The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1135: confusion

I am very grateful to Xiao Xiaozizi (100), bookmate 121125180033556 (100), Yu Yu 645098 (100), Tang Tang 8719 (99), memeqweroo (99), Jiuai classmate (99) for the reward!


Duan Tianya is a portrait of Xu Ziyan, sitting on the opposite side of Xu Ziyan, reaching out to Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan smiled and threw him a wine gourd. She is very curious about Duan Tianya. People who have such a fairyland can give themselves time to confuse them. Xu Ziyan does not feel the pain of the two pieces of Xianjing, not to mention a few gourds.

Feiyuecheng, the city government.

A monk riding a fairy hurriedly stopped at the gate of the city's main government, quickly showed a sign, and then hurried into the city's main government.

On the opposite side of the city's main building, on the second floor of the window, a monk looked at the monk who disappeared inside the gate of the city's main government. His eyes opened and closed, like two sharp arrows.

The monk wore a black robes of silky silk, and at first glance, his identity was not low. Two lying silkworms under the eyebrows, a pair of deep double eyes.

At this point, he lowered his eyes slightly, thinking in his heart: "The three halls said that it is really good, we do not have to follow the thirteenth, you can just follow the Prince."

The black robe monk looked through the window to the city's main house and the streets for a while, and secretly said:

"It seems that the Prince wants to do it! But will there be only a monk who is a monk? Will the other brothers under His Highness thirteen miss this opportunity?"

Pick up the wine glass on the table, but did not drink. But the eyes revealed a trace of confusion:

"The Jade Emperor has been retreating for a year. It is said that this retreat is likely to break through Da Luo Jinxian, so the Jade Emperor will be able to enter the Zhongyuan Galaxy, which is really enviable!"

Then the black-breasted man’s eyebrows were slightly wrinkled: “I don’t know how many years the Jade Emperor wants to be closed. The qualifications of the thirteenth Royal Highness are really good, the 19-year-old Gexian’s late peak, if the Jade Emperor closed more In a few years, maybe the thirteenth priest really broke through to Luo Tianshangxian. At that time, the Jade Emperor will probably pass the power to the thirteenth priest. 唉~~, 13 His Royal Highness, you really have to die! ”

At this time, Xu Ziyan was sitting in the fairy boat, and Duan Tianya, Tang Linger had a chat without a chat. Sitting in front of the Feiyuecheng monk looked hesitant, and finally came to the opposite side of Xu Ziyan, and said:

"In Wu Tian. How do you call a few Taoist friends?"

Xu Ziyan hurriedly said: "In the next purple smoke, I have seen my predecessors."

"In the lower Tang Linger, I have seen my predecessors."

Duan Tianya was there to pay attention only to drinking, and there was no reason at all. Xu Zi smiled and said nothing:

"Wu seniors, I don't know how long it will take to get to Feiyuecheng?"

"It will take another month!" Wu Tianxiao 眯* said.

"Wu seniors, is there a Xu family in the lower yuan?"

"This..." Wu Tian thought about it. Shaking his head: "No... maybe, but if there is, it is not a small family."

Xu Ziyan slightly frowned and said: "Wu seniors, if I want to go to the Zhongyuan Galaxy, is it necessary to achieve the repair of Da Luo Jinxian?"

Wu Tian shook his head and said: "No, as long as you are willing to spend enough Xianjing, you can also take the transmission array to the Zhongyuan Galaxy."

"How many fairy crystals do you need?"

Wu Tian extended a finger: "One million down the fairy crystal."

“嘶~~” Xu Ziyan took a breath of air and immediately dismissed the idea of ​​going to the Zhongyuan Galaxy. Thinking for a while:

"If that breaks through the big Luo Jinxian, is it necessary to take a million yuan of the fairy crystal?"

"No!" Wu Tian shook his head and said: "As long as the Da Luo Jin Xian's cultivation is achieved. You don't need to spend the fairy crystal into the Zhongyuan galaxies. And every monk who breaks into the Da Luo Jinxian will choose to enter the Zhongyuan galaxies."

Speaking of it. Wu Tian solemnly said to Xu Ziyan: "Xu Xiaoyou, do you no longer consider joining the Flying Moon City? You must know that by the fact that you have just ascended into the realm of the middle of the immortal, you will definitely receive the key training of the city owner."

Xu Ziyan shook his head and said: "I still like to be free."

Wu Tian sighed with regret, and revealed the color of disappointment in his eyes. At this time, Duan Tianya suddenly seemed to think of something. Put down the wine gourd and look at Xu Ziyan:

"Right, my sister, wouldn't you have those few pieces of Xianjing?"

"I have those few pieces, and now there are four left. What happened?" Xu Ziyan thought that he had paid two pieces of Xianjing for the Tianya, and his eyes were a little angry.

Duan Tianya was forced by Xu Ziyan’s gaze, and he was embarrassed to touch his nose, but soon he was worried and said:

"Sister, you are not allowed to sleep in the city of Feiyue, just... you will have four pieces of Xianjing, and the most broken inn will have two pieces of Xianjing one day..."

