The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1107: Ghostly dying

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The town was closed, and I hoped to open my eyes and my face was filled with joy. As a result of the fact that he has reached the peak of the Mahayana period, he will not be able to credit for a long time, and he will be able to break through the last few obstacles, ushing in the catastrophe, and lifting the sky.

Out of the array, suddenly the eyebrows fluttered, and the gaze looked toward the north. He felt that there was a Mahayana monk in the decisive battle there. Looking around, I didn't see Xu Ziyan, and my heart was a shock. When I took a step, I stepped out and disappeared.

In the time when he hoped that he would not leave a few moments, the solitary smoke of Ximen also came out from the array of Tianzhicheng. The momentum radiated from his body turned out to be the same as hope, reaching the peak of the late Mahayana. In the same way, he immediately felt the volatility of the North during the Mahayana period, and it was not a Mahayana period. Eyebrows pick one. Stepped out and disappeared.

In the upper air of the north, Huo Linger was anxious to turn around, but she could not find the opportunity to cover Wang Liyun and Yunfeifeng in such a close. The three Mahayana monks are close together. The three of them have already given attention and Xu Ziyan to consume, they do not believe that the synergy of the three Mahayana monks will not fight the purple smoke?

Although Xu Ziyan completely took over the attack of the three Mahayana monks, it was not so easy and under tremendous pressure. Bai Xiyan does not want to use the fairy. But she also thought that Xu Xingfan’s body had a fairy charm, would Xu Ziyan not? If she and Xu Ziyan use the fairy charm, it becomes a war between Bai Xiyan and Xu Ziyan. Wang Woyun and Yunfeifeng lose their role. Let her face Xu Ziyan alone, she really did not have that confidence.

At the same time, Xu Ziyan did not want to use the fairy charm easily, and the opposite Bai Xiyan was also a fairy charm teacher. If the two sides use the immortal to fight against the bomb. The immortality and the immortality are also the same. The two people think differently, but the result is the same, that is, no one has come up with a fairy.

In this way, the attention of both sides has been concentrated as never before. At this time, Xu Ziyan’s heart is only the three Mahayana monks on the opposite side, completely ignoring the Rakshasa of the ghost world. The same is true of the three people opposite. Those ecstasy Rakshasa simply did not dare to approach them. Before they were close, the power of the four Mahayana monks broke out and turned them into powder.

At this time, the ghost emperor hidden in the middle of Rakshasa has gradually approached Xu Ziyan in the Luozha group in the sky, his eyes tightly locked the back of Xu Ziyan, and he has accumulated to the peak, one in his hand. The root white bone stick is already full of all his power.

Silent and uninteresting, the ghost emperor has a teleport that is infinitely close to Xu Ziyan's heart. A white bone stick instantly explodes all the power, and bombards the past with Xu Ziyan's heart.

"Ghost Emperor!"

Wang Liyun, Yunfei Feng and Bai Xiyan’s eyes were first shocked. Followed by a happy. Because they saw the Ghost Emperor's blow is toward the back of Xu Ziyan. At the same time, their three Mahayana monks also took out their life-long repairs and rushed to Xu Ziyan, and wanted to work with the ghost emperor to kill Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan also felt an extreme crisis in an instant, and wanted to teleport. However, it was completely locked by the four Mahayana monks, especially the half-step ghosts. Even Xu Ziyan could not move. At this time, Xu Ziyan can only expect his own body strength, angered a sword and greeted the three Mahayana strikes on the opposite side, and at the same time condensed the sword in the back heart, ready to hardly pick up the ghost emperor.

A green figure suddenly appeared between the ghost emperor and Xu Ziyan, and a punch was blown at the white bones of the ghost emperor.

In the infinite sound of the explosion, the figure of the ghost emperor shook, and the green figure was a step back, standing with Xu Ziyan back.

"The patriarch, I am coming!" said the green man faintly.

"Great, hope!" Xu Ziyan was overjoyed.

Opposite Wang Woyun, Yunfeifeng and Bai Xiyan are a bitter face, but the ghost emperor is after the initial glimpse, but it is a heroic way:

"The three friends on the opposite side, this hope is given to me, Xu Ziyan handed it to you!"

Wang Woyun, Yunfei Feng and Bai Xiyan heard great joy and immediately agreed. So there were two battle groups in the northern sky, one was Xu Ziyan and three Mahayana monks, and the other was hope for the ghost emperor.

However, this balance only lasted for a long time. In the sky, there was a wave of rippling, and the shape of the solitary smoke in the west gate appeared in the air. I haven't waited until the solitary smoke in Ximen to see the situation in front of me. Wang Woyun, Yunfeifeng and Bai Xiyan can see the solitary smoke in Ximen.

The three people know that the general trend has gone, and they have not won a purple smoke. Now the solitary smoke and hopes of Ximen have appeared. Maybe the Yan Xingyun will also appear. The three people did not hesitate, and immediately gave up Xu Ziyan, and instantly disappeared into the air.

Xu Ziyan just wanted to greet the solitary smoke of Ximen to chase, but he heard the solitary smoke from Ximen:

"Ghost Emperor, where are you going?"

