The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1105: Chaos (plus pink)

I am very grateful to my classmates (10000) and the rewards of my classmates (100)!


At this time in the northern defense line, the leader of the sixth zone of the defense line, Xiao Luotian’s elder, Shang Xiaozheng, accompanied by Xu Dingyang on the wall of the city. It is not the height of Xu Dingyang's cultivation, but Xu Dingyang is from Xu Jia, and is the elder of Xu Ziyan. Based on this, Shang Xiao had to accompany him personally.

Xu Dingyang also knows what is going on, so he is also very polite, saying to smile and smile:

"This nearly a year's time, thanks to the monks in the defense line, only to change the peace of the rear. Shangdao friends have contributed!"

"Polite, I am just doing the part of a human monk!"

Xu Dingyang looked at the north through the mask of the array, and there was some worry in the voice: "I don't know how the situation in the Northland is?"

Shang Xiao’s look is also a bit stunned: “The North has now completely fallen, except for Tai Xuanzong’s presence outside the law, I am afraid that no human beings can be found!”

Xu Dingyang nodded succinctly: "Too Xuanzong has nothing to do?"

“No!” Shang Xiao’s face showed the envy of color: “It is said that the Taizong’s ancestral ancestor was laid by the Xu chief, is a six-pronged spirit?”

"Yes!" Xu Dianyang also nodded proudly.

The two men fell into silence and walked slowly along the militia. Behind the monks of Xu Jia and Xiao Luotian.

“Hey!” Xu Dingyang sighed aloud: “I don’t know when this war will end?”

"Hey!" Xu Dingyang also sighed a bit: "I am afraid it is very difficult to end! Since the ghost world has a ghost emperor, the ghost world has the strength to become a hegemon. I am afraid that the war between humans and ghosts will endlessly Continue, unless...the ghost is dead!"

"Ghost Emperor... Dead?" Xu Dingyang screamed for a while: "It's easy!"

Shang Xiao also quieted for a while. I suddenly said: "Now two ancient ruins have been opened. After the opening of the third ancient ruins, I think that the Mahayana monks on the mainland will be upgraded to the same level as the ghosts! If these Mahayana periods If the monks join forces, they may not be able to kill the ghost emperor."

Xu Dingyang can't help but nod. As long as the human monks are willing to unite and kill the ghost emperor, it is not impossible to drive the Rakshasa back to the ghost world.

"So, the things in the ghost world are not very easy to solve. Just wait for the Mahayana monks to join hands to remove the ghosts?"

Shang Xiao shook his head and said: "The second ancient ruins are not yet open. The third ancient ruins still don't know when to open. The entire northern defense line is very long, and the daily consumption is very amazing. The ghost world is not What consumption is needed, they use the flesh and blood of our human monks as a ration, as long as we continue to kill and engulf our human flesh and blood, we can grow our strength. And our monks need a lot of medicinal herbs. This is a huge consumption..."

Shang Xiao suddenly stopped because he found that Xu Dingyang was stopped and looked at the direction in a blink of an eye. The body was still shaking slightly.

Shang Xiao’s eyes looked over Xu Dingyang’s gaze. The Xu family monk behind Xu Dingyang also discovered the strangeness of Xu Dingyang, and also looked at the past with Xu Dianyang's gaze. This hope, as if it had been applied to the law, stood there.

In the focus of everyone's eyes, standing is Xu Xingfan who has nothing to hang out. Followed by his little old vines behind him. He was slowly swaying, and suddenly felt the silence everywhere, looking around. I saw thousands of gaze looking at myself with shock. In particular, Xu Dingyang's gaze made him suddenly guilty.

As if returning to his time at Yanjiazhuang, he did something wrong and was discovered by his grandfather. Some flustered, a little shy, grinning, wanting to smile, but it is a look of laughter. Slowly walked over to Xu Dingyang, like a child who made a mistake, and accidentally left a pass!

"Xingfan, how come you?"

Xu Dingyang's body shape was shocked and finally reflected from the shock. The figure is vertical. Just flew toward Xu Xing.

Not far from the Xu family, the three people standing in the eyes are bright, these three people are Wang Liyun, Yunfeifeng and Bai Xiyan.

"He is really here!"

Wang Liyun looked a bit. Step by step, it has already reached the sky above Xu Xingfan. A big hand has already taken it to the top of Xu Xing's head.

The small ancient vine in the heart of Xu Xing's body is a glimpse. When he was shot by Wang Liyun, he felt the strength of the other party, not that he could resist. At the moment of rushing up, Xu Xing went out with a foot, and at the same time, his hands became two large ancient vines entangled toward Wang Woyun. And it turned out that one hand opened the communication jade, shouting loudly:

"The patriarch, the northern defense line, the deputy chief..."


