The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1132: Feisheng Village

I am very grateful to God Mo Wangdao, Tang Tang 8719 classmates, I want to classmates, hknt16104 classmates, Fox Linlin classmates, cheeze classmates, Tianlongwang 2263 classmates, classmates, I love Manchuria, Ziyan classmates' pink ticket !


Xu Ziyan did not understand the fairy world, but what she knew was obtained from the Yanshan soul. The Yanshan soul explains the general trend of the fairyland, where will talk about the sesame little things like the Flying Hall.

Tang Linger is dizzy, but he still can't help but say his weapon:

"I... I like the fairy of wood."

The purple consciousness of Xu Ziyan swept swiftly in the storage ring, and soon selected a banana fan and took it out and handed it to Tang Linger.

Tang Linger saw the banana fan, and the above clearly released the charm of the fairy, excitedly took the banana fan in his hand, and looked at it with pleasure.

When Xu Ziyan saw her happy look, she stood up from her seat and said as she walked outside:

"You slowly refining, I will go back first."

"Well, um!" Tang Linger agreed to the soul.

Xu Ziyan returned to his room, sitting cross-legged on the bed, entering his own knowledge of the sea, and seeing the one that was refining himself at the beginning, and Tilian also floated in his own knowledge of the sea. Although Xu Ziyan has not been able to refine it, the spiritual power of the sea is constantly refining it. Xu Ziyan looked at it and has refining it in half.

After thinking about it, I took out the jade bottle I got in the ghost sea. Holding the arms, began refining. During the night, Xu Ziyan just refining this jade bottle to be able to receive the knowledge of the sea. Not available. However, Xu Ziyan is not in a hurry. It’s just a matter of refining in the sea of ​​knowledge. When you are a little stable, take time to refine them.

early morning.

Xu Ziyan came out of the room and saw several monks coming out from other rooms. The door on the side opens and Tang Linger comes out from the inside.

Everyone came to the main hall and saw the monk who received them. The monk stood next to a middle-aged monk. Xu Ziyan secretly opened the eyes of Peng Peng and saw that the middle-aged monk was a The monk of the late Xianxian. The monk saw these ascenders, and his eyes swept quickly on the bodies of ten people, such as Xu Ziyan, when they swept Xu Ziyan. There was a hint of surprise in his eyes. He did not expect that there would be a mid-term monk among the ten ascenders. However, he was slightly surprised, and said faintly:

"follow me!"

The ten ascenders glanced at each other and silently followed the middle-aged monk out of the gate. The middle-aged monk waved and threw a fairy boat across the air. Quickly zoom in, the middle-aged monk took the lead and flew toward the flying boat.

After entering the flying boat, there were some seats in it. The middle-aged monks sat in front of them without saying a word. Everyone was looking for a seat to sit down. When I came to a strange place, everyone was keeping their duty. Xu Ziyan naturally sat with Tang Linger.

I saw everyone sitting in Anan, and the middle-aged monk showed a satisfactory color on his face. Start the fly and fly forward, then cough a bit against the ten ascenders:

"Everyone, I am the master of the city of Feiyuecheng. I welcome you to fly up the fairyland. I will probably introduce you to the fairyland. The next stop of Xianzhou is Feisheng Village. There are three choices there.

The first choice. If you have a family or a sect in the fairy world, you can leave by flying village. There is a fairy boat to the Flying Moon City.

The second option, if you don't have any power to join, you can choose to join the Flying City. but. Even if you join the Flying Moon City, it does not mean that you can cultivate comfortably. I can send people who join Feiyuecheng to Feiyuecheng. after that. You will be assessed, and Feiyue City will divide your treatment according to your cultivation and potential. If you have great potential, you can enter the Feiyue Temple. If you have low potential, you should start from the bottom, or be a gardener in a medicine garden, or a folk of a restaurant, or go to a mine to mine...

The third option is that you have neither power nor willingness to join the Flying Moon City, then I will only be responsible for sending you to Feisheng Village, and then you will have nothing to do with me. ”

After the middle-aged monk finished speaking, he stopped talking and hung down. The ten ascenders also frowned slightly, thinking about it there. Xu Ziyan turned to look at Tang Linger, pressing down the voice and asked:

"Sister Tang, do you choose that?"

Tang Linger’s mouth was a bitter smile: “Our Tang family is still influential in the fairy world, so I must go to the family. It’s not so easy for me to go to the family. The place I am flying seems to be far away from our home. This has to wait until you go to Feisheng Village to ask. Ziyan sister, which one are you going to choose?"

Xu Ziyan smiled and said: "I don't know, wait until Feisheng Village to see it!"

"Or, will you go to Tang with me?"

