The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1102: This is where I am coming (plus a pink ticket!)

Thank you very much hknt16104 (100), Shun Shun 666 students (99) for the reward!


Yang Linglong seems to have the benefits of the death of the dead and the broken beads, and the love of the soul of the person Fan Haixin died of the state of mind, at this time the repair has been stable in the early days of Mahayana, is trying to further impact. Xu Ziyan just glanced at it and decided that even if Yang Linglong could not break through the middle of the Mahayana.

Gong Sunlin broke through the peak of distraction in the later period, while Gongzi Forging and Ling Yijian were too fast because of the cultivation, and the state of mind was not able to keep up, although at this time they were constantly impacting the barriers of the late distraction, but Xu Ziyan felt The two of them have reached the peak of the mid-dividend peak at most. However, with this rich aura precipitation, as long as their minds have a breakthrough, they will successfully break through to the distraction later.

The eyes turned to Xu Haoce, Xu Haohe, Xu Haolong, Xu Haoran, and Xu Qinglian in turn, and found that the cultivation of these five people was also working hard to break through the distraction. And the possibilities for success are great.

Because five Xu disciples died in the ancient ruins, there were twenty Xu disciples left, and they all worked hard to break through the middle of distraction.

Xu Ziyan nodded in joy and walked away from the big array.

Going outside the big array, looking around, I saw that the towns and towns at this time were full of monks, and they were here to cultivate and improve their cultivation. And the big forces like the solitary smoke of Ximen are all set up in the array. In the heart of Xu Ziyan, I really want to open the eyes of Wu Peng through the big array to see how much the solitary smokers of Ximen and others have cultivated, but in the end they still have not done so. It has just broken through both Qiankun and Jianqi. Xu Ziyan didn't want to continue practicing again. He then stood in the hands of the law, and while he was protecting the law, he began to play the second character.

In the East, the world is cultivated. Xu Dingyang took the Xujia monk and the hundreds of thousands of monks in the pipeline to meet and fled toward the northern defense line. Not far from the remains of Wan Jianzong, three people look at the mighty team and stand between the thick white clouds.

"Wang Xiong. I have already asked my daughter to flutter. I said that the northern ghost world Rakshasa suddenly increased its troops. The human monks have been defeated in succession. Now they have completely retreated into the line of defense and are under tremendous pressure. Looking for help from the rear, it is estimated that the ghost emperor’s injury is good!"

Bai Xiyan also looked at Wang Woyun: "Wang Xiong, what do we do? It is better for us to go and destroy the strength of the Xu family!"

Wang Liyun’s eyes flashed a sigh of sharpness: “It’s just to destroy all the peripheral forces of Xu’s family. It’s not as good as killing Xu Xing. You know that he is the king of the next generation after the purple smoke. If he can kill him It’s definitely a heavy blow to Xu’s.”

"But, maybe that Xu Xingfan did not come out at all, but hid in the Xu family..." Yunfeifeng said with some suspicion.

Wang Liyun shook his head and said, "I have a strong sense of foreboding. Xu Xingfan is definitely not in the family. Xuxing is not a master of peace. When I was in the haunt of ghosts, even our superpowers Close the mountain gate. Do not let anyone enter, but Xu Xingfan dared to put the monks into the Xu family, and then the opportunity of the catastrophe to recruit all the monks, this has the scale of the great family.

In this matter, Xu Ziyan did not have much force, because at that time Xu Ziyan was still in the town to close the ancient remains. Therefore, I firmly believe that this time the Xu family came to the East to rebuild Wan Jianzong, which is the idea of ​​Xu Xingfan, and the person who made his mind will never shrink in the Xu family. He is among the thousands of people in Xu family, but we have not found it. ”

"The meaning of the brother Wang..."

"We also make up the northern defense line. We must kill Xu Xingfan in the northern defense line. As long as Xu Xingfan died, Xu Ziyan must be confused. Maybe it will give us the chance to kill her. Besides, even if Xu Ziyan is not confused, we kill The king of the future of Xu family. This is not only a heavy blow to Xu’s prestige, but also will make the forces of the parties who belong to the Xu family flustered. Let them know that the return of the Xu family is not their blessing but their reminder By then, as long as we eliminate the peripheral forces of several Xu family, this big Xu family will collapse!"

"Good! Let's go to the northern defense line!" Yunfeifeng and Bai Xiyan said.

Three people just about to leave, Bai Xiyan turned to look at the monk who stayed at the Wan Jianzong, and said softly:

"these people……"

"Don't be a stunned snake, these are just ants, and Xu Xing is the main one."


The northern defense line built a wall that stretched hundreds of thousands of miles, which were quickly established by monks using spells. The monks who came here are all above the knot period, and there are many monks in the distraction period. These people used a technique to cut out a huge piece of neat stone, and then it was very fast to use the handling method to build a wall that stretched hundreds of thousands of miles. The slower is the post-layout method.

