The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1103: From the fire patriarchs (plus a pink ticket!)

Warmly congratulate Wen Xiaowen, Faywen students become the best!


Xu Xing has been a greenhouse flower for many years. After following Xu Ziyan, I felt that I have grown up and I can be alone. However, I saw this grandeur in front of me... cruel... bloody...

Life is lost at any time, and everything is smothered.

In front of Xu Xing's eyes, a personal class of scholars fluttered. Just a person who was alive and kicking, disappeared after a while, as if there had never been a person between him and the world. Only the **** blood in the air reminded him that the man was still there.

At this time, a group of innocent ghosts rushed over the ground, and they did not care about the array of shields, straight through, and then climbed toward the wall.

In this way, the monks within the wall also acted, and they took out their own prepared bows and arrows, long knives and other weapons, and innocent ghosts killed one. The sky, the ground, the city, the city, all are ruthlessly killing.

The new monks also want to join the battle, but they are scolded back by the monks guarding the defense. The cooperation of the old monks is very tacit, there are full-time archery, there are shielded **** shooters, and there are also all kinds of weapons and rushing innocent ghosts...

All the new monks were shocked, and at this time, over the endless walls, the shield suddenly broke through countless mouths, and countless human monks smashed out of the mouth, and the crowds were like An angry dragon rushed out and killed the ghost in the sky.

Look at the costumes of each monk. All the disciples of the entire continent are on the mainland. At this time there is no trace between them because they have a common enemy.


At this time, it condenses into a piece of iron!


The vast continent.

A mountain in the south, a dungeon.

Within the hall, the high-rises of the flames gather together. And there are eight faces, these eight people are from the fire family in the fire. The atmosphere inside the main hall was a bit dignified.

At this time, a raw face, that is, the family of the fire family from the fire sect became blood red because of anger. He sat in the middle of the main chair that represented strength, with his hands on the armrests of the chair. It is holding the fists. The beard was very fierce, his eyes swept away from the fire sitting underneath, and finally shouted:

"Now it is the time when the sky is empty in the sky. Why don't you fire the robbery? You know that the people in the Clan are trying to restore the honor of the fire, and they will work hard to get back from the cloud family. We need a lot. The cultivation resources! Resources! Do you understand?"

His eyes are getting stronger and stronger, sweeping through the crowd like a knife. Every monk ducked his gaze and lowered his head slightly. The fire dance also draped slightly, but the hands were tightly clenched into fists, and the bones were white because of force.

This person sitting in the main position is the representative from the fire family in the fire, called Huowei. More than two hundred years old, but it has reached the peak of the peak of distraction. The character was just conceited and his eyes were extremely dissatisfied with the violent body. He said:

"Now all the monks are concentrated in the northern defense line. And the masters have gone to the ancient ruins. This is a good time for your flames to plunder, but you are not doing here, do you let the people of the sect not cultivated? Going to take away the foundation of the fire?"

The violent eyelids were pumping, but there was no sound. In this way, Huowei is even more unhappy, and has a cold voice:

"Fire, you have to give me an explanation!"

The sigh of suffocation took a moment and finally returned to calmness: "We are elders, not that we are not going to pass the flames, but we have not yet unified opinions."

The fire was cold and cold. It wasn’t until the fire was a bit unnatural that he said: “Fire. You are still not the leader of the flame? Is it not in the flame that you said it?”

The violent hand shook hands unconsciously. For these people in the Zong, the fire is annoyed from the heart. If it really fights, Huowei is not a fierce opponent. With the repair of the peak of the fire in the late stage, you can easily kill the fire. but. He can't do that.

In his heart, he is still afraid of the Clan. This fear is that he was born from an early age. At that time, he saw his father, his grandfather's respect for the Clan, and he had planted a dreaded seed in his heart. And most importantly, he recently felt the pressure of the fire dance, and nearly one-third of the people in the flame began to support the fire dance, so that he had a kind of flame to get rid of the feeling of control.

He began to support the fire dance because the fire dance had the recognition of the fire lamp. He wanted to train the fire dance and compete with the Clan. However, this does not mean that he gave the flame to the fire dance. The flame finally decided what he said fiercely.

Nowadays, he and the fire dance have serious differences in their ideas. At this time, the Zong Nei people also sent elders. He wanted to let the elders of the sects come to the fire and let the fire dance know that his qualifications were still shallow. Therefore, when Huowei once again rebuked him, he resisted anger, but said faintly:

"We are elders, this is not a question that I can’t count on in the flames, but that our flames always agree to the thoughts before they are good for action."

