The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1139: A loud bang in the sky (plus pink)

I am very grateful to kankan*3 classmates, book friends 120927170647085 classmates, susantsh0905 classmates, Faywen classmates, flying pig cat classmates, book friends 110908074409551 classmates, silent face classmates, yinpp classmates, a lot of 1115 classmates, wqiy2003 classmates pink ticket!


The human monks are separated into several parts by the demon family. They just kill some hard-working human monks, and those who are low-ranking monks, the demon just knock them out, and don’t want their lives, so they can fight. The monks are getting fewer and fewer.

Wu Tian, ​​Wang Jiazhu and Yang Yu, there are dozens of monks above the late Xianxian who are struggling to support. At this time, no one thought of running away. There were eight demons flying in the sky. Where can they escape?

Only fight here!

Xu Ziyan's hands twirled rapidly, and a water dragon was produced between his hands.


As Xu Ziyan turned his hands, the water dragon flew out of the palm of Xu Ziyan. The original small water dragon was known for the wind, turned into a dozens of dragons, roaring and rushing to the giant.


The front of the giant clam bombarded the head of the water dragon, but the water dragon body flipped, but the giant clam was wrapped tightly in an instant.

Xu Ziyan sighed, if this is in the vast mainland, with the repair of Xu Ziyan, this water dragon can definitely expand.


Xu Ziyan screamed and slammed, and the whole water dragon burst. The python was blown up.

"it is good!"

Not far from there was a tribute, but it was in the middle of the struggle that Duan Tianya saw Xu Ziyan’s manifestation and could not help but cheer out. This slogan has not yet fallen, and a demon in the sky will spray a flame. Let the end of the world be in a hurry.

At this time, the human monk has been divided into several parts. There are dozens of monks around Xu Ziyan, seeing Xu Ziyan killing the giant python. They also drank a lot of color. However, there was tension, and dozens of demons were encircling the dozens of Xu Ziyan and so on.

Xu Ziyan’s right foot suddenly stepped forward.

"Step by step lotus!"

Around the Xu Ziyan, the earth bloomed into a lotus sea. The lotus leaves dance, not only lost the mind of the Yaozu in the lotus sea, but the flying lotus leaves are like a piece of sharp blade, ruthlessly squatting to dozens of demons around.

but. This step of the lotus is also reduced in the fairy world. Just a few moments, the lotus sea is disillusioned. And those demon people did not suffer much damage. After waking up, dozens of demon people roared in the sky, and a pair of eyes stunned and stared at Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan was shocked and instinctively transported the meaning of the water to the peak, and the left foot stepped forward:

"Step by step lotus!"

The lotus sea filled with water is full of beauty. In the beauty of the shocking soul, the lotus leaves that are reflected by the sunlight and the sunlight are silently cut into the body of the monster, passing through the body of the monster, and taking away their soul power. The body of a demon family began to shake, but the restriction of the immortal world still made Xu Ziyan's step-by-step lotuses weaken the power. It only lasted for a quarter of an hour, and the lotus sea dispersed again.

However, the souls of those demon people have also been greatly hurt, and the actions of the body have become clumsy. These monks in the immortal world were not fools, and immediately discovered the damage of the lotus to the monster. The spirit is great. Going to the demon's bombardment. Sure enough, these demons are much weaker, allowing human monks to gain the upper hand.


Xu Ziyan felt the crisis and his body flashed rapidly. A long ice gun was inserted in the place where Xu Ziyan had just stood, and Xu Ziyan looked up. A giant eagle is hovering over her head, and an ice gun is quickly generated in his mouth.

"Sister is careful!"

Duan Tianya suddenly abandoned his opponent, his body shape up, and raised a fist-sized bead. The bead was suddenly released from the brilliance, and a fire dragon was pulled out from it, roaring toward the giant eagle.

"This is a four-piece fairy!"

Wang Jiazhu and Wu Tian excitedly looked at the dragon in the air. Yang Yu, who wanted to rob the end of the world, looked even more stunned. He looked at the eyes of Duan Tianya with some fear.

This is the fairy that has been sealed by the master! Seeing the power of the dragon, there is absolutely the power of the heavenly fairy. I have to rob him just now? I really don't know how to write dead words!

The dragon ran over the body of the giant eagle, and the giant eagle instantly became a fly ash. The dragon turned his head and chased the remaining seven flying demons. The seven flying demons in the air "hula" ran away, but they were still destroyed by the dragon, which became weak, and the beads that slammed into the air inside. Duan Tianya took the bead up with a heartache.

The remaining four demons in the air realized that the beads were sealed with a spell of the heavenly fairy, which was already consumed. Among them, three flying demons rushed to the end of the world, one rushed to Xu Ziyan.

Several human monks in the late peaks of the immortals approached Duan Tianya and Xu Ziyan, and attacked the flying demon in the air.

Xu Ziyan raised a finger into the air.

"Great Thunder!"

The sky is loud!