It turned out that the ghost emperor saw the solitary smoke of Ximen, and also knew that a ghost could not be able to defeat the enemy, so he immediately took the opportunity to look forward. However, how the solitary smoke of Ximen will let him escape, and the gods lock the ghost emperor, such as flying to chase.

Xu Ziyan sighed softly, and only after chasing the solitary cigarette in Ximen, he wanted to open it. If you can kill the ghost emperor by this opportunity, this is also a threat to the mainland, and it will be able to save Tai Xuanzong earlier.

Three people chased after the ghost emperor and disappeared instantly. However, the northern defense line is still in full swing. After killing for three days and three nights, the Yan Xingyun arrived and led the human monk to defeat the ghost world. When Yan Xingyun heard about Xu Ziyan, Ximen solitary smoke and hope to pursue the ghost emperor. He is not doing two. Leading the human monk to start a big counterattack against the ghost world Raksha, all the way to gradually retreat the ghost world Rakshasa, forced back to the underground world.

At this time, the ghost emperor has been solitary by the West Gate. Hope and Xu Ziyan caught up with the underground world.

The cultivation of the ghost emperor is higher than the solitary smoke and hope of Ximen. Although he has not got rid of the three people of the solitary smoke of Ximen, he has not been caught up, and he is gradually pulling away.

Xu Ziyan has already started the wing of the wind at this time, so that he can keep up with the speed of the solitary smoke and so on. Seeing that the ghost emperor gradually opened the distance, so that the ghost emperor would escape, the three people are very unwilling.

Xu Ziyan’s heart was moving, watching the solitary smoke of Ximen and the hope that the two people’s cultivation had reached the peak of the peak of the Mahayana. Only this last step has reached the realm of flying and looting. If you let the solitary smoke of Ximen and the cultivation of hope to go further, killing the ghost emperor will not be a problem.

Xu Ziyan took out two pieces of Xiandan from the storage ring and shouted to the solitary smoke and hope of Ximen:

"Western predecessors, I hope that the seniors, you two will take this fairy!"

The words fall and the fingers bounce. The two chaotic dans ran to the solitary smoke and hope of Ximen.

The solitary smoke of Ximen and the hope of hearing a joy, reaching out to catch Chaos Dan, not to mention the food, and then refining the immortal, while chasing after the ghost emperor.

The ghost emperor continually teleports in front, and the three people behind are also constantly teleporting. The smell of the solitary smoke and the hope of Simon was drastically changing. After half a day, the smell of the solitary smoke and hope of Ximen had already boiled. The vastness of this breath has made Xu Ziyan endure, slowing down and staying behind.

The former ghost emperor also felt the extreme danger and inspired his full potential. The speed has increased again. But behind him, there was a refreshing laughter.

The solitary smoke of Ximen and the hope that both of them broke through the final limit, the sky of the ghost world began to accumulate. The solitary smoke and hope of Ximen have reached the realm of flying and looting.

The solitary smoke of Ximen and the shape of hope are taken out in space, and the figure disappears and reappears. Take another step and disappear again. When it reappeared, it stood on the side of the ghost emperor. In the laughter of two people, at the same time, one hand was placed on the side of the ghost emperor. At this time, the ghost emperor could not move and divide between the solitary smoke of Ximen and the two hands of hope. Showing the look of fear.

The solitary smoke of Ximen and the big hand of hope pushed forward.


The body of the ghost emperor turned into a powder, and the solitary smoke of Ximen and the hand of hope hit the air in the air. The two people laughed loudly. When the laughter is gone, the solitary cigarette of Ximen turns to the direction of Xu Ziyan:

"Ziyan, thank you!"

Xu Ziyan’s body shape flashed, and he has already arrived at two people and said to the two people:

“Congratulations to the two predecessors!”

"Ha ha ha..." Simon smoked and hoped that both of them laughed happily.

"Ziyan, Yuer and Tianzhicheng will ask you to take care of it!" Simon smoke said solemnly.

"I will!" Xu Ziyan said softly.

"The patriarch! I am going to the fairy world first. The patriarch, you have to hurry up!" Hope said with a smile.

"The time will not be long!" Xu Ziyan nodded with a smile.

"And..." I hope to say indulge: "The patriarch, when you open the next ancient ruins, do not prevent the 20 small ancient vines from being taken, and their state of mind is impossible to achieve the ascendant realm, but It is still possible to reach the realm of the Mahayana period. Thus, even after the patriarch’s future rises, the Xu family also has a Mahayana monk sitting in the town."

"Good!" Xu Ziyan nodded happily.

At this time, the robbery clouds in the sky have become more and more intense, and the lightning flashes in the thick clouds. Xu Ziyan was busy taking some of the medicinal herbs from his storage ring, and a few sacred charms were given to the solitary smoke of Ximen and hope:

"These are holding the robbery!"

Hope and the solitary smoke of Ximen naturally did not hesitate to collect, and the face is full of joy. They knew in their hearts that their physique could not be as robbed as the Yanshan Soul. The original heart was still suppressing sputum, but when they saw Xu Ziyan’s immortality and medicinal herbs, one heart was quite stable. In particular, the solitary smoke of Ximen looked at the fairy in his hand and looked at Xu Ziyan with surprise:

"Ziyan, where are you coming from?"


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*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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