The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1171: Escape (four more pink)

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Listening to the captain of the Sun family, the captain of the Xue family face the red ear equator: "What happened to the late Xianxian? You don't know why the matter is not to talk about it. Do you know what special exercises Zhou Yu has?"

"What is the practice?"

The captain of the Sun family looked a glimpse, and the other big family captains also focused on the captain of the Xue family.

"Hey!" The captain of the Snow House showed a proud color. The flash of this purple smoke is the pride of the Xue family: "Zhou Yu will be a kind of sound. It can increase the number of companions in combat, heal the wound. And that sound is for the blood." The creature has a gram of production. The demon family clearly sees that Zhou Yu has this martial law that threatens their Yaozu, so they have a heart that wants to kill Zhou Yu."

When the captain of the Snow House made an exit, all the faces changed. These people are all human, naturally understand the usefulness of Xu Ziyan. Imagine if, within the **** sea, the Terran and the Yaozu or the Mozu are fighting, and there is a Zhou Yu behind him who can constantly restore his ecstasy and increase his own combat power. What would it be?

In addition to the Sun family, other big families have moved their minds and want to gather Xu Ziyan into their own ranks. A line of eyes focused on Xu Ziyan's body.

However, at the same time, the monks of the Mozu were also vigilant. At this time, they realized why the Yaozu had to kill the Zhou Yu. It turned out that Zhou Yu had such an auxiliary method. This is not only a threat to the Yaozu, but also a threat to their Mozu. A pair of smothering eyes are now focused on Xu Ziyan's body.

The captains of the big family of the Terran thought in their hearts and thought quickly, and originally thought of recruiting Xu Ziyan’s mind to temporarily press it. Because at this time they all found out that not only the Yaozu, but also the Mozu also caused a killing of Xu Ziyan. If the Yaozu and the Mozu are joined together here, the Terran is likely to be wiped out by the whole army, that is, the captains who have left their peaks in the late Tianxian can escape. Since then, it has also been extremely vulnerable within the **** sea. Therefore, at this time, whether it is to guarantee purple smoke, or regardless of Xu Ziyan, has become the most tangled problem in their hearts at the moment.

And it is at this time. The Tauren sneered at the captain of the Snow House: "You said that we are going to kill her because of Zhou Yu's special practice?"

The captain of the snow family sneered with disdain: "Is it not?"

"Of course not!" The Tauren replied categorically: "What do you say is it? Do you have witnesses? I will tell you today, if today your Xue family does not hand over Zhou Yu, that is, your Terran has plans to Counting our Yaozu. Today, your Terran can count our Yaozu, and tomorrow you can count the Mozu. Are you a fool in our Yao and Mozu?"

Speaking of this, the Tauren turned to look at the direction of the Mozu: "The Mozu, it is better for us to join forces to kill the Terran here today. This treasure in the blood is our two!"

On the other side of the Mozu, a monk at the peak of the late Tianxian shouted: "The Terran, you are doing the sneak attack, that is, our Mozu can't stand it. Today, if you don't hand over Zhou Yu. We are the devil. The family will join forces with the Yaozu to fight against your Terran."

The monks of this sub-human race are somewhat confused. If the Yaozu and the Mozu join hands, they are really dead. From this, they also saw Xu Ziyan's threat to the Yaozu and the Mozu, and he continued to hesitate.

"Son surnamed snow, do you really want the human race monks to die here?" Sun Jiaxiu shouted.

At this time, the captain of the Xue family also regretted it very much, regretting that he had said the practice of Xu Ziyan, and that the Mozu also had a jealous heart. At the same time, the heart is also very hesitant. I am afraid that this family will not help the snow family. If you insist on keeping Xu Ziyan, the final result must be that the Xue family alone faces the combination of the Yao and the Mozu. Other families will say that this is a matter between the Xue family and the Yaozu, and ruthlessly abandon the Xue family. Save their own strength. Because they enter the blood sea to seek treasure, not to destroy the demon. In this way, the Xue family has only one dead end.

Looking at the back of Xu Ziyan, the captain of the Xue family shook his head and sighed: "It’s a pity!"

However, the captain of the Xue family still wants to try to fight for it, and he said to the cow people: "The Tauren. You just asked us if there are any witnesses who have proved that you have attacked Zhou Yu. I tell you that all the monks in our snow house can prove it! ”

"The proof of the Xuejia monk?" The Tauren sneered: "You have proved your family from your family. Have you made my old cow a fool?"

"What about you?" The captain of the Snow House was extremely angry.

Xu Ziyan heard the words and shook his head secretly. The captain of the Snow House was stunned by the captain of the Sun family. Duan Tianya and Duan Tianhe looked at each other and looked worried in the eyes.

"It's very simple. As long as you can find a monk in our Yaozu to prove that we sneaked Zhou Yu, this thing will be fine. If you can't find it, you must call me Zhou Yu! Proof of the Yaozu, you Is there?" The Tauren said with a sneer.

