The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1106: Northern defense line, purple smoke and three times

I wish you a happy New Year's Day! I wish the best troubles for my comrades in 2013 is that there is too much money, and I have to take time to move to the sun every day!



Xu Xingfan was also shot and flew out...

However, Xu Xingfan's protection with the fairy symbol is even more uninjured. And he opened a fairy, this fairy is an aggressive charm.


Wan Dao Jianguang shot toward Wang Woyun. Even if Wang Liyun was a mid-term repair in the Mahayana, he did not dare to resist this immortality. His body shape quickly disappeared in the air, but it was instantly teleported to the head of Xu Xingfan, and there was already a good spirit in his hand. , to the beginning of Xu Xing.

At this time, the three Mahayana monks in the sky were fighting each other, and the sound of rumbling was endless. It was only a matter of time, and the giants of more than twenty Xujia sects were smashed by Bai Xiyan. The twelve elephants burst into disillusion, and one of the disciples fell from the air to the ground.

At this time, Bai Xiyan stopped paying attention to the life and death of Xu’s disciples. He took out a supernatural instrument from the storage ring and instantly came to the head of Xu Xingfan, and bombarded Wang Xingyun with Xu Xingfan.

Yunfeifeng also reddened his eyes and took out a superb spirit from the storage ring. Just a few times, he blew up the eight ancient vines of the eight ancient spirits, and the best spirits stirred the room. Twisted into a powder. After that, he teleported to Xu Xingfan's side and slammed it toward Xu Xing.

Although Xu Xingfan has a defense and attacks two immortals, the realm is far from the three Mahayana periods. Under the teleportation of the three Mahayana monks, the aggressive imperial character could not hit the target at all. The defensive charms were under the bombardment of the three Mahayana monks with the best spirits. It is being consumed quickly.

Xu Xingfan was very uncomfortable. He was played by three monastic monks, and was bombarded in the middle of the three Mahayana periods. However, the three Mahayana monks were also uncomfortable. The rebounding power of the defensive fairy is so amazing that the three of them are also bursting with blood. Almost let them can't hold it. If they didn't start, they knew that Xu Xing's body was a fairy, and made preparations first. Maybe it was injured under the earthquake of Xian Fu.

The three Mahayana periods looked at each other and showed helplessness in their eyes. Bai Xiyan gritted his teeth and shouted:

"The guardian acts, and the unrelated people roll away!"

The three Mahayana monks seemed to have a tacit understanding. They suddenly disappeared, and then they dropped two offensive esoteric symbols from the sky and bombarded them with Xu Xing.

Bai Xiyan used the fairy charm and shouted that they were guardians. This also avoids exposing her identity. It is the monks on the mainland of the Canggu who have doubts. Also can't be sure that she is Bai Xiyan.

Two offensive immortals rumbling rumbling toward Xu Xing. Soon Xu Xingfan felt that it was not good. The attack of two immortals made his defensive charms consume sharply. As long as there is more than ten interest, this defensive charm will burst.

Xu Xingfan gritted his teeth and suddenly gave his attacking fairy charm to Bai Xiyan. He also saw that only Bai Xiyan had a fairy charm. As long as Bai Xiyan was killed, he was temporarily not in danger. and so. He is ready to detonate the offensive fairy.

However, his repair was too much, and he could not lock Bai Xiyan. Bai Xiyan’s teleportation caused him to lose his goal. The practice of Xu Xingfan is to remind Bai Xiyan. There was a sigh in the air:


Bai Xiyan's two offensive immortals were detonated in an instant. A section of the city wall and the array of the entire northern defense line were smashed into powder, and the splendour of Xu Xing's body smashed away. The whole body flew toward the back and spewed out in the air. High blood.

On the face of the three Mahayana periods, I knew that Xu Xingfan’s fairy charm was scrapped. Just give him a palm and he can end his life. The three men invariably rushed toward Xu Xing.


A sword light spread from the space. Like a pair of exercises from the outside world. Cracks were created throughout the space. Going to the three Mahayana monks.

The three Mahayana monks had a warning sign and the body shape exploded. This is the case. The clothes of the three Mahayana monks also shredded.

A figure suddenly appeared from the air. The sapphire blue dress sizzled in the wind, and a hair fluttered backwards. Holding a light blue sword in his hand, he looked at them in anger.

"Xu Ziyan!"

"Mayana mid-term!"

Wang Liyun, Yunfeifeng and Bai Xiyan's face are very ugly, and they will kill Xu Xingfan, but Xu Ziyan suddenly appears here. Then they are three happy again, isn’t this purple smoke now just a single order? Can we not kill a purple smoke in our three Mahayana periods? Hehe... This is a wonderful opportunity given by God!

