The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1161: Robbery

I am very grateful to Miao Ling Qing Zhang (999), Ning Yu (300), Xing Haiyun (100), Tang Tang 8719 (100), Yu Yu 645098 (100), Cycs (100), Jurassic Ж classmates (99), Shun Shun 666 classmates (99), hknt16104 classmates (99), Hidden Wind Traveler classmates (99), soul first classmates (99), want to fly crying fish classmates (99), seaphay classmates (99) reward!


At this time, some ore was auctioned on the auction floor, and three people were not interested in those. I put my head together to study this piece of **** gold.

Duan Tianhe is also like Duan Tianya. He first turned over and over to watch, and then he wanted to use God to explore, but the result was the same, and God could not enter.

Duan Tianhe shook his head in confusion and handed Shenjin to Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan held Shenjin in his hand. The result was the same as that of Duan Tianhe. Whether it was using the eyes or the gods, he even used the eyes of the Peng Peng, and did not see through this thing.

Shaking his head, he reluctantly received this Shenjin in the storage ring. The time spent on this research has already brought the auction to the end.

At the end of the auction, the herbs that were photographed were in the storage ring of Xu Ziyan. Three excitedly walked along the street, Duan Tianya and Duan Tianhe were still happily discussing the monks who had been outside these days and had not arrived here. They then changed some of the ore in their hands.

Suddenly, several of them felt the atmosphere different. I feel the whole street is very quiet. Footsteps coming from the front and back of the street.

Xu Ziyan and others stood still. I leaned over and looked at the streets on both sides.

There were figures on the streets and at the end of the street. Like two thick walls, it will be purple. Duan Tianya, Duan Tianhe, Wang Hao and several others are sandwiched in the middle.

Wang Hao’s face changed and his eyes were desperate.

"Oh..." Duan Tianya smiled: "Big brother. Sister, it seems that our sweeping goods at the auction alarmed some people who are greedy!"

"Greed people usually do not end well! Second sister, do you say it?" Duan Tianhe gentleman smiled, revealing white teeth, looking at Xu Ziyan asked.

Xu Ziyan smiled and said: "These people will give you two, and you know, I am just an alchemy teacher!"

"Cut!" Two people scorned Xu Ziyan together.

Looking at Xu Ziyan, three people talked and laughed, and Wang Hao’s heart gradually calmed down. The monks on both sides of the street are getting closer. Seeing three sun-drenched monks standing in the center of the encirclement, all eyes are shrinking. Because among the hundreds of people, only a dozen people can see that Xu Ziyan is the cultivation of the late Xianxian, but in the eyes of more than a dozen people, they can't see through the Tianya and Duan Tianhe.

What does this mean?

This shows that the repair of the two people in front of the worst is also the cultivation of the early days of the fairy. The highest revision of these people is only the peak of the late Xianxian.

The Tianxian period and the Xianxian period are a huge gap. Imagine that the monks in the Tianxian period can fly, which means that the monks in the Tianxian period are truly stepping into the fairy path. The monks in the immortals can only walk on the ground. It means that you have not yet entered the path of Xian. One has become a true immortal, one who has not yet set foot on the path of the fairy, can only be called a fake fairy. Therefore, a monk in the fairy period is definitely not a group of immortal monks who can resist each other.

The monks surrounded by both sides paused and looked to the eyes of Duan Tianya and Duan Tianhe. There is no such thing as a fierce momentum.

Duan Tianya took a few steps forward, and looked around with a sigh of relief. He rubbed his hair and blew a sigh of relief from the corner of his mouth, blowing a strand of hair hanging on the cheek. Drew his fingers and pointed to the sides:

"Robbery! Put your storage rings one by one and put them on the ground, then roll me!"

There was a stir in the crowd. Everyone’s face is hesitant. at this time. What they think is not to rob them, but to think about how to keep their property slipping away.

"Ha ha ha..."

A series of laughter came from the air, and four monks flew from a distance and stood in the air. Overlooking the end of the world. His eyes fell on Duan Tianhe's body and he couldn't help but shrink. The four men looked at each other. Suddenly two people rushed to Duan Tianhe, and two people rushed to the end of the world.

The rushing to Duan Tianhe is the monk of the peaks of the two early days of the Immortals. The rushing to the end of the world is the two monks in the early days of the Immortals. The monks at the peak of the two early days of the immortals have been able to faintly see that Duan Tianhe is the cultivation of the middle of the fairy. In their view, the peaks of their two early days are not far from the middle of the fairy, and the gap should be small. The two people should be able to kill Duan Tianhe, that is, they can't kill in a short time. After the two monks in the early days of the immortality will kill the Duan Tianya, they will be able to kill Duan Tianhe.

