The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1160: God gold

I am very grateful to Xiaoyan 0012001 classmates, eryanu classmates, paradise classmates, this class of courtesy classmates, Cain fans classmates, susantsh0905 classmates, Lin Chun classmates, the forgotten shadow classmates pink ticket!


At the time of suffering, North Palace looked secretly and hurriedly asked, carefully:

"Chen brother, who is this arrogant?"

The cold man glared at him and said: "It is the king of you who looks down."

"How come?" North Palace looked shocked.

The cold guest gloomy face: "I tell you, don't bother me! Today's Wang Hao is not something you can make." After that, a robe sleeve left.

The North Palace looked there for a long while, and a face became more and more gloomy. This time he came to want to take a fairy medicine called a five-color flower. This herb is very important to him. With this five-color flower, he can ask people to refine the five products. With this broken order Dan, he will be able to break through to the middle of the earth. He is now very worried that this five-color flower was taken by Wang Hao. All the way, I walked back to my own box.

Sitting in the box in the indefinitely, until the auction of the five-color flower, Beigong looked at the attention, and a pair of eyes looked at the direction of the Xu Ziyan box.

The quote has already started below:

"100,000 down the fairy crystal!"


"Twenty thousand!"


The price quickly turned to 500,000, and the number of monks who started bidding gradually decreased. Duan Tianhe did not bid, he usually shot at the end. And those monks who started bidding also looked at the price of Duan Tianhe.

North Palace hope finally could not help. Quickly press out the number of 800,000 fine crystals.

The entire auction venue is a quiet. The price of the five-color flower is about 750,000, and the North Palace look up to 800,000, which is to show that you must win.

Wang Hao in the box immediately knew that this was the price of the Beigong Wangbao, because the North Palace looked for a five-color flower refining and breaking the order. It is no secret to seek to break through the mid-season. And the last time he was injured by the North Palace, he already felt that the North Palace was at the critical point of the breakthrough, so eager to take this five-color flower. Not who can be his North Palace? So, I was cold and whispered, whispering:

"Death Palace looks, it is really rich!"

Xu Ziyan was happy, turned his head and looked at Duan Tianhe. Duan Tianhe is also a pleasure. Quickly pressed out the number of 900,000 yuan.

The North Palace look in the box was red, and quickly pressed the price of 91 million.

Duan Tianhe slammed his mouth with disdain and directly pressed out a million. Both eyes of the North Palace looked red and slammed the number of 15,000.

The entire venue was silent. Originally, they have become accustomed to Duan Tianhe's sweeping goods. I know that I can't compete with others at this point, so it's better not to argue. I didn't think that there was a person who had died with Duan Tianhe. Everyone was enthusiastic about the excitement.

The number of the North Palace lookouts has just been shown, and Duan Tianhe has directly pressed out the number of 1.2 million. The North Palace looked desperate, and the total number of fairy crystals on his body was less than 1.2 million. The eyes are red and waiting for the box of Duan Tianhe, a bite. No matter what the colder warned him, the whispered opponent said:

"Go out and secretly reveal Wang Hao’s identity and spread the news. He said that the person who sweeps the goods today is with Wang Hao. Fight with me? I want you to die!"

Then it was calm and the Duan Tianhe continued to sweep the goods. It wasn't until all the herbs were swept away that it stopped. After that, the auction of medicinal herbs, Xu Ziyan, these people will no longer be shot, just watching the fun there. Originally, Wang Hao was prepared to take some medicinal herbs here. However, since he knew that Xu Ziyan would give him more than two products, he gave up. and so. He has nothing to do. Sitting at the auction with a smile, the wind is rising.

When I first auctioned the elixir, everyone still used to shout out the price, and then looked back at Duan Tianhe's box. It was not until the first elixir was photographed by a monk that the monks knew that the person who was sweeping the goods seemed to have no interest in the elixir. Think about it before, people just took a few charms. Did not sweep the goods. They only reacted, and people are only interested in herbal medicine. Therefore, these monks began to be active.

After an hour, the auction of the drug was over. However, Duan Tianhe's identity has also been quietly exposed by people with a heart. Many people looked at the eyes of Duan Tianhe's box and began to flicker. At the same time, they sent their men to secretly leave the auction to dispatch masters in their respective families.

