The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1153: Xiaolong

Congratulations to Faywen for being the best law!


"Big brother..."

At the beginning of the leaf, he stopped his brother and set up a flag. This was sitting on the main seat. He appeared in the Feiyuecheng mine, and the three men had already left.

"Big Brother!" Ye Xia stood up excitedly: "The Prince is gone, isn't that a good time for us to clear your five hearts?"

At the beginning of the leaf, he shook his head slightly: "This matter needs to be considered."

Ye Xia’s look is awkward: “Why?”

Ye began to look at his younger brother and said with a sigh: "There must be a spy under the Highness of the House in the Flying Moon City. Now the Prince returns, and I must have heard the news of the few who are returning to the city." When the power is the weakest, they will not let go of this opportunity to eradicate the Prince and the thirteenth."

Speaking of this, Ye Chu sighed a bit: "If we take advantage of this opportunity and kill those five confidants, the Prince is killed by those Highness, are we not losing our hands in vain?" ”

Ye Xia and his wife are all there. Half-sounding, Ye Xia lowered his voice and asked: "Big brother means..."

"We might as well release the matter for a moment and look at the development of the situation. Now that there is a treasure, the Prince may not have the energy to manage these things. Except for His Highness, the other Highness does not know that I have gone to the Three Halls." And the third Highness will not say what I am going to do with him. I am afraid he will use me to deal with the Prince. Therefore, we are safe for the time being.

If this time the Prince really died, we will go all the way to His Royal Highness. So we also have a backing. If this time the Prince is still not dead, I will remove the five confidants. And if you remove five confidants now, the performance will be very obvious. Not only will it immediately cause the suspicion of His Highness, but it will also cause the prince's blame. in case. These five confidants died in the caves where the mines appeared in Baoguang, and they could be pushed to those who took the treasures. The things are much more natural. ”

Ye Xia smashed a half-sound, and he nodded: "Big brother is high. If the prince is dead, we don't have to kill the five confidants, so when we have a new backing, we also preserve the strength. If the prince does not die We took advantage of the mine chaos to kill the five confidants, so there is no evidence, the Prince will still trust the older brother, and will only use the rumors of His Highness to be provoked. But..."

Having said that, Ye Xia’s look is hesitant: “Do I still need to assassinate Xu Ziyan?”

"Kill!" Ye Chu’s tone is very firm: "It is a fact that we are relying on the three halls. It is the future that the Prince cannot be sure of this matter and will be wary of us. Maybe when we look at us is not pleasing to the eye, Kill us. So, it is best to be killed in the mine, we thoroughly go to the third hall, this is the best way. Brother, you have to know. Open the bow without turning back!

Therefore, we still have to kill Xu Ziyan, causing the Prince's heart to panic and lose the usual calm. In this way, the other highness of the temple is also given a chance to kill the Prince. ”

Ye Xia and his wife looked at each other and said in unison: "Good!"

Ye Chu said with a sigh of relief: "Your husband and wife are leaving today, secretly following the Highness of the Prince, staring at the purple smoke. Looking for an opportunity to kill her secretly. I will then take the army. I am afraid it will not take long, a few The Highness will arrive, and it will be lively."

Eighteen ships on the fairy boat that rushed to the Flying Moon City. There were also several voices of His Highness:

"What? There is a treasure in the west of Feiyuecheng?"

“Is there a treasure born?”

"Prince and the 13th Royal Highness have gone alone?"

"Good! Go straight to the west of the mine!"

Eighteen boats were slightly adjusted in direction. Go straight to the west mine of Feiyuechengcheng.

In the air.

Duan Tianhe, Duan Tianya and Xu Ziyan took the Zhentian carving to the mine.

"Big Brother, are we a little anxious? We should first mobilize the monks of Feiyuecheng to surround the mine to prevent the Mozu and the Yaozu from coming over. Then slowly explore the treasure?"

Duan Tianhe’s hand was set on the celestial eagle, and his face was solemn and said: “The end of the world. We don’t have that time. It’s so arrogant, we can see it at such a long distance.”

The three people looked far and wide, and when they saw the distant place, the two treasures went straight into the sky and saw the score.

Duan Tianhe continued: "How can this kind of treasure rush to hide? I am afraid that the masters of the Mozu and the Yaozu are now gathering in the mine. In this case, the monks will not use it. They can intercept each other. The army, but the master who wants to intercept the other party enters the cavern where the gas leaks, it is impossible.

