The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1159: Sweeping at the auction

Congratulations to peigougou students for being the best!


The cold guy just put away some arrogance, still with a faint arrogance: "If you want to enter the box, you need to pay 500,000 yuan to make a deposit."

"You are nonsense, the deposit for the box only needs 200,000 yuan."

"Cut, even if it is 200,000, can you get it?"


The voice of the cold passenger did not fall, and he saw Duan Tianhe throwing a storage ring. I hurriedly reached for it and swept it with my knowledge. Inside it was 500,000 yuan. The face immediately became wonderful, and some said awkwardly:

"That... you please!"

Duan Tianhe walked toward the auction, Xu Ziyan and Duan Tianya smiled and followed behind, Wang Hao took a moment, then straightened his chest, smugly glanced at the North Palace, and looked coldly at the cold passenger. This is the step to follow, and walked towards the auction.

The cold guest gloomy face, told a man to let him arrange a box for Xu Ziyan and others, and he hurriedly reported the matter to the president.

In a short while, the president of the auction room heard a roar: "Who will let you personally increase the cost of entering the box? One of the three people you can't understand, you dare to offend? Shengtiancheng is just a small town. Do you know what the other party is? Don't hurry up and roll over to entertain?"

"That... I don't have to give them more of the fairy crystals?"

"Also... still a fart! Are you a pig brain? You are going to return this time. Isn’t that just saying that you just killed someone? Anyway, it’s just a deposit, you go there. It’s good to entertain."

The door opened and the cold man ran out.

At this time, Xu Ziyan has already entered the box. A service staff is holding a few fruits such as Xu Ziyan. As soon as the door opened, the coldman smiled and walked in with a smile. Nodded and walked to the front of Duan Tianhe:

"Predecessors, what do you need to see?"

Duan Tianhe did not look at him, said faintly: "There is nothing with you here, you can leave!"

"Good! I am leaving. I am leaving!"

The cold guest stepped back a few steps, his eyes glanced at the melon and fruit wine on the table, his face was a sinking, turning his face against the service monk who was preparing to leave:

"Hurry and take these things away. These predecessors are VIPs! VIPs! Do you know? Don't change the best melons and wines to entertain guests!"

"Yes!" The monk hurriedly took the things off the table and left quickly.

"Predecessors, we are not entertaining, you understand!" The cold guest said that he retired.

Wang Hao and several people looked at each other and looked at Xu Ziyan three people. There was some cramped on the face. Xu Ziyan was sitting there faintly. These three people are used to the upper class, and have not put this in their hearts. The momentum that naturally radiated made Wang Hao feel a little short unconscious.

Not yet at the time of the auction, looking down from the window, there are constantly monks coming in. Soon, the service monk who had just withdrawn from it went in again, put some scarce melon and fruit wine on the table, and bent back slightly.

Wang Hao on the side of the drums has a courage. Asked Xu Ziyan whispered: "That... Zhou Danshi, I heard that you have been retiring alchemy these days..."

Xu Ziyan glanced at him and smiled on his face: "I have been refining a fairy in these days. The refining of the elixir has made me sell it."

I heard that Xu Ziyan said that Wang Hao had some fangs, what do you mean? Are you selling the medicinal herbs? Even the immortalized Xiandan is not willing to give it to me? However, at this time, facing the pressure that Xu Ziyan gave him three people, he did not dare to say anything.

Looking at Wang Hao’s depressed look, Xu Ziyan couldn’t help but “snap” and smiled: “Wang Daoyou, I see that you are already a master of the earth, and a product of Xian Dan is of no use to you. Waiting for me to refine the two more than one I will give you more."

"Oh ~~" Wang Hao's look was excited again. Scratching my ears for a long time, looking at Xu Ziyan’s look and ambiguity, I dared to ask:

"Zhou Danshi, if you are refining a product, I will still ask you to give me some, because... I don't need it. But... the monks of Luliu Town need it."


Xu Ziyan nodded and said that he understood that when Wang Hao breathed a sigh of relief, Xu Ziyan said faintly:

"I will not refine a product of Xiandan in the future. If you need a product of Xiandan, you can take the two more than I will give you to the Dandian to exchange."

"Oh, good! Good!"

Wang Hao did not dare to speak again, and he felt that Xu Ziyan also made sense. And holding the high-grade medicinal herbs to exchange low-grade medicinal herbs is more suitable than holding Xianjing to buy Yipin Dan. He is also satisfied at this time.

The auction finally began, the first auction of the fairy. Xu Ziyan suddenly moved in his heart, and now he does not lack the materials of alchemy, but he lacks the materials to refine the fairy charm! It seems that after attending the auction, I have to acquire some materials for refining the fairy. Thinking of this, I will talk to Duan Tianhe:

"Big Brother, are there any scars of ore here?"

