The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1131: inventory

I am very grateful to Ashwood's tears classmates (1888), large flying pig classmates (588), aspen students' tears classmates (200), Icey Xuan classmates (100), Shun Shun 666 classmates (100), and book friends 121125180033556 classmates (100 ), soul first classmates (100), Zi Yan classmates (99), Tang Tang 8719 classmates (99), Milanoz classmates (99), Tang Tang 8719 classmates (99) reward!


"How can we not fly?" Xu Ziyan at this time is no longer polite, and asked directly.

"That is because the celestial world is different from the mortal world. Only in the fairy world can the flight be completed. Only before the fairy can walk on foot, that is, under the fairy, it is like a mortal who has not cultivated in the world." ”

Having said that, Tang Linger can't help but smile on his face. Xu Ziyan is also a bitter smile. Once the man of the storm, to the fairyland, he was beaten back to the original shape. This psychological gap is really huge.

"What happened to the Flying Hall?"

"There are some celestial pools in this endless mountain range, but here it is a rare place. It is said that the scent of the scent is absorbed by the sacred pool, but the sacred pool is only transformed. The role of Xianyuanli has no effect on the cultivation of monks. Therefore, it is a desert zone for the fairyland.

However, the monks who have risen from the lower bounds cannot be ignored. There are many forces in the fairyland who want to absorb the monks who have risen from the lower bounds. Therefore, there is a flying hall. The Flying Hall is responsible for sending the flying monk to a nearby location with a fairy boat. There are monks in reception there. There you can decide where you are going. ”

The two men said as they walked, and unwittingly came to the front door of the Flying Hall.

Xu Ziyan looked up and looked at the Flying Hall, giving a very ruined feeling. Xu Ziyan lowered his voice and said:

"How is this Flying Hall so broken?"

Tang Linger snorted: "There is a desert in the fairyland, no monks are willing to come here. Not to mention the hoisting of the hall, it is not bad to have a place. Right, purple smoke, do you have Xianjing?" ”

"Xianjing? No! What do you want?" Xu Ziyan asked in a wrong way.

"It is necessary to spend the fairy tales on the fairy boat. And this fairy crystal is the same as the Lingshi in the real world in the fairy world. The usual transactions are made of Xianjing."

When the words fell, Tang Linger took a piece of fairy crystal from the storage ring with a look of pain. After thinking about it, she took out a piece of Xianjing and handed it to Xu Ziyan:


Xu Ziyan looked at Tang Linger, hesitated for a moment, nodded and closed the two crystals. This love purple smoke is remembered.

Two people stepped into the Flying Hall. I saw a hall in the Feisheng Hall and a monk sitting behind a large workbench. Xu Ziyan quietly opened the eyes of Kun Peng, and he knew that the other party was a monk in the late Xianxian. Two people walked up to the counter, Tang Linger said with a smile:

"This brother, we are just flying up."

The brother raised his eyelids and said faintly: "Everyone has a piece of fairy crystal. If there is no fairy crystal, go out and go to the mountains to play the fairy beast. One of the best beasts. Can be quite a piece of fairy crystal."

"We don't have to go to the fairy!"

Tang Linger took a lower product from the storage ring and placed it on the counter. Xu Ziyan also hurriedly took out a piece of the next product, Xianjing, on the counter.

The brother’s face looked a little better, and the two pieces of the next product were collected, and said faintly:

"You go in that passage and choose a room to live in. Now there are eight flying monks living there, plus you two are enough, and tomorrow you will be sent to the village!"

Two people followed the passage and each found a room to stay.

After Xu Ziyan entered the room, he set up a fairy squad with eighteen fairy charms, and then began to count his family. When I arrived at the fairyland, I had a lot of homes that were useless. Xu Ziyan now feels that she is a poor person. This makes Xu Ziyan very unaccustomed.

Throwing the stone into a planet in the lower bound space of the purple smoke space. Even if these spirits are the best, they are not useful. A few pieces of treasures have no effect, sinking the gods into the purple smoke space, throwing those treasures to the device one and the second, telling them that they have reached the fairy world. Let them work hard to improve their own realm, and don't talk about treasures in the future. The spirits are useless, and what they need is a fairy.

The device and the device looked at Xu Ziyan two times, and Xu Ziyan also looked at them both up and down, and nodded with satisfaction. The repair of these two people has already reached the realm of half-step Mahayana. It seems that in this celestial environment, under the cultivation of the immortals, it is very easy to want to improve the cultivation.

Having chatted with two people for a while, Discoverer One and Two are now eight spirits. It seems that the inheritance of Yanshan soul is really not simple. It must be that with the improvement of the two, their level of refining will be rapidly improved.

