The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1169: Late peaks

Thank you very much for the tears of Aspen (1888), Yu Yu 645098 (100), and the hidden wind traveler (99)!


On the ground! In the air!

The Terran, Yaozu and Mozu triangle defense formations are filled with blood-colored creatures, screaming and screaming, crazy and sharp offensive, so that the pressure of the three tribes has increased dramatically. Gradually, the monks of the Xue family entered the slaying of ecstasy and forgot Xu Ziyan.

On the side of the Yaozu, the Tauren in front of him suddenly flashed, letting a **** creature rush in. A tiger head behind him slammed his foot and smashed the **** creature to the purple smoke. The direction is flying. Although Xu Ziyan stood there and took the medicinal herbs to restore Xianyuan, but he always paid attention to the Yaozu, especially the Tauren. She felt that the Tauren would never have been like this.

Sure enough, when she saw the Tauren’s move, she saw the **** creature flying in her direction. In my heart, I will call:


The golden meaning of the body is transported to the great consummation, and the golden swords are transmitted through the two swords in the right hand. The left hand Jin Mang flashes and is eager to try. The Tauren and the Hutou people in the Yaozu suddenly stepped forward in the direction of Xu Ziyan. The tiger head vomited and spit, and a breath quickly formed in his mouth.


On the surface of a fire, the **** sea creatures in the air were bombarded, but they were on the lower line. The actual target was Xu Ziyan.

The Tauren will have a low head and a "beep" between the two horns, and an electric light will be drawn from each of the two horns. Converging in the middle of two horns, instantly condensed into a ball.


A sirloin, the electric ball slammed toward Xu Ziyan.

The snowy monk Huo Ran looked back, Duan Tianya and Duan Tianhe gave up the opposite **** sea creatures. The flying body teleported toward the front of Xu Ziyan.

The Xuejia monk looked at the fire and an electric light and bombarded Xu Ziyan. Everyone’s throat could not help but shake. Looking at Xu Ziyan’s eyes was full of regret and regret.

Xu Ziyan suddenly grabbed it, and it had already transported the golden meaning to the golden light of the left hand and suddenly turned into a big hand in the air. A **** creature in the air is caught in his hand. Just a little downward drag, it was blocked on the way to the flames and thunder.

The **** sea creature that flies in the air is also a mid-day fairy. It is almost impossible to make a big hand to hold him in the late stage of Xu Ziyan. It is even harder to control the other person. However, the **** sea creatures were smashed into the air by the tiger head of the peak of the late Tianxian. When they were in a panic, they gave Xu Ziyan the void. At the same time, Xu Ziyan did not want to hold the **** sea creatures, but just dragged him down slightly, which became very easy.

All the snow monks screamed. Xu Ziyan was too clever to deal with, one by one and the **** sea creatures smothered, and the excited face flushed.


The Tauren and the Hutou people have two tricks from the peaks of the late Tianxian peak. How can the **** sea creatures in the middle of the fairy be able to withstand it?


Two explosions, the **** sea creatures in the air were instantly bombarded by the demon masters of the two peaks of the late Tianxian, and the blood and fog disappeared. The fire and thunder of the **** creatures have become weak, but they are still weak. Came to Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan took out one. The meaning of gold is transmitted out, annihilating the flame and the thunder. However, a body was also bombarded and flew up to three meters. After landing, there were a few steps, which stabilized the body.

However, the meaning of the golden sword that Xu Ziyan released, but a sword sentiment was transmitted out, squatting on the horn of the Tauren, letting the horn burst out of a string of Mars. Although it was only a weakened sword, it did not hurt the Tauren, but it also made the Tauren angry.

Xu Ziyan couldn’t help but sigh. The peak of the late Tianxian is really extraordinary. It is not easy to resist now. In particular, these demon people are originally stronger than the humans of the same order. A pair of eyes looked alertly at the opposite Tauren and Tigerhead.

The Hutou people and the Tauren looked at each other and knew that Xu Ziyan had been prepared and lost the opportunity to attack. And because of their two actions. Under the attack of **** sea creatures, the Yaozu lost three demons in an instant. The two demons did not dare to attack Xu Ziyan again. Put all your energy into dealing with **** sea creatures.

The Snow Master also began to concentrate on dealing with **** sea creatures. Duan Tianya and Duan Tianhe looked at Xu Ziyan with concern. Xu Ziyan shook his head and gestured to indicate that the two people had nothing to do with themselves. Duan Tianya and Duan Tianhe turned around and once again invested in the killing.


A few rumors came disposed from afar, and the sound was clearly reached the peak of the late Tianxian. These fierce screams made the **** creatures more violent and rushed toward the tribes of the tribes. The tribes of the three tribes were all violently hit, and the defensive formation was in jeopardy.

Xu Ziyan also joined the ranks of blood and sea creatures. At this time, the Yaozu is thinking of sneak attacking Xu Ziyan, and there is no energy at all.

