The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1117: Arrive in succession (plus pink)

At this moment, the space was again a wave of fluctuations, and a male repair came in. I exchanged a look with the former man, and Mei Aoxue, and stood aside. Xu Ziyan looked at him with his luck and saw him as a monk with bursting energy in his body. Xu Ziyan immediately died and killed Mei Aoxue’s heart.

Space is another shock, this time comes a small ancient vine. Xiao Gu Teng’s gaze looked around, and without seeing Xu Ziyan, he stood in disappointment and watched the fight in the middle.

The three guardians of Mei Ao Xue naturally know Xiao Gu Teng. When he sees him, his eyes are bright and he is staring at his expression. When I finally saw the disappointment of Xiao Guteng, I knew that there was no purple smoke here. I can’t help but be disappointed. Only wait here. Their goal is mainly Xu Ziyan. They will not act easily until they see Xu Ziyan.

At this time, Xu Ziyan did not dare to speak with Xiao Gu Teng. He was afraid that Xiao Guteng would reveal any obvious move and expose himself.

However, the situation today is very unfavorable. Ye Fei and the fire dance have some persistence. The fire dance is better, it has a fire lamp, and it is also the early monk of Mahayana. The opponent is only Yunfeifeng. However, Ye Fei has suffered. A monk in the middle of distraction, squatting on a mountain river spectrum and two Mahayana monks played a war of attrition. Isn't that looking for death? Today's Ye Fei body has begun to shake, and the real power of the body has been consumed almost. I am afraid that waiting for another quarter of an hour, Ye Fei will not work.

Xu Ziyan sighed with a sigh of relief, and the only way to not expose himself now is not to reveal his own exercises. Convey your own repairs to Ye Fei or Fire Dance and continue to consume with each other.

Looking at the situation of fire dancing and Ye Fei, Ye Fei is now more dangerous. However, the situation of fire dancing is also not good. At this time, Ye Fei is also anxious. The eyes were swept over the faces of Xu Ziyan and Mei Aoxue, and the meaning was very obvious:

You two should also be shot!

Xu Ziyan thought for a moment, and after a flash of his body, he came to the back of the fire dance and shouted to the fire dance:

"Big brother. I will help you!"

Fire Dance doesn't know that it is Xu Ziyan. Naturally, I don't trust the little Lolita in front of me. Although I don't want to come out, but I have protection from the fire lamp, he doesn't care that this little Lolita can only cause himself. hurt.

But what he didn't think was that Xu Ziyan's hand actually passed through the mask of the fire lamp, and a small hand pressed into his vest, a pure one. The infuriating air with the celestial force was delivered to his body. Then I saw a clenched little fist reaching in front of his mouth and said:

"open mouth!"

The fire dance was shocked by the infuriating traffic brought by Xu Ziyan. At this time, he already knew that this little Lolita behind him was far more than himself. And the opponent's hand has been pressed in his vest, if you want to kill yourself, just between the mind and the mouth open, I feel that the little hand is open. A medicinal herb was delivered to his mouth. That is a nine-pronged spirit.

The entrance of Jiu Pin Dan medicine is instant, and a huge amount of real power is generated in the meridians of the fire dance, so that the fire dance immediately resumes consumption. It began to gradually regain the disadvantage.

Xu Ziyan immediately took back the hand in the fire dance vest, and the figure flew toward Ye Fei. Ye Fei saw Xu Ziyan flying over to him, the excitement in his heart, the heart, you finally remembered me!


Xu Ziyan's small hand pressed Ye Fei's vest, and a small fist reached the mouth of Ye Fei. Without the purple smoke, Ye Fei actively opened his mouth. Xu Ziyan opened his fist. Put a nine-panda medicine into his mouth.

The entrance to the Jiu Pin Dan medicine is instant. A sly real force is flowing in Ye Fei's meridians, and the real power of his dryness is immediately supplemented, and Xu Ziyan will continue to deliver his body to his body. Ye Fei immediately felt like a dead wood, and his spirit was big. A hurricane composed of five skeletons released from the mountain river spectrum continuously rushed to Wang Woyun. In the battle with Bai Xiyan, he gradually pulled back the disadvantage.

at this time. Around the crowd, space can't live in the earthquake. There are still three guardians with fairy charms arriving one after another, and the remaining small vines with fairy charms are also arriving.

As a result, Wang Woyun, Yunfeifeng and Bai Xiyan changed color. Don't say that Xu Ziyan and Yan Xingyun are coming, that is, the 18-and-a-half-step Mahayana has also lost their advantage. If the three of them are rushing to deal with themselves and others when they are fighting with Ye Fei, they will not be injured, but the defeat is certain.

What's more, until now, Xu Ziyan and Yan Xingyun have not appeared. The 18-and-a-half-step Mahayana can come here. The two Mahayana periods of Xu Ziyan and Yan Xingyun will not come here. This means that they listen to Wang Woyun, they don't believe it!