I also counted my own medicinal herbs, leaving only eight pieces of Chaos Dan. The rest are all medicines, and they have no effect on themselves. However, it was not able to throw it, and it was depressed, and went to the place of Danyi and Danji. After looking at them, their repairs also reached the half-step Mahayana period, and then asked again, two people are now nine products alchemy teacher, presumably to reach the Xiandan division not far away.

I went to see Fu Yi and Yu Yi, and both of them also achieved the half-step Mahayana period, and they all reached the Xianfu and Xianzhen divisions.

Xu Ziyan looked around and saw that the fairy power in the purple smoke fairyland was extremely rich, completely dozens of times the outside world. No wonder these people's cultivation has grown so fast.

However, Xu Ziyan also understands. This is also because their cultivation is below the human being. Because Xian Yuanli is too helpful for the monks below the immortal, it is as if they are taking the elixir all the time. Wait until they reach the cultivation of the immortal. The speed of cultivation will slow down.

Xu Ziyan counted his property and found those spiritual stones, medicinal herbs, and scorpions. Whatever the treasures are useless. However, there are quite a few useful ones. A piece of Tang Linger gave his own product, Xianjing, eight pieces of one product, Chao Dan, and nineteen pieces of one-character. Fairy! Ok! It is a fairy, and there are more than nine thousand, although they are all one.

There are Wudao tea, there are big peaches, there are all kinds of very useful herbs, there is a palm of water, there is a fire spirit, there is that earth dragon. Ok! A palm of water and a dragon are still sleeping there.

Also got in the ghost sea. I don’t know the grades of Bianlian and jade bottles. There are also pens in the chaos, Yun Linger, and the map. Xu Ziyan thought about it, but in fact, his family has a lot of homes, but many of them are not able to sell. Those who can sell are the fairy wares. If you keep so much, you can’t use them at all, just don’t know how many celestial crystals are worth.

correct. There is still a lot of light of life, and Xu Ziyan immediately went to find the light of life. The light of life in the space and within He Boxian was collected, and there were more than 3,000 baht. When Xu Ziyan thought about it, he threw the more than 3,000 times of life light onto the comet. It will not take long for you to think about it. There will be many beasts here, and then a new light of life will be born. Just do not know the value of life is not worth the money.

Looking at He Boxian, Xu Ziyan was overjoyed, because she found that this He Boxian government has now reached the realm of the middle of the fairy. Xu Ziyan was slightly pondering, and he was excited to think that it was his own state of mind that had reached the realm of heaven. Is it as long as your own state of mind is constantly improving. This He Boxian government will continue to improve?

Look carefully at He Boxian. The look can not help but suffer. It turned out that the people who had come in and collected in Tianzheng had almost killed the monsters in He Boxian. Immediately separated hundreds of sacred knowledge, hundreds of people will be cracked, and then they will be modified one by one. The strength of these charismatic people has been raised to the realm of the early immortal, and automatically absorbed the fairy power. As long as the monk refines with a glimpse of the gods, he can control the person. Check it out. There were 999 full, and the remaining ten were destroyed by the original purple smoke. Xu Ziyan stared at the 899 people who were in a good mood. I don’t know how many sacred crystals can be sold by these 996 people.

Xu Ziyan is really poor now, and there is only one piece of Xianjing in his body. I am afraid that the money in the store is not enough. After a sneak peek, Xu Ziyan decided to find a place to sell the fairy and 999 people. The level of the Fu people is too low, and it is useless to repair the middle of the present. One hundred left, and the rest are sold.

Suddenly remembered, I would like to give Tang Linger a fairy, to know that Tang Linger gave him two pieces of Xianjing, and thought of it, Xu Ziyan took a large array and got up and walked toward Tang Linger's room.

Knocked on the door, Tang Linger inside opened the door. When she saw Xu Ziyan standing outside, she happily pulled her in and said:

"Ziyan sister, come in quickly."

I invited Xu Ziyan into the door, and took out the tea set from the storage ring. After brewing the tea, I looked at Xu Ziyan:

"Ziyan sister, is there something?"

"Sister Tang, there is nothing big. Just want to ask, can you have a fairy?"

Tang Linger looked at Xu Ziyan strangely: "Imperial? Purple smoke sister, are you sick? My family has a fairy, but that is the treasure of the town, how can I give it to me? However, my grandfather gave it to me. I have given you five pieces of Xianjing, and now I have given you two pieces, and I have given them a piece of Feisheng Temple. There are two pieces on my body. It is said that one of the fairy pieces is not expensive, only one and a half or so, waiting for us to enter. City, I will go buy a one-piece fairy."

Xu Ziyan said with a smile: "I don't know what kind of fairy instrument Tang sister likes and see if I have something for you!"

Tang Linger's look is a glimpse. She didn't have Xianjing from Xu Ziyan, and she lacked understanding of the fairy world. She speculated that Xu Ziyan's birth would not be high. Now she said that she has a fairy on her body, which can't help but let Tang Linger feel a little dizzy.


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*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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