The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1155: Trace

Congratulations to the tiger students who eat fish become the best!


"You are a disciple of God Machine?" Duan Tianhe asked.

Xu Ziyan shook his head slightly: "I just learned some fur in the real world." When it came to this, Xu Ziyan paused and said:

"I still teach you the metamorphosis first!"

When the words fell, Xu Ziyan raised his fingers and pointed to the eyebrows of Duan Tianya and Duan Tianhe, and a law was transported into the consciousness of two people. The two closed their eyes and sat on the ground. Xu Ziyan stood in front of the two hands, and the knowledge spread and went out to protect the two.

After half an hour, Duan Tianya and Duan Tianhe opened their eyes and their eyes revealed joy. The two men smiled and said to Xu Ziyan:

"Thank you!"

Xu Ziyan shook his head slightly: "We still have to change our appearance first. I don't know when someone will come."

"it is good!"

Two operational morphing techniques, two soon changed the appearance, and even the body's high and low fat have changed. Those who are familiar with them will not recognize them.

At this time, Xu Ziyan also changed his appearance. The three people looked at each other for a while and laughed together. The whole person feels a lot easier. When the laughter is finished, Duan Tianhe Road:

"Since we have changed our face, we have to be more thorough. We don't leave clues in our names, which makes others doubt. Well, from now on, I will call Zhou Tian."

"Then my name is Zhou Di." Duan Tianya said with a smile: "Sister, what are you called Zhou, from now on we are three brothers and sisters."

Xu Zi smoked the two brothers. The heart, the level of the names of the two brothers is really not very good, not as good as the one I started, the second is good. Slightly thought about it:

"My name is Zhou Yu."

"Good. I am the boss, purple smoke... No, Zhou Yu is the second sister, Zhou is the younger brother. Let's go."

Xu Ziyan and Duan Tianya nodded. Follow the paragraph Tianhe along the path of the sheep intestines. Xu Ziyan suddenly felt a move in his heart. He remembered that Duan Tianhe knew about the **** machine. Duan Tianhe was a Prince, and he should know more than the end of the world. Since he knows that there is a **** machine in the Shangyuan Galaxy, he may not know whether there is a family in the fairyland. Therefore, Xu Ziyan whispered:

"Heavenly brother, do you know if there is a Xu family in Xianjie?"

Duan Tianhe turned his head and glanced. I think of Xu Ziyan’s surname, and my look is slightly realized. After a sigh of relief, his eyes brightened:

"Yes! It is said that there is a Xu family in the Central Plains Galaxy. It is a family that has been handed down from ancient times. It is not a small family, but it is not a big family. It has a lot of power in the Zhongyuan Galaxy."

Xu Ziyan heard the light shining. I am a little excited. Come to a strange fairyland and listen to the news of the family that I have with myself. This can't help but let Xu Ziyan get excited.

"Are you a Xu family?"

"It should be, I am not sure." Xu Ziyan calmed down and said calmly.

The three people stopped talking and went on. It took about a quarter of an hour to see a village in their field of vision.

This is a medium-sized village, and it looks like there are nearly a thousand families. After this path leads to the village, there are several children playing there. I saw Xu Ziyan coming from the small road behind the village. One by one curiously looking at Xu Ziyan them.

“Children!” Duan Tianhe and Loudi asked at the side of a little boy: “Where is this?”

"Here is Wujiacun!"

"Can you take us to see your village head?"

The little boy nodded and turned and ran towards the village. Xu Ziyan followed the three people behind them, surrounded by a few children who followed.

Three people followed a group of children into the village, but saw no one in the village. Xu Ziyan slightly frowned. Follow the child and continue to walk towards a larger house in the middle of the village.

At this time, there was a scream from the mouth of the village. The children then stood still. The little faces are pale, but the eyes glow with anger.

Duan Tianhe also found changes in the look of several children's faces. He reached out and touched the head of the lead kid and asked softly:

"what happened?"

The child clenched his fist and said angrily: "It is the slave of the mayor of the town of Luliu Town, who has come to collect the rent."

"Receiving rent?"

"Well! Every time they come, they will take the grandfather, the hunting skin, and the herbs they have picked up. They often play grandfather."

Three people looked at each other and Duan Tianhe said: "Let's go check it out."

The three men stepped up and walked toward the village. Soon, they saw that the village mouth was full of men, women and children. Everyone had a bag in their hands. Xu Ziyan stood quietly behind the crowd and looked forward.

I saw that there were more than a hundred monks on the opposite side riding a low-ranking fairy, and one of the old men who was pointing at him with a whip in his hand screamed:

"Old is not dead, I say how much is how much, do you dare to pout?"

