The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1116: Dilemma (plus pink)

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In the ancient ruins of the last town of Yeh, Ye Fei knew that he did not completely refine the mountain river spectrum after he had dealt with Dong Yiyi. Therefore, since returning to the Central Plains Seiyaji, he began to retreat, trying to see if he can understand the mountain river spectrum in his hands. Then he will control a little mountain river spectrum, so his combat power can be strengthened.

His attempt, I tried it out differently. Vaguely felt a film blocking between himself and the mountain river spectrum. It’s just fur that I used to control. However, no matter how hard he tried, he still couldn't break through the film. He realized that it was because of his lack of cultivation. Then he turned to the part he was able to control, and he was overjoyed. He was overwhelmed by the repeated control of the practice, and he felt that his connection with the mountain river spectrum was closer. Although in the end, there is still no breakthrough in the film that traverses between himself and the mountain river spectrum.

However, these Bai Xiyan did not know, she thought that Ye Fei is still like the town. I feel that with the cultivation of my own Mahayana period and the consumption of the other party, I will be able to win by the battle and grab the mountain river spectrum.

As a result, she was extremely disappointed. Bai Xiyan immediately found that Ye Fei’s control over the mountain river spectrum became much stronger, and she was completely suppressed. Her void paintings are the same as the original Xu Ziyan, and there is no purple smoke. There is no instant void painting at all, although she is rushing to mobilize the real elements of the body. But still can't get back the disadvantage.

The mountain river spectrum has been fully unfolded, and it has been pressed against the heads of Bai Xiyan and Wang Woyun. The strong suction has made the two Mahayana monks somewhat unsettled.

Wang Liyun’s finger movement, a sword of nine temperament appeared in his hands. He knows that he can't help against the mountain river spectrum. But he can deal with Ye Fei, the master of the mountain river spectrum. As long as he kills Ye, he goes to its roots, and the mountain river spectrum becomes an object of no ownership. There is no threat to them.

The long sword swayed slightly in his hand. The space seemed to sway with it, and Luo Tianjian’s method covered the Ye Fei. Ye Fei’s heart was moving, and a huge whirlwind was rushed out of the mountain river spectrum. The whirlwind was composed of thousands of gongs and slammed into the past.

Wang Liyun is not a monk in the middle of the Mahayana. A set of Luo Tianjian's law is unfolding, and the sword is shining, just like a Luo Tianjian net. Less than a quarter of an hour. The vortex that consists of cockroaches is shattered. However, just smashing this whirlwind, and flying two whirlwinds from the mountain river spectrum, they came to Wang Woyun.

Ye Fei relied on a mountain river spectrum to completely suppress the two Mahayana monks.

Xu Ziyan stood by, a little Loli, screaming and patted two small hands and cheered:

"Ye Zongzhu, come on! Fire dance. Come on!"

"Ye Zongzhu, come on! Fire dance, come on!"

Let Mei Ao Xue standing on her side be speechless. Mind, repaired to such a low Loli, Ye Fei also dare to bring her around, not afraid that she was killed?

Wang Liyun, Yunfeifeng and Bai Xiyan also saw Xu Ziyan screaming and screaming there, but seeing Xu Ziyan’s cute little Loli, she was too lazy to take care of her, just focusing on Ye Fei and fire dance.

Looked at the way Xu Ziyan jumped. Mei Ao Xue looked around. The heart, how did the purple smoke not come over? She can even crack the array of the door, how can it not appear for so long?

Holding a fist, my heart. As long as Xu Ziyan appeared, he would hug her. Exploding the thunder in the body, and Xu Ziyan died.

Looking around, I was still jumping around, and Xu Ziyan, who was cheering on her hands, passed a bitter smile in her mouth.

"Look how happy she is! Hey! She is so good!"

Sighed a little, and looked around, seeing Xu Ziyan still not appear, and my heart was anxious. She is leaning against a fairy. At the beginning, the guardian left the best two kinds of fairy houses, one is a set of fairy, the eighteen broken cones. One is six fairy charms.

In the original guardian, Dong Jia and Mei Jiazhong were the best qualifications of Dong Yiyi and Mei Aoxue respectively, but Mei Aoxue’s qualifications were reflected in alchemy, and Dong Yiyi’s qualifications were reflected in cultivation. Therefore, Dong Jia and Mei Jia chose Dong Yiyi to accept the inheritance, and passed the 18-segment cone to Dong Yiyi, and passed the six fairy charms to Mei Aoxue.

Before coming to Tianzheng, Mei Aoxue left himself with a fairy charm and gave the other five charms to the five guardians. At this point, she felt that the other five guardians with fairy charms are coming soon. As for the other guardians, they can only be trapped in the formation.