Xu Ziyan heard it, and some were stupid. Why is it happening like that? How does this make you live in the fairy world?

"And..." Duan Tianya continued: "The fairyland is not so beautiful, except that private cities are not allowed to fight privately. It is often robbed outside the city, killing lives... You know, the fairy world is very big, although it has a big size. Many countries are small, but many places can't manage them. In the end, they are still respected by strength."

Xu Ziyan was stupid for a long time, and finally she smiled helplessly: "In any case, let's go to Feiyuecheng to see. Right, Tianya, it is not good. You see what can be sold on you?"

Duan Tianya shrugged and shrugged: "I sold all the sales, no more."

On the side of Tang Linger’s face, there was a worrying color: “Wu seniors, then will we be robbed?”

Wu Tian smiled and shook his head: "No, my fairy boat has the symbol of flying the moon to transport the ascender. No one will rob the ascender."

Xu Ziyan and Tang Linger sneaked a little, and they immediately understood. Which unopened robber will rob the ascendant? The monks who just ascended up were all poor ghosts, and they were poorer than the robbers.

"Right!" Xu Ziyan suddenly remembered the soul of Yanshan. Simon’s solitary smoke and hope, he asked: “Wu seniors, before me, I have three friends who have also ascended to the fairy world. I don’t know if you met?”

Then, Xu Ziyan described the Yanshan soul, the solitary smoke of Ximen and the appearance of hope. That Wu Tian thought for a while:

"The Yanshan soul you said, I didn't meet. Maybe it was the ascendant who was picked up by someone else, but I still remember the solitary smoke of Ximen. He joined Feiyuecheng. As for what I am doing now, I don't know. Hope... I have no impression."

"No!" Xu Ziyan said in confusion: "The solitary smoke and hope of Ximen are flying together!"

"Impossible!" Wu Tian frowned slightly, and suddenly his heart moved: "Xu Xiaoyou, is your friend not a human?"

"Oh ~~" Xu Ziyan said softly: "He is a rattan."

"That's right!" Wu Tianyi patted the palm: "So, he will fly in the territory of the Yaozu. It will not fly to the territory of the Terran."

"The demon territory? The Terran territory?" Xu Ziyan is inexplicable.

“Oh~~” Wu Tian explained: “There are three major forces in the fairyland, each occupying some galaxies. These three major forces are the Terran. The demon and the demon. The monks who fly up in the lower bound will be based on him. Or the Mozu, enter different flight passages. The Terran, the Yaozu and the Mozu have mastered some flying passages, but there are also some flying passages gathered on a planet. This is the case for the planet you are flying.

This planet is called a white dwarf, a human race. The Yaozu and the Mozu have flying paths here. Therefore, this planet, the demon and the demon all want to occupy. There are two advantages to occupy, one is to allow the monks in their own family to safely fly up, and the other is to kill the monks who have risen from the other two.

Therefore, the three major tribes gathered in the white dwarfs, and they conquered each other from time to time. Therefore, the white dwarfs are very chaotic, and can be said to be the front line of the Terran, the Yaozu and the Mozu. The army is conquering, or a small sneak attack. happens sometimes. ”

The faces of Xu Ziyan and Tang Linger have changed. Wu Tian looked at the two people's discoloration and said:

"So, it is safe in the city. If you are driven out of the city, it is not said to be robbed by robbers. Maybe it will be killed by the small family or the demon. Xu Xiaoyou, you still think about it. Join Fly the moon city."

Xu Ziyan was silent, and his eyes looked out through the window of Xianzhou. The outer mountains are undulating, but they are scarred. Some traces are just a short battle between the monks, which makes Xu Ziyan feel a lot heavier.

"Predecessors, isn't it possible to be together in the Xianjie Terran and the Yaozu?" Xu Ziyan asked for a half-hearted speech.

Xu Ziyan fell, and several people around him looked at her with the eyes of inquiry. Xu Ziyan seems to be aware of something, his face is red, and he hurriedly explained:

"Not what you think!"

"Oh..." Wu Tian smiled and said with a serious face: "The Terran, the Yaozu and the Mozu are not able to marry. If such a thing happens, it will be pursued by both races."

After a pause, Wu Tian said with a gentle tone: "But if our Terran has a demon or a slave of the Mozu, this is a thing that can be shown off."

"This is the case..." Xu Ziyan asked in a deep voice: "What if it is a man or a friend?"

Wu Tian frowned and glanced at the end of the world, and the end of the world was slightly frowned. Wu Tian sighed and said seriously:

"Xu Xiaoyou, if the hope that you came from one place is your friend, I advise you to sever the relationship with him. If we find a monk and a demon or a demon as a friend, we will regard the monk as a traitor. You know the result. If it is under your hand? This is fine."

Xu Ziyan spit out a long breath: "I will be relieved, he is my men. But..."


Recommend a friend a book, the book is good, it is worth a look.

Title: "Black **** rebirth of the Phoenix" Author: turtle ice. Book number: 2533256

Introduction: She was imprisoned for sin, but she was unsuccessful to be assassinated on the day of his release!

After being born again, she turned into a revenge queen, step by step, just to make him ruined, and never recovered!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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