The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1141: The power of space (three more pink)

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Xu Ziyan naturally did not dodge so that Tang Linger fell to the depths of the crack, and the body shape moved slightly toward the side. In the moment when Tang Linger wiped his body and fell, Tang Linger was caught and clamped under his arm. However, the arm of Xu Ziyan inserted in the rock wall could not help but sink a full length of about one meter, which stabilized the figure.

The roar of the air above is endless, and Xu Ziyan knows that it is definitely not a way to hang in the air. The gods entered the purple smoke fairy world and looked toward the water scorpion planet. They saw that the purple otters were very weak and all fell into sleep. Xu Ziyan had to call out a group of two-color otters.


A group of red and orange otters flew out of Xu Ziyan's body and quickly condensed into a giant sword at the foot of Xu Ziyan, holding Xu Ziyan.

At this time, Xu Ziyan extracted his arm from the rock wall. Then she lowered Down Linger and let her stand on the water sword. Then Xu Ziyan made the water squid fly up and rose to the same height as Duan Tianya. Duan Tianya flashed a glimmer of joy in his eyes, and hurriedly landed his feet on the flying sword, and pulled out the arm inserted in the rock wall, and took a long breath.

The surrounding monks and demons saw the squid flying swords at the foot of Xu Ziyan, but they also knew that it was not a real flying sword, but some worms that could kill people, but one was filled with envy and hope. The eyes of Xu Ziyan were mixed with prayers, but no one dared to ask Xu Ziyan.

This is not only without the consent of Xu Ziyan after making the request. And the displeasure of Xu Ziyan, let the worms bite themselves, but they have seen the power of those worms. When I thought of the eighteen demon people who were bitten by the otters, there was no bones left, and their envious eyes turned into fear.

Xu Ziyan is very curious about the battle between Tianxian. Then said softly:

"Let's go up and have a look, okay?"

Tang Linger closed his eyes with some fear, and Duan Tianya thought for a while and nodded:

"Just a little up. Don't rush out of the ground!"

"Yeah!" Xu Ziyan nodded with a gratitude. After that, he carefully approached the water and flying the sword slowly toward the top.

When he rose to about 50 meters from the ground, he felt the wind swelled and Xu Ziyan had to stop. The three people on the otter flying sword looked up and looked hard.

I couldn't see the figure, I could only hear the hum of the human monk and the humming sound of the golden-winged Dapeng in the air. There was a deafening roar, and the stirring mana made the earth crack and tremble. As a result, there are constantly monks and demons falling from the rock wall.

When Xu Ziyan was nervous, he saw that the sky above the crack was suddenly dark, and the two figures suddenly appeared in their own vision. A human monk and a golden-winged Dapeng who turned out the body slammed into each other. Later, between the two, accompanied by an infinite roar, a mushroom cloud rose, and the power of the fascination spread to the ground. The ground cracks are once again widened.

A claw shadow passed through the heavy swordsmanship and bombarded the cracks in the earth, but it was the direction in which Xu Ziyan stood.

Xu Ziyan was shocked and stunned, and the imperial concubine drove the sword to the depths of the earth.


On the back of the rock wall, a piece of power that was spread by the golden-winged Dapeng collapsed a large piece. Countless boulders fell to the bottom, and many monks and demons were picked up, one by one screaming toward the earth. The crack fell deep.

Xu Ziyan Yu made the water dragonfly flying sword like a stream of light in the cracks of the earth to dodge, shuttle, and finally all the falling rocks dodged the past, three people standing on the water dragon flying sword. They each patted their chests. Shouting for luck.

Duan Tianya and Tang Linger looked at the otters under their feet, and the eyes of both people showed envy. However, both of them are very good at engraving their own desires, and they will look away from the leeches under their feet. I looked at the crack that left only the sky.

Xu Ziyan Yu made the water squid fly to the top again and stopped again at about 50 meters from the ground. at this time. Once again, the one person and one pen disappeared in the field of vision, only to hear the roar of the constant coming, and the stirring of the mana.

Xu Ziyan turned his head and looked at Duan Tianya: "Heaven, who is the monk who fought with the Golden-winged Dapeng?"

Duan Tianya looked up at the sky and whispered: "That is the beginning of the city of Ye Yuecheng, I don't know how he will be here."

Xu Ziyan heard a sigh of relief: "This is all right! There is no danger to him to resist the Golden-winged Dapeng here. Just wait until he drives the Golden-winged Dapeng, we can go back. Ground."

Duan Tianya looked hesitant for a moment, and some worriedly said: "The golden-winged Dapeng and the Yechengzhu are the same in the middle of the fairy, and in the same realm, the demon's fighting power often exceeds that of the human monk, so they both Who wins or loses is still an unknown."

