The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1150: Whistling

I am very grateful to Dagongluowan, welltexjoy, Jiuai, Mengshi 0327, susantsh0905, Daolan, $Qingyue, classmate, momrista, youth Chevrolet, Lucy, Lucy. Lonely fleeing classmate's pink ticket!


Xu Ziyan was strange here, but he saw Duan Tianhe suddenly reaching out with a big hand, licking Mao Ying’s neck and slamming his neck, and directly sealed his air. Duan Tianhe was originally the middle of the fairy, repaired to be higher than Mao Ying, and has the identity of the Prince, where Mao Ying dare to resist. Therefore, in an instant, he was subdued by Duan Tianhe, throwing him on the ground, and his voice was full of killing and said:

"This is what you said by chance." Do you think I don't know what this is? What is the smell and the sign of his body is a whistling whistle. This fairy has been abandoned by the monks of the immortals, and it is strictly forbidden for the monks to cultivate this fairy. Hey, I ask you, why do you want to cultivate this immortal to the solitary smoke of Ximen?"

Xu Ziyan was somewhat confused. She didn't know what the horror was, and she looked at the end of the world. Duan Tianya’s face was also full of suffocation. When he saw Xu Ziyan’s gaze, he whispered:

"This whistling whistle was tens of thousands of years ago in an ancient ruins, a monk accidentally got. After he practiced, he went crazy. But after he went crazy, his cultivation has grown rapidly. And he is crazy. Under the mad killing, he is simply a madman who is more like the Mozu than the Mozu. It is a cockroach that only knows the killing. Finally, the Jade Emperor at the time personally shot it.

However, the whistling whisper did not know where to go. After a hundred years of fascination, another whistle of monk cultivation has naturally caused a panic. In the end, it was also killed by the Jade Emperor at that time.

So it has passed another thousand years. The monk who practiced the whistling screams once again appeared, but this time it was no longer a crazy monk, but was controlled by a monk without a crazy monk. And he is not controlling a savage screaming scream, but a group. There are more than a thousand people. The monk was a monk who specialized in the spiritual field. He passed the whistle to the monks. After the monks were violently increased, he erased the consciousness of the monks and then controlled them and turned them into jealousy.

The catastrophe formed this time was even greater. Finally, the Jade Emperor of countless countries combined to destroy these shackles. Also kill the monk who controlled it. Since then. The monks of the immortal world are too far away from the whistling, no one dares to practice. However, this fairy has also been passed down. Forcing the various Jade Emperors to order, as long as they discover who cultivated the whistling screams in the future, not only is he dying, but his family is also dying, and the monks who practice screaming and screaming are the enemy of the entire lower galaxies. ”


Xu Ziyan was shocked. Then the heart gave birth to killing. At this point, she already understood that there is a great possibility that this screaming scream is that this Mao Ying has cultivated the solitary smoke of Ximen. He is thinking of making the solitary smoke of Ximen. Otherwise, how could it be so coincidental that others have not been screaming in the mine for so long, and how long has it been for the solitary smoke in Ximen, and that has gotten that whistling?

Duan Tianhe also saw the look of Xu Ziyan, and his heart was the same as Xu Ziyan thought. Suddenly stretched out a hand, clasped the top of Mao Ying's head, and displayed the search for magic.

Duan Tianhe spit in the palm of his hand. The hair that was shocked fell to the ground. Slightly sigh. Duan Tianhe first looked at the madness of the West Gate, and turned to Xu Ziyan:

"The monk who mines here can get a piece of fairy crystal every month. The solitary smoke of Ximen is proud and will not give the monthly piece of fairy crystal to Mao Ying. It is beaten by Mao Ying. In the second month, the solitary smoke of Ximen still refused to give Xianjing to Mao Ying, and Mao Ying beat him again.

it's here. The rule of Mao Ying is that all new monks will not be sent to them in six months, and will be sent half a month after half a year. The remaining half will be deducted by him. The other monks were afraid to speak out, but the solitary smoke in Ximen was an arrogant one, and went to Guan Ying to ask Xianjing. And was beaten in January, and the second month is still asking.

This provoked the anger of Mao Ying. I wanted to kill him, but I felt that it was cheaper to smoke the West Gate. So I put the screaming in the mine where the solitary smoke of the West Gate was. After the solitary smoke of the West Gate got raging, he didn’t know this. The whistling whistle is a taboo of the immortal world. He also thought that he had a big chance and secretly cultivated it.

Mao Ying has been monitoring the solitary smoke of Ximen. When he discovered that the solitary smoke of Ximen had begun to practice screaming, he immediately held the solitary smoke of Ximen alone. Only when the solitary smoke of Ximen was repaired as a success, the solitary smoke of Ximen was made. You know, a crazy person, and being restrained in advance, it is not difficult to erase his consciousness. ”

Xu Ziyan’s body swayed and stepped back two steps, leaning against the wall behind him. I can't help but think of the soul of Yanshan in my mind. I don't know how the soul of Yanshan is now? Closed his eyes and looked at the locked solitary smoke. Just looking at it, I know that he has not been erased by Mao Ying at this time, turning his head and looking at Duan Tianhe:

"Tianhe brother, is it true that all the monks who practice screaming and screaming are crazy? Is there any exception to this fairy?"

