The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1152: Baoguang

I am very grateful to Yu Yu 645098 classmates, Song Lin Xiaoma classmates, jj Xiaojin adults, Zi Yan? Zhao Yilin classmates, plums ~~~ classmates, invited Yueqing Xuan classmates, xu_yaer classmates, green ☆ classmates, rumble classmates pink ticket!


"Second brother!" Ye Chu stood outside the door of Ye Xia and screamed.

Ye Xia, who was sitting in bed in a daze, was a glimpse. The husband and wife looked at each other and saw a guilty conscience. After being pushed by his wife, Ye Xia suddenly reacted and hurriedly shouted:

"Big brother, come."

When the door opened, Ye Xia showed some unnatural smiles. Ye did not find it, and the younger brother smiled into the room and said hello to his brother's wife. Then the two brothers sat down at the table. Ye Xia’s wife also hurriedly brewed tea for two people and sat gently on her husband’s side.

At the beginning of the leaf, a teacup was opened, and the tea leaves floating on it were gently blown, and the room was quiet. The Ye Xia couple secretly looked at each other and became more and more guilty.


"唉~~" Ye Chuchang sighed, waved eight flags and waved the next soundproof array method, which whispered:

"Brother, you know that I have listened to the rumors of His Highness and went to the Three Halls. I thought that at the beginning, the five Highnesses came one after another, saying that the Prince and the 13th Royal Highness are already dead. How can I not believe it? If we are Ye Family Only I am alone. It’s a big deal, I will abandon the identity of the city owner, and I will be loyal to the heart of the Prince. But I can’t! Because I have a younger brother!

The prince died. We lost the backing. If I don't return, I will be killed by those under the temple sooner or later. They can't look at a person who has lost their background and occupy the resources of the Flying City. If I retired, my older brother is older. That's it. However, your younger brother is still young and has a future. I cannot delay my brother's future because of my own selfishness. My brother’s hopes are pinned on you. When I retired, I lost my cultivation resources. Without resources, how can the younger brother have a future?

Therefore, I have relied on my third imperial court in desperation. For your brother, I can bear everything for my eldest brother. But...but...I didn’t think... Prince Edward and His Royal Highness 13 didn’t die, and they came back intact. If I let the Prince know that I have already gone to the third hall, your brother and I will inevitably die. Big Brother is sorry for you...hey..."

Ye Chuan cried with tears, Ye Xia's eyes were red, and his wife was also a sly look.

"Brother..." Ye Chu grabbed his brother's hand and said with tears: "There is only one way, brother, you go to the elder brother to tell the big brother! So, maybe the prince will forgive you, and may reuse you. So. You too There is no shortage of resources for cultivation. This is also the last thing that Big Brother has done for you!"

"Big brother..." Ye Xia's tears rushed out. His wife’s eyes were a little flashy and her heart was moving.

Ye Chufei quickly glanced at the Ye Xia couple, saw the flash of the younger sister's eyes, slightly lowered his head, and flashed a hint of killing in the depths of his eyes. When he looked up again, he looked at his brother and his wife and they were full of affection:

"Brother, I have decided. Big brother is old, and it is worthwhile to exchange my life for your future. Just... just..."

"Just what..." Ye Xia’s wife asked anxiously.

"Luo Hong!" Ye Xia angrily squinted at his wife.

Ye first waved his hand and stopped his brother: "I just worried that because you are my brother, the Prince will not trust you. I have been with the Prince for so long and I know him very well. He will never let the unstable factors stay in him. There is a big possibility. After you tell the elder brother about me, I will kill me with you and kill all the monks who are related to me.

Especially two of you, one is my brother and the other is my sister. Even if the two of you have done a great job, you have not revealed any flaws. I am afraid that the Prince will not let you both. This is why Big Brother has not made up his mind. Looking for you today is to ask the two of you are willing to take the risk and touch your luck. ”

The face of Ye Xia’s husband and wife was white at the time, and every sentence of Ye Chu was like a heavy hammer hitting the hearts of both of them. Big brother's strong friendship made them jealous. The big brother's suspicion of the prince was to give them a bucket of ice water, so that their hearts were chilling.

Before the husband and wife, they also negotiated to sell the big brother in exchange for a high position, and get sufficient cultivation resources. However, if you sell your big brother yourself, can you really exchange the trust of the Prince? The hearts of both of them shook in fear, looked at each other and looked helplessly at the opposite brother.

"Brother, how do you choose?" Ye Chu was still asked by his brother.

"Big Brother... Don't say it! I won't betray you. Are you thinking about other ways?" Ye Xia cried out.

"Yeah, Big Brother, you are the main heart of Ye Family, we all listen to you." Luo Hong also cried.

"The main heart is your mother, mom, two monks. I just calculated that I told you that I didn't know?"