Shocked all the demons and human monks in shape, involuntarily looked into the air.

A lightning bolt was suddenly dropped from the air.

The lightning that should have been the general thickness of the bucket became the thickness of the arm in the fairy world, and the bombardment was on the flying demon who swooped toward Xu Ziyan.


The flying demon mourned, and the feathers on his body fell a few. However, the thunderbolt can only cause minor damage to the flying demons. The flying demon spurt a flame and shrouded the Xu Ziyan. The Xu Ziyan cloud body method is fully unfolded, and one finger keeps in the air.

"Great Thunder!"

"Great Thunder!"

"Great Thunder!"


A thunderbolt hit the flying demon. This scene made a group of monks in the late peaks of the immortals look stunned. They did not think of a small monk in the late stage of a fairy, there will be so many magical powers, from the moon fine to the water dragon. Then step back to the lotus, and today's big thunder. Especially this big thunderbolt, this is what ordinary people can control. Is this young woman a variant Linggen?

Xu Ziyan did not see the eyes of the surrounding monks shocked. Instead, there is some guilty conscience. Because the lightning that was dropped by the thunderbolt was too weak. This is simply a small thunderbolt!

Therefore, Xu Ziyan shouted and shouted, her guilty conscience, the "big thunder" in her mouth became a "small lightning thunder!"

"Small Thunderbolt!"

"Small Thunderbolt!"

"Small Thunderbolt!"


Wu Tian and Duan Tianya looked across each other. The mood is very complicated. Others don't know the bottom of Xu Ziyan, they know both! Xu Ziyan is a monk who has just ascended up from the lower bound. He is flying up and is not in the middle of the immortal, but also broke through to the late stage of the immortal. This is not important. What is important is that the woman’s fighting power is too horrible. In the late stage of a person's immortality, it was worth the battle of the peak of the late Xianxian.

"This woman must make a good deal!" Duan Tianya's eyes flashed a hint of excitement.

"This woman must recruit to the Flying Moon City!" Wu Tian's eyes flashed a glimpse.

Tang Linger looked far into the heroic posture of Xu Ziyan, and the lips could not help but pick up a bitter smile: "It’s all flying, how is the gap so big?"

At this time, the Yaozu also realized that the woman who threatened them the most in the human monks turned out to be a woman in the late realm. Dozens of demons on the ground gave up their opponents. Surrounded by Xu Ziyan, the four flying demons in the air also gave up the end of the world, rushing toward Xu Ziyan, all kinds of life-stricken gods lead to Xu Ziyan rumbling.

Xu Ziyan can not help but change color. The dozens of demon people surrounded by the ground are all cultivated above the land fairy. The other demon people form a separation belt and block other human monks. Separate yourself separately.

Looking up, the four flying demons circling in the air, spurting their sacred powers from time to time, so that they can't prevent them.

The look of Xu Ziyan became dignified. As long as she was surrounded by dozens of demons, she would only have one dead end. I will try my best to expand and move towards the distance. However, the four flying demons in the air kept ejecting their sacred powers and blocking Xu Ziyan. And dozens of demons on the ground are gradually getting together, and Xu Ziyan can see the smirk of the demon face.

One of them is a demon. Looks like a leader. When I saw that Xu Ziyan was finally surrounded, I couldn’t help but laugh.

"Ha ha ha..., this woman is strong enough to take her back. Be my **** slave! Hahaha..."

"Ha ha ha..."

The remaining dozens of demons are also laughing and pedaling. As the thunder rumbling, rushing toward Xu Ziyan.

On the other side, Duan Tianya and Wu Tian struggled to the side, but they were blocked by the Yaozu. The demon's heart is very clear, the woman who will be a big thunderbolt is their biggest threat. As long as the woman is killed, the remaining monks are not a threat.

Therefore, when Wu Tian and Duan Tianya struggled, the eyes of Xu Ziyan fell into the encirclement, and they could not help but reveal despair.


A layer of purple otters suddenly appeared around Xu Ziyan, surrounded by Xu Ziyan in layers. Xu Ziyan thought about it, and the purple otters condensed into a purple lance with eighteen handles.

"go with!"

Xu Ziyan slammed and slammed the 18-handed purple rifle to the surrounding Yaozu.


The eighteen snipers slammed into the body of the eighteen demon, and even put the body of the eighteen demon into a hole. Then it was scattered like a fire tree, and it fell to the other demon's body. There was a dense, numb biting sound in the ear.

Xu Ziyan was overjoyed and shocked the purple otters. However, she will be clear when she thinks a little. The power of these otters has always been higher than themselves. When they just received them, their power exceeded themselves. Waiting for themselves to break through the peak of the Mahayana period, they have reached the realm of the fairy worm when they have not yet looted. Nowadays, in the middle of the land, these otters are naturally more powerful than themselves. Xu Ziyan stared at them, and these otters actually reached the realm of the early days of the fairy.


The first is more, ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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