The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1127: angry

I am very grateful to the students (200), the students of Frost (100), the students of Spartan (100), the students of Xuan Tian Ziwei Xingjun (100), and the rewards of Weifeng-like students (99)!


Xu Ziyan did not pay attention to Xiaobai, but looked at the gods and looked at Dan Yi, Dan Er, Yi Yi, Er Er, Fu Yi, and a group of six human monks. I saw that the six monks were sitting on their respective beds at the knees and entering the cultivation. The breath of the body has entered the beginning of distraction.

Xu Ziyan frowned slightly, and his heart was puzzled.

Nowadays, it’s already Xianyuan, why are they still doing the distraction, is it...

Xu Ziyan’s heart is shaking, is it... in the real fairy world, not all people are immortals? There are also mortals?

Xu Ziyan grinded a bit, and his heart was amazed. Even if it is a fairyland, it is impossible to be born as a fairy. They also have to cultivate from scratch, but the environment they are in is too good, and it should be that the speed of cultivation is very fast.

As a result, Xu Ziyan's heart is somewhat entangled. The six people and the tree demon, the demon beast said that their cultivation is too low, and they stay within their own space. To be honest, they count as the original inhabitants of their own space. But what about white? I am bringing her to the fairy world in space? Still leaving her in the Xu family?

Xu Ziyan seriously pondered for a while, and finally decided to leave Xiaobai in the Xu family. On the one hand, Xu Ziyan feels that Xu Jia has a white horse in the late stage of the Mahayana, and he can be more assured when he leaves. On the other hand is more important. It is said that Xiaobai is her demon pet, but it is better to say that she is the sister of Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan’s feelings for her are better than their loved ones. The two of them grew up together from the weakest time. Therefore, when Xu Ziyan felt that his space had not yet formed. It was decided to let Xiaobai stay on the vast mainland, and grow up in this real universe on the vast continent, much better than this embryonic space in his own body.

Xu Ziyan sighed softly, and she already felt that her body's breath was very fluctuating. It seems that there is a pull in the air to push yourself into the air. She knew she was going to fly.

Xu Ziyan immediately thought about what was left before the ascent.

Wang Liyun, Yunfeifeng and Bai Xiyan are still not dead. This is one of her unfulfilled wishes.

Xu Jia has Xiaobai sitting in the town. It is estimated that Xiao Gu Teng has also broken through the Mahayana period, and Xu Xingfan, who has grown up, should be assured. Ok? correct! The remains of the Xu family have not yet been opened. This matter will be handed over to Xu Xingfan!

Xu Ziyan took back his knowledge from the body, opened his eyes and thought his mind. Called out the little white. I told Xiao Bai about what I was going to fly soon, and quickly explained the things that I left after I left. Yu Jian, who took out the ancient relics of the Xu family from the storage ring, took it out and handed it to Xiao Bai, and she handed it over to Xu Xingfan. Xiaobai solemnly nodded, looking at Xu Ziyan's eyes full of disappointment.

Xu Ziyan smiled and touched the head of Xiaobai: "Xiaobai, now that you are in the late Mahayana, it will not take long. You will lift up the sky and we will meet in the fairy world."

"Yeah!" Xiaobai nodded hard and the tears flowed unconsciously.

Xu Ziyan sighed softly, and grabbed a lot of chaotic gas from the purple smoke space and handed it to Xiaobai in a large jade bottle.

After watching Xiaobai's jade bottle, Xu Ziyan's gaze looked around and saw that the 18 small ancient vines had also broken through the Mahayana period. At this time, it was only consolidating the realm of Mahayana.

Xu Ziyan is very satisfied with the heart. With these 18 small ancient vines in the Xu family, the Xu family should have no problem.

Xu Ziyan felt the body's breath getting more and more boiling, knowing that there was not much time left for himself. The figure disappeared leisurely. Enter the Heberland Palace. Then the cockroach was taken out of the storage ring, and the gods quickly passed through the body, and hundreds of scorpions were separated. Now the cultivation of Xu Ziyan is unfolding. It was only in less than a quarter of an hour, and all the characters in the chest of He Boxian were changed. As long as you put in the best stone, you can drive these cockroaches.

Incorporating these cockroaches into a storage ring, and taking out a blank jade, the control cockroach was transported in, and handed it to Xiaobai along with the storage ring with the cockroach, and she handed it to Xu Xingfan.

After doing all this, Xu Ziyan waved away and went out. Seeing that most of the monks have broken through the realm, they are consolidating there.

Yan Xingyun finally broke through the late Mahayana.

The demon king also broke through to the late Mahayana.

The fire dance broke through to the middle of the Mahayana.

Handan and Yunhe Fairy finally broke through to the beginning of Mahayana.

Shen Qianji is the realm of the half-step Mahayana period.

Ximen jade is a breakthrough in the repair of the peak of the distraction.

The remaining monks also have breakthroughs.

They felt that Xu Ziyan had dispersed a large array, and they all opened their eyes and excitedly looked at Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan also smiled and nodded to the monks.