Duan Tianhe nodded: "So far, all the monks who practiced the screaming screams, the results are crazy. But, a long time ago, a predecessor from the middle galaxies saw this scream, said this raging It is not completely harmful. According to his speculation, this whistling scream should be created by a monk who combines the cultivation methods of the Mozu. Although the monks who practice this immortal will be mad, if they can cultivate to the devil If you are born with wisdom, you will be able to recover from the Qing Dynasty again, and it will be greatly increased."

"From the magic to the wisdom!" Xu Ziyan smiled and said: "This is easy!"

Duan Tianya looked hesitant for a while, and his eyes revealed a firm color: "Sister, my father has a condensed **** ice bead that can play the role of a monk, and after my father leaves the customs, I must find a way to lend it. Give a try to the West Gate."

"End of the World..." Duan Tianhe's face showed a dignified color.

When Xu Ziyan looked at the look of two people, he knew that the **** of ice was not an ordinary thing. However, at this time she could not refuse, she could not see the solitary smoke of Ximen so crazy. He went to Duan Tianya and Duan Tianhe for a ritual:

"Kindness without saying thanks!"

Looking up at the solitary smoke of the West Gate locked by the metal chain, turned to the section of the Tianhe Road: "Heavenly brother, trouble you to let the West Gate solitary smoke."

Duan Tianhe's face is a change: "Ziyan sister, can't let it go! Such a crazy person, if released, that is, he will not cause catastrophe, but will also be killed by the discovered monk."

Xu Ziyan smiled bitterly: "I can't put him here, rest assured, I have once received a Xianfu in Fanjie. I can temporarily receive him there, no one will find it."


"Really! I won't be joking about this kind of thing."

Duan Tianhe once again looked at Xu Ziyan with a certain look. After Xu Ziyan nodded again, he took out a three-piece fairy, and took the repair of the middle of the fairy, and went to the chain of the solitary smoke on Ximen.

"When oh..."

Four sounds were crisp, and the chain of the solitary smoke on the west gate was broken.


The solitary smoke of Simon was so screaming and screaming, and Xu Ziyan, who stood in front of him at this time, rushed over. Xu Ziyan opened the Heberfest House, and his heart was moved. The sound of "嗖", the solitary smoke of Ximen was taken into He Boxian by Xu Ziyan.

The entire Heberfest House has been refining and rejuvenating by Xu Ziyan, and the scene inside appears immediately in the consciousness of Xu Ziyan. The solitary smoke of Ximen was collected by Xu Ziyan on the periphery of He Boxian. At this time, I saw only the solitary smoke of Ximen, running around in the periphery of Heberfest. Seeing the remaining beasts in He Bo, they rushed to the ground and made Xu Ziyan laugh.

The three people walked out of Dongfu and looked a little lonely. Standing in the foothills outside the Dongfu, the wind and snow rushed to the surface, Xu Ziyan frowned slightly. She is thinking about the solitary smoke in Ximen. By this time, Xu Ziyan found that he had been relying on the inheritance of Dan Fuzong. After all, it was too single. While on the mainland of the Cangwu, although I have read the books of the Taixuan, the contents of the Taixuan are still too bad. If I can browse some of the fairy tales, plus the inheritance of Dan Fuzong, I wonder if it will crack the whistling whistle?

Thinking of this, Xu Ziyan turned his head and said softly to Duan Tianhe: "Heavenly brother, is there a library in the Lingyuan Temple?"


"Can I go and see?" Xu Ziyan's gaze revealed his wings.

"Of course!" Duan Tianhe said decisively: "I have this right."

"Thank you!" Xu Ziyan sincerely thanked.

Duan Tianya looked at Xu Ziyan and said: "Ziyan sister, do you want to find a way to crack the screaming screams from the library of the Yuan Yuanguo?"

"Yes!" Xu Ziyan nodded.

Duan Tianya shook his head and said: "About the whistling whistle, all countries have also studied their hearts and minds, but none of them have developed a proper method. If you want to see it, let's go and see."

Although Duan Tianya said that he was polite, he could see from the look that he did not like Xu Ziyan at all. Xu Ziyan looked hesitant for a long time, and finally asked softly:

"Heavenly brother, have you heard of Dan Fuzong?"

Duan Tianhe looked a glimpse, slightly frowned, thinking half a ring, and finally shook his head:

"I have never heard of it."

Xu Ziyan sighed softly, and said in his heart: "It seems that this Dan Fuzong is an accident, and it was in this fairy tales divided into the upper galaxies, the middle galaxies, and the lower galaxies. It is now submerged in history, no People know again. Then... the lord and the lord?"

Feiyuecheng, the city government.

At the beginning of the city, Ye Zhu sent away the last group of people. Under the moonlight, they stood under a big tree and looked at the moonlight in the sky.

The quiet visit of His Highness seven today made him startled. He did not understand that the people of the Yuan Dynasty knew that they were the people of the Taizi section of Tianhe. Why did the Seventh House of the Kings quietly visit? When the Seventh Highness told him that the Tianhe and the lower thirteenth temples of the Taizi section had died outside the Feiyue City, Ye Chu was blind.


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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