The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1104: Rush (add more pink)

I am very grateful to Kang Wei, classmates 110404195134303, jlfr drinking water source students, LRS0319 classmates, forty-four students, lhq5878 classmates, MarcZ classmates, rilla001 classmates, oriental feathers classmates, classmates, eryanu classmates, Shun Shun 666 classmates I want to be a classmate, I am a Fu 666 classmate, espflykite classmate, Xian Yi floating classmate, I am not Angel classmate, light purple 1985 classmate, xucui576938 classmate, quiet ^_^ bookmate classmate, soul first classmate, dark fragrance Classmates, parasitic heaven and earth classmates, Fengquanyi classmates, maryji classmates, accompanying] classmates pink ticket!


"Hehehe..." Huo Wei hated and laughed. He turned to look at the cold and cold and said: "Fire, is this what you mean?"

The flaming look is a little flustered: "We are elders, and the fire is young and ignorant. You should not be acquainted with him."

In the eyes of the fire, the murderous air is flashing: "Since it is not what you mean, I will help you kill this person who opposed you!"

The fire slammed out of the chair and said: "Weir, give me a face..."

Huo Wei’s face sank and stared at the fire. “Is this what you mean? Fire, do you want to rebel?”

The look on the flaming face changed fiercely. To be honest, he really had enough of the Clan. And I really don't want to dance and dance, and I wondered if I was turning face with Huo Wei. The fire dance on the side is also looking forward to the fire. But at this time. The cold voice of Huowei came again:

"Fire, don't think about resistance. Do you know why no one dared to rebel against the tribes in the flames for more than 80 years?"

"Why?" The fire was a little confused, and this was where he had never understood. The Zong Ne people are so insulting the flames, why have they been over 80,000 years. Has been pleading for the whole?

"Oh..." Huo Wei sneered: "Because the Clan people know too much about your flames, your distribution of power is very clear. As long as you dare not obey, the Zong Nei people can distribute your forces to the whole sky. The mainland announced that by that time, the destruction of your flames was only an instant."


The fire masters in all the halls were smashed from the chairs, and the eyes that looked at Huowei were full of killings. The violent hands clenched and suddenly raised their heads and laughed:

"Ha ha ha...

This is my tribe!

This is the family of our flames!

This is the tribe that our flames have always respected! This

It is the people who have been fighting for the flames!

Fireway! ”

The fire screamed and shook, and the hall shook: "Your Zong people are looking at our flames as a human being? You stupid pigs who are captive, even dare to threaten us. Today I will kill you, thoroughly Get rid of your inner fire!"

"Kill me? Hahaha..." Huowei said with a disdainful smile: "Do you think that there is nothing wrong with killing me? The distribution of your flames is recorded in the Zong Nei fire home, as long as you dare to kill me. Tomorrow is The day of the demise of your flames!"

The fire and the flame monk in the hall heard a glimpse, since the look on the face could not change, there was anger, shame, sorrow, fear...

"Want to kill me? Come on!" Huowei slammed up and shouted.

The flaming body had begun to tremble, and his fingers trembled and pointed at the fire and shouted: "Kill our flames. Are you willing? Are you willing to plunder the resources for you?"

Huowei shook his sleeves and looked at the fire with contempt, slowly sitting back on the chair and sarcastically said:

"Fire, don't take your flames too high. There are certainly more resources for you, but there is no big deal with you. Fire homes can't have this resource, but they will never go to disobedience." Dog!"


"Hey! A disobedient dog can be a hassle, it’s better to kill a little bit of resources!"

The violent expression changed drastically, and the whole body was constantly shaking, and finally it was a sigh in his face. The Clanone can kill the flame as a dog. But he was too angry to watch his hundreds of thousands of flame people die in front of his own eyes.

Two lines of turbid tears flowed down. The fire closed his eyes and he slammed into the ground.

"Hey!" In the eyes of Huowei, it was even more disdainful: "When a dog wants to be a dog's consciousness. I know why now, why must I be!"

The tremble violently, bowed his head and said: "Xie Wei elders learn!"

"Hey. This elder is not too much. How can we say that we are all surnamed fire. Although you are all scums that have been eliminated by the firehouse. Now I want to deflate me, I want the Zongzhong people not to get angry, you immediately give me Two things, I haven't happened anything!"

"The two things? Please show the elders!"

"First, you will kill me with the fire dance here. Second, I will start looting immediately tomorrow!"

"Elders, the flames will go to the plunder tomorrow, but can you give me a face and dance?"

"Impossible!" Huo Wei shouted: "I will announce that he is a traitor to the fire house now, and ordered you to kill him immediately! Hey, is it that his life is worth more than the lives of hundreds of thousands of people?" Is it important?"

The fire trembled and stood up from the ground, slowly turning around and looking at the fire dance. The fire dance is also looking at the fire, and the eyes are full of disappointment.

