The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1165: Gathered

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A black robe young monk snorted: "We don't have a way out!"

The next person stunned, the old man with the dagger pressed down and asked: "What do you have in your appointment?"

This man is the ninth temple of the Yuan Yuanguo, his eyes faintly sweeping through the crowd, whispering: "I judge that the blood sea is the soul of the dragon. As long as you help me get the soul beads, I refine the soul. Beads naturally master this dragon's world. To know that this dragon's soul bead is not only as simple as controlling the dragon's world, it is the condensation of the dragon's soul.

As long as I refine the soul of the dragon, I can naturally understand everything in the body of the dragon, and naturally leave the body of the dragon. You can rest assured that my eldest brother and the best 13th brother of talent, as well as several brothers are here. After I control the dragons and dragons, they will naturally kill them, so the position of the Prince must be mine. I will not treat you badly. When I board the position of Jade Emperor, you are the greatest hero! ”

The eyes of several monks are bright, and their eyes are not shining because they can become the future heroes of His Highness, but because of the soul of the Dragon. There is a soulful dragon with a dragon in front of you, let alone the nine.工具: They will throw it aside

However, they did not show their inner thoughts on their faces. All of them laughed and nodded to the temple, and in the end, the nine princes were full of hope. The eyes swept over the inhabitants of the dragons who were sitting at other tables, and the eyes were gloomy.

Simultaneously. Next to the Xingsheng Building is parameterized also a restaurant called Baiyun Building. At this time, the Baiyun Building was also wrapped up. On the first floor, at the doorway, there was a majestic, sharp-eyed young monk. Although the body is very gorgeous. It gives people a feeling of embarrassment, but the temperament is cold and sullen, and it is introverted, and when the eyes open and close, it is breathtaking. He kept silent, that is, the monk at the same table and he talked with him. He also nodded tightly or shook his head. This person is the third of the Yuan Dynasty.

Another restaurant. Seven of His Royal Highness added a piece of fairy meat to his mouth, chewed it a few times, and gaze faintly across the crowd, whispering:

"Since we have come here, it is still unknown whether we can go back. However, we are forced to go to the **** sea. All of us are monks of the Yuan Dynasty, no matter whether we can go out in the future. We are all necessary and urgent. ""

One of the monks smirked: "Seven of Your Highness, you can rest assured. When we get here, we don't join hands, then we just have to die. We can go out very well in the future. If we can't get out, we must consider how we can live here. It’s better. So, as a matter of His Royal Highness, it’s a must.”

His Highness sat down with satisfaction and said: "Going to the **** sea has not changed. In the **** sea, we must be united. Maybe the secret of leaving the Dragon World is in the blood!"

In another restaurant. Eighth Temple drank a drink. Extend your finger to wipe off the corner of the mouth and whisper:

"Who do you see Prince and Thirteen?"

All the people shook their heads. The Eighth Highness touched his chin and thought about it: "Is the Prince and the 13th Royal Highness killed by those beasts?"

The monks around looked at each other and felt that it was. I nodded lightly.

On this day, almost all the monks who came in from outside were forced to join the families. Going to the **** sea, they also secretly joined forces to form a small force.

The Xue family also had doubts about the three people of Xu Ziyan. They also learned about Xianjing. Those who did not come from outside knew Xu Ziyan. This puts the snow home down. In fact, they just know about it. As for the three people of Xu Ziyan who came in from the outside world, or the original inhabitants of the Dragon World, they did not care. Anyway, 90% of them may be dead in the blood. It is the ability to come out of the blood, and they can't turn any waves with their three repairs.

the next day.

The city of Yingricheng opened wide, and countless teams left the city. At the forefront of the flight is the big family of the twelve dragons. They are worthy of being a big family. Their means of transport is actually a fairy boat. Although in the eyes of Duan Tianhe's segment Tianya, the fairy boat is just a fairy, but it is also a fairy boat!

A family like Xuejia is only a medium-sized family in the dragon's world. Naturally, there is no fairy boat, but they are all riding a variety of fairy beasts. A fairy can sit on hundreds of people. So a fairy beast carried all the monks in the snow to the air.

Xu Ziyan stood on the back of the fairy beast and looked around. He saw the flying fairy beasts all over the sky, and the cicadas continued to flow. Every monk who is about to enter the **** sea is seven points repressed and three points excited. It is also fear of dying in the **** sea, but also hopes to get treasures in the **** sea. Xu Ziyan can not help but shake his head, how can this mentality survive in the blood? Therefore, Xu Ziyan immediately whispered to Duan Tianya and Duan Tianhe:

"Big brother, younger brother. You must remember that after entering the **** sea, safety is the first. Don't act rashly. If you find something, it is best to study it and then act."

