The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1138: Suddenly

I am very grateful to the students (200), Yu Yu 645098 (100), Zi Yan (99), Tian Ruolan (99), Zi Yan (99), Shun Shun 666 (99) !


"Yang Yu, you are too arrogant!" Wang family screamed.

"Wang Jiazhu, you don't care about today's things, I will pay you all the losses." Yang Yu continued to scream at the end of the world and shouted.

The king’s family just wanted to say something, but they suddenly heard a thunderous sound, and the earth was shaking. Even the monks of both sides of the battle stopped. Xu Ziyan looked at the sound in dismay, and saw a team in the distance on the grassland like a wave. The dust of the sky is like a rolling torrent that spreads toward Wangjia Town. The footsteps of the earth rumbling sounded like a thunder, and the sound of the sound screamed straight into the sky.

The dust covered the other's body shape, and Xu Ziyan's face was inexplicable. However, the old people in these fairy circles only know that it is a small group of sneak sneak peeks.

The Wang family’s face changed dramatically and he shouted: “Open the array!”


At the mouth of the town, one person turned over and the body of a dozen monks was broken in the air. The eight flying demons have not waited until the humans opened the array and rushed into the town, and then rushed in behind the Yaozu.

The sound of the collision of the fairy, the roar of the demon, the mourning of human beings, accompanied by the slamming of the demon!

The torrent-like momentum of the Yaozu suddenly stunned all the monks, and the fast-moving demon rushed in. Some of the weak human monks on the street were instantly bombarded by the monsters. Broken corpse.

This demon team is only about five hundred. However, the fierceness of the Yaozu was released to the fullest, and rushed in from the mouth of the town, without any stagnation, screaming and rushing to the end of the town. Then turn around and sprint again. This kind of momentum makes people like a monk panicked.

It’s been a ten-day journey from Feiyue City. It’s not a few hours to see this kind of posture. The human beings in this town will be slaughtered.

If Wang Jiazhen opened the formation in advance, he might still be able to insist on the arrival of the reinforcements in Feiyuecheng. However, I did not think that the Yaozu had dispatched a rare flying demon, and suddenly broke the mouth of the town, so that humans could not open the array.

However, Wang Jiazhen did not seem to be the first to experience the invasion of the Yaozu, and soon responded. The Wang family refused to pay attention to Xu Ziyan and others, and rushed to the Yaozu with his men. And shouted loudly:

"Wang is here, the monks meet the enemy!"


From the various places of Wangjia Town, countless monks rushed out, each holding a fairy, rushing to the Yaozu.

Xu Ziyan stood in the collapsed restaurant, and looked at everything in front of him with some confusion. On the vast mainland, Xu Ziyan did not see a large-scale war between humans and demons. Nowadays, in this small Wangjia town, human monks and demons are strangled together. My heart can't help but scream, this... Is humanity and the demon really a dead end?

At this time, Wu Tian, ​​his face is also awkward. He did not think that the Yaozu would dare to send a small team to go deep here. The eight bandits also looked at the outside nervously, and Duan Tianya was a gloomy face, and the murderous sighs in the eyes:

"Yang Yu, we are all human beings, and things between us are temporarily put down. Waiting to retreat the Yaozu and say."

"Of course!" Yang Yu said quietly: "Yes, Lao Tzu is a bandit, but Lao Tzu is a human being. I will let you go today, brothers. Kill me with the demon."

A roar. Eight people have already rushed out, and their bodies are drowned in the stature of human monks and demons.

The demon people were like the flood of the town, and when they reversed the impact, they were blocked by the king's master with human monks in the second half of the town. Xu Ziyan and others are now in a safe place. In other words, if Wu Tian is now offering a fairy boat. It is completely safe to leave with Xu Ziyan and others.

The four ascenders who had just fled outside were killed in the first round of the Yaozu. The two remaining now are standing in front of Wu Tian. In fact, Xu Ziyan’s heart is also a bit dazed. It is one thing to listen to the soul of Yanshan in the vast mainland. It is a matter of one's own eyes.

Cheng Xian?

What a sacred word! That represents longevity!

However, the first lesson of the fairyland to Xu Ziyan was so cruel, and in her vision, countless immortals were killed by the demon.

"Wu...predecessor..." One of the ascenders trembled and said, "Let's leave!"

Wu Tian turned his head and glanced at the ascendant: "Where? Where do you go? As long as I sacrificed the fairy boat, I will definitely attract the eight flying demons in the air."

"That... what to do?" another ascender asked in fear.

"What should I do? Follow me!"

Wu Tian’s body shape has fallen into the demon. The two ascenders could not move their legs at all, and the momentum released by the Yaozu made their legs tremble.

