The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1156: I am just an alchemy teacher.

I am very grateful to susantsh0905 classmates, pine forest pony classmates, Lucy Hua classmates, Nanxun rain frog classmates, ~~檒~~ classmates, susantsh0905 classmates, one yuan ZZ classmates, the elixir 80 classmates pink ticket!


Wang Hao raised his vigilance in an instant, and raised the cultivation of the early stage of the immortal to the extreme, and his eyes swept sharply toward the opposite monk.


More than a hundred celestial beasts stopped, and the three monks who were headed were above the fairy beasts. Looking down on Wang Hao, Duan Tianhe determined that the other party was only the initial cultivation of the immortals, and said faintly:

"You are Wang Hao?"

Wang Hao’s face was a change, and his arrogance made him angry. However, the moment it was cold sweat, it was like being poured from the head by a bucket of ice water. Because he found that he could not see through the other's cultivation.

Pressing the fear in his heart, he said to the end of the paragraph: "I have seen a friend."

“Well!” Duan Tianhe faintly said: “We came from Wujiacun. The people in the village are good, so I killed one of the people you rented. Don’t you mind?”

“No!” Wang Hao said decisively: “From now on, Wujiacun will be rent-free.”

At this time, Wang Shuo’s heart immediately knew that it was the price of the renter’s private renter who raised the rent. Because he recently heard some privately, just because the big ratio is coming, but also wants to wait for the big ratio, then investigate and deal with this matter, but did not expect a master.

At this time, Wang Hao hated the three grandfather in his heart, that is, he was not killed by Duan Tianya. At this time, Wang Hao would also slap him to death.

Duan Tianhe nodded with satisfaction. Jumping from the fairy, he said, "My name is Zhou Tian. This is my second sister Zhou Yu and my younger brother Zhou."

Wang Hao discovered that there were two other people who could not see through it. A heart beats nervously. Humblely said:

"Three Taoist friends please come to the cold house!"

Duan Tianhe nodded. Wang Hao took a sigh of relief and took three people to his residence.

I came to the house and took the seat of the guest. After the tea was finished, Wang Hao asked this hesitantly:

"Where did the three friends come from?"

Duan Tianhe said faintly: "We are coming from the mountains."

"You are..." Wang Hao is somewhat puzzled.

"We lived in the depths of the mountains since we were young. After the parents went away, we went out to see the mountain. So we went to Wujiacun."

"Oh ~~" Wang Hao's eyes flashed a little.

“Well? What is the question of Wang Daoyou?” Duan Tianhe asked faintly, but at this time, Duan Tianhe’s three people were all nervous, and if they felt a little wrong, they would violently kill.

Wang Hao also felt the momentum of three people, and some cautiously said: "I think the parents of the three Taoist friends must be to explore the great monks in the extraterrestrial world."

The heart of three people is a jump. Duan Tianhe took a sigh of relief and pretended to frown:

"I didn't listen to my parents, what is going on in this extraterrestrial world?"

Wang Wei carefully looked at the look of the three people of Xu Ziyan, and then whispered: "According to ancient legends, the world we are in is called the Dragon World, which means that we all live in the belly of a dragon. Our ancestors are Engulfed by the dragon, and then happened to enter the world of dragons."

"What you mean is that the dragon's world is not the whole body of the dragon, but only a part of the dragon's body?" Duan Tianhe asked softly.

“Yes!” Wang Hao continued: “The legend says that the dragon’s world is only a small part of the dragon’s body. It’s only a small part of it’s devour every time, and the rest of it’s Digested by Xiaolong, it became the essence to cultivate the dragon world.

For a long time, the Xianyuan force in the dragon's circle has gradually become weak. In the ancient times, the fairy power in this dragon's circle is very rich. Therefore, some people speculate that the dragon is dead.

After this inference was announced, no matter the human race. The demon is still a demon. There are a large number of masters to explore. I hope to get out of the body of Xiaolong, but no one has succeeded. ”

"How do you know that no one has succeeded?" Duan Tianya asked.

“Those who went to explore the extraterrestrial world have left their life cards. In addition to the monks who returned here, the rest of the monks who have not returned. It is said that their life jade cards are broken. This proves that they all died outside the domain. And did not find the fairyland that they passed down to their ancestors."

Xu Ziyan is silent. Just think a little, I know that Wang Hao said it is good. I think that this dragon is only a part of the body of the dragon. In addition to the colorful masks in the dragon's world, the dragons are dark and very broad. How can we find the exit? It is very lucky to be able to find the light and return to the Dragon.

Suddenly, three people could not help but feel a shock. Are the futures of the three people the same as those of the monks? It’s hard to go in and go out!

Wang Hao has been observing the look of the three people of Xu Ziyan. Seeing the changes of the three people, the heart is further determining that they are correct. I can't help but be happy. The three people in front of me have no background, but they are highly trained. If you can leave the three of them in the town of Green Willow, isn't it the right to use those few veins?