"You... fart!" The snowy monk's face was red and bursting out.

"Do you dare to insult me?" The Tauren gaze directly at the captain of the Snow House, and then glanced over the Terran monks, and suddenly shouted:

"I just want Zhou Yuyi, other unrelated people immediately retreat, otherwise it is to fight with our Yaozu!"

"Start the war!"

"Start the war!"

"Start the war!"


All the demon people sang in high, and they slammed their feet with the loud voice.

At the same time, the other party's Mozu also shouted: "Hand over Zhou Yu, otherwise it is to fight with our Mozu!"

"Start the war!"

"Start the war!"

"Start the war!"


The Mozu also screamed in unison, time and magic.

Captain Sun’s face changed, and he didn’t want to throw his life here. I hurriedly shouted to the captain of the Xue family:

"If you can't find the Yaozu to testify for you, you will hand over Zhou Yu!"

The captain of the Xue family had a long face and his heart had already retired. He looked apologetic to Xu Ziyan’s eyes. At this time, suddenly a dragon on the ground came from the side of the Yaozu to the foot of Xu Ziyan.

“砰”, the ground was dusty, a green figure came out from the ground and shouted loudly:

"I testify!"

All the monks present were shocked. The person who came out to testify was really a demon, which made the family very inexplicable. The demon was shocked after the extreme anger. The demon was a sardonic look at the demon, but it was this kind of gaze that made the demon The family is even more angry, a demon in front of their own face, the betrayed demon, but testify for a human race, which makes their demon face lose a glimmer of light, there is a cry of tears a feeling of.

This demon is just the hope of the vines that flew up to the fairyland before Xu Ziyan. He has the chaos that Xu Ziyan gave him. His cultivation is growing very fast, and now he has reached the beginning of the immortals. When he heard the sound of Xu Ziyan, he suspected that Zhou Yu was Xu Ziyan. When the captain of the Xue family was asked by the Tauren hostage, when the Yaozu testified for Xu Ziyan, he hoped that he couldn’t help but pass the tone to Xu Ziyan and asked if she was Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan heard the voice of hope, and his heart was overjoyed. The two men simply whispered a few words, and hoped that Zhou Yu, who was opposite, was Xu Ziyan. At this time, Xu Ziyan was forced into a desperate situation by the Tauren, so I hoped that I would not discuss it with Xu Ziyan, and I would not hesitate to stand up.

However, his move made Xu Ziyan smile. I hope that the time spent as a vine demon is almost always spent in the ancestral forest in the underwater world of the vast mainland. The thinking is still too simple. Even if he came forward to testify for Xu Ziyan, would the Yaozu let Xu Ziyan pass? Just lose his life. A vine in the early days of a fairy can't stand the tauren of the peak of the late Tianxian.

Xu Ziyan immediately grabbed the arm of hope and said: "Hope, shape!"

I hope to look at it, but I still obediently turn it into an ancient vine that wraps around the arm of Xu Ziyan.

"Son surnamed snow!" Sun’s captain shouted: "You Xuejia actually colluded with the Yaozu, and our Sun family and you are not in the same position. From this moment, our Sun family has nothing to do with your Xue family! , follow me out!"

The captain of the Sun family immediately fell, and immediately led the family monks to retreat to the rear. His actions awakened other families, and they scorned the Sun family in their hearts, and they showed their relationship with the Xue family and retreated toward the rear. The face of the captain of the Xue family is a change. Xu Ziyan is useful again. This family cannot be alone in the family and the demon. Xu Ziyan is dead today, but the Xue family's monks can't die here, and they can't die here.

The captain of the Xue family saw that the Yaozu had begun to approach himself and others, and immediately made a decision in his heart, and immediately shouted:

"Zhou Yu colluded with the Yaozu. My Xuejia disciple had nothing to do with her. The Xuejia disciple listened to the order and immediately retreated. If Zhou Yu dared to retreat with us, he would kill immediately."


The already flustered Xuejia monk immediately panicked back. Xu Ziyan looked at the left and right sides of the Duan Tianya and Duan Tianhe Road:

"let's go!"

"Want to go!" The Tauren and the Hutou people walked side by side with Xu Ziyan. The Yin smiled and said: "When you are a fairy, the people who don't fly still want to escape in front of me? Hahaha... ”

His laughter didn't fall, but it was like being suddenly caught in the neck, stuck there, and couldn't make a sound. In his vision, Xu Ziyan's back "splashing" stretched out a pair of beautiful wings, only a slight shock, they instantly went away. Behind her, she followed Duan Tianya and Duan Tianhe.



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Title: "Fuxing Married" author; Qiandao Banshee

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Then let's start with a plan to slow down the soldiers, rather to be a dead wife, not to be a living person, and to talk about it later. Still wealth, peach blossom, transport Yuntong.


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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