"Yes! What do you need for the second sister?"

"Give me some, I don't know if I can go out in the Dragon World. I have some things on my body. I will buy them in the future."

"it is good!"

Duan Tianhe handed over a storage ring. Xu Ziyan took over and swept away with God. This storage ring is not big, only ten cubic meters, but it is filled with purple ore. The voice of Tianhe is heard from the ear:

"This is called Zijin. It is a mid-range ore outside of us. It is very rare here. This is when I went to Feiyuecheng, I lost the loot that several robbers got. I didn't expect it to be used here. It is."

Xu Ziyan smiled and accepted it, and this looked at the auction house.

At this time on the auction platform, a middle-aged monk is auctioning a four-character symbol. Xu Ziyan’s heart is moving. He is now a second-class fairy teacher. Although he has a soul inheritance, if you have a fairy to give yourself a reference, you will realize it more quickly.

"Three thousand five hundred pieces of the next product Xianjing!" At this time, someone has already reported the price.

Xu Ziyan turned to look at Wang Hao and asked: "Wang Daoyou, a four-character fairy like this, how many Xianjing?"

Wang Hao indulged in a moment: "The highest quality of the fairy charm here is the six. So these four fairy charms are also extremely precious, about five thousand lower grades."

"Four thousand pieces of the next product Xianjing!" At this time, some people quoted.

Xu Ziyan no longer hesitated, immediately pressed out five thousand of the next product, Xianjing reported the price.

The entire auction venue was quiet for a moment, and that person just reported another five thousand and one hundred fines.

"Five thousand five down the fairy crystal!" Xu Ziyan directly rose four hundred.

The other party was silent, and the middle-aged monks on the auction table were quite satisfied. Slowly knocked three hammers and ended the auction.

Then there are a few four-character charms, and Xu Ziyan has one, which is not interested in other. Sitting there just watching.

In a short while, the monk who had the auction held the four-character fairy to knock on the door and walked in. Xu Ziyan put away the four-character charm and paid five thousand and five hundred pieces of Xianjing.

The auction on the auction floor continued, and Xu Ziyan took a five-character fairy and a six-character fairy. Duan Tianhe and Duan Tianya also took several lines of Wu Pin Xian Fu and Liu Pin Xian Fu. A five-character fairy spends 5,000 yuan in the purple scent, and a six-character scent is to let Xu Ziyan report the 600,000 yuan of the next fairy.

Soon, the monk knocked on the door and walked in again. At this time, Xu Ziyan didn’t have so many products, so he took out a piece of Zijin Road:

"Let's ask your president, can I pay for this?"

The monk politely took the purple gold from the hands of Xu Ziyan and hurried away. In a short while, the cold guest knocked on the door and walked in. The attitude was more charming. He held the purple gold in his hand and came to the front of Xu Ziyan.

"This predecessor, this piece of purple gold, how do we see a thousand pieces of top grade Xianjing? If you are not satisfied, our auction house will put your purple gold on the auction, but in that case, our auction house should be 5% Auction fee."

Xu Ziyan turned his head and glanced at Duan Tianhe. Duan Tianhe nodded to indicate that the price given by the other party was fair. I said faintly:

"Sell it directly to you!"

"Good! Here is the settlement for you."

A thousand top grades of fairy crystals are 10 million lower grades. After the cold customer deducted a piece of the six-character fairy, the gift bag was handed to Xu Ziyan. After that, he politely retire.

Going out of the room, gently closing the door, spit out a long breath, rubbed his chest with his hand, and said:

"Sure enough, the president is right! Their background is definitely not simple. They have something as scarce as Zijin. Wang Xiao’s kid is a big backer this time!"

Sighed a little, shook his head, wondering why he didn't have that good life, and left gently.

At this time, Xu Ziyan and others in the box cheered up, because at this time, the auction began to auction herbs. The herbs that can be obtained on the auction floor are naturally not the big road goods, and at least the herbs needed for the three products. So, Xu Ziyan began to sweep the goods. This time Tian Tianya and Duan Tianhe did not let Xu Ziyan take the shot, and they have already prepared a large number of Xianjing.

This time I came to the Dragon World, if I can still go out. It was just that nothing was obtained here, and the Tianya and Duan Tianhe brothers also made a fortune. The two of them used a large amount of metal ore outside the road to exchange a large number of fairy crystals, and the two men still licked their mouths.

The actions of Duan Tianya and Duan Tianhe made the monks who came to come, all the way, from where the minds came from such a rich monk? The heart of the colder is even more afraid. So the first time I saw the goods at the auction house, he was afraid that Duan Tianhe was dissatisfied with himself and waited for the auction to end.


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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