In the hands of Xu Ziyan, Xianjian draws a hundred feet of swordsmanship, and the golden sword is released with great effort. Although it is only the later cultivation of the immortals, the power is absolutely no less than the middle of the fairy.

One by one, the **** sea creatures cut the broken swords and turned them into a group of blood fog.

Looking at the **** sea creatures that disappeared in front of me, Xu Ziyan moved. After the **** sea creatures were killed, the blood of the fog was filled with violent dark forces, bloodthirsty and cold. However, this power is also very powerful and powerful.

Xu Ziyan’s heart is secret, whether this power can absorb itself. To know that when Xu Ziyan was in the underwater world on the vast continent, he once had an attribute disorder. At that time, because the Yang attribute was too strong, the Yin attribute was completely suppressed. Later, in the ghost sea, I absorbed the yin and yang balance obtained from the dead air in the ghost sea. However, things have passed, and Xu Ziyan once again faces this yin and yang imbalance. After all, most of the environment in which Xu Ziyan is located is an environment lacking dark attributes.

Xu Ziyan was in the heart. There is a mind to absorb these **** seas. Remove the sword of gold and change it into the sword of water. Xu Ziyan’s water sword is also a great perfection, and immediately there is a dense water vortex on the sword in his hand.

At this time, there was a **** sea creature that flew to the front of Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan stabbed a sword and stabbed it precisely in its eyebrows. Now Xu Ziyan has killed a lot of blood creatures. Knowing the fragile point of **** sea creatures, you will go to the eyebrows, where the soul of the blood sea creatures is stored.

Xu Ziyan's sword was inserted into the eyebrows of the blood sea creatures, and the dense whirlpools on the two celestial devices began to absorb the **** sea madness. It is transported to the body of Xu Ziyan through a long sword. After Xu Ziyan Qiankun 诀 traction, the big day of operation entered the Dantian of Xu Ziyan.


Xu Zi of Xu Ziyan screamed. Tremor. The entire Dantian slowly turned and gradually showed the appearance of a yin and yang ball.

Correct! It is yin and yang ball! Instead of yin and yang! It is a three-dimensional yin and yang ball.

The yin and yang **** slowly turned, and from the outside, the yin and yang **** were seriously out of tune, the white silver fish occupied most of the field, and the black squid was squeezed to only one third of the field.

With the slow rotation of the yin and yang balls, the Yin character of the blood sea creatures running through the large purple days of the Xu Ziyan meridians poured into the cuttlefish in the yin and yang fish, and the cuttlefish grew in a trace. Simultaneously. The purple smoke space in the center of the yin and yang fish has also become more balanced and stable.

Xu Ziyan was overjoyed, and the long sword in his hand continually absorbed the energy of blood sea creatures. The power of water is perfect, but it is only a few breaths of time, and the **** sea creatures dissipate. It was really dissipated, and even a group of blood mist was gone. It was completely absorbed by the water of Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan waved his sword. Inserted into the eyebrows of another **** creature. I didn't think that this **** sea creature was a little embarrassed, and even escaped the attack of Xu Ziyan. However, although Xu Ziyan is now cultivated in the late Xianxian, the combat power can be more difficult. She saw the benefits at this time and completely released her potential. In this way, her cultivation is combined with the meaning of water, and the fighting force is forced to the end of the fairy. The opposite blood sea creature is just an early stage of the fairy, if the enemy has passed the purple smoke?

Just a few rounds, Xu Ziyan was inserted into its eyebrows. The **** gas is continuously absorbed into the body by Xu Ziyan, and it runs through the Zhou Zhou in the meridians. Then she was sent to her Dantian.

at this time. The entire tri-family camp has become completely chaotic, and the defensive formation is in jeopardy. Where will anyone pay attention to Xu Ziyan? It is Duan Tianya and Duan Tianhe who are only able to go all out to fight against the **** sea creatures in front of them.

Xu Ziyan turned his left hand and took out a piece of fairy. Two swords were at the same time. A fairy sword is constantly inserted into the eyebrows of blood sea creatures, absorbing the power of blood. A fairy sword danced to kill other **** creatures.

Time passed by in the killing, and the new moon showed his face from the clouds and slowly descended toward the horizon. The night's killing is about to pass. All the monks saw hope, and the spirit in the exhausted body was a great vibration, bursting with violent power.

The air in the body of Xu Ziyan fluctuated wildly, approaching the peak of the late Xianxian.


The **** sea creatures of the peaks of the late Tianxian looked at the sky and roared toward the rear. The **** sea creatures also quickly dispersed.


All the monks spit out a long breath, revealing the rest of the life after the robbery. Xu Ziyan is a secret in her heart, because she has reached the peak of the peak of the late Xianxian. Xu Ziyan's state of mind is no problem. As long as the body of her body accumulates to a certain extent, she will naturally break through to the early days of the fairy.


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*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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