Also, those of the Highness who slayed our brothers on the same day are also rushing to come. So what we have to do now is to get to the mine as soon as possible. Among these forces, we are the first to arrive from the mine. What we can do is to get into the Dongfu first, and the rest is to look at their respective opportunities. ”

Xu Ziyan listened to the dark and nodded, grabbed the opportunity, and then each opportunity, the decisiveness of Duan Tianhe made Xu Ziyan deeply admire.

This time they were flying faster than they came back, but it took only ten days to get to the mine again.

Riding in the sky, hovering in the sky, looking down. I saw a mine collapsed in the corner, and there was a pointed mountain in the corner. There were two huge caves in the mountain. Almost the entire mountain is two caves next to each other. Xu Ziyan suddenly had a weird idea in his heart, turning his head to the paragraph Tianya said:

"End of the world, you see that the mountain is not like a nose, the two caves are like two nostrils?"

Duan Tianya and Duan Tianhe stared down and couldn't help but laugh out loudly: "Ha ha ha..., Ziyan sister, you said so, it really looks like two nostrils!"

"Sister, these two nostrils are really big enough! Hahaha..."

Xu Ziyan did not laugh. She felt that the two nostrils were too realistic, and she intuitively thought that this was the two nostrils. Duan Tianya and Duan Tianhe saw the dignity of Xu Ziyan's face, and the laughter of the two people gradually stopped. Duan Tianya hesitated to ask:

"Sister, that... wouldn't it really be the nostrils?"

Duan Tianhe took out Sanpinxian Road: "Try to know!"

The words fall, the meditation of the mid-term of the immortal is toward the nostrils is a sword smashed the past.


A loud bang, a large pair of squats on the nostrils. However, after the practice, the nostrils did not have any damage.

Duan Tianhe’s face showed a dignified color, and he shouted to Duan Tianya and Xu Ziyan: “Work together and clean up the rocks around the nostrils.”

Xu Ziyan and Duan Tianya also listened to their own fairy instruments. Duan Tianya was a three-piece fairy, and Xu Ziyan’s hand was the second-class fairy that Tianhe gave her. The three men were fully repaired and violently bombarded the past with the rocks around the nostrils.

At this time, the monks on the mine also saw three people in the sky. And because the mine collapsed, the people in the mine also pulled out early. At this time, I looked up at the three people in the paragraph.

It was only a quarter of an hour, and the rock at the nostrils was cleaned up. Three people slammed the bell for a quarter of an hour. Although the surrounding rocks were cleaned up, the nostrils were not damaged at all, and even a sword mark was not left behind.

However, at this time the whole picture of the nostrils was exposed. Duan Tianya, Duan Tianhe and Xu Ziyan stood alone on the earthquake and looked at the mountains below.

There are no more nostrils there, but a faucet is exposed. Yes, it is a faucet, a huge faucet.

"This is... 蜃龙?" Duan Tianhe opened his mouth and stammered.

"Big brother, is it really a dragon?" Duan Tianya asked in shock.

"Yes...really!" Duan Tianhe slammed his head and said: "I have seen it on the books of the singularity! This faucet is completely like the faucet."

"What is Xiaolong?" Xu Ziyan is somewhat confused.

"Call~~" Duan Tianhe spit out a long breath: "The dragon is a kind of beast in ancient times, and today the fairy world has not been seen. Well, at least it is not seen in the lower galaxies.

This dragon is very big, but it is very lazy. Usually staying in one place does not move. Then see what to eat, humans, demons, demons, even mountains, rivers, without it not eating.

Its power is said to be comparable to the Emperor and even the Immortal. Because it is self-contained in its body, what it devours lives in its body and becomes a people in its world. All in all, its body is a small world. ”

Xu Ziyan couldn't help but some of the flowers were eclipsed. Such a powerful beast died and became a fossil. What happened in this ancient period?

"Big Brother!" Duan Tianya looked at the faucet below: "Does its body be buried deep in the ground?"

"Yeah!" Duan Tianhe nodded.

"It has been dead for so long, will the small world in it collapse?"

“No!” Duan Tianhe shook his head. “It’s just that the little world has become an object of no ownership. If you can refine this Dragon Ball, you will take this small world for yourself. This is a Big chance!"

"What are we waiting for?" Duan Tianya said in a hurry.

Duan Tianhe nodded and said: "Be careful, since it is a small world, it will be accompanied by danger. I am afraid that not all three of us can resist."

"Yeah!" Duan Tianya and Xu Ziyan.

Three people landed from the air, and Duan Tianya and Duan Tianhe collected the tremors and stood in front of the faucet. At this time, the mouth of the dragon was closed, and the three men looked at each other and could only enter from the nostrils.


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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