The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1157: Alchemy

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Five days later, everyone came to Shengtiancheng.

Xu Ziyan looked up, this is just a small city. However, in the place of entry, the monks here are much higher. There have been many monks who have been cultivated by the immortals.

Wang Hao had already fixed the inn and let everyone live in. In Duan Tianhe's house, Duan Tianhe, Duan Tianya and Xu Ziyan sit and sit, three people holding tea cups and drinking tea silently.

"Big Brother, after we finished the big ratio, where are we going?" Duan Tianya asked softly.

"We have identity now. After we have finished the big ratio, we will leave. Go around and ask where is the Jedi. The soul of the dragon must be in the Jedi, as long as we get the soul of the dragon, we will refine it. You can get this dragon."

When it comes to this, all three people are silent. There is only one soul dragon in the dragon. There are three people here. The three people are still able to remain calm at this time. It can be said that the three people's mind and nature are worthy of praise.

Xu Ziyan does not care about the soul of the dragon. She has a purple smoke space, and she does not see the dragon in the eye. What does it look like in the purple smoke space? What does this dragon world look like? The purple smoke space is a galaxy. And since the two sides of the Xianfan, and this dragon is a continent. Now that I see the expression of Duan Tianhe and Duan Tianya’s dignity, I’m going to say:

"Big brother, younger brother. I don't want that soul beads!"


Duan Tianhe and Duan Tianya screamed, even if they were both broad-minded, they couldn’t open this big opportunity.

Xu Ziyan nodded seriously. Duan Tianhe and Duan Tianya sneak a sigh of relief, Duan Tianhe solemnly said:

"Second sister, what are your conditions? Our two brothers try their best to satisfy you."

When three people entered Wujiacun, they would be called as well-edited after consultation. In these few days, the three people have already called each other very natural.

Xu Ziyan sank a bit. She gave up the dragon's world because she already had a purple smoke space. However, this is a big opportunity after all. And I am afraid I have to contribute myself, so she has no politeness:

"Big brother, younger brother. After two days we went to the auction, I want you to take me as many herbs as possible, I want to make alchemy."

"You are really an immortal teacher?" Duan Tianya and Duan Tianhe are stunned.

Xu Ziyan glanced at the white: "Of course!"

Duan Tianhe took out three storage rings and handed it to Xu Ziyan: "Second sister. These herbs are for you. If you refine the medicine, just give the big brother and the younger a little."

Xu Ziyan took over three storage rings and said: "A prince of the Yuan Dynasty took out three storage rings, and no one has ever come out."

The gods swept away in a casual way, and Xu Ziyan was sluggish. There are very few things that can be shocked by Xu Ziyan today, but now they are really shocked.


Duan Tianhe's storage ring is only three, less than Wang Hao. However, Duan Tianhe's storage ring is big enough, a storage ring is just ten times the space inside the Wang Hao ring, and the grass medicine level there is also high! Xu Ziyan probably looked at it. These herbs also contain herbs that can be used to refine the six medicinal herbs.

"What are the requirements?"

Duan Tianhe felt that these herbs were much less valuable than the dragons. He can't wait for the purple smoke to have more conditions. This way his heart can be safer. It’s not that he is careful, that’s the world of dragons! It’s a crazy dragon! If Xu Ziyan repented at the time, with the small movement of Xu Ziyan, they had no way to take Xu Ziyan at all!

Xu Ziyan looked at the end of the world. Mind: "Do you not have anything to pay for your kid?"

Duan Tianya touched his nose and said: "Second sister, I have some herbs on my own. But after I left home, I sold them. Then, I am used to it!"

Xu Ziyan thought a little bit: "Big Brother, do you have an alchemy furnace with a higher grade?"

"Yes!" Duan Tianhe looked at Duan Tianya: "He was obsessed with a piece of alchemy, but he was not the one. He gave up in less than half a year, but he did the best alchemy in the Lingxiao Hall. The stove was going from the father. Little brother, wouldn't you sell the alchemy furnace?"

"How come?" Duan Tianya smiled bitterly: "That is the four-character, and I am running. If I sell the four-piece fairy, is it not revealing my whereabouts?"

I said that I took the alchemy furnace and put it on the table. When Xu Ziyan heard that it was a four-piece Dan furnace, his eyes were lighted. The quality of alchemy has a direct relationship with the quality of the Dan furnace. Xu Ziyan really does not have a good alchemy furnace. This can solve your big problem.

Watching Duan Tianhe casually take out a lot of herbs, Duan Tianya casually took out four products of alchemy furnace, Xu Ziyan could not help but sigh:

"Becoming a jade emperor in a country will really bring in endless resources!"

