The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1163: Blood sea

I am very grateful to Lan Yan confidant (999), Tang Tang 8719 (100), Yu Yu 645098 (100), Xing Haiyun (100), Gui Ying (100), Yu Yu 645098 (100), hidden Wind Traveler classmates (99) reward!


Now Xu Ziyan has become a true four-product Xiandan teacher, and he is very happy. Waving away from the array, opened the door, and saw Duan Tianya and Duan Tianhe with a smile standing outside the door. They stood humbly behind them, Wang Hao.

Xu Ziyan flashed a step, and three people entered the room with a smile. After the tea, they smiled at the Duan Tianhe Road:

"Big brother, big than no problem?"

Duan Tianhe reached out and pointed to the end of the world: "The younger brother went to the station on the stage, the big ratio is over!"

Xu Ziyan looked slightly at the end of the road: "It's that simple?"

"Of course!" Duan Tianya licked his hair, his mouth slightly tilted.


Seeing the performance of Duan Tianya, Xu Ziyan could not help but enjoy. Duan Tianya white Xu Ziyan looked: "What is funny, this is strength, understand?"

Duan Tianhe smiled and looked at Duan Tianya, and reached out and pointed at him. "You are a monk in the Tianxian period standing on the platform. Do you want those monks who are immortal and immortal to dare to go up? You still have to You are riding a fairy, you have a fart!"

"噗嗤~~" Xu Ziyan couldn't stand it anymore, laughing with a big belly.

Duan Tianya smiled slyly, but Duan Tianhe ignored him, but looked at Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan forced himself to smile and endure:

"Big Brother. Is there something?"

"Second sister, how is your Xiandan refining?"

Xu Ziyan has a chest and proudly said: "I am now a four-pronged master!"


The rest of the three people in the room were shocked to see Xu Ziyan. After the shock, they were extremely surprised. Sitting in the section of Xu Ziyan’s side, he grabbed the hand of Xu Ziyan:

"Sister, are you really a four-pronged master?"

Xu Ziyan gave him a glance, and he took his hand and smashed it: "Do not believe, I will not give you the drug for a while."

"Don't!" Duan Tianya stretched his hands and said: "Hurry to divide the drug."

Xu Ziyan looked at the shining eyes of three people. In particular, Wang Hao has been excited that the muscles on his face are shaking. First, I calculated the herbs given by Wang Hao. Xu Ziyan took out a thousand pieces of Er Duan Dan medicine, 500 pieces of Sanpin Dan medicine and 200 pieces of four kinds of Xian Dan, and put them in several bottles and handed him:

"Wang Daoyou, these are the elixir you deserve. Do you think you are satisfied?"

Wang Hao quickly looked at the gods and thanked Xu Ziyan again and again: "Zhou Daoyou, this... too much... too much!"

Xu Ziyan smiled and shook his head: "Wang Daoyou. You will accept it. We three people may not be able to stay in Green Liuzhen in the future. This is counted as our gratitude to you!"

Wang Hao looked at three people and knew that Xu Ziyan was telling the truth. How can the green Liuzhen of his own house be able to pretend the three people in front of him, and he regretted to collect those immortals. He also knew that the three brothers and sisters had something to do with each other and politely retired.

After Wang Hao quit, Xu Ziyan waved a character array. Then I looked at two people and said: "Big brother and younger brother are now cultivated by the gods. Although the second product Xiandan also has a role, it is not very useful."

Speaking of this, I took out some jade bottles and handed them to Duan Tianya and Duan Tianhe.

Duan Tianya and Duan Tianhe swept inside with his knowledge, and his face was shocked and grateful. In front of the two of them, there are 5,000 triglycerides and one thousand tetraponic drugs. According to their thoughts, Xu Ziyan just started alchemy, her success rate must not be high, so give herself so many elixir, isn't she not leaving a few?

"Second sister, you... this... too much... you have to keep some!"

Xu Ziyan naturally stayed, more than 50,000 pieces of two products. In fact, it is the realm that suits her now. He gave the five thousand three-character elixir of Duan Tianya and Duan Tianhe. He still has nearly 30,000. Sending out two thousand four-character immortals, she still has nearly 30,000 four-character immortals. However, Xu Ziyan naturally cannot tell the truth. It is not a good thing to reveal that such a high alchemy success rate. So Xu Ziyan smiled and said:

"Big brother. Younger brother, my current realm mainly needs two products. I am waiting for my realm. I am refining the three-product Xiandan. Don't forget, I am an Xiandan division."

Duan Tianya and Duan Tianhe were very embarrassed. Xu Ziyan looked at the two people who were embarrassed, and she was very embarrassed. However, I thought that I would do my best to help them get the dragons in the future, and the embarrassment in my heart would be relieved.