Xu Ziyan heard the words of the end of the world, but there was another thought in his heart. Duan Tianya actually saw the repair of the two centuries in the late stage of the immortals, which shows that he must have a secret, and he was able to come up with three chaos, what is his background?

"But..." At this time, Tianya continued to say: "Yecheng’s fighting power is very famous in the fairy world. He has also killed the Yaozu who is in the same realm with him. This time he can defeat the Golden Wing Dapeng. I know."

Duan Tianya said here, there was a glimpse of appreciation in his eyes.

Correct! Just appreciate! Not envy! Xu Ziyan saw it very clearly, which made Xu Ziyan more curious about the identity of Duan Tianya.

Ye Chu really happened to be here today. He went to an auction in Shanhai City. He bought a four-character chaotic Dan at the auction. He was happy to go back and found the invasion of the Yaozu. And in the Wangjia Town within the jurisdiction of his Flying Moon City, this can not help but make him angry, and this is only one place with the Golden Wing Dapeng.

As for the fierce battle between him and the Golden-winged Dapeng, a large number of human monks will die, and it is not within his consideration. Surviving on a white dwarf is not an easy task. If you have a background and wealth, you can leave the white dwarf and go to other planets. It will be much safer.

The white dwarf star was originally a war planet, and it is necessary to have the consciousness of death at any time. And the opposite of the Golden Wing Dapeng and he is in the same realm, more importantly, the Golden Wing Dapeng originally belonged to the royal family of the Yaozu, the fighting power to win the ordinary Yaozu. Therefore, Ye Chu completely released all his potential and played a big game.

In the hands of a fairy sword straight up, not the slightest fancy, with their own sharp gas and gold-winged Dapeng back and forth rushed, Baizhang swordsman as a practice, entwined with gold-winged Dapeng.

Listening to the roar of the sky, not to mention the purple smoke, it is also the end of the world is also itchy, depressed voice to Xu Zi flue:

"Sister, let's go a little further!"

Xu Ziyan nodded, and Duan Tianya propped up the shield to cover Tang Linger. Then the squadron made the squid flying swords slowly toward the top, and soon the three men reluctantly resisted the power of the sky, and exposed their heads to the ground, looking toward the sky.

I saw a red robe monk holding a red long sword in his hand, like a huge flame. The red-red sword smashed the flame and turned it into a dragon, swaying around, swaying in the space, like A comet, smashed a claw that came from the rushing, and walked forward, rushing toward the opposite Golden Wing Dapeng, like a mad tiger, dying.

Xu Ziyan was so moved, she couldn’t help but say: "It’s fierce!"

On the side of the paragraph Tianya said with a smile: "He was a humanoid fairy in the fairy world. Not only his fierce play, but his body strength is not inferior to the ordinary Yaozu, in the white dwarf is a headache for the Yaozu ""

Tang Linger also said with amazement: "His swordsman can actually smash the claws released by the golden-winged Dapeng. Is this the power of the gods?"

Xu Ziyan’s gaze looked toward the golden-winged Dapeng. Seeing that the golden-winged Dapeng attacked but was fierce, the eyes were very calm. It’s a bit strange:

"The end of the world, that gold-winged Dapeng is even in the middle of the fairy, but here is the territory of the human monk, he is not afraid of a few more immortals, surrounded him to kill?"

Duan Tianya smiled and shook his head: "It is no use for a few more angels. The golden-winged Dapeng is the fastest flying in the Yaozu. If he wants to leave, no one can stop him. It is Luo Tianshang. I can't catch up with him!"

"The fastest?"

Xu Ziyan snorted in the dark, and said in his heart: "After waiting for Xiaobai to rise up, it must fly faster than this golden-winged Dapeng."

At this time, the situation in the sky suddenly changed greatly, and the golden-winged Dapeng suddenly accelerated the speed. In the whole space, it seems that there are countless golden-winged Dapeng. At the beginning of the attack around the leaves, the leaves were so busy at first. Let Xu Ziyan, Duan Tianya and Tang Linger also see the tension in their hearts.

In the field of vision, Ye Chu suddenly slammed a few swords around him. This is a seemingly casual sword. It seems to lock the space, so that the figure of the numerous golden-winged Dapeng in the air is condensed, leaving only one gold. Wing Dapeng. At this time, Ye Chu’s last sword was like a flying out of the sky. The power, the power, the power of space, and the perfect combination of Xu Ziyan’s vision, accompanied by a shocking, tearing space The Golden Wing Dapeng.

"This... is the power of space!"

Xu Ziyan was brought into the world of space by the sword of Ye Chu, and it was so caught in the epiphany.



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*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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