Duan Tianya and Duan Tianhe heard the face become dignified and nodded solemnly.

Seven days later.

The people arrived at a town. Xu Ziyan chatted with other monks of the Xue family and knew that it was called Xuehai Town. Xuehai Town is located in front of the only passage leading to the blood sea. In other words, it is already the closest place to Xuehai Town. Passing through the town is the gateway to the **** sea.

The town has built a triangle in a strange way, because it is home to the Terran, the Mozu and the Yaozu. Together with the entrance to the **** sea.

Once you enter the town, you can feel a tense atmosphere. The town is divided into three corners, and the monks of the demon and the demon have arrived from time to time. The three races are not in line with each other, but the eyes of each other are full of fierceness. It is foreseeable that after entering the **** sea, without the power of the blood sea, it is the mutual killing between the three races, and it will die more than half.

In the middle square of the town, it is very empty. The Terran, the Yaozu and the Mozu are honestly staying in their own territory. No one tries to go to the other's territory. There is no monk in the common middle square. At this time, everyone thinks about the upcoming situation in the **** sea.

Xu Ziyan looked up at the end of the town, the whole sky is faintly blood red, the more the direction of the blood sea, the thicker the blood red color. I smoked my nose and there was a slight **** taste between my heart and lungs.

"This is definitely a sinister Jedi!" Xu Ziyan's eyes revealed caution.

Duan Tianya and Duan Tianhe on the side of "Call~~" also exhaled the **** breath sucked into the heart and lungs, and looked at each other with a glance.

Stayed in accordance with the allocated room, was told that tomorrow will enter the blood sea, rest well tonight.

After Xu Ziyan entered the room, less than a quarter of an hour, Duan Tianya and Duan Tianhe walked in. Seeing the dignified look of two people, Xu Ziyan waved a soundproof array and looked at two people.

Duan Tianhe silently took out a protective mirror and handed it to Xu Ziyan. When Xu Ziyan swept his eyes, he only knew that this was a four-defense genre.

"Second sister, this is how you refining it tonight, so there is more protection in the **** sea."

"This... what about you?"

"We both have their own defensive genres, you accept it!"

Xu Ziyan is not polite, and this is not a polite time. I think that Duan Tianhe is a prince, and there must be a lot of good things on his body. I have one more guarantee and I can make more effort. After collecting the nursing mirror, looking at the two people's dignified look, Xu Ziyan whispered:

"Is there something?"

Duan Tianhe solemnly nodded and said: "I saw some of my brothers."

"Oh ~~" Xu Ziyan nodded no words. Duan Tianhe accidentally looked at Xu Ziyan and said: "You are not surprised?"

Xu Ziyan said with a faint smile: "What is strange about this. If they do not appear, it will almost prove that the person who killed us with the celestial boat that day is not your brother. If they appear here, then they prove that they heard The news that both of you are still alive. So, I came back again. It is very rare to find the time when there are no guards around you. Only suddenly there is the thing in the dragon world, so they are all again. Come in."

Duan Tianya looked sharply: "Sister, you mean, they are rushing back, want to find another chance to kill me and my brother?"

Xu Ziyan has no words, but looks at Duan Tianhe. Duan Tianhe long sighed a channel:

"The second sister said it was good!"

The room was silent again, half-sounding, Duan Tianhe looked at the paragraph and said: "Little brother, remember not to expose your identity!"


"Tomorrow we will enter the **** sea. I think both of you will feel the fierceness of the **** sea. After the three of us enter, we must always be together and not distracted."

"Yeah!" Xu Ziyan and Duan Tianya are nodding.

"Second sister, you must take the time to refine the protective heart mirror, we will go back."

"I sent my brother and younger brother!" Xu Ziyan also stood up from the chair.

After sending Duan Tianya and Duan Tianhe away, Xu Ziyan closed the door and opened the array again, and began to refine the four-piece fairy guardian.

With the cultivation of Xu Ziyan today, it is easy to refine the four-piece fairy. In one night, the heart mirror was refining, waving the box and pushing the door out.

Not far away, Duan Tianya waved to her. Xu Ziyan smiled and walked over.

"Refining?" Duan Tianya asked with a smile.

"Yeah!" Xu Ziyan nodded with a smile.

Duan Tianhe on the side of "Collection!" said softly.


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*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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