Duan Tianya and Duan Tianhe twisted for a while and collected the bottles on the table. Duan Tianya is young, and he is immersed in the cultivation of immortals. With Xu Ziyan's fate, I really treated Xu Ziyan, and I used Xu Ziyan as my sister in my heart.

However, Duan Tianhe is different. He lived nearly a thousand years old and is a princehood. What kind of people have not seen it? Therefore, although he has the idea of ​​making a good purple smoke, he does not fully believe Xu Ziyan. However, now I see Xu Ziyan treat each other with their brothers. In the heart, 80% of them have accepted Xu Ziyan.

Thinking in my heart, since Xu Ziyan treats himself like this, from now on, he will regard him as his own sister. With his current status as a prince and a future jade emperor, there is always a way to report her. Thinking about it all, he also put down his mind and looked at Xu Ziyan with a smile:

"Second sister, today we got the invitation of the snow mark owner, and tomorrow we will go to the city hall for dinner. Then we should also leave here. We will discuss the future direction."

Xu Ziyan looked down and thought about it: "Actually, we don't know much about this dragon. We will go to the banquet tomorrow, the older brother is better to ask the city owner, there is a total of hit the Jedi, where are we, we Just go."

"Alright!" Duan Tianhe nodded.

the next day.

Xu Ziyan three people went to dinner on time, and the snow marks the city host to entertain. After the banquet, after the tea came over, there was no opening of the Tianhe River, but the snow-stained city owner said with a smile:

"Three friends, with your strength, it is impossible to stay in Green Willow Town?"

Duan Tianhe nodded: "Yes, our brothers and sisters are ready to leave here in the past few days and travel around. Do you know what the city owner has to say? Well, our brothers and sisters are three people who are adventurous. The city owner can know where there is any Jedi. Somewhere?"

One of the main news of Snow Mark City, then laughed and said: "Three friends, I am trying to tell you about the Jedi."

“Well?” Duan Tianhe looked at each other and looked at the snow-stained city owner.

Snow Mark City owner smiled and put down the teacup: "On our continent, there is only one Jedi. And this Jedi has never been completely cracked. How do you say it? It feels that one tenth is not cracked.

That place is called the blood sea. However, there is no blood in the sea but no one knows. It was only because there was always a **** color, so it was called the blood sea. Well, I don't know, I will understand when you go there.

It was first discovered by the Mozu. They originally wanted to use it as their Mozu, because they felt that the environment there was suitable for their Mozu cultivation. However, the later situation made them suffer a big loss. It is also possible at the periphery of the blood sea, and indeed the fairy power there is different from other places, which is very suitable for the cultivation of the Mozu. However, if you go in a little bit inside, the Mozu will disappear.

Later, the Mozu sent a lot of masters to go in, but it was much more dead and less. In this way, the secret of the Jedi was spread over time. Both the Terran and the Yaozu know it. Such a mysterious place, how can the Terran and the Yaozu get the Mozu alone? Thus, there was a tri-family war a million years ago. In the end, the three tribes reached an agreement. This **** sea was owned by all three parties, and each of them sent a monk to hold one side of the three sides. And every 100 years, the three tribes sent some monks to the blood sea to explore. ”

"Why is it a hundred years? Since the three tribes have reached an agreement, can they always enter the **** sea?" Duan Tianhe asked inexplicably.

The snow marks smiled and shook his head. "At first, the thoughts of the three tribes are the same as you. However, as time goes by, more and more people are dead in the blood, and the tribes are somewhat confused. If this continues. The masters of the three tribes will all die in the blood. In order to avoid this kind of thing, we have formulated a rule to open a **** sea in a hundred years. This is the time for the three tribes to grow up."

"Since there is a Jedi, there should be fewer and fewer people, how can it be more and more? Are they not afraid of death, vying to enter the **** sea?" Xu Ziyan is puzzled.

"The key is that there are benefits!" Snow sighed and sighed: "Some people have got four ornaments in the blood, and even more, they have also received five ornaments. There are also medicinal herbs, ores, exercises and the like. This makes the monks forget about life and death, and flocked to it. To know that a monk has got a five-piece fairy, he has the strength to surpass the same level and can overcome the challenge. A family gets a practice, I can make my family grow up and become a big family. Therefore, the competition is still very strong. Finally, the quota is allocated through the division of strength. We have a hundred places in the snow house."

Speaking of this, the snow marks looked seriously at the three people of Xu Ziyan: "I want to invite the three to join the Xue family and go to the **** sea. How about the three?"

The three people heard a glimpse of each other and looked at each other. Finally, they were asked by Duan Tianhe:

"What are the conditions?"

Snow marks also honestly replied: "If the three get the exercises in the **** sea, we must record them for the Xue family. If we get other things, we have a snow house, we can use a suitable snow house. In exchange for the price. Of course, if you refuse, we will not have the slightest force. Yours is yours!"


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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