The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1142: breakthrough

I am very grateful to susantsh0905 classmates, I feel that today's classmates, Youyou Linglong classmates, Yu Xin 0 classmates, 彳皮岸婲 classmates, Faywen classmates, injured Yue classmates, Xiaoyi lily classmates, espflykite classmates, pre-county Xiaowanzi classmates, Oriental Yu Yu classmates, Liu Wuchen's pink ticket!



At the beginning of the leaf, the sword was resisted by the claws of the golden-winged Dapeng. The slender space cracks appeared everywhere in the air, and the fascinating power was raging toward the bottom. At this time, Xu Ziyan had completely fallen into the epiphany of the power of space. Among them, there is no feeling that the crisis is coming.

She didn't feel it, but the leeches under her feet felt it. Without waiting for the purple smoke to issue orders, he flew away from the depths of the cracks in the earth.

In the air.

The golden winged Dapeng opposite the beginning of the leaf flew up and flew out, and a piece of blood was spilled in the air. At the beginning of the leaves, his hands were holding a long sword, his eyes were round and his face was stunned, like the same flame giant.

The golden-winged Dapeng screamed and stopped returning to the attack. Instead, he turned his direction and flew away toward the demon territory.

Ye Chu’s body swayed in the air, and a spurt of blood slammed into the body, and his face became pale. Looking down at the bottom, the body flashed and flew toward the Flying City, not to mention the human monks and demons in the cracks of the earth.

In the cracks of the earth.

The rock walls that were scattered around the wall were shattered by the power of the sword at the beginning of the leaf, and countless rocks fell violently. What followed were countless human monks and demons. The otter flying sword carrying Xu Ziyan flew in the fallen rock and fell to the depths of the earth's crack.

It takes two quarters of time. The rolling rock stopped. The surviving human monks and demons struggled to climb up. When they climbed to the ground, the demons fled quickly, but they only had dozens of them left. The human monks did not intercept, and they did not have the ability to intercept them at this time. They all squatted on the ground, and the color of horror on their faces has not dissipated.

When the afterglow of the setting sun fell on the ground and the earth was plated with a layer of gold, the human monks recovered some of them one by one. One by one stood up from the ground.

Wu Tian searched hard and searched for Xu Ziyan and other ascenders. When he searched carefully and did not find a soaring man, his look could not help but darken, throwing a fairy boat, entering it and heading for Feiyuecheng.

In the depths of the earth's cracks, the squid flying sword has been flying to the ground, and the three people of Xu Ziyan have been placed on the ground. This was smashed away, but it did not enter the body of Xu Ziyan, but fell to the ground, forming a circle centered on three people, and squatting on the ground.

Duan Tianya saw Xu Ziyan enter the epiphany, and there was a hint of envy in the eyes. I took a remedy and hesitated. Handed to Tang Linger. After that, he took out a medicinal herb and swallowed it. He sat on the floor with his knees and entered the interest rate adjustment.

Tang Linger looked at the medicinal herbs in his hands, and then looked at the segment of the horizon that had already entered the levy. His eyes flashed grateful color, and he swiftly swallowed it. He also sat down on his knees and entered the prune.

Xu Ziyan can be said to be a person without a master. He has always relied on his own comprehension. When she first came into the secular world, she thought she was just the root of water. So I am learning the water spells. Later, I went to Xiu Xianjie. She learned about Qiankun in Taixuan, and formed a space in the body. However, her realm at that time was just that she should be able to comprehend only five attributes of Jinmu Shui. Under such an opportunity, let her cultivate the two attributes of Jinshui into the realm of great perfection. The three properties of wood fire soil have also been cultivated to the realm of Zhongcheng.

However, she later discovered that her purple smoke space not only has five attributes of Jinmu water and fire, but also four attributes of wind, light and light, which makes her understand the thunder and lightning, although this thunder attribute is only realized. Zhongcheng realm, but this is undoubtedly opening a new window to her. What's more, she has not yet realized the three attributes of wind, light and dark, so that Xu Ziyan is full of expectations for her own body space.

But today.

In the fight between Ye Chu and Jin Mao Dapeng, she was allowed to see another attribute, that is, the space attribute. I think that the body of the purple smoke is self-contained. In the past, she just didn’t think about it. I just thought about it occasionally. I just thought that it was a kind of law, just like the teleportation of the cloud body. I never thought about it. That is also an attribute. Nowadays, it was broken by a sword at the beginning of the leaf. Xu Ziyan suddenly became cheerful and instantly entered the epiphany.

This epiphany passed three days and three nights.

Duan Tianya and Tang Linger opened their eyes, and both of them have completely repaired the injury at this time. And the two people have learned through the battle between life and death of Ye Chu and Jin Mao Dapeng. Just opened his eyes and glanced at Xu Ziyan, and found that Xu Ziyan was still in the epiphany, and once again looked at each other, he immediately closed his eyes and entered into comprehension.