However, at this time, the hundreds of thousands of miles of walls are shrouded in the formation. The atmosphere is magnificent and magnificent.

Xu Dingyang came to the northern defense line with the pipeline and looked toward the defense line. Can not help but sigh in my heart:


At this time, the constant source of the monks from all over the country came to the northern defense line, and the Xu family monks also entered the line of defense.

The things that are being negotiated with the defense commanders are not rounded up, and everything has to go through the pipeline. The Xu family was only stationed along with the monks of the Oriental Xiu Xianjie.

And Xu Xingfan and Xiao Guteng also mixed into the defense line, and mixed with some of the scattered repairs in the oriental Xiu Xianjie. However, no one found out that he was the deputy chief of the Xu family and the future Xu family.

Wang Liyun, Yunfeifeng and Bai Xiyan also hide their breath and changed their appearance into the line of defense. Bai Xiyan gave Wang Liyun and Yunfeifeng two separate spiritual treasures, one of which was to gather the spiritual treasure, and to adjust the three people's breath to the cultivation of the gods. A illusion changed the appearance of three people. No one recognizes these three people as the top monks on the vast continent.

After being stationed, these new monks could not sit still and wanted to see the defense. Then they came out of the station one by one, and they rushed toward the line of defense.

No one blocked them, and the top executives were happy that these new monks would soon see the war outside the line of defense, and the province would get confused.

Xu Dingyang took Xiao Gu Teng and a few Xu family monks to travel to the defense line, and Xu Xingfan walked with the little ancient vines at random. He didn't follow Xu Dingyang at this time. When he got here, he felt that everything was very novel and he was walking around.

At this time, these new monks around are talking excitedly while walking:

"Have you heard that? At this time, our human monks are fighting outside the defense line and the ghost world of Raksha!"

"How come? Isn't our human monk already returned to the line of defense, staying in danger? How can you run outside the line of defense and fight with the ghosts?"

"Cut, are you still human? Do you still have any bones? Do we humans let the ghosts fight like this? We naturally have to go out and fight with the ghosts. And the Alliance has also issued a reward, killing the ghost world Rakshasa The more you get, the more rewards you get."

Xu Dingyang listened to the spirit and immediately rushed to the line with Xiao Gu Teng and a few Xu family monks. Standing on the wall, looking at the two sides, the left and right are the endless walls, like a dragon hovering.

Looking out of the city wall, tens of thousands of human monks and overwhelming ghosts of the Rakshasa are violently strangled together. Various instruments, symbols, and the sound of spell blasting are deafening. All kinds of colors are beautiful in the sky. The sound of killing is even more straight into the sky.

Xu Dingyang glanced down and saw a tired and tired monk. It was not new when he saw it. It should be a monk who had been defending for a long time here.

"Dao friends, what is the situation?"

The monk smiled and shook his head and said: "The recent offensive in the ghost world is getting more and more fierce, and their number is far more than us. If we don't have this wall, and the ghosts don't come back, I am afraid a few months ago. The ghost world will be repeated again."

Xu Dingyang heard it and his mood was heavy. Before coming to the shield of the city wall, staring out to the outside. At this time, the sky was near dusk, and the earth gradually enveloped in a darkness. Everything outside the wall is very clear.

There is a continuous stream of shouting and mourning between the heavens and the earth. Rao is the age of Xu Dingyang, and it is also shocked by the scenes. Not only a few of them, but all these new monks are stunned. At the edge of the city wall not far from Xu Dingyang, Xu Xingfan was also shocked to see the battlefield outside.

This is the war in the cultivation of the world!

Every monk's look became dignified, his hands couldn't help but clench tightly, and his breathing became heavy. These monks did not kill people. On the contrary, they all killed a lot, but wars of this scale were never seen before.

Shouting killing, mourning, bursting sounds gathered together to synthesize an infinite bang that is going to break the sky, and the waves of flesh and blood caused by each other’s collisions are in front of them, if there is no array The shield is protected, and the blood and minced meat will be sprayed on their faces.

The densely-packed Ghosts of the Rakshasa are constantly slamming against the lines of defense of tens of thousands of human monks outside the city walls. All kinds of spells were dazzling, Xu Dingyang almost stopped breathing, and his eyes watched everything in front of him in a blink of an eye. The small ancient vines and the faces of several Xu disciples are shocked and solemn.

Xu Xingfan's hands clenched into fists, and the nails did not feel pain in the palm of his hand. A sly heart almost jumped out of the chest. I only feel that I am boiling, and whispered to myself:

"This is where I am coming!"


Second, the comrades, not at the end of the month, is the end of the year! That's awesome, pink ticket!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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