The more Xu Ziyan and Yan Xingyun did not appear, the more the three people in Wang Liyun were worried. They thought that Xu Ziyan and Yan Xingyun had never appeared, and there must be any conspiracy. Where else still continue to entangle with the fire dance and Ye Fei. At the same time, the three people violently exerted their strength, and they will shake off the fire lamp and the mountain river spectrum. The figure will drift backwards, while the mouth sipped:


Xu Ziyan released his hand, and Ye Fei and the body of the fire dance stopped, but the eyes of the fire dance still glared at the opposite Yunfeifeng.

Wang Woyun took a deep breath and said with a sigh: "Everyone, in the middle of the 999 white jade pillars behind me, above the high platform is the seal of the ancient ruins. There is a symbol on it. As long as we can uncover the plaque, we can crack the ancient seal. Now there are hundreds of dynasties in the middle of the 999 white jade pillars. I think we might as well put down personal grievances for the whole time. The cultivators on the mainland of the sky, we should first work together to break this seal first."

Fire Dance and Ye Fei looked at each other and looked at Xu Ziyan. At this time, the two of them could not dare to make a small purple smoke. And Xu Ziyan is also rapidly calculating at this time, it seems that those who can enter here are the people in front of them. Yan Xingyun and the city owners of the three major cities will not arrive. In this way, there is a fire dance and Ye Fei on this side. Although he is not afraid of Wang Liyun's three Mahayana periods, he has the unstable factor of the guardian. At this time, Wang Woyun and others completely turned their faces, which is really out of place. Thinking of this, Xu Ziyan ran to the side of Mei Aoxue, and took the hand of Mei Aoxue and said:

"White sister, what do you say?"

I heard that Xu Ziyan said that Mei Aoxue’s look is a glimpse. In her heart, I can’t wait for the repairs on these vast continents to die. However, she knew that she could not show it, and she did not even have to make a provocation. Today's Guardians have no strength and have completely fallen into the weak. Only with the other party, this road is the same, and their main opponent is Xu Ziyan, the lover of Yanshan Spirit. Now Xu Ziyan did not appear, and it was not at the moment when they shot. Thinking of this, Mei Ao Xue involuntarily revealed a bitter smile:

"Little sister, there are so many masters here, where are the sisters talking, we still listen to the seniors!"

"Hey!" Xu Ziyan looked at Mei Aoxue with his big eyes, and turned his head and stared at Ye Fei and the fire dance.

Ye Fei and Wu Wu glanced at each other, and their faces also revealed a bitter smile. Both of them were very clear in their hearts. Just relying on their two cultivations, in fact, Wang Liyun could easily consume himself. It’s just because both of them have a treasure of the fairy level, which is the treasure that keeps it until now. Nowadays, when it is not completely torn apart with Wang Woyun and others, if the seal of this place can be broken, it is certain that the big array here will be broken. At that time, Xu Ziyan and Yan Xingyun and others also appeared. At that time, it was the time to kill Wang Woyun and others.

"Good!" Ye Fei nodded. "Our things will wait until after the break."

The eyes of the people looked at the fire dance again, and the fire dance also nodded with a gloomy face.

Wang Liyun, Yunfeifeng and Bai Xiyan looked at each other with a sneer on their faces. When they were flashing, they left here and went to the other side of the 999 white jade pillars.

Bai Xiyan whispered: "Wang Xiong, Yun Sister, how can the purple smoke not appear, her men's vines are out, and there is a solitary smoke in the west gate, Yan Xingyun, hope that nothing has happened? Is it true that the solitary smoke and hope of Ximen have soared? Already?"

When Wang Liyun and Yunfeifeng’s eyes lit up, they all nodded lightly: “Yes, this possibility is very big. If the solitary smoke and hope of the west have soared, there is nothing to suppress us. people."

Bai Xiyan shook his head slightly: "You can't say that. The other side has Xu Ziyan, Xiaobai, Yan Xingyun and the demon emperor, that is, the fire dance has also broken through to the early stage of Mahayana. Even if the demon will not intervene in our human grievances, it is Xu Ziyan. , Xiaobai, Yan Xingyun and Fire Dance, we are also at a disadvantage."

"Hey!" Yunfeifeng said coldly: "If I have a fire lamp on the fire dance, I will not look at Xu Ziyan."

"Yeah!" Wang Liyun also said with a look: "If I have a mountain river spectrum, who else is my opponent on the mainland."

Wang Woyun and Yunfeifeng looked at each other. Their eyes all showed their conviction to take away the fire lamp and the mountain river spectrum. On the side of Bai Xiyan saw two people's eyes, and they couldn't help but whisper:

"Hey, when I don't exist?"


The third is even more! Justifiably ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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