Duan Tianya glanced at Xu Ziyan, who was not far from himself, and his eyes flashed a little strangely. That is because Xu Ziyan has revealed the realm of the late immortals. He thought of calling Xu Ziyan to kill the Yaozu, but he thought that Xu Ziyan was just flying up the fairyland, and he had helped himself. In the end, there was no speech, but the figure was lifted up and rushed toward the demon.

Xu Ziyan finally woke up from the loss of consciousness. This time, he not only had a clear understanding of the fairyland, but also profoundly realized the hatred between the immortal humans and the Yaozu.


The Yaozu stood in the position and the human monk was forced to retreat a little by the Yaozu, approaching the place where Xu Ziyan stood.

Xu Ziyan stared at him. The eight demon people in the sky belonged to the late stage of the immortals. Although there were also late immortals in the human race, there were also monks in the late peaks of the immortals, but they were subject to the inability to fly and were easily swayed by eight flying demons. Attacked.

The remaining ones on the ground are the lowest in the demon. From this point of view, Xu Ziyan, who does not understand the fairyland, also realizes that this Yaozu team is an elite. The human monks in Wangjia Town have an advantage in quantity. However, in terms of strength, it is absolutely inferior.

"Ziyan, what do we do?"

At this point, the stolen scorpion flew out, and a **** Tang Linger did not know when he returned to Xu Ziyan. Some asked in fear.


A human monk was smashed by the demon, and his body slammed into the purple smoke. Xu Ziyan extended a hand to catch the monk and said to Tang Linger:

"You should find a place to hide."

When the words fall, the shape of Xu Ziyan has already gone out. Because the demon who slammed the human monk to Xu Ziyan was rushing to her. It was a tiger head, holding a huge stick in his hand, two or three flying, and he had already rushed to the front of Xu Ziyan.

At this time, Xu Ziyan took out the sword and took it in his hand. His figure did not move, and a sword stabbed the giant stick that the girl had smashed down.


The opposite body of the tiger head suddenly stopped. It seems to be blocked by a wall. The huge stick was hit by a slender sword of Xu Ziyan. The opposite of this tiger head is not high, just a late stage of the immortal, and Xu Ziyan exposed the same realm. This is where he is the opponent of Xu Ziyan.

Suddenly, Xu Ziyan in front of his eyes disappeared, and then he found that his surroundings were the shape of Xu Ziyan. It turned out that Xu Ziyan applied the body of the cloud, and the sword in his hand was enough for the sword of gold. Like a squally shower, it stabbed the tiger head.


A series of metal collisions, the Tigerhead has only defensive power at this time, completely lost momentum.

Xu Ziyan’s eyes squinted at the tiger head in a shadow, and allowed a gap, and the sword stabbed in the crack of the shadow.


The fairy family poured out from the head of the Hutou people, and the golden sword instantly rushed into the body of the tiger head.


The body of the tiger head was broken into pieces.

Behind her, Tang Linger and the remaining two ascenders, as well as the monk rescued by Xu Ziyan, squinted and looked at Xu Ziyan's body and flew toward the Yaozu.

"You... is that family?" asked the monk who was saved by Xu Ziyan and turned his head.

"We... are the ascendants!" Tang Linger replied with a trembling voice.

"The monk looked at Tang Linger and the other two ascenders. When they saw that they were only the repairs of the early immortals, they frowned slightly:

"Just soaring?"

"Yes! Purple smoke is just rising!" Tang Linger has slowly calmed down.

"Ziyan? Who?"

"I just saved you. Then kill the tiger head!" Tang Linger stood up. I felt a burst of pride in my heart.

"She is also a ascendant? When did the ascendant become so powerful!" The monk glared at the purple smoke in the crowd not far away.


A red-red shadow rushed toward Xu Ziyan like a lightning bolt. It was a giant tail. Xu Ziyan stepped on three steps, and the sword in his hand quickly stabbed toward the other side.

Jianfeng and the tail of the giant clam kept rubbing a string of sparks, and the tail of the giant clam was swept back. Xu Ziyan's body shape is also continuously regressing. The giant clam is an early stage of the immortal, but the outer shell is hard as iron.

Although Xu Ziyan forced the giant python to attack this attack. But the sword in the hand is hard to be interrupted by the tail of the giant. A right arm was slightly numb, and a cold sweat was shocked. Just in an instant, in front of Xu Ziyan, there are two more giant hammers, which are the two fronts of the giant python.

"Monthly fine wheel!"

Xu Ziyan turned her hands together. At this time, she already knew the limits of the fairy world. She only released a one-month fine wheel, which was full of Zhang Xuda, shining with cold cold light, circling and smashing toward the giant python.


The Yuejing rim was on the body of the giant python, just let the giant tumbling roll over, waiting for him to turn over again, roaring and slamming toward Xu Ziyan.


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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