The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1136: The first battle came so fast

Warmly congratulate you to become the best law!


Xu Ziyan spit out a long breath: "I will be relieved, he is my men. But..."

Xu Ziyan sighed a bit: "Who knows when he can see him! Don't say it!"

Wu Tianbian spoke and looked at the end of the world from time to time. Seeing that Tian Tianya always looks like an indifferent person, and finally gave up talking with Duan Tianya.

So, after flying for about half a month, the fairy boat landed slowly outside a town. At this time, Wu Tian had already returned to the front and stood up and said:

"Here is Wangjia Town, a small family is in control. I have some things with the Wang family. Let's go."

As Wu Tian walked into Wangjia Town, Xu Ziyan walked and looked around. The location established by this town extends in all directions. From the perspective of Xu Ziyan, it is definitely a perfect place to establish a city. The whole town is also built with a wall, and there is a fairy tales. Xu Ziyan feels like a second-class fairy tales.

Entering the town, passing a restaurant, Wu Tian pointed at the restaurant: "You go there and wait for me, I will come back to find you later."

If you fall, don't care about everyone, follow the road toward the front.

The remaining seven people looked at each other and looked a little hesitant. It seems that no one is rich. The buddy standing at the door naturally saw the expressions of the seven people, knowing that this was a group of poor ghosts, and waved impatiently like a flies:

"Go! Go! Go! Don't be blind here!"

Duan Tianya glanced at the man indifferently and walked towards the restaurant. Duan Tianya’s eyes are very indifferent and his look is very natural. An aristocratic atmosphere was released. The buddy didn't dare to stop it anymore, and honestly let it go.

Xu Ziyan licked his long hair, and smiled and followed. At this time, Xu Ziyan has already understood. This paragraph must be born in an extraordinary way. Just look at that faction is not a general family.

However, if you are born, how can you be a deeper background?

Duan Tianya walked into the restaurant in a big way and stood at the chair next to a table. Looking back at Xu Ziyan smiled and said:

"Sister, please!"

If you fall, you will smile and stretch your hand to the position of the Lord. Xu Ziyan that gas, that screams the Lord! It is simply a place to pay!

However, it is not good for a few people who have fallen to the top of the fairy crystal and a peak of the late Xianxian. Turning his face and not hitting others, he walked over with a sullen face, and sat down on the main seat with his ass, squinting and squinting at the end of the world:

"Little brother. My sister has only four pieces of Xianjing zero and twelve cents, you will look at it! It is impossible to press you here."

Duan Tianya sat down with a smile, and the other monks also sat down with a cheeky face, and some faces were awkward. Duan Tianya is very natural, turning a white eye toward the guy who followed:

"Hear? We only have four pieces of Xianjing zero and twelve cents, and you are looking for something!"

The buddy was already black at this time, and there were undoubtedly seven poor ghosts in front of him. Turned away and left. In less than a moment, I came back with a tray and threw two plates of greens on the table, a few sly, said coldly:

"Four pieces of the next product."

The look of Duan Tianya’s smile was immediately cold, and the momentum of his body was released. The buddy was just a human being, and it was trembled by the momentum of the late peaks of the celestial world. He said:

" are you doing? We...the boss is...the person with the background..."

At this time, the owner of the restaurant also felt the momentum fluctuations and hurried out. His eyes suddenly fell on the body of Duan Tianya. The boss is a realm of the late immortal. Far away from the end of the world:

"This friend, what are you dissatisfied with, please don't hesitate."

Duan Tianya will take the momentum and put his fingers on the table gently. Said coldly: "These things are worth four pieces of fairy crystal?"

The boss was very savvy, and the wave gave the guy a big slap in the face. He naturally understood what was going on. Then I went back to sweep the dishes on the table, and there was a slight disdain in the slightly low eyes, but I said very politely:

"You friends, it is the fault of this store. I want this!"

Xu Ziyan did not want to cause trouble, looking at the boss and said with a smile: "Boss, we can still afford this fairy crystal, the guest will not need it. You give a price, we are here to wait for the individual, just leave."

"That...this..." The boss stalked, his eyes sneaked into the end of the world.

Duan Tianya wrinkled his brow slightly and said coldly: "Let you say, you will say."

"Ten cents of crystal coins." The boss immediately said with ease.

Xu Ziyan paid ten cents, and sent the boss and the guy away. Looking at the things on the table, there is no appetite. Then I took out a wine gourd, poured a cup for everyone, and put the wine gourd on the table, indicating that everyone was free.

