The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1154: Entering the dragon

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Duan Tianhe was in front, and after Duan Tianya broke, Xu Ziyan walked in the middle and walked toward the nostrils of Xiaolong.

The situation inside is very strange. The outside is shining, but the inside is very dark. The three people do not need to illuminate, and the gods are completely released. All the scenes appear in their respective gods.

After walking for half an hour, the road became steep. Three people knew that they had walked out of the nostrils of the dragon and entered the respiratory tract. I walked away and didn't know how long it took. With their own calculations, they had already had three days of appearance, and the front revealed a glimmer of light.

Towards that glimmer of light, when it comes to the past, it seems to be a mask, colorful flow, making people unable to see inside. The three people looked at each other and Duan Tianhe just had to step, but was dragged by Xu Ziyan:

"Tianhe brother, we three people go hand in hand together. We don't understand the situation inside, don't go away!"

Duan Tianhe nodded, and the three men stood side by side in front of the colorful masks, while stepping into the mask.


Ye Chu led his confidant and led the 50,000 cents to reach the mine. When he saw the faucet, he was shocked. A heart can't help but scream. He naturally recognizes that this is the leader, which is definitely a big chance. If you can get the dragon's world, you will soon break through the big Luo Jinxian, by then. Jade Emperor is not in his own eyes, let alone the Prince and the few Highnesses?

He immediately ordered the men to be surrounded by layers, and then took a hundred men, including the five confidants. Going inside the nostrils of Xiaolong.

one day later.

Two figures appeared before the colorful masks in the dragon's body. It is exactly the way to follow Xu Ziyan, who wants to find a chance to kill Xu Ziyan's Ye Xia couple.

These two people arrived at the mine half a day later than Xu Ziyan. Ye Xia and Luo Hong were both early days. It is not difficult for two monks in the early days of the immortal to want to hold other people into the dragon. At this time, there were not a large number of monks arriving, and when Duan Tianhe entered the three people, there was no explanation between them in a hurry. in fact. Duan Tianhe did not think about it. There are masters, the monks on these mines can't stop, so they are too lazy to explain.

At this point, Ye Xia two people stood in front of the colorful mask, the two people look a little nervous, but also a little excited. at this time. They don't know if Xu Ziyan and others have entered the mask. However, they also do not want to control where Xu Ziyan and others went. With this big opportunity, who will pay attention to assassination of Xu Ziyan?

Two people stepped into the colorful mask.

Three days later.

Several of His Royal Highness and countless human monks flocked to the Feiyuecheng Mine.

Five days later.

The Mozu and the Yaozu began to arrive one after another.

Seven days later.

At the beginning of the leaf, a hundred monks stood in front of the colorful masks in the dragon's body.

Time returned to seven days ago.

Xu Ziyan, Duan Tianya and Duan Tianhe entered the dragon world.

Appearing in front of them is an endless mountain range, with ancient trees towering and grassy sky. During the period, the fairy beast was played in the forest, and the fairy power was higher than the lower galaxies.

The Wizard of Oz!

A good scenery.

The three men looked at each other and showed their alertness in their eyes. They can feel that the fairy beasts that play in the woods have a strong breath. It is not at all that three of them can resist. Xu Ziyan didn't even dare to open the eyes of Kun Peng to observe them. I am afraid that they will feel the existence of others and others. Become the ration of the beasts.

The three men held their breath and sneaked slowly toward the distance. Those fairy beasts seem to be too lazy to care about them, and it seems that they look down on three of them, and there is no fairy beast to take care of them.

The three people walked for one month. As they get farther away from the center of the mountain, the order of the beast is also falling. Not so scary. The three people finally breathed a long sigh of relief. But I dare not fly into the air, and still walk on the ground honestly.

Suddenly, a beast slammed into the sky, followed by a chain of beasts coming from the depths of distant mountains. The beasts in the entire mountain range rioted and seemed to be greatly threatened, running around one by one.

The three men looked at each other and looked at the direction they were coming. The voice came from the direction they entered into the dragon world. Presumably, the monks who entered later angered the mighty beasts.

In fact, it is really not the fairy beasts that the monks are irritated. The power of the fairy beast is clearly, who dares to irritate them!

When the Ye Xia couple came in, they also chose to sneak away and walk.

After Ye began to come in with people, he also wisely walked away with people.

