The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1164: Arrival by all parties

I am very grateful to Want Qiu, yanz0530, lhq5878, Mi Qing Luo, kineika, Yu Tianqing _007, welltexjoy, wind man, 3 laughter, xh38089, wqiy2003, wqiy2003, Pink ticket for one yuan ZZ classmate!


The three people heard what they said and they were in the heart. In fact, going to the **** sea is a life of nine deaths. Xuejia reluctant to send his own people to death, and he came up with such a method. If a monk gets a practice, then he must give them a copy. If you get something else, if the snow family is kind, they will come up with something to exchange with them. If it is sinister, they will come out of the blood. When they are, they are the moment of death. Then, their things are naturally the snow house.

However, this is an opportunity. It is an opportunity for Duan Tianhe to be able to give up. Only when they enter the **** sea can they have the chance to get the soul of the dragon. Now they have already affirmed that this blood sea is the soul of the dragon. As for the exercises, the medicinal herbs and the fairy are just the things that the monks got when they were alive. It should be the place where the dragons stored their treasures before their death.

Therefore, the three people did not hesitate to agree. So the guest and the host are happy. The next day, the snow marks flew with three people to the Snowy Night City, where they were the family of the Xue family. Because after a month, it is the opening day of the blood sea.

On the third day they left, a dozen towns outside Shengtiancheng had been brutally killed.

The reason is that outside monks finally appeared in these towns. Shengtiancheng is a territory inhabited by humans. The emergence of the Yaozu and the Mozu, naturally caused panic. Thus, the human monks in the dragon's circle launched a fierce attack on the Yao and the Mozu. As for the Chinese monks who came in outside. Naturally refused to let go of this opportunity, and along with them began to attack the demon and the demon.

However, the repairs of these Mozu and the Yaozu are much higher than those of the monks in the town, and they are directly bloodshed.

However, the snow marks did not sit in Shengtiancheng. Instead, take the three people of Xu Ziyan to the Snow Night City. When the snow mark received the news, it immediately reported the matter to the family through the communication jade. The family immediately informed her that the family of Shengtiancheng had already known it. At this time, the Xianjun had been sent, and not only their own family. The demon and the demon suddenly appeared in the human territory, naturally attracting the attention of the top. And this thing is not only known to the Terran, but also the Yaozu and the Mozu. Therefore, the Yaozu and the Mozu also sent their own magic army and demon army. Going to Shengtiancheng.

In Shengtiancheng, the monks who are still outside have occupied the upper hand. Be aware that among these monks, there are monks with peaks in the late days of the fairy. They feel that these people are the masters of this dragon, and the monks here are some rubbish.

Moreover, when the first monks sent by the Xue family and the various families arrived at Shengtiancheng, it seemed to prove that the dragons were all garbage. This is also because they did not expect to have a group of masters from the remote mountainous areas, so they also sent some monks below the middle of the fairy. I thought it would be easy to solve the problem. Unexpectedly, the result was actually killed by the Terran, the Yaozu and the Mozu.

However, when the second batch of monks from the Dragon Emperor arrived, the monks from the outside world were blind. Because no matter whether it is the human race, the demon, or the demon, the monk who was sent by Luo Tianshang was sent.

The monks of the Mozu were taken away by the Demon of the Dragon Emperor. The monks of the Yaozu were taken away by the Yaozu of the Dragon Emperor. The monks of the Terran were naturally taken away by the Terran people.

At this time, Xu Ziyan and his party walked into the gate of the Snow Night City.

One enters the snow night city. Xu Ziyan immediately felt different. This is a medium-sized city. At any time on the street, you can see the monks who have been cultivated by the angels. Occasionally, I can see the monks of Luo Tianshang. This can not help but let the three people of Xu Ziyan be careful.

Three people were led by snow marks into the snow family, sitting down in the main hall, and the snow marks left to report to the snow family.

After a while, walked into the majestic woman from the door. Although the power of the body did not deliberately reveal, but released the breath. But it also made Xu Ziyan feel uneasy.

Xu Ziyan immediately stood up. Duan Tianya and Duan Tianhe didn't have to look at it to know that the other party was a repair of Luo Tianshang's late peaks. Because of this momentum, the two of them had seen many times in their father's body. And Xu Ziyan is in the moment of a slight bow, in the eyes of the slightest, the blue strobe, opened the eyes of Kun Peng, and instantly knew that the other is a peak of Luo Tianshang. In this way, the three people are more careful. In the face of a peak of Luo Tianshang's late stage, these three people in the hall are proud and arrogant, and know that they are not opponents of each other.

The woman followed the snow marks, and the three people immediately understood that the middle-aged woman in front of her eyes was the patriarch of the Xue family.

Sure enough, the woman’s gaze swept across three people. For the repair of Duan Tianya and Duan Tianhe, they were quite satisfied, but when they glanced through Xu Ziyan, they frowned slightly. Go straight to the top and sit down in the main position, faintly said:

"The trace, this is the person you recruited?"

