The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1170: The trick of the Yaozu

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Xu Ziyan knows that it is not easy for her to break through the critical point in the early days of this fairy. Because her body is self-contained, the need for Xianyuan is too large. If Xu Ziyan takes the medicinal herbs hard, he can break through the early days of the fairy, but it can't make up for the yin and yang disorders in the body. Therefore, Xu Ziyan finally decided not to break through for the time being, as long as he constantly absorbed the power of blood here, he would be able to break through automatically.

"Sister, they are coming!"

Xu Ziyan was intoxicated in the ascension, but suddenly heard the voice of Duan Tianya talking in her ear. Xu Ziyan turned his head in confusion and saw that Duan Tianya was glaring at the direction of the Yaozu. Xu Ziyan followed the eyes of Duan Tianya and saw that the Tauren and the Hutou people were coming in their own direction, and behind them, the Yaozu were also pressing with them.

Duan Tianya and Duan Tianhe’s body flashed, and they stood in front of Xu Ziyan’s body, and Xu Ziyan was behind him, staring coldly at the Tauren and Hutou people who strode forward. And those snow family people also showed the fairy contempt for each other.

The Tauren’s gaze flashed and stopped at a distance of about two meters from the snow family, pointing to Xu Ziyan:

"Give her over to me!"

The captain of the Snow House sneaked a sigh: "We haven't found your demon family yet, and you dare to run over, bullying our Terran will not kill the demon?"

The Tauren’s gaze was cold, and he said: “We have agreed to work together here to deal with **** sea creatures. But she! That’s the woman. It’s a sword in the old cow!”

Speaking of this, the Tauren said with a snarl of his own horn: "Do you allow the Terran to attack our Yaozu, and we will not allow our Yaozu to take revenge?"

The captain of the Xue family was mad, and sarcastically said: "The cow demon. Your cow's tongue is big enough. If you dare to say anything, don't you be afraid of being blown by the wind? It is obvious that you and the tiger demon attacked our Xue disciple. Zhou Yu, but turned black and white, today if you don't give a statement. Our two families are here to fight for one!"

The Tauren hit a haha ​​in the sky: "As long as your Terran dare not hand over the Zhou Yu, our Yaozu don't mind fighting here with your Terran."

At this time, there was no threat of blood and sea creatures around, and the tribes heard the quarrel here, and they all moved toward it.

The Mozu also appeared on the side, seeing the Terran and the Yaozu quarrel with each other, and there is still a trend of war, they are happy to watch the fun next to them.

"what happened?"

A sound is heard. The monks looked back and saw the leader of the Twelfth Family. The twelve leaders were the masters of the late Tianxian. Xu Ziyan once observed that whether it is the Terran, the Yaozu or the Mozu, the highest revision into the blood sea is the cultivation of the peak of the late Tianxian. It seems that people who are higher in cultivation are more afraid of death and will not easily take risks. From this point of view, it is possible to foresee the dangers in the depths of the blood.

The captain of the Xue family saw twelve big family leaders and told them about what happened in aggression. Captain Li’s captain looked coldly at the opposite Tauren:

"How? The Yaozu wants to go to war? If you want to fight now, you will say, no need to make excuses, we are surrounded by people!"

The look of the Tauren's face was slightly stagnation, but the blink of an eye became tough. At this time, the tiger head was passed through the secret to the secret of Xu Ziyan to the monks of the demon family. Those demon people first looked at each other, and then they stepped forward, standing in line with the Tauren, glaring at the Terran. With these Yaozu support, the Tauren's heart must be. Toughly said:

"We are coming to the blood sea to hunt treasure. Our Yaozu did not intend to fight with you here. But Zhou Yu is attacking me, this account can not count. As long as you call her out, this thing That's it."

The Tauren's abacus played very well. So the masters of the Yaozu have shown that they will not hesitate to take the initiative, and they only ask the Terran to surrender one person. And that Zhou Yu is not a monk in the twelve family. I think the other party will eventually agree. Therefore, as soon as he finished speaking, he had a pair of bulls eyes and looked at the opposite side.

The captain of the Li family said in a cold voice: "Why don't you say that you and the tiger head sneaked into our Terran monks? If I want to say, today you Yaozu must hand over this tauren and tiger head to us, you Yaozu How about?"

The words fall, a pair of cold eyes like the electric shot generally across the opposite Yaozu. Xu Ziyan couldn’t help but praise it. This Li family captain is really tough. In the face of the threat of the Yaozu, he does not give in. It is very irritating to the human race.