Later, a large number of humans, demon and demons came in. After these people came in, they saw these fairy beasts and were scared to move. However, the monks outside the dragon's world don't know! Especially the demon and the demon temper are more violent, rushing into the inside one by one. In this way, the monk who had just entered was slammed forward and screamed.

The exclamation here has not dissipated, and some monks rushed in from the outside, and hit the monk who had just entered, and then they were exclaimed. One exclaimed and then exclaimed, finally angered a fairy, slap a slap and took it.


With a loud noise, this paw killed hundreds of people. Let the monks who are scared to collapse, liberately release the fairy and the spell, and bombard the past with the fairy.

Is this not looking for death?

The fairy is angry!

Very serious consequences!

A fairy is angry, and other beasts are angry!

Then they roared in unison and attacked the monks.

No matter the human race. The Yaozu or the Mozu are thinking about going back to the Dragon World, but the monks who don’t know outside are thinking about coming in. The inside and the outside are constantly struck together. Some clever monks knew that they couldn’t run out at this time, and they ran along the side and did not dare to fly. Such a goal is even bigger.

Seeing the fly, it was smashed by a fairy beast!

Xu Ziyan did not dare to have the slightest care. Although it was far from the center of the mountain, the three people still ran away without spreading their thighs. This run was a three-day run without stopping. The last three people sat on a small hill and looked back.

When the back of the discovery has been quiet, the two Tianxian repairs add a talented person who was later cultivated to raise his arm and wipe the cold sweat from his forehead. The sweat is not tired, it is scary.

Neatly and vomiting a long breath, the three turned back looking back. This turned back, the three people could not help but jump from the ground.

A small intestine trail appeared at the foot of the hill. what does this mean? This means that there is someone here, just follow this path. You can see long-lost humans.

Three people were excited, Xu Ziyan and Duan Tianya excitedly rushed forward.

"and many more……"

Behind the scenes of Duan Tianhe, Duan Tianya and Xu Ziyan rushed to their feet and looked back at Duan Tianhe with incomprehensibility. Duan Tianhe looked at the end of the trail, and there was some tension between the looks:

"End of the World, Purple Smoke. How do we meet people here after a while? Do you want to say that we are coming in from outside? So will we be in danger?"

Xu Ziyan and Duan Tianya stunned. Then the look of both of them was also tense. This is an ancient dragon in the ancient times. The human beings inside are all swallowed by the dragons in ancient times. It is probably millions of years now. If the three of them take the liberty to say that they are coming in from the outside world, what happens will they not be sure.

"That... what?" Xu Ziyan looked at Duan Tianhe.

"We can't admit that we are from outside. We said that the three of us are brothers and sisters. We lived in the depths of the mountains with our parents since childhood. Until our parents died recently, we left the depths of the mountains and walked out of the mountains. ""

"What is our name?" Duan Tianya asked.

Duan Tianhe said: "We can't call the original name. Because it is very likely that outside monks will come here soon. They may not be destroyed by those powerful beasts."

"But if this is the case, then we changed our name, and the human monks who come in from outside will recognize us!" Duan Tianya frowned.

Duan Tianhe has no way. Depressed and frowned and stood there. Xu Ziyan looked at them eccentrically:

“Is there no metamorphosis in the fairy world?”

"What kind of transformation?" Duan Tianya looked up and asked strangely.

Xu Ziyan pointed his finger at his face: "It is the law that can change one's appearance, and even become a demon."

Duan Tianhe smiled bitterly: "This kind of fairy has been heard. But it is all powerful. It is said that there is a sect called the **** machine in the upper galaxies. Like what, even the changed atmosphere will change, just like the demon or the demons."

The look of Xu Ziyan is a change. She did not think that the Shenji Zong would be so powerful. We must know that she has destroyed the northern **** machine and the oriental **** machine on the mainland. It is the lord of the Central Plains sect. It is also forced to die by himself. If he went to the upper galaxies in the future, he was known by the oracles, and it was really a big trouble.

I recalled the metamorphosis of the Central Plains machine on the mainland of the Cangwu. I felt that they could only be transformed into their shapes, and they could not change even with breath. It seems that the Central Plains Shenzong on the mainland of the Cangwu is just a fur.

I thought about the things of God Machine, and since I have done it, fear is useless. The Shangyuan galaxies are still far away from themselves, calming down their minds and looking at Duan Tianhe and Duan Tianya whispered:

"I will know a little about this transformation. I can pass it on to you. However, you need to keep me secret and not let others know."


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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