The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1133: True genius

I am very grateful to my classmates (100000), my classmates (200), my classmates (100), my friends 121125180033556 (100), my sisters (99), hknt16104 (99), mysterious Classmate (99)'s reward!


It was a small courtyard. As soon as I entered the courtyard, I saw a young monk sitting in a chair with a wine gourd in his hand and drinking. Seeing Xu Ziyan and Tang Linger, they looked a little indifferent, just took a look and continued to drink.

The handsome monk smiled happily and led Xu Ziyan and Tang Linger to the young monk, and moved two chairs to let Xu Ziyan and Tang Linger sit down. This laughed and said:

"Let's talk, I'm going to clean up the room for you."

Xu Ziyan looked at the indifferent youth and quietly opened the eyes of Yan Peng. The heart was shocked. The other party turned out to be the cultivation of the peak of the late Xianxian. This is higher than the repair of the village chief. She does not understand how such a person will appear here. Hesitated for a moment, finally politely asked:

"What does this Xiongtai call?"

The young monk looked at Xu Ziyan and did not answer her question, but asked faintly:

"You are just flying up?"

"Yes!" Xu Ziyan nodded.

At this time, the young monk changed his look slightly and stared at Xu Ziyan:

"Yes, a monk who has just been soaring is actually a mid-term repair!"

Xu Zi smiled and smiled and said: "In the next purple smoke, this is Tang Linger. It is also a monk who just flew up, I don't know Xiongtai is..."

The young monk drank another drink: "I am not a ascendant, my name is Duan Tianya."

At this time, the handsome monk ran back and forth. Standing in front of Xu Ziyan and Tang Linger, he smiled and said:

"Two, the room has been packed, that... that..."

Xu Ziyan and Tang Linger naturally know what the other party is waiting for, waiting for them to pay the fairy coin. Tang Linger just wanted to marry Xian Jing. Xu Ziyan’s heart moved, stopped Tang Linger, and turned to smile at the thick monk:

"This big brother, I just saw that there are monks in the village below the Mahayana period, and even repairs are lower. I don’t know if they need some treasures here?"

The thick monk scratched his head and said: "To say that there are quite a few monks below the immortal period, this treasure is also needed. However, this price is very low. A treasure can only sell five cents. You If there is only one or two pieces, I will accept the five cents, and the right is to help. However, if you have more, I will only be able to give you four cents. Because when I sell it, I always It takes a little effort."

Xu Ziyan nodded, and the gods entered the purple smoke space and came to the device one and two. Nowadays, the device has not made a treasure for the second time, and both of them are spiritual masters. However, there are still fifty-eight treasures left, and they are taken out of the brain and thrown on the ground:

"I have fifty-eight treasures, and I have to worry about my big brother!"

The thick monk smiled and collected fifty-eight treasures, and took out 232 cents of crystal coins and handed it to Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan took it up and took out one hundred and twenty cents of coins to hand over to the monks:

"This is the cost of two of us staying here for three days."

The thick and thick monk smiled and put away the fairy crystal coins, and then came into the house and put two plates of fairy meat on the table, and took out a wine gourd, and poured two bowls of wine in the bowl of Xu Ziyan and Tang Linger. Then he smiled and picked up the bowl.

Xu Ziyan and Tang Linger have never eaten fairy meat. After drinking the fairy wine, he curiously took a drink and took a drink. After drinking this wine, Xu Ziyan and Tang Linger look a little different, not to mention the taste of this wine. It is this wine that contains the fairy power, and the heart is refreshing.

Two people are still trying to drink the wine in the wine bowl. Going to eat the fairy beast meat, and sure enough, with the fairy power. Soon, the two people ate the two pieces of fairy meat. Waiting for the two of them to look up, it is clear that there is a trace of disdain from the eyes of the opposite side of the world.

Although there are some dissatisfaction in the hearts of the two people, they also know that the people in the immortal world regard these ascending followers, and naturally have superior psychology, as if they are looking at the soil buns.

The earthen buns are on the bun!

Xu Ziyan screamed at the mouth, remembered the scent of the fruit in the peach flower space, the taste is absolutely better than the wine that the handsome monk just took out. However, there is no such thing as a fairy power.

Xianyuan Li!

Xu Ziyan’s heart suddenly stunned. Nowadays, they are in the purple smoke fairy world. Nowadays, the purple smoke fairy world is tempered by the chemical fairy pool. The fairy power inside is not more than this rich. If this time, the wine made from the fruit of the purple smoke planet should be absolutely true.

Xu Ziyan gave a glimpse of the gods into the purple smoke planet, and called the peach flower to ask: "Peach blossom, do you have a new scent?"

Peach blossomed excitedly: "Master, now the plants here, the herbs have become the things of the fairy. I have begun to refine, but not yet brewed."

"Yeah! Well! Good! Good!"