"Yes! Patriarch!" Snow marks are respectfully reached.

Her gaze once again fell on Xu Ziyan's body, frowning slightly. However, it stretched out again. The cultivation of the late immortals was not particularly bad. It is now more and more difficult to recruit monks who are willing to enter the **** sea. They must not let the disciples in their families take risks. Thinking of this, my heart sighed a bit:

"Snow marks have told the rules to you?"

"Yes!" The three answered reverently.

"Okay! As long as you do it with your heart, our Snow House will not treat you badly. Three days later, we will set off for the Day City. Traces, you will arrange for them to stay, each person will give ten Sanpin Dan medicine, 10,000 down products Xianjing."


The snow marks were smothered, and the three people of Xu Ziyan also took care of them and then quit the gate. The snow family looked at the back of the four people. He stroked his forehead and sighed a bit:

"If after three days, the number is still not enough, only the family disciples will be filled!"

Three days later. Xu Ziyan followed the snow family for three people. It is not a fairy boat, but a dozen flying fairy animals. From this point of view, we know that the level of the refiner in the dragon's world is very poor.

After nine days.

The group entered the city of Yingri, and it was another atmosphere. The entire Yingri City is like a festival. Countless families led the team to fly here. Xu Ziyan also knows at this time that Yingricheng is the holy place of the Terran, and the Lord of the Day City is the leader of the Terran. It is said that the Terran, the Yaozu and the Mozu have the ancestors of the nine-day Xuanxian, but those ancestors have only asked the customs, but only know how to retreat, and how many years have not revealed.

Xu Ziyan was immersed in contemplation while sitting in the inn. This means that the highest monk in the Qianlongjie is the nine-day Xuanxian, and there are no monks above Xianjun.

This may be because the concentration of Xianyuan in the dragon's world is higher than that of the lower galaxies, but it is not as good as the central galaxies, which is the result of today.

Xiaolong was dead and lost the ability to absorb Xianyuan. The fairy power in the dragon's circle is spreading. I don't know how many years later, I am afraid that the repairs owned by the monks here will be reduced. However, if any monk refines the soul of the dragon. The dragons and the dragons that are in control will re-establish the opportunity to absorb the power of Xianyuan.

The thriving restaurant in Yingricheng was packaged by Xuejia. At this time, one hundred of the Xuejia’s monks who had to enter the **** sea were sitting in the restaurant. This was the last banquet in Yingricheng. Tomorrow will go to the **** sea.

The three people of Xu Ziyan have changed their appearances now, and they have also changed their clothes. Duan Tianya and Duan Tianhe wore a black robe, and Xu Ziyan wore a white dress. Although Duan Tianya and Duan Tianhe changed their looks, the temperament could not be changed. It is graceful and heavy.

There are eight people at the same table. Except for Xu Ziyan, the other five are monks in the dragon circle. And only one of the four immortal monks, only one is the immortal period. It is still the peak of the later period. in this way. Xu Ziyan fell into the lowest monk.

Therefore, the monks in the room only talked with Duan Tianya and Duan Tianhe, but no one would care about Xu Ziyan. It was the monks of the late peaks of the immortals who also spoke to those monks who were in the fairyland, completely ignoring the purple smoke. Originally, Tianya and Duan Tianhe were still afraid that Xu Ziyan felt that he had lost his face. But when they secretly went to observe Xu Ziyan, they saw Xu Ziyan feel contented.

Two people will know immediately. Xu Ziyan's temper is not willing to take care of those who have no relationship with her. Besides, when two people think of it, when they get the soul beads of the dragon and refine it, these are just the people in their own dragons, and they lose the interest of the conversation.

Opposite the Xingsheng Building is the Feixian Restaurant, which was also wrapped there. The package is Zheng Jia. At this time, on a table in the second floor, eight monks sat. The eight monks did not have the excitement to go to the **** sea, but they were somewhat confused. One of the old monks of the dagger frowned slightly and whispered:

"Can we really go back?"

A fat-faced monk with a round face is suffering, and it seems to whisper in a laugh:

"We're afraid we can't go back! It's the original inhabitants of the dragons. They haven't known how many times they want to leave here for millions of years. Didn't they tell us? No success, no return. The monks here are all broken in the name of the life.

You think! This is just a small part of the dragon's body. After going out from the dragon's circle, it is dark and the body of the dragon is soaring. How can I get there? It seems that we are not dead in the blood, but we must die here. I really regret coming here.

Nowadays, these people don’t want to seize the original inhabitants of the Dragon Kingdom, only to give them effect, how can we be happy and happy outside? ”

A black robe young monk snorted: "We don't have a way out!"


Everyone wants me to add more calls, okay! Brewing these two days! Ask for a pink ticket first!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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