She is now worried about why Xu Ziyan has not come yet. At this time, she has already seen that Ye Fei and the fire dance are starting to work hard. The situation has begun to reverse. After all, the repair of Ye Fei and the fire dance is low, and the two sides are so consuming, they are not allowed to be false, but they are completely repaired.

Turning around and looking at the Xu Ziyan, who still didn’t know how to cheer, couldn’t help but ask:

"Little sister! Little sister!"

Xu Ziyan looked back and said: "White sister, why?"

"Little sister, did you meet Xu Ziyan when you and Ye Zongzhu were in the battle?"

Xu Ziyan’s head shook like a rattle, and said softly: “No! White sister, you have to cheer with the red clothes!”

Mei Aoxue looked at Xu Ziyan, who was jumping there again, silently. Hate and grin. If Xu Ziyan is no longer elected, and wait until Ye Fei and the fire dance fail, Wang Liyun, Yunfeifeng and Bai Xiyan will not let go of them at that time. So he himself had to detonate the thunder in the body and go with the other party. However, in this way, I let go of Xu Ziyan in vain, so that Mei Aoxue is not reconciled.

"Damn Xu Ziyan, what are you in the ink? Why didn't you appear?" Mei Aoxue groaned in hate.

Although Xu Ziyan was still there, he was cheering, but his eyes were musing. Just now, when Mei Aoxue asked Xu Ziyan, Xu Ziyan clearly saw a killing from her eyes. Perhaps Mei Aoxue’s heart was anxious and couldn’t help but reveal it. Perhaps it was because Xu Ziyan in front of her was a little loli, which made her lose her guard. Inadvertently revealed, but Xu Ziyan looked in the eyes.

why? Why is that? Why is there a killing in the eyes of this white woman? Is she killing her own self or is it killing Xu Ziyan? It should be a killing of Xu Ziyan. It was the first time that she formed a loli, and she could not kill herself. And when she showed out that killing, it was the time when she said Xu Ziyan in her mouth.

So, who is her identity?

Xu Ziyan thought about it, his own enemies counted, that is, Wang Woyun, Yunfeifeng, Bai Xiyan. The situation of the fire dance is not clear at the moment, of course, there is the ghost world Rakshasa, ah! There are also guardians.

However, Wang Woyun, Yunfeifeng, Bai Xiyan and Fire Dance are now in front of themselves. As for the ghost world, the ghost emperor is already dead. The other Rakshasa simply did not dare to come out. Besides, the entrances to the underground world have now been re-opened by human monks, and they are not likely to come out. So, there are only guardians.

Xu Ziyan suddenly remembered that Dong Yiyi had once been transformed in the ancient ruins of the town. In this way, this white woman must be the guardian. She is so anxious to find herself, it seems to want to kill herself. However, with her cultivation...

Xu Ziyan jumped and patted his little hand to refuel, while secretly opening the eyes of Kun Peng and looking towards Mei Ao Xue.

The eyebrows are slightly wrinkled, and the white woman’s cultivation is not high. There is no hidden cultivation. It is really only the cultivation of the gods. How can such a cultivation kill himself?

Suddenly, Xu Ziyan’s eyes screamed in shock, almost staggering his footsteps and rubbing his ankles. Her Kun Peng saw a very violent force in the body of Mei Aoxue. Xu Ziyan firmly believed that if the power of the regiment broke out, it would be the body of his own seven spirits, and I am afraid he would be seriously injured.

The guardian's means are endless!

Originally, Xu Ziyan still thought about waiting for Wang Liyun, Yun Feifeng and Bai Xiyan to consume almost the same time, he suddenly shot, first to repair the lowest Bai Xiyan killed. Then join Ye Fei and the fire dance to kill Wang Woyun, Yunfei Fengyu here. However, she is hesitant now, and once she does this, she will definitely reveal her identity. The masters of their own, the monks on the mainland know that if they shoot, they will be recognized. In this way, Mei Aoxue will find himself.

Even if she is prepared to prevent her from being close, she will kill Ye Fei or the fire dance if she sees the situation, so that her own strength in this area has been weakened, and it is not the best policy. In fact, there is a simple policy, that is, now that the other party has no doubts about himself, suddenly shot to kill the other party.

Xu Ziyan was stunned in the eyes of her, and she decided to suddenly kill Mei Aoxue.

Suddenly stopped the action, that is, several people in the battle also looked at the space fluctuations. The figure flashed, and a male man walked out and saw that Mei Aoxue’s eyes were bright. That Mei Ao Xue’s eyes are also bright, but they immediately pretend that they don’t know. The male repairer also went straight to the side and ignored everyone.

Xu Ziyan immediately opened the eyes of Yan Peng and looked at the man, and he found a very powerful energy in his body. In this way, Xu Ziyan’s plan will not be exercised. Killing Mei Aoxue, if the man repairs quickly, he rushes to Ye Fei or the fire dance... But, will he react so fast?


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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