Xu Ziyan shook her head slightly, and she had already denied this proposal in her heart. In any case, Xu Ziyan was once a family leader, let her go to the Tang family, this is what she can't do. Moreover, she also wants to know if there is a Xu family in the fairyland? It is impossible for Tai Xuanzong to exist in the fairy world. It was established after the seal of the mainland. However, Dan Fuzong still wants to inquire about it.

Join the Flying City? I am afraid to start with mining or restaurant folks. Xu Ziyan needs to improve his training as soon as possible. The time for cultivation is not enough. Where is the time to serve people?

What's more, Xu Ziyan's ascension to the fairyland carries the hope of the Xu family in the mainland. If there is a family in the fairyland, then she will win a position in the Xu family. If there is no Xu family in the fairyland, she will need to work harder to build a foundation to build a foothold for the monks who have risen in the mainland.

As for the Yanshan soul!

The fairy world is so big that it is very difficult to find it. The soul of Yanshan has two enemies, the lord and the devil. He will hide himself. It is not easy to hear his name in the fairy world. In this way, Xu Ziyan can only wait for his reputation to gradually become famous in the fairy world, waiting for Yanshan soul to find himself.

At this time, she also thought of the solitary smoke and hope of Simon. I don't know where they will be today.

The heart of Xu Ziyan is somewhat confused. Looking out through the window of the fairy boat, it is ridiculous. It seems that this place is really not suitable for cultivation. All the Xianyuan force was almost absorbed by the Xianxian.

After flying for a full three days, I can feel that Xianyuan Li began to gradually become rich. The fairy boat landed in Feisheng Village, and Xu Ziyan and others walked out of the fairy boat and looked around.

This is a small village and it seems to be just a place to temporarily receive the ascender. The middle-aged monk looked at the ten ascendants in front of him:

"Give you three days, three days later I will leave here and return to Feiyuecheng. People who want to join Feiyuecheng will report to me, I will take you back to Feiyuecheng for free, if you don't want to join the monk in Feiyuecheng. I also want to go to Feiyuecheng and pay two pieces of Xianjing. I can bring you into the Flying City."

When the words fell, the middle-aged monk was greeted by the village head of Feisheng Village. Xu Ziyan and Tang Linger looked at each other and walked toward the only inn in the village. When they entered the uninterrupted time, the two men blushed out. It turns out that the only inn in this Feisheng Village needs half a piece of Xianjing for a day of accommodation. Xu Ziyan and Tang Linger add up to three pieces of fairy crystals. Where are you willing to spend here?

I looked at the only restaurant, and neither of them went into the fun. After wandering around in Feisheng Village, Xu Ziyan had a general understanding of this Feisheng Village.

There are probably more than 500 people in this Feisheng village. Most of them are the realm of immortality. Very few of them are the cultivation of the immortals. The village chief should be the highest monk, but it is only the realm of the middle immortals. There are even nearly a hundred monks who are under the Mahayana period. Tang Linger was somewhat puzzled and pulled a villager and asked:

"This big brother, how can there be a monk under the Mahayana period in the fairyland?"

The villager was quite honest, holding a sign in his hand and said with a smile:

"These monks under the Mahayana period are all children born in the fairy world. Naturally, they must also cultivate a little bit. It is not the birth of a human being."

Tang Linger heard a smirk and nodded. Xu Ziyan said in the heart: "Sure enough, I guessed it."

The honest monk answered Tang Linger’s question but did not leave, but swayed the signs in their hands. Xu Ziyan took a closer look and wrote a line of words:

"Accommodation, 20 cents a day, crystal coins!"

Xu Ziyan is a happy heart, this is originally for the family. It’s just that Xu Ziyan doesn’t know how this fairy coin is going, and the price is much cheaper than the inn. Then he smiled and asked:

"This big brother, how is this fairy coin calculated? And where do we live? Do you eat it?"

The monk holding the sign smiled and said: "A piece of fairy crystal is equal to one hundred cents, you live in my house, the price is more than half cheaper than the inn. And, eat it."

Xu Ziyan nodded, and asked with the thick monk walking: "If you grab the sound of the inn, you are not afraid of the innkeeper's trouble to find you?"

The thick monk snorted and said: "The inn was opened by my older brother. The restaurant was opened by my second brother. I am the village head. I don't care about me, I have to make my own money."

Xu Ziyan and Tang Linger heard a sigh: "Why don't you care?"

The face of the monk's monk revealed that he was stunned: "Not because my qualifications are not good!"

Xu Ziyan and Tang Linger shook their heads at the same time. This kind of thing is not new. Both of them came out of the family. Such things have been seen a lot, and they have no idea of ​​nostalgia. They came to his home with the monks.


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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