The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1128: Destroy Da Luotian

I am very grateful to SOi classmates, susantsh0905 classmates, Zi Yan? Zhao Yilin, Tiandong classmates, parasitic world classmates, wqiy2003 classmates pink ticket!


The space fluctuated, when Xu Ziyan, Yan Xingyun, Fire Dance, Monster, Xiaobai, Handan, Yunhe Fairy and 18 small ancient vines appeared in the sky above the Xu family, they were Wang Woyun, Yunfeifeng and Bai Xiyan found out

They immediately realized that it was not good, especially the smell that came out of Xu Ziyan was too strong. Just like the breath of the Yanshan soul when it was raging, it was only this eye that they knew what the realm of Xu Ziyan is now. It is not what they can resist.

However, they also have their cards, that is, more than a hundred of the Mahayana late. The three people looked at each other and did not give Xu Ziyan and others to blame their time. They immediately ordered that more than one hundred Mahayana’s later squadrons attacked Xu Ziyan and others.

Wang Woyun, Yunfeifeng and Bai Xiyan are far away from Xu Ziyan and others, looking at those embarrassing attacks. If Xu Ziyan and others are smashed, they are naturally happy. If they are not, they are ready to escape at any time.

In the face of more than a hundred Mahayana's later attacks, Xu Ziyan smiled helplessly. She knows that as long as she does it, the breath of her body can no longer be suppressed, and the robbery will come.

Xu Ziyan did not hesitate to separate the three gods and secretly hit the body of Wang Liyun, Yunfeifeng and Bai Xiyan. Then the momentum of the body was completely opened, and a palm was stretched out toward the slap.


More than one hundred Mahayana's combined forces attacked a blow, and was actually resisted by Xu Ziyan. Let Yunfeifeng, Wang Woyun and Bai Xiyan gaze. However, Xu Ziyan did not ruin this palm. Let Xu Ziyan's look is also tight. Mind:

"It seems that I want to shoot a hundred more than a hundred times in the late stage of the Mahayana or a little worse, each break!"

I just want to move. But he suddenly stopped and looked up into the air. I saw the rapid formation of the robber clouds in the air, and all of them became dark, and Tianwei pressed down. It is a fear in the heart.


Wang Liyun, Yunfeifeng and Bai Xiyan reacted very quickly, and they made a decision in an instant and quickly disappeared. Xu Ziyan glanced at the direction in which the three people left, and they stopped paying attention. With their own spiritual tracking, it is natural to find them easily. The thoughts in their hearts, Xu Ziyan is also very clear. But I was thinking about hiding back to the Zongmen, waiting for myself to fly. Isn't the mainland of the sky still theirs?

Xu Ziyan smiles lightly, will he make them happy?

Da Luotian, a disciple from Huozong and Lingbao Island, saw his ancestors ran, and all of them fled with shackles. How can Xu Ziyan let these people escape? It’s Xu Ziyan, Yan Xingyun and Fire Dance and others are not willing!

Thus, these Mahayana monks killed the tens of thousands of Da Luotian, disciples from Huo Zong and Lingbao Island. And Xu Ziyan is dedicated to dealing with those embarrassing. At this time. The entire Xu family has been chaotic, and those who have lost the possibility of joining forces, Xu Ziyan punched one by one, and quickly smashed into powder.

The large array of Xu family was completely opened at this time, and there were countless monks rushing out to Da Luotian, and the monks from Huozong and Lingbao Island rushed to the past.

Now the strength of Xu Ziyan is higher than that of the original Yanshan Soul. Because the purple smoke space has formed a layer of fairyland, the real power of Xu Ziyan has completely transformed into Xianyuan. Although extremely weak. But its quality is really strong.

When I wanted to rob the Yanshan soul, it was only one-tenth of the real power in the body that was transformed into Xianyuanli, and Xu Ziyan is now completely transformed.

The result of this state is that the clouds in the sky condense very quickly, just a few moments. It began to rumbling toward Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan’s mouth flicked a smile and his body ran into the big Luotian. The monks from Huo Zong and Lingbao Island rushed over. And Yan Xingyun and Xu Jia and other parties understand the thoughts of Xu Ziyan at the first sight. They are far away from Xu Ziyan, but they have not let go of Da Luotian. The disciples from Huozong and Lingbao Island are constantly smothering. Enemies that escaped far away.

Where is the body of Xu Ziyan, where is the thunder? This kind of heavenly deterrence is the kind of monks who can be resisted by the realm, and is constantly being smashed into **** by the thunder in the sky. It was only less than a quarter of an hour, and more than a hundred of the Mahayana’s later scorpions were smashed into smashed powder.

Afterwards, Xu Ziyan stopped paying attention to the monks who fled around Huo Zong and Lingbao Island. There are Yan Xingyun, Fire Dance, Xiaobai, Emperor, Yunhe Fairy, Handan and 18 small ancient vines. These Mahayana monks have more than 200,000 monks. If they let the enemies of the escaping run away, then They are not rushing to death.

