The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1130: Mid-central

I am very grateful to a*e classmates, espflykite classmates, my heart classmates, my classmates, my classmates, eryanu classmates, elva3 classmates, Du Jiaxiaobao classmates, lamian0129 classmates, book friends 111017171121010 classmates, cold long classmates, parasitic world Classmates, Du Jiaxiaobao classmates, djh9000 classmates, wind men's classmates, susantsh0905 classmates, Yu Xiaokai's pink ticket!


This is also a slap in the face of the Xianxian Pond. If it is a real immortal, I am afraid it will be shocked and fainted. Which of the people who are flying up, do not stay in the Xianxianchi for a few hours? Stronger, and the geniuses stayed there for a day or two, and the people who stayed for nine days and nine nights never appeared.

This is actually due to the fact that Xu Ziyan's physique is different from others. Others just inhale the celestial force in the celestial pool and infiltrate the body through the big Sunday, and transport it to Dantian. When the real power in the body is transformed into Xianyuan, the natural limit is reached, and the Xianxian pool loses its effect.

However, Xu Ziyan is different. She is not only the real power in Dantian but also needs to be transformed into Xianyuan. The true strength of the 365 caves in the body also needs to be transformed into Xianyuan. The time required is naturally Be longer than others.

The role of Huaxianchi can only transform the true Yuan force in the monk into a fairy power, which has no effect on the cultivation of the monk. That is to say, when the true Yuan force in a monk's body is transformed into Xianyuan, it is to continue to sit in the cultivation of the fairy pool. It will not play the slightest role. It is only responsible for transforming all the repairs that the monks should have into Xianyuan, and filling Xianyuan with the limits that the monks can accommodate.

The true Yuan Li of Xu Ziyan's body has been completely transformed into Xian Yuan Li, but it is extremely light and thin, so at this time the Huaxianchi has to do is to fill the body of Xu Ziyan with Xianyuan.

Other monks flew from the world to the fairy world. The vast majority are just the realm of the early days of the immortals, even if they are strong, they are at most the realm of the late immortals. However, Xu Ziyan is different. A self-contained space in the body creates a fairy world. How can a monk who has completed the conversion of Xianyuan in the mortal world be the same as a normal monk? What's more, her state of mind has been very high, so with the immortality of the immortality in the celestial pool, the realm of Xu Ziyan is rapidly increasing.

In the early days of the immortals... the middle of the immortals... the late stage of the immortals... the peaks of the late immortals... the early days of the immortals... the middle of the fairy!

Until the middle of the immortal, Huaxianchi stopped the immortalization of Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan knew that he should have come out of the Huaxianchi. His figure was up and down, and he slammed into the pond. Xu Ziyan stayed in the pond and couldn't understand how it happened. Shake his head. Climbed to the pond and walked out of the fairy pool. Just standing on the edge of the pond, I heard the cockroach and said:

"Follow the signs!"

Xu Ziyan heard it, looked up and saw a signpost on the side of the road. Then nodded and no longer talked to that swearword. I know that I have asked questions and I will not answer them. Then I will go empty. You have to fly. However, she not only did not fly, but also because she was not prepared in the heart, a cockroach, fell to the ground, and fell solidly.

Xu Ziyan’s heart could not be described with shock at this time. He didn’t get up on the ground. He looked back and looked at the beggar standing beside the Xianxianchi. The back was facing her, not even turning back. I simply ignored her. Xu Ziyan got up and sat on the ground. Mind:

"Is this the limit of the immortal world? Just like in the real world, if you do not reach the sixth floor of the refining period, you can't fly the sword. If you don't reach the base period, you can't fly in the void? But... what kind of scenery should you achieve in the fairyland? Can the realm fly?"

Xu Ziyan condensed all of his cultivation, and transported the golden fist to the great consummation.


Not too big or too small. A fist-sized pit appeared on the ground.

Xu Ziyan was really surprised this time. If you are in the cultivation of the world, you can make this punch. It is a mountain that has been beaten into a powder. Here, only a fist-sized pit can be made to the ground!

Looked at the fairy charm in his storage ring, only 18 one-piece fairy, Xu Ziyan waved a set of 18 fairy charms. Then, I took out a set of clothes and put them on. While changing, I am thinking about it:

"Now I don't know what I am doing, but she knows that she has jumped a big step in the fairy pool. With her experience, naturally she knows that she just entered the fairy world, so this high-profile will definitely lead to some unnecessary. The trouble. Who knows these fairy tales, will you speculate on this point that there is space in your body?"

Xu Ziyan transmitted the gods out and found that the distance between the gods in the fairy world was also a lot shorter than the original one percent. Did not find someone around, Xu Ziyan began to make a collection of charms within the array. After an hour, Xu Ziyan made a collection of charms and put them on the body. Slightly thought about it, it will be adjusted to the middle of the immortal. Although she did not know what the name should be in this realm, she knew that this should be the middle of the lowest revision of the immortal world.