Thinking of this, Wang Hao stood up from the chair and prayed deeply toward Duan Tianhe:

"Zhou Daoyou, under the courage to ask three to become the law of Green Liu Town."

"Yeah?" Duan Tianhe slightly narrowed his eyes and looked over.

Wang Hao’s look changed and he was more humble: “Daoyou, next month, is the right to use the three veins. As long as the three become the elders of Luliu Town, they will help to win the rights to use these three green willow towns. Half of the ore produced by these three veins belongs to the three methods."

"What are the veins?" Duan Tianhe asked faintly.

"Two Wujin mines, one Xianjing mine."

Three people looked at each other and Duan Tianhe said: "What do you think of the two?"

Xu Ziyan thought for a moment: "Promise down, so we have an identity in the dragon world."

"Alright. Just help him with this identity!"

Duan Tianhe raised his eyes and looked at Wang Shudao: "Well, I promise. When are we going?"

Wang Hao said with great joy: "After three days."

When the words fell, three jade cards were taken out of the storage ring, and a message was sent inside. Then handed Xu Ziyan three people:

"This is your proof of identity. From now on, you are the law of Green Willow."

Xu Ziyan looked at Wang Hao and gestured to him: "You come over."

Wang Hao went to the front of Xu Ziyan in confusion. Xu Ziyan thought of a move, the lotus under the left foot moved to the palm of his hand, Xu Ziyan flexed a finger, a holy lotus bounced out of her finger, hovering over Wang Hao’s head, and sprinkled white light from the lotus. Cover Wang Hao in it.

Wang Hao was initially shocked, and then he felt that his injuries were recovering quickly. Wait until the moment the holy lotus on his head falls from his head into his body. He was so refreshed that he almost flew up. It was only a short time of more than a dozen breathing hours, and his injury was as good as ever.

Wang Hao was overjoyed and said to Xu Ziyan: "Thank you for your friend!"

"Wang Daoyou, nothing. I am an immortal teacher. This is nothing to me."

Three days later.

Wang Wei led the masters of Luliu Town and Xu Ziyan to leave Green Liu Town and go to Shengtian City. On the way, Duan Tianhe. Duan Tianya, Xu Ziyan and Wang Hao ride along the fairy beast. Duan Tianya suddenly asked:

"Wang Daoyou, how is this ratio?"

"Every town has a maximum of nine monks, and you can continue to defend. You only need to defeat the other nine people." Wang Hao immediately replied.

"Oh!" Xu Ziyan said on the side: "Take it to the big brother and the younger brother, I am just an alchemy teacher!"

Duan Tianhe and Duan Tianya together gave a look at Xu Ziyan, and his eyes were despised:

"You are just an alchemy teacher? Are you strong in strength?"

Wang Wei, who was on the side, looked at Xu Ziyan with envy. "How many times is Zhou Daoyou?"

"Two products!"

“Zhou Daoyou!” Wang Wei said with some flattering words: “After five days, we will arrive at Shengtiancheng. According to the usual rules, after we arrive at Shengtiancheng three days later, Shengtiancheng will hold an auction. There are many herbs at that time. And the fairy beast. If you can take it, it will be very helpful for your alchemy."

"Oh?" Xu Ziyan is very interested.

"Zhou Daoyou, I also have a lot of herbs here. Can you also give me some medicines?" Wang Hao finally said his purpose.

"Of course!" Xu Ziyan was in the heart. Someone took out the herbs and gave her hands. She can't ask for it. But she said seriously:

"But, you know. I also have a success rate in the refining of medicinal herbs. I can't guarantee that every remedy will succeed."

"Know, know!" Wang Hao nodded and said: "The success rate of a Xiandan division is usually only 40%. I will make a profit of 20%, as a cost for your refining medicinal herbs. You can give me two medicinal herbs!"

Xu Ziyan’s heart is great, this Xiandan teacher is really a very rich career!

Wang Yusheng was afraid that Xu Ziyan would return. He immediately took out five storage rings and handed them to Xu Ziyan: "Zhou Daoyou, these are the herbs I have saved for thousands of years, and I am in trouble."

Xu Ziyan took over five storage rings and swept them with his knowledge. His heart was ecstatic. The herbs in these five storage rings are too rich, and the direct sense to Xu Ziyan is rich! What makes Xu Ziyan even more pleasant is that a small part of the herbs have just been picked and can be transplanted into the purple smoke space for planting.

Xu Ziyan turned to look at Wang Hao, and saw Wang Haozheng looking at her. Xu Ziyan has a bitter face:

"Wang Daoyou, you are going to exhaust me!"

Wang Hao quickly accompanied the smile and said: "I am bothering you, trouble you!"

Xu Ziyan endured the ecstasy in his heart and stopped speaking. Instead, I bitterly faced a face, reluctantly put away the five storage rings, and then secretly sent the transplantable herbs into the purple smoke space and handed them to the peach blossoms. Let them open up a medicinal garden to plant these herbs.

Five days later, everyone came to Shengtiancheng.


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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