Xiao Gu Teng was shot by Wang Liyun, and the jade was turned into a powder.

And almost at the moment when Xu Xingfan was flying by the little vine, Bai Xiyan shot, but Xu Xingfan, who was flying in the air, was kicked out by the foot again. It was the little ancient vine that Xu Dingyang took, and stopped. In front of Bai Xiyan.

However, no one expected, there is also a Mahayana monk Yunfeifeng. Step by step to take a palm to the air of Xu Xingfan.

Xu Xingfan was once again smashed out, and this time he was Xu Dingyang. Xu Dingyang’s eyes were cracked, and he rushed to Yunfeifeng.



The first sound was the second small vine that was shot and flew out. The second sound was that Xu Dingyang was photographed as minced meat.


Xu Xing prospered to stop the figure and stared angrily at the three Mahayana monks, and quickly ran into repairs.



Two sounds were uploaded from the ground. Two small ancient vines rushed up from the ground and shrank to the surrounding two thousand monks:

"Protect the deputy patriarch!"

The monks of those surnames saw the power of the three Mahayana monks, and there was still a slight hesitation in their eyes. However, Xu Jiaxuan’s disciples did not hesitate.


A big drink, three hundred disciples quickly deployed 12 elephants, and the two small ancient vines were once again swept out by Wang Woyun and Yunfeifeng. If the two of them are not half-time, if they are not demon, I am afraid they have already been shot dead. However, even so, the whole body has been ruined. At the same time, Bai Xiyan's big palm was also photographed in the sky and turned to Xu Xing.


A loud bang, the entire line of defense was shot down, Xu Xingfan has disappeared. Twenty of the twelve elephants that were laid out were turned into more than twenty giants standing in the air. Although the body of these twenty giants exudes the power of distraction in the late stage, it is like a helpless lamb.

These Xujiayi disciples have already reached the late stage of the refining of the gods. In the use of the twelve elephants, the fusion giants have reached the late stage of distraction. If Xu Xingfan does not die, they can definitely resist the time of interest. However, only in the time of their integration, their deputy patriarch was shot dead by Bai Xiyan!

Is Xu Xing's death dead?

Wang Woyun and Yunfeifeng both flew back to Bai Xiyan's side at this time, originally thinking about leaving immediately. However, the two of them found that Bai Xiyan did not move, but frowned slightly and looked at a deep pit on the ground below.

Didn't the kid die?

A mid-disciplinary monk can withstand a one-time monk strike?

Is it true that the king of the Xu family is like a purple smoke?

"Who are the three?"

Shang Xiao asked in a gloomy manner. If Xu Xing is so dead under his own eyes, how can he explain to Xu Ziyan, the most important thing is how to explain to Yanshan soul?

"Hey!" The three Mahayana monks did not have one to take care of him.

At this time, a figure floated from the deep pits on the ground, but it was Xu Xingfan. At this point a layer of light shrouded around his body. Bai Xiyan’s gaze is a shrink:

"Imperial? Do you have a fairy?"

At this time, Xu Xingfan’s body is the defensive charm. In addition to the two monks who opened the ancient ruins of the ancient ruins, Xu Ziyan also gave Xu Xingfan two. As the king of the future Xu family, how can Xu Ziyan not give him a self-defense.

Two small ancient vines also remembered at this time, although they did not have a fairy, but when they went to the town to close the ancient ruins, Xu Ziyan gave them eight treasures. So I hurriedly opened the Eight-Piece Lingbao, and my body shape was once again, and I was once again in front of Xu Xing-fan.

When the town was closed, Xu Ziyan was holding hands and deducing the fairy charm. I felt that my communication jade slipped out. Just turned on, I heard the small old vine shouting from inside:

"The patriarch, the northern defense line, the deputy chief..."

Xu Ziyan looked sharply, and when he was empty, his body shape disappeared instantly.

Northern defense.

The three Mahayana monks rushed over again. The division of labor between the three people is very clear. In the eyes of the public, Bai Xiyan is not able to take out the fairy charm. If that is the case, it reveals her identity. In these three Mahayana monks, there is no need for the immortality, then her cultivation is the lowest. Therefore, she did not hesitate to rush toward the twenty giants who used the fusion of the twelve elephants. Yunfeifeng rushed toward the two small ancient vines, and Wang Liyun went straight to Xu Xingfan.


Twenty giants took time to be shot by Bai Xiyan. At this time, nearly two thousand surnames and monks finally flew up, and Bai Xiyan swept back, and nearly two thousand monks were shot and killed nearly one-third.


Yunfeifeng took a shot and flew out two small ancient vines. However, the two small ancient vines have the protection of eight products, but they are not injured.


Xu Xingfan was also shot and flew out...


The second is more, jumping and asking for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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