The next auction was a fairy, and when they saw the fairyware they auctioned, Xu Ziyan could not help but be wrong. The highest-grade fairyware they auctioned was nothing more than a second-class fairy.

The three people looked at each other and couldn't help but understand. It seems that because of the lack of various metals here, it has caused the level of the refiner and the alchemy here, and the level of the standard is too large.

For this sample-level fairy, three people are less interested. The other monks are like a chicken blood, and the fire is raging.

An hour of time passed quickly and began to auction the last item, all kinds of ore.

How can these ores enter the eyes of the three people of Ziyan, and they are somewhat uninterested. In the eyes of the three people of Xu Ziyan, the first three ore were photographed at a high price, and the three people in the purple smoke were silent.

At this time, a young monk took a donkey and walked onto the auction floor, placing the donkey on the table. The middle-aged monk on the auction floor put his hands on the rafters and did not open the scorpion. Instead, he said with a smile:

"The ore that was auctioned below is familiar to everyone. It has never been seen or heard. It has been auctioned only once. It is said that its first auction was 300,000 years ago."

Inside the box, Xu Ziyan, Duan Tianhe and Duan Tianya looked at each other and sat up straight, revealing their interested eyes. They are very surprised that what kind of ore is actually auctioned many times, and it has been retained and not used.

The ear rang the sound of the auctioneer's continued voice: "I must have guessed what is in this scorpion. But maybe some young people don't know, please bother with patience, let me briefly say."

As he said, he opened the scorpion and took out a piece of metal of the size of an adult fist. Xu Ziyan stared at it, and the piece of metal released a faint golden glow. The shape is a bit irregular, and nothing can be seen from the outside. Therefore, Xu Ziyan looked at Duan Tianhe.

Duan Tianhe stared at it for a while and shook his head: "I can't recognize it."

At this time, the auctioneer lifted the metal ore: "When it comes to this thing, we have to talk about the legend of our dragon. In the legend, the world we are in is a dragon's body. We The ancestors of the ancestors were swallowed up by this dragon in ancient times. Nowadays, it is impossible to test, everyone is only a legend!

According to legend, this ore called God Gold is owned by a great monk who was swallowed up in ancient times. Later, after the death of the great monk, this thing was passed down. However, no one knows what this thing is. About 300,000 years ago, a monk took it out and auctioned it, which caused a sensation. It is the price of 100 million top grades.

However, after 100,000 years, the family who took the picture took him out and auctioned it. However, things related to this thing have been passed down from this family.

It's a good metal, but no one can melt it or forge it. Its hardness is unparalleled, even beyond our imagination. Even if you want to get a little bit from it, it's impossible. In these hundreds of thousands of years, countless monks who have received it have tried everything, but no one succeeded.

Therefore, its value is constantly falling. However, it is a mysterious thing after all. Maybe a monk has a fate, it will crack its secret, have this big opportunity. Ok, let's talk about it. Its starting price is one million lower grades. ”

Xu Ziyan looks like a glimpse, this ... the gap is too big, right? The first auction 300,000 years ago was 100 million top grades, but today it is one million lower grades.

The entire auction site was quiet, and the auctioneer on the stage looked a little embarrassed. In fact, he also knows that this **** gold is because it is now worthless, and it is their turn to auction the auction house in this small city. If not, how can it be their turn?

However, he did not expect that even a million of the next-class fairy crystals could not be sold.

Xu Ziyan is somewhat interested in this. A thing that cannot be melted and forged is really mysterious. Even Duan Tianhe couldn't recognize it, Xu Ziyan decided to take it down. Reaching out the number of one million lower grades, the auctioneer on the auction table took a long breath and restored the calmness:

"There is a million yuan in the box of the fifth, and there is no quote?"

No one speaks, and a million buys something that is useless at all. No one is going to do that big head. And these people know the strength in Box 5. If the monks in Box 5 are interested in this god, who can win them.

Therefore, the scene is very quiet. The auctioneer deliberately dragged on for a while, and finally reluctantly knocked the auction hammer.

Soon, the **** Jin was sent to the front of Xu Ziyan, Xu Ziyan paid the fairy crystal, and held the **** gold in his hand.

"Sister, show me!"

Duan Tianya grabbed the piece of Shenjin. Hold it carefully in your hand, and there is a **** to see through the inside of God Jin. I found that my own knowledge could not enter. Shake his head and hand it to Duan Tianhe:

"Big brother, look at what this is?"


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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