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Xu Ziyan's heart was warm, he did not think that this face was indifferent, only the segment of Tianya, who occasionally showed his hippie smile, was so hard at the crucial time. Let yourself wait for someone to leave and face everything alone.

Xu Ziyan is in a struggle at this time, is he leaving, or is he still staying?

To say that she and Duan Tianya have nothing to do with it, only Duan Tianya for her scent, all day relying on Xu Ziyan. It’s just getting up and leaving, and there’s no embarrassment in my heart. At this time, the middle-aged monk in the late stage of the immortal dynasty was filled with untold murderousness from the faces of Xu Ziyan's several ascenders, giving Xu Ziyan and others a feeling like being scraped by the blade, followed by Extend a finger and point to the end of the world and say:

"He left, you roll!"

"Hula", except for Xu Ziyan, the other ascenders stood up, and the four ascenders ran out of their heads. Tang Linger also moved a little, but when she found that Xu Ziyan did not move, the look obviously hesitated, but finally sat down slowly.

Xu Ziyan gave birth to a "roll" in the opposite middle-aged monk, but in her heart, she gave birth to a sly war. That is a gas that has been developed for a long time. Before she soared, no one had dared to shout out the word "roll" in front of her on the mainland.

This "rolling" word made Xu Ziyan's warfare high. Looking at the four ascenders who ran out. Xu Ziyan sighed in the heart, and now they are fleeing in the word "roll" of the other party. Their heart has broken and it has become impossible to achieve something in the fairy world. Eventually it will fall to the bottom of the fairy world. It’s not the death of the cannon fodder, it’s also a life of horror. Even though Tang Linger finally stayed, the heart left a crack, which depends on her future opportunities.

Xu Ziyan naturally cannot leave at this time. She does not want to live in the fairy world. As long as she is forced to leave the pressure of the other side, there will be a crack in the heart. This is not what Xu Ziyan wants. Can't beat, you can escape! However, if you can't beat it, you will be drunk and you will run away!

The middle-aged monk opposite looked around and saw that there were only eight of them and three people in the restaurant. He couldn't help but stand up from the chair. Laughing and laughing, the laughter is full of violent murder.

When he laughed, the laughter still rang in the restaurant. Take a few steps forward, walked to the table at the end of the world, and patted the table:

"The storage ring on the handle is handed over to Laozi!"

The indifferent momentum of Duan Tianya has changed. One is not only the peak of the late Xianxian, but also the breath of a higher-ranking person. Looking at each other faintly, a word was squeezed out of the teeth:


The other party's look changed, just want to be proud, but felt the door is dark, turned his head and looked, but saw a figure into the restaurant, but it is Wu Tian. Wu Tian looked at the middle-aged monk in a faint way:

"I am the flying moon city to pick up the temple Wu Tian, ​​who are you?"

The middle-aged monk looked at Wu Tian, ​​and looked at Xu Ziyan and Tang Linger, and reluctantly suppressed the fierce flame:

"The two women are ascending?"

"Not bad!" Wu Tian said faintly.

"Then he is not?" The middle-aged monk stretched his finger to the end of the world.

"No!" Wu Tian replied simply and neatly.

"Then he left. The two women you can take away."

Wu Tian’s face sank. He has already felt that the other party is a robber, and he dared to be so arrogant before his immortal. Xu Ziyan, Duan Tianya and Tang Linger paid the fairy crystal of Xianzhou, and he had the responsibility to send three people to Feiyuecheng. This is the minimum professional ethics issue. Just like a bodyguard, let alone he is a fairy.

His face sank. The eyes were also overcast, and said coldly: "These three people are guaranteed!"

The middle-aged monk's face also sank and shouted: "Don't give your face a shameless face. The immortal officials are not killed by our brothers. I advise you to stop, otherwise you will kill here."

The hardship of the middle-aged monk made Wu Tian’s look hesitate. It is obvious that the strength of the other party exceeds that of oneself. If you fight, you must be losing yourself. Maybe a life will be thrown here.

Seeing Wu Tian’s look hesitating, the middle-aged monk smacked his mouth smugly, then glanced at the end of the world with a glance, and reached out and grabbed the storage ring on his finger.

Duan Tianya turned his hand and cut his hand like a knife to the middle-aged monk's wrist. The middle-aged monk changed his hand to the fist and the palm of the paragraph. The chair under Duan Tianya’s “哗啦” was broken, and the middle-aged monk also took a step back.

Aside from the side of Xu Ziyan, she couldn’t help but be shocked. She hasn’t killed her since she’s soaring. Although she knows that the fairy world is because of Xian Yuanli, she can't fly even. However, I did not think that the monks of the two peaks of the late Xianxian battled against each other, but they were like two ordinary warriors on the mainland.

This... the **** of the fairy world is too strong!

At this time, the remaining robbers also stood behind the middle-aged monk, surrounded by Duan Tianya and Xu Ziyan, Tang Linger. The middle-aged monk flashed a hint of jealousy in his eyes, but when he saw his brother standing behind him, he smashed again:

"Kid, hand over the storage ring, or you have to throw your life here."