Ye Chuan’s pretending to indulge in a moment: “There is still a road...”

"What road?" Ye Xia and his wife were in full swing, looking at their big brother.

"That is, I don't admit to relying on the three halls. As long as I don't have my own person, the third hall is how to preach. I don't admit it. The Prince may not doubt me. After all, I have been with him for a long time, he will not easily doubt. I, on the other hand, will think that it is the divergence of His Highness, and that His Royal Highness may not dare to say that I have turned to him, because this is undoubtedly a confession that he is the murderer of the prince."

"Second!" Ye Xia caressed the palm. However, Luo Hong, who was on the side, frowned slightly and said:

"Big Brother, this thing is not only our husband and wife, but also a few of your confidants. If they accidentally leaked out..."

Ye Xia Wenyan patted the table: "Big brother, kill them all!"

Ye Chu’s face revealed pain and reluctance: "Younger brothers, they are also old brothers who have been with me for a long time. Let my brother kill me, my brother, I am so sad!"

"Big brother, they are just your men, I am your brother. You can find it again. Brother, you are only me!" Ye Xia tightly grasped Ye Chu’s hand, and Luo Hong was nervous. Looking at the beginning of the leaf.

Ye Chu also sighed, his face full of pain: "For the younger brother... Ok!"

"Thank you big brother!" Ye Xia and his wife long breathed a sigh of relief.

The room was once again silent, and the hearts of the three people were very heavy. a long time. Ye Xia whispered:

"Big Brother, when do you start?"

At the beginning of the leaf, Shakes his head and his face is embarrassed. "Now the Prince and the 13th King live in the city government. I dare to do it. If I was discovered by the Prince, I will kill my confidant. In response, there are five confidants who know this, if they can't remove them at once. Run one and be so close to the Prince, as long as he screams, we are dead."

"What should I do?" Ye Xia and his wife panicked.

At the beginning of the leaves, he hesitated for a long time, and finally said with a stern look: "Now I can only let the prince's heart mess up and take care of us. I have the opportunity to kill my five confidants without knowing it."

"How can I make the heart of the Prince mess up?" Ye Xia looked at the big brother and asked in a hurry.

"Brother, do you see the purple smoke that came back with the Prince?"

"See it!" Ye Xia and his wife.

"Look at the attitude of the Prince to her and the courtesy of her at the banquet. Prince should like this female repair. As long as we can kill this female repair, the heart of the Prince will be chaotic, and then it will be our chance. ""

"Good!" Ye Xia took the case and said: "The Xu Ziyan is only the repair of the late Xianxian. I am the early Tianxian. She gave it to me, and I will find a chance to remove her."

"Good!" Ye Chu also took the case and started: "Our brothers joined forces and their profits broke."

Luo Hong looked at the two brothers in front of me. My heart was very complicated. Big brother seemed to think that everything was for their husband and wife, but her heart always had a trace of uneasiness.


The string is hung high.

In several directions, eighteen lucky boats flew in the air. Within the fairy boat. Suddenly, several voices of His Royal Highness broke the teacup:

"What? Prince, he is not dead?"

"Returned to the Flying City with the 13th brother?"

"Only three people?"

"Prince. His Highness 13 and a woman repair?"

"They didn't take the fairy boat, but the fairy beast?"

"So, the Prince's fairy boat and his men are still destroyed by us. Now is the time when he is the most lonely."

"But. Why didn't he die? How did he survive?"

"The order, all the fairy boats immediately return to the Flying City."

"Transmission. All Xianzhou immediately returned to Feiyuecheng."


In several directions, eighteen fairy boats turned around and headed for Feiyuecheng.

Early the next morning, Ye Chuxin woke up heavily from cultivation. However, I received a message from the communication jade. He rushed out of the room and hurried to the room of the Prince.

Standing in front of the prince, Ye began to say excitedly: "His Royal Highness, just received a message from the mine outside the city of Feiyue. They said that they had dug a mine. There are two huge caves in the mine. Inside the cave, the light is shining, and it goes straight into the sky, and it is speculated that there are treasures born."

"What?" The Prince was born: "Which mine?"

"It is the mine that Prince Edward has just returned."

"The end of the world, purple smoke, we will go and see."

"His Royal Highness, do you arrange it first, I am mobilizing some people?"

Duan Tianhe indulged in a moment: "This matter will not last long, I am afraid that the Mozu and the Yaozu will know soon. Let's go first, you will mobilize the staff and then come back."

Duan Tianhe, Duan Tianya and Xu Ziyan left the Feiyue City and flew toward the mine on the fairy.

Going back to my room, I saw Ye Xia and Luo Hong waiting for themselves in the house. When I saw Ye’s return, I stood up from the chair and called:

"Big brother..."


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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