After doing all this, Xu Ziyan just took up the array and followed the instructions of the road sign. Go on foot and walk, no longer dare to fly.

After walking for a long time, I saw a road sign and turned a corner and followed a small road. It didn't take long before I saw a celestial pool. There is a woman sitting in the fairy pool.


Xu Ziyan was slightly surprised in the heart, and he did not know this person carefully. The heart is pondering, it seems that the other party is not a monk flying up from the mainland.

At this time, I saw the woman opened her eyes. Although her face was flushed and her eyes were bright, she seemed to be drunk, but she did not jump from the fairy pool like Xu Ziyan, but she was honest. The field went on the shore. Then I didn't listen to the cockroach next to the fairy pool, and walked straight toward Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan smiled politely at the woman, and the woman looked at Xu Ziyan while walking, and there was a hint of surprise in her eyes. At this time, Xu Ziyan was also looking at each other. Seeing the other side's cultivation is the beginning of the immortal, the heart can not help but secretly fortunate, fortunately, he will be repaired to adjust to the middle of the immortal, otherwise it is indeed too embarrassing.

The woman walked to the front of Xu Ziyan and shouted happily: "Great! I finally flew to the fairyland and became a fairy! This sister, what do you call it?"

Xu Ziyan looked at her with a flush of face, some incoherent, and she felt funny in her heart, but she did not show it. And a mortal who, through his own unremitting efforts, is able to fly up the fairy world and is indeed a happy thing. Then he said to the other side:

"Let's make a purple smoke!"

The other side smiled and said: "My name is Tang Linger, from the ethereal mainland." Here, Tang Linger's face reveals a trace of pride:

"I am the youngest flying monk in the history of our Tang family, hehe... I am a genius! Right, how old are you now?"

Xu Ziyan heard a word, and took the finger and figured it out. He said with some uncertainty: "About forty-eight years old!"

"Hey?" Tang Linger looked at Xu Ziyan slyly.

Tang Linger stayed for a while and had a bitter bitterness on his face. Xu Ziyan asked strangely:

"What's wrong? How old are you now?"

Tang Linger unnaturally waved: "It is bigger than you anyway, you will call me my sister in the future!"

When the words fell, the head was pulled down, and the heart said: "Do you want me to tell you, I am now more than 480 years old? Do you want me to tell you, my age is ten times more than you? God. Do you want to be so arrogant! Am I a genius? So let me just ascend, I will meet a genius than me... No... it’s a enchanting person!”

Xu Ziyan’s eyes turned and he guessed that Tang Linger must be much better than himself, and he secretly smiled and said nothing. Tang Linger waved weakly:

"Let's go, let's go to the hall."

"Okay, sister Tang!"

Xu Ziyan smiled and said. She saw Tang Linger knowing to come out of the Huaxian pond, instead of thinking about flying, and also able to call the name Feisheng Hall, knowing that Tang Linger knows more about the fairy world than himself. So he followed Tang Linger’s side and asked while walking:

"Sister Tang, how is the realm of this fairy world divided?"

Tang Linger looked at Xu Ziyan in a weird way: "You have no channel in the world to connect with the fairy world?"

"Contact channel?" Xu Ziyan looked like: "What is that?"

Seeing that Xu Ziyan is not like a fake, Tang Linger said with a smile: "Some of the big gates or big families in Fanjie have a way to connect with the fairy world. However, the contact will cost many elite spirits. And the fairyland sends a connection to Fanjie. It costs more. So, usually, it won’t be contacted for thousands of years. However, after years of experience, Fanjie has a little understanding of the fairy world. Of course, these understandings are in the big gates or In the big family, ordinary monks will not know."

Xu Ziyan couldn't help but glance at Tang Linger, and the heart of the dark road, this Tang Linger's origin must be extraordinary. Otherwise you will not know these secrets.

"The realm of the fairy world is divided into cents, cents, antennas, Luo Tianshangxian, Da Luo Jinxian, Jiu Tian Xuan Xian, Xianjun, Xianwang, Xianhuang, Xiandi, Xianzun. Just like I am now the beginning of the immortal, and You are the middle of the immortal."

Xu Ziyan heard it, and the corner of his mouth passed a bitter smile, and he couldn’t help but whisper: "The fairy road is long!"

Two people could not help but stop at the same time, looking at the blue sky of the fairyland, the look can not help but stunned. Half-sounding, the two men regained their gaze and looked at each other. Inexplicably, the hearts of the two people were close. This may be in this fairyland. The two were the first known immortals, and they all just rose from the fairy world.

"How can we not fly?" Xu Ziyan at this time is no longer polite, and asked directly.


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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