The three people no longer speak, the body shape disappears instantly, and then appears to have surrounded the purple smoke in the middle, each waving the best spirit in their hands and besieging the past with Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan has already seen that the three people in front of him are monks in the Mahayana period. They only think a little about it. They know who the three Mahayana monks are around, because after she broke through, they did not see Wang Woyun in the town. Feifeng and Bai Xiyan. Speak in the mouth:

"Wang Woyun, Yunfeifeng, Bai Xiyan, you are mean!"

"Oh... Xu Ziyan, you admit the wrong person! Remember who you are in, we are the guardians!"

It was recognized by Xu Ziyan and could not be acknowledged. This is what the three people thought long before they started. The mouth kept in the mouth, and the hands were not stopped. The three Mahayana monks condensed the power and bombarded the past with the purple smoke in the middle.

Xu Ziyan’s eyebrows burst into a red light, but it’s like a fire-fighting child’s seal. It’s just a moment to cover the three Mahayana monks in the array.

However, the three Mahayana monks in the formation are not flustered because they have the emperor Bai Xiyan. Bai Xiyan took Wang Woyun and Yunfeifeng with just a few moments of time and rushed out from the closed array. Although there were some wolverines, they were not injured.

Xu Ziyan’s brows wrinkled slightly, and suddenly there was a movement in his heart. Among the three Mahayana monks, only Bai Xiyan was a fairy symbolist. If he separated Bai Xiyan, Huo Linger could deal with two Mahayana monks!

Xu Ziyan thought of a move and fired the child to figure it out, and then pulled out a majestic sword. This sword is not in any of the three Mahayana periods, but between Bai Xiyan and Wang Woyun and Yunfeifeng. Opened a gap and separated Bai Xiyan from Wang Woyun and Yunfeifeng.

They just separated, and the fire spirits rushed over. The three Mahayana monks instantly understood the intention of Xu Ziyan. If Xu Ziyan’s plan is successful, their three Mahayana monks will die here today.

Wang Woyun and Yunfeifeng were only in the mind, and they successively moved a few times, avoiding the shroud of Huo Linger, and standing beside Bai Xiyan. The three men were very tacit at this time, waving the best spirit in their hands and bombarding them with Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan was helpless, while letting Huo Linger look for opportunities in the air, and banged with the three Mahayana monks. The synergy of the three Mahayana monks can be said to have reached the level of destruction, but Xu Ziyan is now a monk in the middle of the Mahayana, and her situation is different from others. In addition to the self-contained space in the body, the strength of the body has reached the point of Qipin Lingbao. Even with an enemy three does not fall.


The line of defense collapsed countlessly, and finally attracted the ghost world of Rakshasa, and the overwhelming ghost of the Rakshasa attacked the human defense line. During the time, the entire northern defense line fought fiercely. There were several cracks in the line of defense, so that Rakshasa frantically came in, and the entire line of defense had become a mess.


Xu Ziyan and the other three people slammed a sword and screamed coldly: "You three can dare to go out against the line with me?"

"What are you afraid of!"

The three Mahayana monks shouted in unison. Killed here, they also have scruples, after all, this is the place of human monks, and it is because of their reasons that the ghost world Rakshasa has come in.

After listening to the three people promised, Xu Ziyan rushed out of the line of defense and slammed into the north occupied by the ghost world. Behind her is followed by Wang Woyun, Yunfeifeng and Bai Xiyan.

When I came to the site of the Rakshasa Ghost, the four people completely let go of the fight, and the time was changed, the situation changed, and the landslide broke. The four Mahayana monks completely released all their potential, and the momentum absolutely shocked the entire continent. There is a ghost repair hidden in the densely-knitted Rakshasa, but it is the ghost emperor who has recovered his injury.

His pair of ghosts tightly locked Xu Ziyan. His heart is very clear that the sound of Xu Ziyan has a lethal lethal effect on him. Among all the monks, he is undoubtedly the most threatening monk to him. Seeing that the three Mahayana monks were besieging Xu Ziyan, he was waiting for an opportunity, a chance to kill Xu Ziyan.

In the south, the killing of the underground city is still going on. At this time, the killings have already been killed on the ground, facing the entire southern cofferdam, the flame is on the road to extinction. Countless flame monks began to flee, but less than one-tenth of them were able to escape. The fierce flames of the sky filled out the stage of the vast mainland, which was the first time when the vast continent was ushered in. The forces of elimination.

In the northern defense line, a figure rushed over from a distance, and looked at it and saw that the line of defense was collapsing. He was the fire dance that fled all the way, behind him was Huowei with four monks in pursuit.

The fire dance did not dare to stay in the slightest, and the body shape rushed out from the collapse of the defense line and continued to flee toward the northern ghost world. The five monks of the firepower behind him paused for a moment, and eventually they rushed in with a bite, tracking closely behind the fire dance.


The third is even more! Don't say it! The comrades are doing their best!

Tomorrow is the first day of the new year. It is still a double monthly ticket. Please vote for your comrades! The bell is here for everyone to celebrate the New Year!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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