The Tauren sneered: "I and the Tiger Head attack Zhou Yu? We are just attacking the **** creatures that rushed in. Finally, our attack is not bombarded on the **** sea creatures? But a little bit of the week Jade? However, Zhou Yu is smashing the old cow and I am a sword. The matter is very clear. Are you bullying our Yaozu not to fight?"

When the words fell, the Tauren stepped forward and stepped, and the earth shattered. What followed was all the demons, and at the same time took a step toward the front.

The captain of the Li family became more and more cold, and his mind was moved. A Fangtianyin was slid and sacrificed on his head. He can't fight at this time. In the face of the arrogant Yaozu, if you retreat at this time, don't say the **** sea, you will be jokes for the rest of your life, and you will be abandoned by the family. It will be prestige within this **** sea. Lost. It may be that these Li people will be separated from each other. This is a very dangerous thing in the **** sea. Without a man, he is a polished person. It is normal to be besieged to death.

At this time, his heart is also hateful to Xu Ziyan. Mind, why don't you die under the sneak attack of the Yaozu. Get this trouble? However, at this time, he was not able to hand over Xu Ziyan in front of the Terran, only to fight a battle.

At this time, a hand was in front of him, and the captain Li’s head turned around and saw that he was the captain of the Sun family. His face eased and he looked at each other.

The captain of the Sun family nodded to the captain of the Li family and looked at Xu Ziyan again. The face of the captain of the Xue family was changed, and the feeling of a bad feeling rose. Sure enough, the captain of the Sun family said faintly:

"You friends, this is actually very simple!" Speaking of this, I looked at the Tauren and said:

"Is Zhou Yu a sword for you?"

"Not bad!" said the Tauren.

"So this is the private matter between you and Zhou Yu. We have no way to hand over Zhou Yu to your Yaozu. But private affairs are done in a private way. You two can solve your grievances alone. ”

"it is good!"

The Tauren didn't even think about it, and immediately fell. His cultivation is the peak of the late Tianxian, and Xu Ziyan is only the peak of the late Xianxian. What are the two people who solve the grievances alone except for the duel? With his cultivation, isn’t it a trick to throw Xu Ziyan into a slag? Besides, in the face of the Terran, the Yaozu and the Mozu, can you not agree? Don't hesitate to hesitate, or don't you lose your face?

The decision was made in an instant, and the Tauren’s gaze looked at Xu Ziyan up and down. Although Xu Ziyan changed his appearance, it was not ugly. At this time, the Tauren did not want to kill Xu Ziyan at once, thinking that Xu Ziyan would be caught and become a slave.

At this time, not only Duan Tianya and Duan Tianhe changed color, but the captain of the Xue family was also a shameful look. Suddenly turned to the captain of the Sun family to say:

"The surname of Sun, you deceive too much!"

Captain Sun’s face sank and his eyes looked sharply: “Where is the name of the snow, what do you say? Don’t bother your family!”

"Hey!" The captain of the Snow House snorted: "It is obvious that the Yaozu wants to kill Zhou Yu in the chaos of fighting against **** creatures. This is the provocation of the Yaozu to the Terran. You actually define it. Become a private grievance, are you afraid of the Yaozu?"

The Terran monks are all changed. No one wants to be afraid of the crime of the demon. The disciple of the Sun family is angry with the captain of the Xue family, but some monks also have some flashing eyes. They also think that the captain of the Sun family is this. It is showing weakness to the Yaozu.

Captain Sun’s face became more and more gloomy. If the hat that fears the demon is stuck on his head, and the monks who are waiting to leave the **** sea will be promoted, not only will he face the threat of death, but his family will also be cast aside, maybe For this reason, the family has declined.

Captain Sun’s eyes turned and his face looked disdainful.


Very disdainful sneer: "When the demon squatting against us and the **** creatures, killing Zhou Yu? The name is snow, you say so, do you believe it yourself?"

“Why don’t you believe it?” said Snow’s captain.

"Is your brain broken?" said the captain of the Sun family, scornfully saying: "The Zhou Yu is just a repair of the peak of the late Xianxian. Do you think the Tauren is guilty of making a sneak attack? Do you think it is a place? Zhou Yu, who was at the peak of the late Xian Dynasty, would threaten a Tauren in the late peak of the fairy, so that the Tauren had to kill her?"

Speaking of this, the captain of the Sun family laughed happily: "This is clearly a **** sea creature rushing into the defensive formation. The Tauren and Zhou Yuju both attacked the blood sea creature, but the Tauren repaired high. The fire is well mastered, but it only attacks the **** sea creatures, but it does not affect others. And Zhou Yuxiu is low, unable to control his own mana, so that a sword is smashed to the Tauren. So, I let them solve it privately. It may not be a duel, Zhou Yu can win the forgiveness of the Tauren!"


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