The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1151: Bad thoughts

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The purpose of the Seventh Hall is very clear, that is, I hope that Ye Chu can trust him and give him a promise. However, at this time, the early thoughts of the leaves were not, and the seven halls were quietly sent away.

I did not expect that I had just sent away the seven halls, and the Eighth Highness quietly visited. Waiting to quietly send away the Eighth Highness, the three halls quietly visited. After sending away the three halls, the eleventh house of the priests quietly visited, and the last nine princes also quietly visited.

At the end of the sentence, the nine halls were sent away, and Ye Chu was lost. He doesn't know how to go? If the thirteenth priest did not die, even if the prince died, he could turn to support the thirteenth. However, His Highness 13 was also dead, and he died with the Prince.

He did not doubt the news of these people, because the Prince was to come to the thirteenth. His Highness 13 appeared near the Flying Moon City or notified himself to the Prince. Therefore, it is normal for Prince Edward and His Royal Highness to meet outside the Flying Moon City. He also did not suspect that the Prince and the thirteenth throne had died. Although those of His Royal Highness did not say how the Prince and the 13th King died, they must have a relationship with them. Most importantly, it is impossible for these Highness to deceive themselves with false news. The Prince and the 13th Royal Highness must have died.

So what do you do yourself? In the past, the Prince was his own backing. Now that the mountain has collapsed, I have to find another backing. Which one do you want to follow?

Three days later, all of His Highness left the Flying City.

After half a month, Duan Tianya. Duan Tianhe and Xu Ziyan returned to Feiyuecheng.

Originally, according to the meaning of Xu Ziyan, I went directly to Qianyuan City, so I went to the library of Shuyuan City to browse Xianyu as soon as possible. However, on the one hand they do not have a fairy boat today. Need to go to Feiyuecheng to take the fairy boat, on the other hand, Duan Tianhe also wants to go to Feiyuecheng to tell him that he followed Ye Chu, he has come.

When Ye Chu saw Duan Tianhe, he was stupid. Uncomfortably, the three people were greeted into the city's main government, and the banquet was used to wash the dust for three people. Then three people were arranged to stay.

After that, the soul went to his room. Suddenly. He remembered that he had voted for his three brothers and his brother, and a few confidants said that now the Prince returns safely. If this matter leaks out of their mouths, it must be killed by the Prince. He didn't care about saying this thing under His Highness, and he couldn't admit it at that time. However, this matter is said by your own brother and confidant. That's bad.

At the beginning of the leaves, Ye began to quickly cover the past with his younger brother and a few places where he lived. Some of his confidants are still doing their own things, or practicing in the house. There is no difference between the looks. In fact, these confidants are not interested in who they follow at the beginning of the leaf. They only know that they will follow the beginning of Ye, so it is good for Ye Chutou to go to the third hall, and the Prince returns. They don't think too much.

At the beginning of the leaves, Ye was shrouded in the room of his brother. At this time, the younger brother Ye Xia and his wife were chatting in bed.

Ye Xia’s wife, while using her fingers to draw a circle on the chest of Ye Xia, squats:

"Master. Today, you also saw the Prince return. He did not die. And now the older brother has listened to the rumors, turned his back on the Prince, and turned to the Three Highness. If this is known by the Prince, we are not going to be killed by the Prince. Lost?"

Ye Xia also said with a sorrowful face: "Listen to the older brother. This time, several of His Royal Highness teamed up with the Prince. But even this is not the case. It did not hurt the Prince's hair. The Prince's might be well known.

Today, you also saw that the Prince and the 13th Highness came together, and the two brothers and brothers looked like Christine. This proves that the things that were previously rumored about the prince and the thirteenth are not fake. His Royal Highness is the first genius of the Yuan Dynasty. Now the Prince has the thirteen princes to help each other. Where else will there be a way to go? Big Brother listened to the rumors and went to the third hall. It was a step of the wrong move. ”

Ye Xia’s wife took a nap under Ye Xia’s armpit and said with a smile: “Hey, did you see the woman who came with the Prince’s brother? You said that she is the Taoist brother of the two brothers. ?

Not to mention that the Prince is one person, above the people, the successor of the Jade Emperor. Just say, His Royal Highness, who does not know that he is the only genius of the Yuan Dynasty, is proud. When have you seen these two people and a woman? Look at the two of them, when the gentle, big brother of the woman named Xu smoked, the two people still rushed to give the woman a dish, oh..."

"Hehehe..." Ye Xia smiled and shivered: "Do you say that the Prince and the 13th Royal Highness will like the same person, who does the woman like in the heart? Prince and the 13th Royal Highness will not be because of the woman. Jealousy, turn your face completely?"