Yan Xingyun stood up from the ground and walked toward Xu Ziyan. "Ziyan, we have been practicing here for two months. The aura here is almost the same, and our cultivation will not be Further breakthrough. Is it time to go back?"

Xu Ziyan smiled and nodded: "Yan predecessors, Ziyan also think so. We will go out, and it should be calculated with Wang Woyun, Yunfeifeng and Bai Xiyan!"

"Yes, it should be calculated with them, hahaha..." Yan Xingyun laughed happily. Suddenly, the look of a glimpse, looking at Xu Ziyan's gaze changed, stuttered and said:

" is the realm?"

Xu Ziyan smiled bitterly: "I think I want to fly up the fairy world! If I don't do it, I might still be able to stick to it for a few hours. If I do it, I am afraid I will immediately fly."

Yan Xingyun slammed for a while, and said: "That... we have to go back quickly!"

"Good! Let's go!"

Xu Ziyan started this way, and most of the monks followed suit, except for some monks who had not yet broken through the realm.

The monks soon came to the entrance of the ancient ruins, and they saw the array of people blocking the entrance to the gate. Xu Ziyan smiled faintly, and the wave between them waved away. Nowadays, she has been infinitely close to the second-class fairy teacher, and it is natural to break the array of Bai Xiyan, which is a rush to set up.

However, this character has just broken, and I heard a few voices coming from outside and excitedly called:

"The patriarch!"

"Old ancestors!"

"City Lord!"

The nature of the patriarch is the disciple of the Xujiajian Temple, the ancestor is the Xiaolutian disciple, and the lord is the monk of the Tiancheng City.

Looking at the faces of several disciples outside, both anxious and excited, these people are aware of the bad. Xu Ziyan hurriedly asked the disciples of the temple:

"What happened?"

The Xujiajiandian disciple quickly said the things on the mainland, Wang Liyun, Yunfeifeng and Bai Xiyan. The voice here has not yet fallen, and Yan Xingyun and Ximen Jade have completely changed color. The face of Yan Xingyun became red, staring at the monk of Ronaldinho:

"Small Luotian ruined?"

"Yes!" The little Luo Tian disciple cried and said: "Once, my disciple of Xiao Luotian is now ten, and almost all of them have been killed by Wang Woyun."

"Day of the city is gone?" Ximen Jade asked with a grin.

"Yes! The city owner! Now the whole day of the city is occupied by the people of Bai Xiyan."

Ximen Yuxi was in the body, but he also knew that Xu Ziyan stood here, and he looked at Xu Ziyan. The identity of Yan Xingyun is different from that of Ximen jade. At this time, he was already anxious. He wanted to leave when he was flashing, but Xu Ziyan pressed his hand on his shoulder. Yan Xingyun's body shape was shocked, and he turned around and saw Xu Ziyan. He couldn't help but swell and took a few breaths, and he barely suppressed the anger in his heart.

Xu Ziyan loosened the hand on the shoulder of Yan Xingyun and turned to look at the disciple of the Xujiajian Temple:

"So, most of the monks who escaped from Tianshen City and Xiaoluotian are in our home?"


“How is the Xu family now?”

"Bai Xiyan is still breaking, but still does not break open!"

Xu Ziyan thought a little, and his eyes passed through the crowd. Finally, I will look at the body of Yan Xingyun:

"Yan predecessors, I will soon be flying, but before I fly, I will kill Wang Woyun. So you should have no problem rebuilding Xiao Luotian?"

"no problem!"

Yan Xingyun’s eyes brightened. He had already known from the mouth of the Xujiajiandian disciple that now Wang Yuyun, Yunfeifeng and Bai Xiyan’s hands have a large number of late Mahayana’s embarrassment, although he is also a late Mahayana, but I am just a person, but the other party has a large number of late Mahayana! Now when I heard Xu Ziyan’s words, I put down my mind:

"Those who are..."

Xu Ziyan said faintly: "It doesn't matter, give it to me!"

Yan Xingyun was in the heart of Da Ding, and Xu Ziyan looked at Ximen Yudao again: "I will kill Bai Xiyan. There are still some Tiancheng City monks in Xu Family. Is there no problem in withdrawing Tianzhicheng?"

"No problem!" Ximen solitary smoke chest, a murderous voice in his eyes.

"Good!" Xu Ziyan nodded, and finally looked at the fire dance: "I will kill Yunfeifeng and have the confidence to recover from the fire."

"Thank you!" The fire dance solemnly gave a gift to Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan nodded, and there was a hint of tone in his tone: "Let's go!"

Thousands of people came out of the ancient ruins and flew to the Xu family. Although Xu Ziyan has confidence in the big array he has set up in the Xu family, he still wants to return to the ethnic group as soon as possible. As a result, several monks of the Mahayana had left the monks behind, and when they stepped on the void, they disappeared and appeared in the sky over the Xu family. The latter monks who came out of the ancient ruins were desperate to fly to the family.

How can you have a look at this kind of fun!


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*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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