Xu Ziyan fell to the ground and sat down on the knees. Shipped up the sword, led the thunder into the body, began to improve their own body repair.

The sword gas is originally a hegemonic refining method. In the body of Xu Ziyan, there are countless swords to transform her physique. Now, in her body, there is a bombardment of thunder, it is like a forging hammer. Forging her body outside is generally. In this sword, the thunder and robbery are outside, and the inside and outside are combined, so that the body of Xu Ziyan is cultivated sharply.

The seven spirits of the body ... eight spirits of the body ... ... nine spirits of the body ... Xianyi one product body, Xianyi two product body!

This has always reached the body of the second product, and the sword of Xu Ziyan has finally stopped. Xu Ziyan knows that this is because he is still in the real world, and the height that can be reached is also true.

Nowadays, there is the body of the second-class fairy. This kind of thunderbolt is not at all in her heart. Looking up at the thunder of the buckets that are constantly falling in the air, Xu Ziyan’s heart suddenly moves. I remembered the small thunderstorm that I had realized in my early days, and I immediately immersed my whole mind in the thunder.

Seen from the outside, the thunderstorms that fell in the sky constantly bombarded the body of Xu Ziyan, squeaking and electro-optic.

Time is in the constant bombardment of the past, one day and one night, the entire Da Luotian, the monks brought from the fire and the Lingbao Island are all wiped out. All the monks looked at Xu Ziyan, who was in the distance, and they were filled with admiration. Moreover, the monks on the mainland of the Canggu are continually coming to watch Xu Ziyan.

The thunder of Xu Ziyan experienced changes in the eyes of the monks. The original situation of electro-optical light disappeared. The thunder and lightning from the air came to Xu Ziyan’s body, but it was not in the electric light, but rushed into Xu Ziyan. The body disappeared.

Every thunder and lightning entering the body of Xu Ziyan will be wrapped up by Xu Ziyan's gods and comprehend the subtle changes in lightning. So, after three days and three nights, Xu Ziyan finally fully realized the thunder.

Comprehending the thunder and lightning, Xu Ziyan felt that his state of mind had been repaired into a big chunk. Under the mood, I couldn’t help but scream in the sky, like Fengming.

The shape of Xu Ziyan suddenly rises to the sky, flying toward the clouds of the air, but it is close to the robbery cloud, the more the robbery is more and more fierce, the greater the power. And that robbery cloud is like a world of scale, no matter how Xu Ziyan flies, but it is also close to robbery.

Xu Ziyan completely let go of his own knowledge and shrouded the robbery. However, the situation of the world is still there. It seems that the robbery cloud comes from another space, so that you can't catch up.

However, Xu Ziyan's knowledge of the gods was released and integrated into the thunder of constant falling, as if entering a heavenly space, a large number of heavenly roads swarmed.

When Xu Ziyan was in shape, he stood in the air and was immersed in the heavens.

The momentum of Xu Ziyan is climbing, and the cultivation is growing. The purple smoke in Dantian is wide, wide and wide.

After five times in a row, the space has become vast and vast. There are more than a dozen galaxies in the space, and now it has reached seventy-two galaxies. Although the purple smoke fairy world is still only a galaxy, but there are hundreds of millions of stars, the fairy power in the space once again faded, almost invisible.

If Xu Ziyan is awake now, he will know that he has continuously upgraded five realms. If there is a supplement of Xianyuan, she will immediately make a continuous breakthrough in the fairy world.

A total of seven days and seven nights of the thunderstorm ended, Xu Ziyan woke up from the epiphany. I checked my body and laughed happily. Mindfulness, through the knowledge of God, I know that Wang Liyun, Yunfeifeng and Bai Xiyan really ran back to their respective sects and hid themselves, waiting for themselves to soar.

Sneering in my heart, shouting to the bottom: "I am going to kill Wang Woyun, Yunfeifeng and Bai Xiyan, and you will come later."

When the words fell, Xu Ziyan stepped out in one step, but only came to the nearest Da Luotian in an instant. At this time, the palm of the hand has been taken out and turned into a long sword. The power that belongs to the Xianjia is surrounded by Xu Ziyan.

The long sword with the hands of a palm of water is lifted up, and the long sword instantly transforms into a sky-like column.

The space was rippling, Yan Xingyun, Fire Dance, Xiaobai, Yaohuang, Handan, Shenqianji and 18 small ancient vines. These Mahayana monks also appeared in the sky above Da Luotian, looking at Xu Ziyan.

The giant sword slammed into the sky, and there was a sharp space crack in the sky.


The whole space was shaking. It was only this blow. The big ruins of Da Luotian collapsed, and countless peaks were razed to the ground. This sword almost killed two-thirds of the monks of Da Luotian. And this sword is going to go to Wang Woyun, so, Wang Woyun also turned into a fly ash under this sword, and Xianjiawei can not resist the mortal.

Yan Xingyun, fire dance, white, demon, Han Dan, Shen Qianji and 18 small ancient vines, these monks of the Mahayana watched all this, and his heart was completely unbelievable.

"Go away from the fire!"


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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