"The patriarch, can't kill the fire!" The six flame elders stood up.

"Do you want to rebel?" The muscles on the flaming face twitched.

"No!" an elder said with a deep heart: "We are trying to keep the flame!"

"How do you keep the flames? You are going to let the flames go out! Do we have a choice for the flames?" The violent eyes were full of despair.

The fire dance and the six elders saw endless murderousness from the gaze of desperate gaze. They know that there is nothing to talk about with the fire! The fire is also done to preserve the flames, because once the Zongmen people exposed the distribution of the flames, the flames were completely over. but. The six elders are also very clear in their hearts. If they surrender at this time, then there is no difference between them and the flames. But it is the tool in the hands of the firehouse in the Zongmen. Living a life like a walking dead.

Since the advent of the fire dance, as a seed of hope has been planted in the flame, the flame has been injected with a fresh life force. If the fire dances, it all becomes a bubble.

and so. Fire dance must not die!

"Small patriarchs, you are going!" the six elders shouted in unison.

There was a slight hesitation in the eyes of the fire dance, and at this time he already knew that there was no room for manoeuvre. However, let him let him abandon the person who supports himself and escape alone. How can he do it?

"Walk together!"

The fire dance fell, and I screamed and took the lead. The six elders also shot in an instant. The bursting mana raged inside the hall. The fire and the remaining flame elders also shot at the same time. In the middle of the camp, there was an infinite explosion, and the sound of the explosion echoed inside the hall. The fire dance and the six elders had already rushed out of the hall and ran outside.

In the violent mana shock, countless figures rushed out. Huo Wei rushed to the side and shouted:

"Fire, you are so disappointing to me! Don't hurry to give orders, encircle the fire dance?"

The fire bites the tooth. The figure also rushed out with Huowei, and shouted loudly:

"The fire disciples listened to the orders, the fire dances the rebels, and the whole family disciples killed them!"


Hundreds of thousands of fire-fighting disciples were paralyzed, looking at the flying figure in the underground city.

"The fire disciples listened, and the fire forced everyone to plunder. Let us be a hooligan for a lifetime. If the patriarchs don't agree, he will kill the patriarchs. We are against it, and we will stand up as a patriarch!" The elders who followed the fire dance shouted.

So come. The flames of the monks are getting more and more. At this time, the elder flew to the side of the fire dance and said softly:

"Small patriarchs, you are going! As long as you are gone, the fire will not be like the flame disciples. He also needs the flame disciples to rob them."

"What about you?"

"Fire dance. Don't worry about us. We are too much worse than the whole flame, and the future of the flame will be handed over to you. If you don't go. We don't need to take a fire at this time, and immediately commit suicide here!" ”

The fire dance looked back at the eight monks who were flying near the fire, and looked at the six elders around. The tiger eyes were tearful:

"You take care! After I leave, you will surrender. I don't think Fire will kill you, wait for me to come back!"

Seeing the six elders nodding, the fire dance suddenly speeded up and flew toward the entrance to the dungeon. Behind him, the six elders and the fire, the fire and others slammed into one place, and the six elders desperately blocked each other. The fire looked at the disappearing back of the fire dance, and the complex flash of color in the eyes. Although the bombardment in the hands was fierce, it did not open the underground city formation, letting the fire dance out of the underground city.

However, the killing in the dungeon became fierce. Because finally the flame disciple woke up from the confusion and began to participate in the battle. The six elders naturally also have supportive disciples, but less than a few moments of time, the scene of the killing has expanded, and it has become the killing of two camps. The hundreds of thousands of disciples can kill people in the dark.

At this time, Huowei had already rushed out of the dungeon with four monks inside the sect, and pursued the past with the fire dance.


From the fire.

A figure rushed into the hall and fluttered toward the cloud sitting on the top: "The young master, a violent mana blast from the south of the fire sect, has been patrolled by the disciples to find out, the news came back that there is The base camp of the flames, I don’t know why, they fired inside the flames."

"Oh?" The clouds floated up from the chair, and the eyes glanced: "The commander of the Southern Alliance, let the various factions rush to the base of the flames, and must be full of flames! Oh... they are finally Exposing their nest!"

Just a dozen times, countless messages were sent out. The various factions in the south gathered monks to leave the mountain gate and flew toward the flame dungeon. At this time, the clouds fluttered to the underground city with the monks from the fire. The entire dungeon became a place of killing.

All these fire dances didn't know. He was dying to escape at this time, and behind him was Huowei with four monks who tried to kill them with all their strength.

This road ran, the fire dance was chased to nowhere to escape, and finally the heart, flew toward the northern defense line. This escape is another twenty days, and it is already very close to the northern defense line.


On the last day of the year, the best comrades, what are you waiting for?


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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