With both hands holding the alchemy furnace in his hand, he carefully checked it with his knowledge. The alchemy furnace in front of him was indeed a four-product alchemy furnace, and it was still a top-grade alchemy furnace. Xu Ziyan was overjoyed and received a storage ring.

"Second sister, what else do you need?" Duan Tianhe still asked without hesitation.

Xu Ziyan thought for a moment and thought: "Besides the soul of the dragon, if I have anything else, come to me!"

"No problem!" Duan Tianhe said decisively: "In addition to the soul of the dragon, other things can be returned to you!"

"Yeah!" Xu Ziyan nodded seriously.

In this way, the problem of the soul of the dragon is only the two of their brothers. Duan Tianhe turned his head and looked at the end of the world. The condensate said:

"End of the World, if we really get the soul of the dragon, you will refine it."

"I?" Duan Tianya looked at the big brother with amazement: "Why? Big Brother, my talent is very good. There is no soul dragon of the dragon will also stand in the edge of the fairy world, or the big brother refining the soul beads!"

At this time, Xu Ziyan was really willing to make two people in front of him. How many people are brothers and sisters for the sake of their interests, and now such a big opportunity is placed in front of the two of them, they are able to give each other modest.

"Little brother!" Duan Tianhe said seriously: "It is because of your good talent that you will refine the soul of the Dragon."


"Two reasons!" Duan Tianhe erected two fingers: "First, I think those who are outside, the devils and the demon masters will come here soon. And this will not be in the dragon world. All are weak. There must be a master. So, once you find the soul of the dragon, your talent is good, and refining is fast. This also saves a lot of danger.

Second, don't look at our high status in the lower galaxies. Waiting for us to break into the Great Luo Jinxian and enter the Zhongyuan Galaxy, you will find that we are nothing. Our family also has a family in the Zhongyuan Galaxy. If you want to be good in the middle galaxies, you must gain status in the family. Big Brother, my qualifications and you are too much difference, that is, it is not necessarily useful to have a dragon in the world, saying that you can't still sin. But you are different. With your talent, plus the Dragons, your take-off is just around the corner. Younger brother, you will have a status in the family in the future, and your older brother and father will have a status. ”

Duan Tianya was silent for a while, and his eyes became firm: "Good! From today. If anyone wants to be against the big brother and father. And the second sister is not good, I will let him live instead of death!"

"Good!" Duan Tianhe patted his shoulders hard.

Xu Ziyan also said with a smile: "Younger brother, you have to work hard! Second sister, I am just an elixir teacher, and I want you to protect the second sister!"

Duan Tianya was unable to whiten Xu Ziyan. Turning to look at Duan Tianhe: "Big brother, let's go out and go. This dragon must have very few. But what we don't lack outside. We hurry to go out and change some herbs for our sister. Jing, waiting for the auction, I took a lot of things. I guess the later monks outside are too late to come here. Waiting for them to come here, the outside things are worthless."

"Yes!" Duan Tianhe wakes up with a thigh and wakes up: "Go, let's go."

"Big Brother!" Xu Ziyan called the two people: "After you go out, it is best to find a place to change the look. Also, I will go back to retreat from now on. After three days, we will go to the auction with you. After that. If you are older than I will not see it, it will be easy for you. Anyway, I will continue to retreat and refine my alchemy, and then notify me when I am leaving."

"Good!" Duan Tianya and Duan Tianhe nodded.

Xu Ziyan got up and walked out of the room. Duan Tianya and Duan Tianhe also closed the door and walked outside.

After Xu Ziyan returned to his room, he took out a character array. I thought about changing the spring 30-year-old and letting her stay in the array. Once I have something, I can contact myself. Xu Ziyan once received the soul of the soul of the Spring 30, and the two people are connected.

After that, Xu Ziyan entered the purple smoke space and came to the purple smoke planet. The fairy power here is very rich, dozens of times outside. In such an environment, alchemy, both quality and success rate will be greatly improved.

Xu Ziyan first took the four-piece fairy alchemy furnace and placed it in front of him. After thinking about it, he took a look at the alchemy furnace and stood on the planet where the fire spirits are now called the sun.

Xu Ziyan just appeared, and he saw that the originally slumbering fire spirit appeared in front of Xu Ziyan in front of Xu Ziyan, and swayed in front of Xu Ziyan’s eyes. Xu Ziyan looked like a piece of music, and Huo Linger now exudes the realm of the early days of the immortals. Xu Ziyan knows that Huo Linger is only the realm of the early days of the immortals, but she can never see her in the early realm of the immortals. Don't forget, she still has a big array of seals. She combined with the formation, the battle is absolutely terrifying.

"Fire Linger, are you a few goodies now?"


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*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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