks rushed toward the northern defense line.

The Oriental Xiu Xianjie naturally received such an order. The pipe runs all the way to Wan Jianzong, but it is a good heart. Just ask if the Xu family has received the news to go to the northern defense line. He did not know that Xu family did not have to participate in this ghost war. Just know that in the ghost catastrophe in the past few days, the Xu family took the initiative to attack and killed countless ghosts in the world. So, come and go to the northern defense line with Xu.

Xu Dianyang and Xu Jiaxuan disciples naturally know that Xu family does not have to participate in this battle with the ghost world. But the two thousand new foreigner disciples don’t know! These foreigner disciples are all the same as the pipelines. They only know that Xu’s family has played a very powerful role in the last catastrophe.

Moreover, the most important thing is that the friends and relatives of these newly-received surname disciples have suffered numerous deaths and injuries in the catastrophe. They have a hard hatred for the ghost world. Therefore, when the pipeline was all in talks with Xu Dingyang in the house, the people brought by the pipeline had already informed the Xujia disciples outside the house. This is the next. These newly received Xu family monks immediately red eyes, one by one noisy to go to the northern defense. It was the 300-year-old disciple who was extremely excited and wanted to see the northern defense. I only feel that in such a war, if I did not go to the northern defense line to participate personally, it would be a regret for a lifetime.

In fact, Xu Dingyang also wants to see it. He also came out from the north, and he came out from the northern secular world. He did not know whether the catastrophe in the north had spread to the secular world. Moreover, Tai Xuanzong also stayed there for a short time. It was the teacher of Ziyan. He also wanted to hear something about Tai Xuanzong. Since Xu Ziyan went to the town to close the ancient ruins, he did not know the message of the north.

I had an idea and saw the expressions of the old and new monks of Xu. Xu Dingyang immediately made a decision, leaving 200 people to stay here, and the remaining monks went all the way to the northern defense line.

The Xu family walked with the entire pipeline, and when it arrived at the assembly site one day later, it was seen that the Xu family monks were boiling. There are hundreds of thousands of monks gathered here. And there are still monks who are gathering here.

Among the people who gathered here. There are Xu Xingfan and Xiao Guteng. At this time, both of them are dressed in a loose dress. When Xu Zhi disciples on the ruins of Wan Jianzong began to leave in the distance, Xu Xingfan did not understand why this was the case.

and so. The two men followed Xu Dingyang far away, and waited until they saw the grand scene of the assembly point. Xu Xingfan seems to understand what. Sure enough, when he was mixed in as a dissertation, a little inquiries were exactly the same as his guess. He is very excited, but Little Guteng is very nervous.

"Deputy patriarch, let's go back!" Xiao Gu Teng said with a low voice.

Xu Xingfan looked excitedly at the surrounding conditions and shook his head slightly: "The family has gone, how can I return alone at this time? Don't say, let's go see the northern defense."

Xiao Gu Teng looked bitter and sneaked into the storage ring. There was a jade jade that Xu Ziyan gave him when he left Xu. The original Xu Ziyan secretly gave the two small ancient vines of the town to the Xu family a jade. Let them protect Xu Xingfan. If you are in danger, notify her immediately.

Looking up at Xu Xingfan, who was excited, he thought that there was no danger in front of him, then he put down his hand again, but his eyes were full of worries.

At the end of the town, Xu Ziyan was sitting in a spiritual spring at the same time. Although the Lingquan was gradually dissipating, it was estimated that it would be distributed in the mainland on the mainland for about half a year, but the spiritual power gathered at this time was It is better than the power of the Linghu Lake that Zi Ziyan made in the family.

Numerous spirits were turned into aura and absorbed by Xu Ziyan, so that the realm of Xu Ziyan was rapidly increasing. Before reaching the barrier in the middle of the Mahayana, it was constantly trying to break.

Xu Ziyan’s state of mind has no problem, and he has already surpassed the middle of the Mahayana. However, because Xu Ziyan’s cultivation is Qiankun’s, the mid-term barriers of the Mahayana are too strong.