Xu Ziyan resigned with joy and quit the purple smoke space. Laughing and taking out the original scent of four wine gourds, one for each of Tang Linger, Duan Tianya and Yan Hou, and then smiled and said:

"This is the wine that I brought in the real world. It doesn't help the cultivation. It tastes good. Let's taste it!"

Tang Linger took it with a natural smile, and the monk was also smiling and picking up the past. Only the eyes of the end of the world flashed disdain, but at first glance he was well educated, although the heart disdain, but still very politely picked up the past.

Xu Ziyan did not say much, she still has confidence in the taste of the peach blossom refining. When I opened the gourd, I started to drink.

The smell inside the gourd floated out, and the eyes of the three people around Xu Ziyan changed. Tang Linger and Yan Hou’s monks couldn’t wait to open the wine gourd and drink it, so that’s it. The smell of the wine in the yard is even more intense. Duan Tianya’s eyes changed again, opening the gourd, and the rich wine scented his nose.

Raise your hand and drink it. This drink didn't want to stop. Until the wine in the whole gourd was drunk, it was not enough to put down the wine gourd, and called:

"Good wine!"

After that, I looked at Xu Ziyan with a gaze. It is Tang Linger and Yan Hou’s monks who are also looking forward to the eye. Xu Ziyan smiled and took out three wine gourds and handed them to three people.

This time, the three people did not rush to drink, but took a wine glass from their storage ring, poured into the fairy, and slowly drank.

After Duan Tianya drank a glass of wine, he looked at Xu Ziyan: "Xu... purple smoke?"

Xu Ziyan nodded!

"If you have anything in the world, just like the treasures, just give the landlord together. The price he gave is fair."

Xu Ziyan understood it as soon as he heard it. This is the feeling that Duan Tianya felt that he had drunk his own wine and was unwilling to owe himself. Things like these things in the realm, that is, in such a backward village will have a market, if you get the Flying City, I am afraid they can not sell. There is a shop. I am afraid it is also a very low price.

"Thank you!"

Xu Ziyan sincerely thanked, and then turned to the thick monk: "This old brother, I still have some medicine in the world, you see..."

The young man frowned slightly and thought for a long time: "It is reasonable to say that this medicinal medicine is of no use to the people of the fairy world. It is also useful for some purposes. Besides, how can you take the medicine of the world?" Flying up?"

"This..." Xu Zi smacked the long hair of the ear: "The flight is too fast, not prepared."

The honest young man shook his head and said: "I really didn't use it, you still threw it! Well, wait until you have your own medicine garden. Throw it into the ground. It is still good for improving the soil quality."

Xu Ziyan’s expression was very depressed. He immediately threw the medicinal herbs in the realm of the world to the peach blossoms and let her throw them into the medicine garden. At the same time, all the instruments in the device one and two were taken out, for a total of thirty-two. For the monks and gentlemen:

"How many cents are you looking at these values?"

The sturdy monk looked carefully and finally gave the price of a five-piece fairy crystal. Xu Ziyan has something to say. Put away the five pieces of the fairy crystal.

After thinking about it, I took out the Fu and the flag of Fu Yi and Zhen Yi and threw it on the ground. The handsome monk smiled and looked at these things, and I was a smashed look. However, these things are somewhat useful for monks below the Mahayana period, even in the fairy world. However, the price is cheap. A lot of things were put together, and finally gave the price of four pieces of Xianjing.

Xu Ziyan looked at Duan Tianya and nodded lightly, knowing that the price was very fair. The fairy crystals were collected, so that the purple smoke emptied everything in his realm. There were ten pieces of the lower fairy tale and twelve cents.

Xu Ziyan originally thought of selling the fairy and the Fu to the monk, but thinking that he was a monk who had just ascended, he took out the fairy and the Fu, which would provoke others to doubt. Still wait until later.

Even so, the opposite side of the world is full of interest in Xu Ziyan. A monk who has risen from the lower bound has a large amount of resources in the world, and it is also the top resource of the world. This cannot be of interest to Duan Tianya. Slowly took a sip of wine and screamed:

"Ziyan sister, are you mixing well in the world?"

Xu Ziyan has not spoken yet, and Tang Linger on the side snorted: "You are called Ziyan Sister, how do you know that purple smoke is bigger than you?"

Tang Linger knows that Xu Ziyan is only forty-eight years old. Don't look at the end of the world. It may be a fairy kingdom. Xu Ziyan also feels the same. She also thinks that a monk in the late Xianxian may be smaller than himself? Is there more genius than myself?

At this time, Duan Tianya changed his indifferent appearance and said with a smile: "If I am smaller than the Ziyan sister, is it that this wine purple smoke sister will be enough!"

Having said that, he also shakes the wine gourd that Xu Ziyan gave him.

Suddenly there was a "brother", which made Xu Ziyan, who had just arrived in the fairy world, somewhat unaccustomed. The look is a little embarrassed to say:

"how old are you?"

Duan Tianya took another sip of wine and said faintly: "I am 19 years old this year!"



Thank you for thinking that the lord will once again reward 100,000 coins, and the bell will be added tomorrow!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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