"What else should be unified?" Huowei said impatiently: "The monks on the mainland are one of the stupid pigs in captivity. They know what battles, and your flames have been plundering for more than 80,000 years. With a lot of experience in killing, is there anyone in the flame who is afraid?"

The fire whispered in my heart: "You are a stupid pig in captivity!"

But he naturally would not say it, and the people in the tribe only used their flames as a tool to plunder resources, which made him very resentful and angry. Therefore, it is also a face that no longer speaks.

Huowei saw the fierce color, and he secretly sneered. The gang of flames really regarded themselves as adult objects, but it was the **** that was eliminated by the Zong Nei fire home. If it was not for you, would the Zong Nei people take care of you? However, he also knows that the Clanone people need flames to plunder resources for them, seeing a gloomy face, or suppressing the contempt and anger in their hearts, saying coldly:

“Who is not in line with your opinion?”

The fire is a joy, but he does not want to put the fire dance on the bright side, his expectations for fire dance is still very high. He was afraid that when he was angry, he would kill the fire dance. So, still faintly said:

"This is a matter inside the flame. Since the Zong Nei people have issued orders for looting, I think there will be no objection anymore. I will arrange for the disciples to go out and plunder tomorrow."

In the heart of the fire, I believe that the fire dance is sitting here now, naturally I heard the orders of the elders of the sect, and saw the face of the elders of the sect. I will not dare to oppose the action of going out and looting. In this way, the fire dance is pressed down, the flame is regained in his own hands, and the fire dance is not handed over. Presumably the fire dance will also grateful to himself in the heart, and will not sing against himself again in the future.

However, he neglected the determination of the fire dance to change the flame, and ignored the resentment of the fire dance to the Clan, especially this fire. Starting from the fire, sitting here, every sentence, every expression is high, there is no view of the flames of the monks as a tribe, completely in the flame as a tool in their hands, which completely runs counter to the ideal of fire dancing. How does this make fire dance endure?

If you endure this time, the prestige that you have built up will collapse and no one will trust himself from now on. Those who have already supported themselves will also abandon themselves. The flame will really continue to be a hooligan for a lifetime, and never want to turn over.

Therefore, when the fierce voice just fell, the fire dance stood up from the chair:

"Elders of Kailu, I have something to say!"

"Well?" Fireway first glanced at the fire, and then looked at the fire dance, revealing the sarcasm in his eyes:

"What is your name?"

"Fire dance!"

"Hey! Are you the one who is against the fire?" Huo Wei’s gaze is like a two-handed sword spurting to the fire.

The fire dance is a faint expression: "Weir elders, now the high-ranking monks on the mainland have gone to the ancient ruins in order to restore the aura of the mainland. The other monks are fighting against the ghosts in the northern defense for the peace of mankind. And at this time, we have to plunder in the rear of mankind. Everyone is a public, and I am a firehouse. Is this inappropriate?"

"Let's relax!" The fiery look was in a hurry. Although he was very angry with fire, he did not want to be fired and killed by Huo Wei. I hurriedly shouted:

"There is nothing wrong with you here, you give me out!"

"Slow!" Huowei’s words stopped the words of the fire, his eyes narrowed slightly, his eyes swayed in the cracks, and the sound squeezed out of his teeth:

"Fire dance! Hehe..., courage is not small! What is the flame? Is it rogue! What can you do without robbery? Is it a time to robbery and robbery? When does rogue become good?"

One of the hooligans of the fire was so uncomfortable in the hearts of the flames in the hall, but no one dared to speak. The muscles of the fire and dance face are somewhat distorted, and it is mad. Step forward on the chest:

"Yes, the flames are rogue. But it is in peacetime. There is no conscience in the flames, and it is impossible to smash the knife behind human beings in the battle between humans and ghosts. So what is the difference between us and the ghost world?"

"Let's go!" This time, Huowei was furious. People who have never had a flame dare to smash it with him, and their hearts can’t help but kill.

The fire dance is a step-by-step approach: "The flame is not born or flowing, nor will it be a rogue for a lifetime. This rogue will not be done from today!"


Third, the ringing is even more, double the monthly pass! The comrades are asking for tickets!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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