Ye Chuan listened to the conversation between his brother and his wife, and his face was dumbfounding. I am in danger now, I don’t know if I can live to tomorrow. The two men still have the time to think about whether the Prince and the 13th King will be jealous. I really don’t know how these two people’s hearts are. Big?

I was about to take back my knowledge, but I heard Ye Xia suddenly sighed: "What is the relationship between the woman and the Prince, and the 13th Highness, it has nothing to do with us."

Having said that, I turned over and looked at the roof, and my eyes were a little dazed. Half-sounding, and sighed again:

"Big brother's life is not good now, and I don't know how Big Brother decided now? Is it prepared to go with the Prince, or with His Royal Highness?"

Ye Xia’s wife raised her body with her arms and whispered: “The big brother has no choice now. Do you think that the big brother’s decision to go to the third hall will be passed over? I’m afraid it will be leaked in a few days. If he When you choose to re-engage with the Prince, do you think that the Prince will trust him again? Do you think that the third Highness will let him go? Like this kind of person who swings back and forth, I am afraid that the Prince and the Three Highness will remove it.

If the eldest brother is following the three halls with sorrow, do you think that His Royal Highness will endure his own defection? I think Big Brother... is dead..."

Ye Chu was shivering outside and he felt that his brother-in-law said it quite. I am indeed dead. If his brother and confidant will inform the Prince at this time, they will only die. However, if the news is not his own brother and confidant, he can not admit it in front of the Prince. Presumably, the Prince looked at his own life for him. He was suspicious and would not kill himself.

"That... what?" The house leaves in the summer, and the face sheds cold sweat: "If the big brother is dead, they will never let us go. You know, I am the brother of the older brother. They don't May not smash the roots!"

There was silence in the room, and a strange atmosphere gradually spread out in the house.

"Master... or... We went to the elder brother to tell the elder brother, and said that we are loyal to the prince. I heard that the prince was killed a few days ago, and our husband and wife both cried a few times. Later, I heard that my eldest brother voted for the third hall, several times and Big brother is striving for it, and it is unreasonable to persuade. Our husband and wife are preparing to pack things and leave the big brother who has been betrayed and returned to their hometown.

I did not expect the Prince to come back safely. One is a big brother with deep brotherhood, and the other is a loyal Prince. Finally, our husband and wife still chose to be faithful. Master, you said this, will the Prince forgive us? Will you trust us? Will you treat us like the older brother? If so, we have a real backing! ”

At the beginning of the leaf, the body was shaking more and more, and his face was blue and purple. He did not think that his brother-in-law would betray himself, and the more he was afraid of what he was, the sister-in-law said. The heart was rushing, but he still pressed himself and continued to listen.

"This..." Ye Xia in the house clearly hesitated.

"He is my big brother!"

"If it wasn't for your big brother to die alone, or if everyone would die together!"

"let me think again……"

At the beginning of the leaf, he bit his teeth secretly, his face gradually groaned, and a thought floated unstoppable:

"You want me to die, then it is better to die first. Not only the brothers and sisters are going to die, but those who know the details are also going to die!"

Ye Chu quietly returned to his room, sitting in the dark room, two eyes like a pair of wolves in the night, releasing cold light, and a pair of fists gradually clenched.

In Ye Xia’s room, Ye Xia lost interest in his wife, took the hand on his wife’s chest, turned over and sat up from the bed, and was in a daze.

Ye Chu stood up from the chair and walked out of the dark room. Called a man who is not a confidant, whispered:

"The Prince is a noble person and can't be bothered. You take your team and keep it outside the Prince's residence. No matter who wants to see the Prince for any reason, he will be taken to me." This is a very important task. As long as you do it, not only will I reuse you, but the Prince will also appreciate you."

"Yes!" The man was excited. This is the city that mainly regards me as a confidant! Give me such an important task, I want to develop!

Seeing that the man left, Ye Chu’s mouth hanged a sneer. However, there was a bit of irritability on his face. Now the Prince lives in the city's main government. In the mid-term of the Taizi Tianxian, if he has any slight action, he will be discovered by the Prince. Therefore, he did not dare to kill his brother and confidant at this time. He did not dare to take this risk.

The five confidants are fine, and their performance is still normal. Only my own brother gave birth to other ideas. This is really a sarcasm!

With his hands rubbed his face, he recovered his calmness and walked toward Ye Xia’s room.

"Second brother!" Ye Chu stood outside the door of Ye Xia and screamed.


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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