Duan Tianya and Duan Tianhe screamed, and the figure of two people suddenly rushed to the sky. Quickly turned into a little black spot in the air.

Duan Tianya and Duan Tianhe feel that Xu Ziyan’s fighting power is extremely strong, but the two of them are still worried that the killing between the monks and the monks will spread to Xu Ziyan.

The four immortal monks followed the Duan Tianya and Duan Tianhe two people straight into the sky, and soon, in the high air came a thunderous burst of sound.

The eyes of the people on both sides of the street revealed excitement and forced them to Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan and Wang Wei were surrounded by several people, and Xu Ziyan was looked up and down. One of the late monks looked at Xu Ziyan, and his eyes showed his desire:

"Tell me, did you take those herbs?"

Xu Ziyan chicks squatted like a rice: "Yes, because I am an alchemy teacher!"

"Oh..." The monk smirked and laughed: "The alchemy teacher is good! I am also an alchemy teacher. We both go to bed together and you will soon be able to refine a baby in your stomach. Hahaha... ”


A purple light with a humming sound filled the mouth of the monk's laughter and disappeared into his mouth. The monk in the late Xianxian squinted in horror, and stretched out his hands to dig into his mouth.

The purple light is the purple otter released by Xu Ziyan. After such a long time. The purple otter has fully recovered. Hate that the monk's mouth is stinky, Xu Ziyan is no longer polite.

The monks around did not see what happened, and the eyes could not help but focus on the monk of the late Ming Dynasty. The monk stared at the fear and despair, and his voice "hehe" rang. Hands continually licking his mouth. At less than two minutes, the monk did not move. He did not move, but the surrounding monks suddenly stunned.

I saw some purple bugs from the monk's eyes, ears, nostrils and mouth. It was only the beginning, and then countless worms were drilled from various parts of his body, only to cover his body in an instant.


All the purple otters suddenly spread out around. Fly back around the body of Xu Ziyan, surrounded by Xu Ziyan and Wang Wei, and agitated the wings floating in the air.

All the monks around were full of fearful eyes, and then slammed back, looking at Xu Ziyan’s eyes full of jealousy.

Xu Ziyan stood up and took a look at them. He looked up at the air and looked up into the air.

In the air.

The ideals of the monks in the early peaks of the two immortals are good. However, the gap between the peak of the early Tianxian and the middle of the fairy is clear. And the two of them have no special exercises to overcome the challenges. Instead, Duan Tianhe is the prince of the Yuan Dynasty, and the practice of cultivation is the real high-end goods. The two monks in the middle of the day were tightly suppressed.

On the other side of the world, genius is a genius, not only in terms of cultivation, but also in terms of combat power. Naturally, his practice and mind don't need to say that the most important thing is that he recently retired from being in the process of escaping, and became a real powerhouse. The monks in the early days of the two immortals did not have the slightest way to take the end of the world. And it is still gradually gaining the upper hand by Duan Tianya. This is because the fairy in the hands of Duan Tianya is three products. And the fairy in their two hands is just a product.


An angry drink, a figure appeared in the air. It is the snow mark of the city owner of Shengtiancheng.

Xu Ziyan’s eyes flashed a bit. This early monk who appeared in the air was a woman. Then turned to the next Wang Hao asked:

"Who is this woman?"

Wang Hao whispered back: "She is the snow mark of the city owner of Shengtiancheng!"

"Oh!" Xu Ziyan nodded lightly, his eyes locked in the snow marks. Some are eager to try, as long as she dares to attack the end of the world or Duan Tianhe. She will not hesitate to shoot.

The snow marks are very angry, and some people dare to kill in her city. And she listened to the rewards, and it turned out that someone wanted to rob the guests from her auction house. How does this kind of thing make it happen, what is the face of her city owner? Who else will put her city government in the future?

No one in the air stopped, they were also in the fairy season, no one put the snow marks that are also in the fairy season in their eyes. Shengtiancheng is a rule that is not allowed to be killed in the city, but it must have the strength to hold the rules. When the person who breaks the rules is stronger than the person who makes the rules, this rule is not even as good as fart.

The monks in the air do not care, does not mean that the monks below the cents on the ground do not care. What's more, they have realized that this alchemyist Xu Ziyan is not very good at it. "Boom" scatters, for fear of being stared by the city owner.

However, the snow mark owner has already shot, how can it make this thing so easy to end? She is already angry, especially to these low-ranking monks on the ground. Mind, even you dare to violate my will and destroy my rules. It’s just too arrogant!

From both sides of the street, there was a hoof of rumbling like a thunder, and the earth was shaking. The monks turned back and saw that there was a fairy army at each end of the street. The beast was like a thunder, and the fairy flashed in the hand, and rushed toward the robbers.


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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