When the words fell, the eyes crossed and Xu Ziyan and Tang Linger glanced and said: "You still don't roll!"


His voice has not yet fallen, and Duan Tianya’s hand has already had a more fairy sword. When he is in a vertical position, he rushes to the middle-aged monk. Take out a sword mans.

At the moment, the middle-aged monk also had a more knives, and he broke out with a knife and a sword. The middle-aged monk was three steps backwards.

Xu Ziyan’s eyes were swept away, and his heart was already clear. It’s not that the repairs of Duan Tianya are higher than the other, but that he has three ornaments in his hand, and the other is only a fairy.

at this time. The remaining seven robbers also showed their swords. Four of them rushed to the end of the world, one stopped Wu Tian and looked coldly at Wu Tian. As soon as Wu Tian moves, he will rush. One rushed to Tang Linger, one rushed to Xu Ziyan.

Wu Tian's look just hesitated a little, and finally stepped forward and showed a gun in his hand. Standing in the same place as the bandit.

Tang Linger took out the banana fan that Xu Ziyan gave her, and the robbers who rushed over were a fan. A hurricane smashed toward the bandit.

The hurricane blew the opposite of the bandits and hunted the clothes. It was very difficult to take a step, and the whole body swayed. Suddenly slammed the giant axe in his hand. The giant axe is also a fairy, and his cultivation is higher than that of Tang Linger. The hurricane was split into two halves, and one body forced it in.

Another bandit who rushed to Xu Ziyan, lighted the sledgehammer in his hand early, and his body shape was vertical, and he bowed down to the head of Xu Ziyan.

That hammer is a fairy, and the cultivation of the person is the late stage of the fairy. The power of the Taishan pressure top made Xu Ziyan feel a suffocation.

Xu Ziyan has already displayed the Xianjian in his hand, but he did not resist the other side's sledgehammer. Instead, he launched the Liuyun body method, while the left hand and the five fingers continued to play, and the five-month fine wheel screamed at the other side.

but. The five-month fine wheel was released. Xu Ziyan’s heart was a surprise. If this is to release the moon fine wheel on the vast mainland, with the repair of Xu Ziyan today, isn’t the monthly fine wheel still huge like a mountain? However, today's moon wheel is only a small size.

but. Even so, it forced the other person's body. Next to each other, the hammer will smash the five-month fine wheel. Xu Ziyan transported the sword of gold to the great consummation, and the sword spurred out the sword and mans, and it was already in the throat of the other party.

The other party suddenly vomited and spit, and a rocket was sprayed on the swordsmanship of Xu Ziyan, and the swordsman of Xu Ziyan was sprayed. The rocket that was ejected from the mouth and belonged to the late Xianxian was still rushing toward Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan just used the middle of the immortal to fight with the other side, she wants to try to see if she can still challenge. However, the reality is that the middle of the immortals seems to be weaker in the middle of the immortal.

Xu Ziyan quickly upgraded to the late stage of the immortal, and the right hand flexed a finger, and the sword in his hand spurted out from the hand, smashing the oncoming rocket and rushing toward the other's eyebrows.


The sledgehammer opposite the bandit danced, blocking the eyebrows. Xu Ziyan’s fairy sword and sledgehammer collided. Xu Ziyan reached out and moved, and the sword of the handle flew back to the hands of Xu Ziyan. The figure was swayed and rushed toward the other side. The cultivation of the late immortal was actually played in the same way as a monk in the late stage of the immortal, and there was a tendency to gradually gain the upper hand.


Tang Linger was stolen and smashed on the banana fan. The whole body was flung out, and a blood was spit out in the air. The wall behind him was knocked out of a hole and flew out. The thief who took the axe swept away and saw that the bandit who had been fighting with Wu Tian was stepping back and stepping down. It was a squat, and he was rushing toward Wu Tian.

On the other side, Duan Tianya is one of the late peaks of the immortals and the late four immortals. However, he relied on a three-piece fairy that was higher than others. Although he was in a downwind, he did not show his defeat.

However, Xu Ziyan is actually falling in the wind. If this continues, the defeat will be certain. Duan Tianya’s look is very calm, calm as if he has any winning cards.

The mutual bombardment of the people, only lasted for a quarter of an hour, the restaurant was demolished, and the family of the Wang family also rushed over with a group of masters. The owner of the royal family was also a monk at the peak of the late Xianxian. He saw the stolen head in the distance and shouted:

"Yang Yu, you are too arrogant!"


Recommend a friend a book:

Title: "Need to escape Princess" Author: Kuril banshee. Book number: 2153211

Brief introduction: The female special police reborn the second generation, it is not bad to be a princess.

But why bother to go and be a king, and meet a more awkward prince?

Don't pull it down, sister can't see you.

Free and easy to go,

Looking for it, it’s pleasing to see.

Oh, actually, was the prince of the year?

Now I am with you, what is the face of my sister? Flying!

Don't scream, didn't go to church with you, who is your king!

Can't hide? Simple; then flee...


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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