The old man is the village head of the village. He bowed his body and said: "Sanye, the rent you received this time is 30% higher than last year. We simply can't get it."

"If you can't get it, you will die!"

"啪~~" The three-year-old raised the whip in his hand and slammed it on the head of the village chief, leaving a blood mark on his face.

"Don't hit my grandfather!"

Xu Ziyan heard the familiar voice. At first glance, the little boy who led them did not know when to drill from the gap in the crowd. The three men glanced at each other and squeezed toward the front.

The surrounding villagers saw three strangers, and did not know their reason, they flashed to the sides. Xu Ziyan looked at these people while walking forward.

Most of these villagers are in the early days of the immortals, and that the village head is just a mid-term cultivation. The opposite monks riding the fairy beasts are all the masters of the early immortals, and the leader of the three masters is the realm of the late immortals. Of course, his cultivation is still too weak for Xu Ziyan.

And it is at this time. The little boy had already ran to the front of the village, opened two small arms and blocked Grandpa behind him, angrily glaring at the opposite of the three masters.

Being shackled by a little scorpion, Sanye felt lost. I picked up the whip and slammed it toward the child's face.

"I killed you this little bitch!"

When the figure flashed, Sanye found that his whip was caught in the hands of a young man. I was furious in my heart. Struggling back, I want to pull the whip back, and then smother the person who dares to offend myself.


The whip broke from the middle and made Sanye furious. Throwing away the whip, taking out a fairy, and urging the fairy, and the young man opposite the rushed over, he swears in his heart. Be sure to put this monk under the sword.

That young man is the end of the world. Sanye’s Jianguang’s head squatted, and the surrounding villagers could not help but exclaim. Duan Tianya’s figure suddenly leaped and swayed on the way to the lift. He flashed the sword of Sanye and flew up to the front of Sanye’s chest.


The three squirts a blood, and the body flew up from the body of the fairy, crossing the more than one hundred monks behind him. He fell heavily on the ground.

Everyone looked up and saw that the three masters lifted their heads and struggled, then squirted a blood, and the neck slammed, so they were killed by Duan Tianya.

Not only the more than one hundred monks who were riding the fairy beasts, but also the villagers behind Duan Tianya were also covered. There were a few breaths of time, and the opposite monk reacted. One of the monks’ voices trembled and said:

"You are so bold, you dare to kill the three masters."

"Hey!" Duan Tianya was cold and cold.

The monk opposite was a glimpse, and looked at the end of the world. I found that I could not see through the other's repairs. The heart is more nervous, and sternly said:

"You don't want to be mad. Our lord Wang is the cultivation of the early days of the immortals. Killing you is just like pinching an ant."


Duan Tianya. Xu Ziyan and Duan Tianhe were relieved in their hearts. However, it was a monk in the early days of the immortals, which was not in their eyes. Duan Tianhe suddenly waved his sleeves. The three monks on the opposite side were swept away by his sleeves. Duan Tianhe was floating in the shape of a fairy, and the fairy had just wanted to resist. The power of Duan Tianhe was released, and the fairy was immediately honest. Duan Tianhe waved:

"Second sister, younger brother, we followed them to Greenliu Town."

Wang Liu, the mayor of Luliu Town, is a fierce person. In the early days of the immortality, the entire Qingliu Town was treated like a barrel of iron and barrels. At this time, he was supervising his cultivation in the performance field of the town. It’s just that his face is very bad, pale and bloodless.

This is because he had just been injured with the mayor of Beiwang Town, Beigong, and the five-year ratio was about to begin. This is related to the right to use several veins. In the past few days, Beigong Wang deliberately challenged Wang Hao, and when the two men learned, they injured Wang Hao, further suppressing the momentum of Green Liu Town, making Wang Yu more and more violent. Even so, he insisted on standing in the martial arts field and supervised his subordinate cultivation. He could not make his already depressed mood even worse because of himself.

He has nine men and is known as the nine beasts. Everyone is a master of the late immortal. This is the main force of this big ratio in Luliu Town. Looking at the cultivation of the nine fierce beasts on the martial arts field, Wang Hao’s pale face showed a smile.

Suddenly, he frowned slightly, turned his head and looked at it, and the brow furrow stretched out again. There were more than a hundred fairy beasts on the opposite side. It was the monk he sent out to collect.

However, the eyebrows that he had just stretched out were slightly wrinkled. The reason is that these monks riding the fairy have not stopped. If they used to, they stopped the fairy and walked down to their knees. However, these people are now running straight toward themselves. Although he saw the fear of those monks on his face, he still rushed over his scalp.


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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