Xu Ziyan feels that with the current concentration of aura, it is natural that he can make a breakthrough, but the time will be very long. Maybe he will stay here for half a year, and there is still this Lingquan completely dispersed, so that he can not break through. Possible.

Xu Ziyan no longer waits. Anyway, all of them are in the big circle at this time, and they are all practicing, and they will not pay attention to themselves. Then he secretly took out a piece of Xiandan chaos, and immediately appeared in the body, and this spiritual power with a lot of fairy power, rushing out of the meridian of Xu Ziyan, in the meridian Run in, then rush into her dantian.

Xu Ziyan's body is slightly twitching, that is, she has the physical condition of the second product, otherwise it may not be acceptable to change to other people. It is to be able to endure and experience the pain of purgatory.

However, Xu Ziyan relies on the physique of his own spirits, although it also has pain, but it is within the range of tolerance. When a chaotic Dan made the immortal force hit the Mahayana mid-term barrier, Xu Ziyan immediately took the second chaotic Dan, and waited until she took nine chaos, and the body made a "clam" sound. Xu Ziyan only felt that the body was light, and then a kind of refreshing description that was difficult to describe in words was sprinkled on the soul and body of Xu Ziyan.

Once again, the purple smoke space has doubled its exaggeration, and another galaxy has been created. Now there are three galaxies within the space of Xu Ziyan. Within each galaxy, there are millions of planets that are slowly turning.

The aura of the outside world rushed inwardly into the body of Xu Ziyan. The Lingquan around the body formed a vortex with Xu Ziyan as the center, constantly infiltrating into the body of Xu Ziyan.

One day and one night, Xu Ziyan was stable in the middle of the Mahayana. However, Xu Ziyan did not end his cultivation, but stopped the Qiang Kun, and took up the sword.

The operation of Jianqi is more painful than that of Qiankun, because this sword is completely a spell of refining, and countless swords are in the body of Xu Ziyan. At this time, Xu Ziyan is like a world of swords. Silky swords are constantly forging the body of Xu Ziyan, its meat, its ribs, its bones, its marrow, its dirty. Let Xu Ziyan's body be more dense, reflecting the sparkling white light. The body climbed from the second product of the spirit to the three products... four products... five products... six products... seven products! Finally stay above the strength of the body of the Seven Spirits.

Xu Ziyan spit out a sigh of relief, spewing two auras from the nostrils, and circling like two tiny dragons. Slowly opened his eyes and looked towards the surrounding monks.

First of all, the gaze is on the body of hope. The look is a shock. At this time, the hope is working hard toward the peak of the Mahayana, and by looking at his momentum, he can conclude that he hopes to successfully break through the peak of the Mahayana period. It is only a matter of time. . As hoped, he does not lack the precipitation of his mind. As long as he is cultivated, he will break through the peak of Mahayana without any suspense. Xu Ziyan can not help but sigh, the heart secretly:

"It seems that after the Yanshan soul has soared, this hope has to soar. Oh, the strength of the Xu family on the mainland has fallen again."

Looking at the white and looking at the past, I saw that Xiaobai is making a breakthrough in the mid-term of the tenth-order monster. Seeing her appearance seems to have no problem. Seeing this imposing manner of Xiaobai, Xu Ziyan was happy again. Even if the Xu family is left with only two members of the Mahayana and the White, the mid-term monks are not afraid of any forces on the mainland. Because the mid-term of Xu Ziyan and Xiaobai is different from the mid-term of other monks.

What qualifications are two people?

Xiaobai is a descendant of the ancient gods! Even if she is in the middle of the Mahayana, she can definitely challenge the peak of Mahayana! What about purple smoke? She is even more arrogant than Xiaobai. She is a person who has space in the body. She used to be the master of the distraction and dared to challenge Wang Zaiyun, who was originally cultivated in the early days of Mahayana, not to mention that she is now in the middle of the Mahayana. Xu Ziyan's heart is calculated. If it is singled out, I am afraid that no one in the vast mainland today is an opponent of his own, even if he hopes to break through to the peak of the Mahayana.

With joy in my heart, I look at other people.


First, I will ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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