Xu Ziyan had a glass of wine and his eyes looked out of the door. Up to now, Xu Ziyan has not completely escaped from the environment on the mainland of the sky. He only feels that everything around him is so strange and full of sense of crisis, just like she is on the vast mainland, just with her mother to reach the capital city.

The sun shone from the gate, making the whole restaurant half and half dark, just like the mood of Xu Ziyan. There is a joy of flying, and there is also a confusion about the future.


There was a roar outside, awakening Xu Ziyan from the loss of consciousness, and a series of roars sounded. Several ascenders had a hint of fear on their faces. This is a natural reaction in a strange world, that is, Xu Ziyan's face also shows a trace of tension, looking at the end of the world.

Duan Tianya is a plain face, seeing Xu Ziyan looked over, said faintly:

"Sister, a town like a white dwarf is very messy, and anyone can come in. It is a robber, and it is a place to write off."

"This... Isn't the king's house here?"

"Of course!" Duan Tianya smiled disdainfully: "The natural management of the tube, if the strength of the chaos is too strong, they will only be able to watch. And the family and the parties like this have certain The buying and selling relationship, those robbers will not do too much, will compensate for some losses."

"Is this...not to say that there is a fairy country? Is this the Yuan Dynasty?"

Duan Tianya was silent, half-sounding, and he whispered: "The white dwarf is the frontier, the place where the Terran, the Yaozu and the Devil are hegemony. All the rules are based on strength. After leaving here, it will not be on other planets. There is such a thing. There, there are villages and towns like the Xianguan guard. Unlike here, the army is gathered in the city and on several borders of the Xianxian pool."

At this time, the battle outside seems to be over and there is no sound. No, a footstep came from outside the gate. Eight monks walked into the hotel and sat down at a table, screaming at various dishes. A middle-aged monk headed, his eyes swept over the monks in the restaurant, and finally stayed on the storage ring on the left hand of Duan Tianya.

Xu Ziyan looked at the storage ring of Duan Tianya along the other's eyes, and his eyes were shrinking. Although she did not know the level of the fairy, she was able to see the ten high-end goods on the fingers of Duan Tianya. That breath is completely different from the storage ring in your hand.


There is a breath of He Boxian. The look of Xu Ziyan is a glimpse, and the heart said: "Is it... can he store a living ring?"

Xu Ziyan's gaze looked at the middle-aged monk opposite, and the other side exuded a sly scent, mixed with a strong murderous. This is definitely the breath that a monk living on the edge of life and death can have, just like the flames flowing on the vast continent. Xu Ziyan was shocked.

Is it... these people are robbers?

At this time, Duan Tianya also looked at the middle-aged monk opposite, with a faint sarcasm in his eyes.

The middle-aged monk was also the peak of the late immortals, and the remaining seven monks were also the late immortals. At this point, they looked at the storage ring on the fingers of Duan Tianya's eyes full of greed.

At this time, the middle-aged monk also saw the cultivation of the seven people of Xu Ziyan, the peak of a fairy in the late stage, the middle of a fairy, and the other five were the early days of the immortal. There was a trace of surprise in his eyes. He didn't think about the ascendant. It was just strange. How could such a repair run out?

Determined the strength of Xu Ziyan and other people, the eight people looked at each other and then spit out from the body to kill. Although Duan Tianya is still a look of indifference, but the body has a chilly killing spread out. The whole restaurant suddenly became suffocated, and some diners ran out. The boss was also bitter and helpless, hiding aside.

The eight people opposite, regardless of other diners, just stared at the end of the world. A storage ring that can hold a living thing, it is definitely a top-level space fairy, and it is also extremely precious in the fairy world. Now they are met, how can you miss this opportunity to kill and win?

Xu Ziyan’s mind was also tightened, and the mid-season’s cultivation was transported to the peak. She did not think that the first battle after the ascent of the fairyland would come so fast! And the other side's repair is still higher than themselves. The most important thing is that she does not know whether she is still invincible in the same world. Can she be more challenged?

Just after she had made all the preparations, she heard the voice of the end of the world:

"Sister, take them with them!"

There were stagnation in the restaurant, and the monks on both sides tightened their nerves and looked at each other with vigilance. As if they had prepared the oil, they would be a star. The voice of Duan Tianya is very light and very slow. I fear that my voice will be louder, and it will immediately cause a sudden conflict.


Third, I am tired of asking for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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