At this time, the soul of Xu Ziyan seems to be separated by a layer of extremely light film, so that the soul of Xu Ziyan can not be transparent. The power of the space seems to be in front of you, but it is within reach, but there is no horns like an antelope.

Xu Ziyan’s heart gradually moved and his body was unstable.

The breath is getting more and more fluctuating, and the heart of Xu Ziyan is getting more and more instigated. If you continue to do so, don't talk about the nature of space, there is a danger of getting rid of the magic. And this situation is approaching, approaching the critical point of the fire.

Xu Ziyan’s state of mind gradually swayed, and he gradually lost control of his heart. He just kept a bit of clearness in his state of mind and did not know where the road was.

Suddenly, in the mood of Xu Ziyan, it seems that there is a light, this light makes Xu Ziyan have a feeling of survival.


The power of space!

Space properties!

Isn't there a space in my body? Am I not the master of the body space? Why don't I use the identity of my controller to first understand the attributes of the body space?

Xu Ziyan completely immersed himself in the purple smoke space, transforming the heavens of the purple smoke space, completely covering the entire space. He is in the space.

Space, where is it starting?

Space, where is its limit?

The generation and growth of the purple smoke space gradually played back in the soul of Xu Ziyan, and the power of space gradually became clear in her soul...


The layer of film that slid across the purple smoke and space properties broke. The power of space in the heavens is coming to her...

Three days and three nights later, the fairy power around Tang Linger suddenly swayed and swarmed toward her body. Tang Linger broke through. I saw the life and death war in the early mid-leaf of the fairy, and let Tang Linger break through the middle of the human fairy. She is not a genius of the Tang family.

Another day later, Duan Tianya’s body made a breath of volatility, and Xianyuan’s force converges toward his body. Duan Tianya broke through and broke through to the early days of Tianxian. At the beginning of a 19-year-old Tianxian, there is no loss of genius reputation.

Three days and three nights passed, Duan Tianya and Tang Linger both stabilized the realm and opened their eyes. I looked at Xu Ziyan. However, Xu Ziyan is still immersed in the epiphany.

On the top of the big crack, Wangjia Town moved away, and another place was chosen. It was about ten miles away from here and began to rebuild Wangjia Town. No way, the original Wangjia Town has become a ruin. And there is a huge crack. However, they did not know that in the deep cracks of the big crack, two people have already broken through. And there is another person who is comprehending the power of space, and they are there to work hard to rebuild Wangjiazhen.

Two days later.

The purple consciousness of Xu Ziyan has retreated from the space of purple smoke. The space of purple smoke is still very weak, so its heavenly path is also relatively slack, not as strong as the outer space of the fairy world, and relatively easy to capture. However, it is also because of the relaxation of the space in the purple smoke space. Its heavens are also low on many levels.

Xu Ziyan with his understanding of the purple smoke space retreated from the inside. Spreading the gods out, letting the insights gained in the purple smoke space and the heavens in the lower celestial celestial world confirm each other, which makes Xu Ziyan's state of mind continue to grow, and the body's breath begins to fluctuate. The body is getting stronger and stronger.

Duan Tianya and Tang Linger looked at each other and their eyes were filled with joy. In their view, Xu Ziyan has to break through. After the experience of the edge of life and death, the hearts of these three people are closer to each other.

However, what followed was the shock in the eyes of two people. Because in their field of vision, the space around Xu Ziyan began to change and became distorted. Xu Ziyan’s body shape became awkward in their eyes, as if it might disappear at any time.

"This is... the power of space!" Duan Tianya is stunned.


The breath of Xu Ziyan suddenly burst, and the fairy power between the heavens and the earth began to hover over the head of Xu Ziyan, and the shape of Xu Ziyan became looming. With the strong breath of Xu Ziyan, the convergence of her body was gradually broken, and the atmosphere of the late immortal became the peak of the late immortal.

Duan Tianya and Tang Linger’s eyes showed joy, waiting for Xu Ziyan to wake up and congratulate. However, the two of them immediately squatted there. Because in the vision of the two of them, Xu Ziyan's cultivation has broken from the peak of the late immortal to the early stage of the immortal.

"Continuous breakthrough? So strong?" This is the common aspiration of two people at this time.

Later, the two people turned from awkward to shocked. Because Xu Ziyan's repairs quickly rushed to the middle of the earth.

"So... metamorphosis?" The two men looked at each other and the heart slammed.

Where did they know that the middle of the land was originally Xu Ziyan really cultivated. It is just covered by the concealed fairy. Nowadays, the breath of Xu Ziyan’s breakthrough has gradually cracked, which reveals her original cultivation.

When I got here, Xu Ziyan had reached the critical point of breakthrough. The breath of the body seemed to be suppressed, and it was constantly accumulating strength.



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*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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